《With You Is Without An End (16+) (COMPLETED)》chapter 40: finally here.


Leilah's POV

Two months later.

"you will do well... Wal... You always do"

My husband was all tensed up about lecturing for an hour at the world Business summit.

We parked outside the Large building, where the summit will be holding, with Waleed continuously checking his outfit out.

My big stomach has Our child kicking so much recently like he wants to get out already... I need you out too, baby so I can have my body back. I feel like I am floating each time I walk.

A month before, Alice put to bed after countlessly slapping Austin in the labour room. It was one hilarious event. Amal and Dave who had just returned from their honeymoon, uthaman and Martha, James George and his new girlfriend, A college girl he had met at a Bookstore, Kellen plus Wal and I watched from outside.

Atleast she was already on her weight loss journey. Martha and I lazily follows her to her post pregnancy therapy where I only go to, for the delicious snacks.

Their Son, Austin Knight Hardy is the Cutest little boy I have ever seen.

Waleed and I still don't know the sex of our baby despite friends and family pressure. We want the sex to be a surprise to both of us. Everyone thinks that is awkward in this Era but that's what we both want. We were amazed to find out we wanted the same thing.

He took me all the way to Austin's new restaurant to tell me he doesn't want to know the sex of the baby and that he was sorry. I had laughed immediately. He felt bad but I told him I was going to ask him the same thing after dinner the next day.

We really didn't need that this dinner after all.

communication between us, is perfect now. We tell each other everything... Like he just revealed how tensed he is to me right now.

This isn't the first time he will be delivering a lecture. He had lectured more than Hundreds of investors in Ghana last month of which, he practically dragged my heavy self with him to Ghana despite warnings.

The good thing is that we took our favorite Doctor Who has become our friends favorite Doctor with us incase of emergencies.

This is the first time he will be delivering a lecture to over 1million people, half of which are youths from all over the world.

I encouraged him to start giving back to the society months ago.

We now give college scholarships to people from less privileged homes, enrich other people and create mass employment to people , all these and more with the help of his friends. Everyone now calls him "a philanthropist" a name he has never been associated with, despite being nice to people until he met me.

"it's time baby... No matter what. Know that we are proud of you" i was Rubbing my tummy with his hand.

He smiled and kissed me lightly, then my now full protruding belly got it's own kiss, before taking my hand in his.

It was time to go out into the world of Reporters and Cameras flashing through our faces.

My husband, Constantly humiliating me in front of the press pressed his lips on mine as we make our way into the building.

Quality showoff as Always. Waleed style.

Waleed politely shoves off all reporters, only mentioning to one on how he feels Good to be here.

In his words... "there is no greater joy than impacting a few business tips on a large crowd waiting to succeed " .


I can now proudly say that the arrogant and Wayward, Waleed Akhamad I met months ago isn't the one here today.

My husband has grown into a more mature man. A responsible adult with a huge appealing sense of responsibility.

The crowd cheered as we were led to the front seat where his parents and mine sat. Between their seats were two empty seat with a joint tag:

"The Waleed Akhmads"

Obviously they belong to Waleed and I.

After exchanging pleasantries and hugs, Waleed helped arched my back into the seat.

Well,My huge stomach and I refused to stay at home today.

Waleed will be speaking to millions of people , two days after receiving a huge award. A world class award.

He had insisted I stayed home but like other times, I vowed to be here with him when he talked.

His hand was intertwined with mine for two hours. While we watched other speakers grace the stage and leave.

Subsequently, his mother who was sitting next to me on my left would crack few jokes with me and I will do same. We gossiped about the speakers too.

Blame mine on the hormones, I really do not know what you will blame hers on.

"baby. You OK? " Waleed whispered in my ears.

Flashlights of Camera appeared immediately he leaned in on me.

Well.. They have been doing that all day.

"mhmmm" I nod. Patting his beard so I can ensure he looks perfect.

I have grown so used to having Waleed steal the show. For instance, I no longer get jealous when women admire my man because I know this hunk is all mine, no matter how many hours you take in starring at him. I have come to trust Waleed that much.

"I will make it quick so we can go back home for you to rest. Okay? " he kissed my temple.

It was finally time. I stare d at the programme of events in my hand while he fixed up his suit. That was when I realized it was time for him to go. My eyes turned watery for no reason. As if on queue, he wiped a stray tear from me, giggled lightly at my pout and kissed my lips as soon as the cameras turned the other way to other people.

"do well baby. " I told him.

"welcoming to the Podium, Our final speaker, A recipient of the Top Business Man of the year Award. A man of value and integrity. A man who has shown the world that one must not only take a business but make more businesses for himself. Ladies and Gentlemen, Waleed Akhmad Junior" the Anchor announced.

There was an uproar from the crowd. I never knew how much Waleed was loved and admired unroll he receieved a Standing ovation, Causing loud cheers from the four corners of the room.

All these cheers for my man... My husband.

Go baby daddy!

We all stood up to clap while he takes his leave to the podium but he stole a kiss from me before heading there. Well. The whistles that comes with acts like this, I am now used to.

Barely ten minutes after commencing his speech, I started to feel my stomach hurt in some type of way. The next thing, I am sweating and I don't know why.

Getting panicked, I tried to breathe in and out. My EDD was near but it wasn't meant to be this near. I tried to suppress the pain after all The pain was still mild.

Almost an hour later, I was still breathing heavily. I was practically sweating out now. My clothes were soaked.


I can't talk to anyone. I can't speak.

