《With You Is Without An End (16+) (COMPLETED)》Epilogue


Waleed 's POV

(15Years Later)

"Leilah is pregnant ? Oh wal.... " My Dad laughed.

"uhn... How did you find out!? " I asked the annoying old Man.

"your Mum and hers kept talking about how she tried to hide it from them while they were out ,shopping in Italy. my Grand daughter kept asking if she was going to puke again" he laughed.

The Daughter of mine, Yasmine.. She can't keep her Mouth shut at all.

"well... She is 6months down already " I suddenly felt the need to scratch my head.

Everyone Bursts into laughter. We were having the weekly Men's games Night at the haseebs. Everyone's family was scattered across the new Mansion Mr Haseeb acquired 13years ago after a big government contract and a little of my support despite his rejection.

I gave Leilah the cash to present to them as Hers.

"you are going to have to pay more dowry for continuously knocking your wife up.. Wal? " her father laughed.

"that's not fair. I have just four kids you all.. Stop making it look like I am Austin and Alice that can't keep their Legs close. They have Six already! "

"you are playing dirty... Waleed... This is between your in law and you. Don't drag me into it " Austin rolled his eyes.

"my problem is, I thought you said you were never going to have Kids again after Yasmine.. What happened.... Addl got here just four years ago and now.... Leilah is heavy again? Damn her deceitful body. I was with her two days ago and I didn't even guess!" Asahd slapped his own head.

Well, he has Two kids now.. I can't bring him down with that.

"and forgive me man.. But Leilah doesn't Age. She isn't even getting fat like Amal" Dave complains.

Everyone starts laughing again.

I am sure proud of my wife for that. She still looks like she looked 15years ago. Still giving me that Lace night dates Every Friday while we give the kids to our parents who do not understand what Leilah and I actually do, every Friday. We have a mini strip room in our house now that no one knows about.

Not even the kids. Except old Naomi ofcourse. The woman knows everything.

"stop talking about my wife now please. Our sons are here. " I turned to see the 15year old twins, ahlim and Akhmad, who is currently crushing on Uthaman and Martha's Daughter, Samaa.

Austin junior held on to his stomach while he laughed.


So much like his Father.

"dad. You are getting roasted for mum.. Do you need our help? Ahlim asked.

"this section is for adults only. the 15year olds should please take themselves to the other room please" James said

Chasing them away , he catches his 14year old son, George junior laughing....

"and the 14year olds too" George's face instantly fell.

James has always been the strict parent amongst the rest of the lousy ones. Austin and Alice gets voted the worse parents every year. While Leilah and I can't seem to get over been awarded the best almost every year. Except for Yasmeen who keeps killing our luck as a result of her mouth.

I pray she gets a sister this time to keep her off the boys... Especially Addl.

"I am sorry to interrupt" Leilah's voice sent chill through my body as she tiptoed into the room.

She knelt beside me on the soft rug with Abdl in her hands. Her scent alone knocking me insane.

" My love, Addl won't let us have our massage in peace, he keeps calling for you" I stared down at the pouting little man in front of me while he tucked at his Spiderman shirt.

"don't worry. I will take care of him. " I placed a kiss on her cheek making her blush.

15years and she is still this shy, One of the reasons I can never stop loving this woman.

"me too... I want to stay with you" Yasmeen jumped on my thighs from nowhere. "Daddy kiss me on my cheeks too.. Right now!"

I quickly obliged her, making her blush like her Mother. She is a replica of Leilah except 'the mouth' ofcourse.

The media have come to love her more than anyone else in the family. Unlike her shy mother, Yasmeen is always pictures ready. And she does entertain interviews too. She is also a model for Alice's kids brands and Nike kiddies wears.

Before I could protest, jasmine sat on my thigh.

Someone save me from this 10year old who doesn't know she is getting too big for all these.

