《With You Is Without An End (16+) (COMPLETED)》new update!


*sneak peak*

Twenty minutes later, her walls clenched him like they have done four times ago and she felt him go too fast that she may have to get a doctor to check her Vagina the next day. He was crushing her with his thick length without care.

He abruptly got out of her and she saw his release splattered at the inner top of the condom.

He hadn't even done his release inside of her despite that he had a condom on.

He slumped beside her on the bed while they both tried to catch their breaths and after few seconds of breathing hard, he stood up and walked into the Bathroom.

"May I join you? " she asks seductively. She really needed the intimacy. His back was turned to her. The condom has been disposed and flushed. He was under the shower, holding the Wall while the water cascade over his body.

His ripped body was so inviting that she felt herself cum from mere starring at him. Her thoughts came back to her. He hadn't let her touch him. How can she remember what his skin felt like if he never lets her touch him.

He shook his head and turned to look at her. His eyes, like a rolling stairs stared at her body from the head downwards.

She was beautiful, Hot intact buT NO, she wasnt the one he wanted this night. He has learnt to close his eyes through sex so he could picture the one he wants. The one he aims to see again. The one who got away.

"Tu ne M'aime Pas? (you don't like me ?") the Victoria Secret and Chanel signee model asked him in French.

"Non. Je Le fait, Tu es parfait (No, I do like you. You are perfect" He smiled coyly at her. But she wasnt convinced obviously.


"then, why do you keep rejecting Me? "

She hoped he will tell her he had a bad day today and that was why he was acting this way with her. She has heard other women who has been with him, complain of his lackadaisical attitude towards feelings but she had assured herself that she was different. After all, she was more beautiful than the rest of them and A top earner too.

When she saw him at the Fund raiser downstairs two hours ago drinking alone. She had mustered courage to approach him. He had been warm and accommodating towards her. But once they had gotten into his hotel room and she had initiated the Kiss. He had turned different: cold and Distant.

He switched off the shower and pulled the hotel towels from the Towel rail. One was wrapped around his waist and the other, he cleaned his Hair with it.

"Look Sharlene. You are a big girl and I am sure you will understand when a Man acts differently towards you"

She was stunned at his words. He has barely said a line all evening and he just threw three lines at her.

She sucked in her collar bone in preparation for what is to come.

"What do you mean? "

Her French accent came out to play now and he knew this was going to be difficult for him. Just like a lot of her type has made it difficult for him in the past. He was one too straight forward and he wasn't going to deceive a woman tonight.

He needs her gone and he needs his beauty sleep.

He poured himself a shot of vodka and gulped it at once.

Well, he could end his sinful night with a bottle of Alcohol anyway. "I am sorry. Chanel? "


"it's Sharlene" she corrected him.

"Oh ok. You are not my type"

It dropped like a bomb on her. She wasn't prepared for such an answer. She was expecting to hear something different, something like they were moving too fast.

Her face turned red with anger as she watched him lit himself a cigarette. His bent was bent forward while he sat on the cushion opposite the bed.

Heck! She had been every man's type. Isn't she the world most favorite Model? Out of annoyance, she grabbed her outfit which had been scattered across the room, hurried into them and ran out of the house. Hitting someone in the process.

She needed to Cry, to let this humiliation all out and it isn't going to be infront of him.

Infront of that Monster, Najal Benzema!

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