"... That is why at our company, we encourage youths, graduates or not, As long as you have an idea you want to share with the world, you want to strive for not only success but continuity... "

Waleed really ditched the long speech his secretary made for him. He had said he wanted to do this from within.

There he was, suit off, sleeves folded , while almost everyone : billionaires and no billionaire, students and workers held out their pen, papers, tabs, phones infront of them, hitting down words from Waleed Akhmad, he was practically lecturing just about everyone.

Everyone seemed to be nodding in agreement to all that he is saying. Both Our fathers were lost in his speech and when I starred at his father's face, I saw something more than pride.

He respected and admired the man his son has come to be.

"Lee... Lee" His Mother called out.

finally, someone noticed.

" breathe. "she told me.

" mhmmmmm"

"gently my love. Gently.. "


I can only obey right now.

" how do you feel Lee? " she must have repeatedly asked that question for a while while I sat there, Smiling at my husband who would occasionally stare at me while he talks to these eager People.

"I want to see.... " ouch.. "I want to be here when..... When.. When he is done.... " I told her.

"Lee..you can't. You are in labour. We have to take you to the clinic " she panicked. I heard her mutter something to Mr Akhmad snr and the next thing, my mum was occupying Waleed's seat.

"I must say I am honored to be here today. I know It isnt much but I do hope these few tips helps you succeed in your chosen careers. Thank you for having me."

There was a wild round of applause all over the hall. Everyone stood up clapping for Waleed Except for our family. Who were having my pre labour party with me.

My father's hands helped me up, my legs felt wet and sticky and...

"My water just broke! "

I am not in real labour yet, the child is not coming yet.

And then it happened! My whole body rocked with pain.

"Shitt! "

"Lee?!" Waleed who has been exchanging pleasantries with those who had gone to the podium to meet him, stopped.

As if everyone heard him, all eyes were turned to me.

"the baby is coming, wal!! " my mother tells him.

Everything started happening fast from that moment. Everyone tried to carry me. But Waleed appeared beside me and I am taken out side through what appeared to be a hidden emergency exit.

There was no need for ambulance, he told everyone trying to call one.

Waleed wrapped his arms around my waist, helping me massage my waist like he has been doing for weeks now.

This man is so considerate.

"you will be OK Lee... Shit.. You should have told me to stop" he said to someone.

"I am sorry. She wanted to see the end. She didn't want to interrupt your speech" a voice I recognized as his mother's, spoke with panic.

Reporters were waded off once we were out. I tried to comport myself while leaving the hall. Despite struggling to keep the face, I know some people got what was happening to me.

As soon as Waleed settled me into the car.

. I grabbed his wrist so he could stay with me.

"don't leave me habeeby" I could feel my abdomen cutting off from the rest part of my body. The pain was indescribable.

"I am here baby. I am never leaving you. Please be strong for me. Please baby. " he hugged me from the side.

My head is buried in his neck while I cried into his neck, soaking his shirt. my legs unwillingly searched for space in the already spacious car. I could only keep my head still but not the rest of my body in pain. I thought I heard my ribs cracked at some point .


"baby. One more. Please " Waleed encouraged .

He had no tears but he looked like he was weeping inside. His eyes were as red as the matte lipstick I had worn before the conference. I have been pushing for like what seemed forever.

I have to do this for myself and the child in me. Most importantly, I have to do this for Waleed....

With what seemed like the last strength

In me, I managed to push harder.

"we got the head" someone said.

I was in cloud 9 and I don't mean that in a good way. I was pretty exhausted. As I felt something bigger than Waleed ' s monster, twice or thrice bigger pulled out of me. I felt the indescribable pain again and screamed.

"you are doing well baby" Waleed kissed my temple again.

I heard my baby's cry for the first time and it felt like joy to my ears.

The pains disappeared slowly or it was until....

"there is another coming. One last push. Mrs Akhamad"

Another! Another! Another? We were told it was just a child.

That pain appeared again as if it never left.

"you have to push Lee, So we don't suffocate the child...please Lee. " my blurry exhausted eyes searched for Waleed's while he said soothing words to my ears. He nods slowly to me. I could tell He was panicking.

I couldnt move. I couldn't push. I laid there with no strength in me.

Then, He placed his lips on mine.

What are you doing?

I wanted to scream at him but couldnt.

"push...like you are about to squirt" he said as he devoured my tongue.

I moaned in his mouth and pushed with all of my strength. My mouth, still in his.

There... Another cry was heard in the ward.

"two sons, ten toes each, ten fingers each. Normal heads, normal structures, normal heartbeats. Your babies are perfect Mr and Mrs Akhamad" the doctor smiled. "just like you were, 27years ago.. Waleed"

Waleed took his lips off mine.

"you really did birth my sons Like you did I.. Doctor." he laughed as he hugged the older man.

They have become so close.

One more kiss on me and he smiled at me. "you did it! You did it! " he said, loud enough for me alone to hear.

Our babies are placed in our arms. Though identical, they looked like mini Waleed in my arms.

Three hunks in one lifetime. I have done nothing so kind to deserve this favor.

"we did it.. Habeeby" laughing.

Waleed 's eyes held something. Something I have never seen before.

"thank you Lee. This is the best day of my life and you gave it to me. I can never repay you baby for what you have done for us. Thank you for being strong" with one hand, he took away the particular strand of hair that has fallen all over my face behind my ears and placed a soft kiss on my temple.

"I love you habeeby "

"I love you Leilah. With you is without an end"

"really? " chuckling.

I am starting to forget the pain already.

"I will tell you that everyday for the rest of our lives, baby "

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