"yasmeen, we haven't finished our assignment! Mama Naomi will be mad! " Austin's 11year old daughter , Samantha pulles her away.

I am buying this girl a diamond Necklace tomorrow for taking yasmeen away.

"yasmeen. I will spend the whole of tomorrow with you.. Go play with your friend " I told my attention seeking daughter.

She in turn screamed "love you daddy, " while running away with her friend.


"I love you" I whispered to Leilah

"I love you more " she whispered back before Handing Addl to me. That said, she left the room.

"My granddaughter is nothing like her mother" Mr Haseeb laments as he wiped away fake tears from his eyes, Causing everyone to laugh.

"come on Dad... She took her looks at least... "fahad said.

"she is shy though. Trust me she gets shy alot. But she surrounds herself with that Bold energy she draws from her father" Her favorite Uncle Fawaz explained. And I couldn't agree more.

Addl after playing with my phone jumped on my dad's legs, pulling his glasses from his face to place it on his. My kids are quite a handful.

Thank God for Leilah who takes care of them. She has stopped me from running away to Canada, most times.

When the twins were 7, I left them in the pool to have a quickie with their Mum in the kitchen. On coming out, I found them bathing with Austin Junior inside the fountain's water.

They got punished for it as Leilah took their IPad from them for two weeks.

"Lee... Are you OK? "I slipped into the blanket with my wife.

We had a long weekend catching up with our friends and family. it was Friday again and this time, the kids are with my Parents together with Austin and Dave's kids.

I have just returned from work, had my bath to find Leilah under the covers.

"Wal. I missed you" she turns around to hug me.

"I missed you too. what is wrong? Talk to me baby" I am more worried seeing her like this.

She looks so fragile.

Is she sick? Did something go wrong?

She had a miscarriage after Yasmeen and it was the most trying period of our lives. she wouldn't see or talk to me for two weeks, Until I forced her to talk to a professional about it.

Is she scared she will lose this one too?

"I am fine, Wal! God! Look at your face. I am fine My love. I just felt a little too lonely when you left this morning "

"why didnt you call? You know I will leave everything to be with you. right? "

"I didn't want to disturb you. I know how hard you worked this week trying to get the contract you just got today. I didn't want to ruin that for you" she explains.

"you know I will always pick your happiness over any silly contract. Yeah? " I assure her.

Playing around her earlobes

"I know.. My love. But not this one. I am a big girl now. I can wait till you come back home. "

She sure has developed before my eyes. She isn't that weak 22year Old I married 15years ago.

"then prove it to me once more baby "

Giggling, she holds my lips with hers. Taking my hand, on her neck off, she takes the hand to her between so I can feel how wet she has turned from the kiss alone. Grabbing her nipple in my mouth, I sucked gently.

Heck! I love this woman. Without wasting time, I slipped two fingers into her ever tight between despite having four kids. I still long to be inside her. She starts moaning. I forced one more finger inside of her and Her legs started to shake. She squirts all over my hand, her hands now tightening around my monster.

That is my cue to be inside her.

It gets more beautiful each time with Leilah.

15years later and We are still in love like we were 15years ago.

15 years later and I am still married to my Betrothed wife.

15yeats Later and I am still proud of the decision I made to make this woman fall in love with me without knowing I was falling in love with her myself.

An hour later, We laid in bed. Well spent, we had taken the rest of our love making into the Shower and back.

"say it to me again" she demands as we cuddled under the warm blanket.

"I love you.. Lee" I pulled a wicked grin across my face.

I know what it is she wants to hear and I know it isn't what I have just told her.

"I love you more. Wal . But that isn't what I want to hear right now. i am sure you know that, don't you? " she laughed, her hand massaging my monster like she does after a good sex.

"my love for you baby... Is without an End"

"That's it!" she smiled happily... "mine too wal... "

She pulled me into a Hug.

With Leilah, I mean every word I say. I love this woman and if we are not together forever..... I wonder where I'd be.

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