《With You Is Without An End (16+) (COMPLETED)》chapter 38: who is Marc Stevens!


Waleed 's POV..

By the time I got back from the Balcony. Everyone was sitting by their spouse. Living Leilah alone by herself.

"Martha, I need you to dress up right away. there are reporters outside the hotel.. Tell them that report is and will remain the Joke of the century. Uthaman I need you to please make a comprehensive statement stating that WalAkhmadOil has disassociated itself from Al-azazy and the other six director. Leilah will hand over their names to you. and I will see him in court over Allegations of corrupt practices and diversion of Funds"

"Alice, are you ready to tell the world you aren't dead? " Austin asked Alice.

He is not going to do this right now. Everyone throws him death glares

"what.. She was going to do it someday... She should do it now to stop the traffic on your company. Al-azazy definitely bought the media for these. No news is expected to come out after this. But Alice is going to shock the world, Right baby"

Why hadn't I thought of that?

"yes... I need to get my best white outfit then! Yaaaaay... Finally! "

Alice seemed super excited to do this. She is obviously tired of hiding herself.

"you know what to do then. Get your media team for two press conferences within an hour difference " I told Austin.

I won't have everyone starring at what belongs to Leilah this morning. So I left to put some clothes on.

Coming out to see everyone glued to the TV over breakfast as Martha gives her speech downstairs.

I places kisses on my wife's cheek and lips, Grabbing my hands as if comforting her, knowing I was having her comfort me.

"guys.. She is on! " James said.

"as the Head secretary of WalAkhmadoil, I have been directed by Mr Waleed Akhmad of WalAkhmadoil, to Address the ridiculous news circulating the media , inferring Mr Al-azazy as the New CEO of the Company . This news is a joke and will remain what it is... A Joke. Please do not waste your precious time on this. Mr Waleed Akhmad single-handedly founded this company as a 17year old High school student with a big dream. Mr Al-Azazy, just like the rest of The Board of Directors is still a Director regardless of plans to unseat Mr Waleed Akhmad, the Sole owner of WalAkhmadoil. Thank you "

Everyone starts clapping their hands until Uthaman announced to us, ignorant fools "that is my baby! "

"will you please be my lawyer? " I asked my wife who choked on her food as soon as I asked her.

"what? Waleed.. I... I "

"you will do just fine... Lee"

I said to her with a kiss on her Forehead. "I know you will make me proud. So to start with. I need you to work with Uthaman. I am suing Al-Azazy for corruption and Diversion of Funds into personal use and we are replacing the board of directors. I have enough cash to settle everyone the equivalent of their shares. Pay everyone off , Uthaman. This company is now solely owned by the implications of what the memorandum states. "

"get em wal! And you still have three shareholders on your side" Dave chokes on his drink as Leilah screamed.

" Austin, Uthaman and who? " I am confused.

"and Marc stevens" uthaman ran his hand through his Hair.

"who the hell is that Marc Stevens that never attends meetings again?"

I remembered a certain Marc Stevens had bought the 10% of our open shares some months back but I never thought to find out who he is.


I need to know this Marc Stevens. I need him on my side right now.

"you need Marc Steven on your side right now! "

James is bonding now. I like.

"uthaman, I need the contact of the Marc Stevens now! "

"you have it already..Wal" he quickly shoved more food into his mouth as if scared I would find out something.

"I am Marc Stevens" Leilah whispered.

"what the fuck! "

Everyone goes quiet immediately.

"baby.. Stop playing around... I am tensed here. " I scoffed.

"when I married you, your grand father left me with so much money incase you decided to mess up according to your dad. We never told you because I asked him not to. So I got the shares under the name through uthaman.. "


"she feared for you because she overheard Al-azazy tell Martin about his plans to buy as much shares as possible without mentionin hid aim ofcourse. Martin couldn't disclose that to you. You were doing your stay until midnight thing back then. so she approached me for shares in the company. The 20% reserve shares which no one knows about except for the both of us. I sold 10% of the open shares to her ... "

"are you crazy right now! Uthaman. Are you listening to yourself at all! "

I can't stay here any longer. My wife keeps going to my friends behind my back and my stupid friends keep hiding things from me.

"wal. Please.. Listen!... "

Grabbing my car keys, and my Hoody... I exited the building.

"wal... Calm down. You can't go out there. Waleed! " Leilah ran after me while I made my way into the elevator.

" you know I was just trying to help" I said to everyone before entering my room.

I took my phone and Sent him a text.

Me: please come back home. I need you to listen to what I have to say

I am taking Alice's advice, texting him first.

Waleed : I am tired of you always plotting with my friends behind my back! I don't know you anymore!

Me: I did it for you... For us.

Waleed : I ran my business to where it is now before you. I don't fucking need you or your help.

This time, I know I am wrong.

I should have told him. I really should have. But I was going to tell him soon.

Me: ok... Where are you? I need come to you so we can shout at each other on the streets if that will make you better.

Waleed: leave me alone Leilah.

Oh Waleed... I just added to his problems instead of solving them.

Grabbing my purse and cash, I made up my mind. "I am going to look for my husband. He shouldnt be by himself right now."

I called the bald Hotel Manager who wouldn't keep his eyes to himself anytime he sees me, as if not scared what Waleed would do to him if he catches him.

"Hello. This is Mrs Leilah Akhmad, can you please get a Car ready for me.... ..oh OK.... Thanks.... I will be there in five minutes ...No... I am driving Myself... Thank you"

after what seemed like eternity, Driving alone in a city I barely know, a large one at that. I finally spotted Waleed 's limo and his chauffeur in front an 'extraordinarily classy' building.

"where is he? " I asked the chauffeur after making sure to park the Ferrari properly.

"He is in there MA... But you can't go in... Ma...Madam.... Ma" he calls after me as I made my way into the building.


"wal? " I called the Man who was surrounded by Masked strippers in the VVIP section of the Club.

A Strip club in Dubai! Oh someone shoot me.

"you can't be in here " a man tried to get me out.

i must have acted out of anger at what was in front of me as I ran my palm across the Bouncer 's face.

"you don't grab a woman like that! Idiot! " I told him.

The bouncer wwd probably vexed as he raised his hand to Grab mine.

"touch her and You are dead. Ballu.. Go to your duty post. she is with me" Waleed sips from the Alcoholic drink infront of him.

"now all of you.. Get out! " I said at the half naked girls touching him inappropriately.

They make rude comments as they took turns to leave.

"what are you doing here Leilah? "

"shut up.. Idiot! Is this how it is going to be? Get drunk every time we fight? huh?.. Waleed?"

"go back to the hotel Leilah. This is no place for a saint like you! " he pulled a crooked smile on his face.

Without thinking twice... I slapped him!

"are you...? :

" one more word Waleed and I will tear off that stupid handsome face of yours with my claws."

I waited for him to day something but he kept quiet.

"Now get your stupid. Drunk ass out of that chair. We are going home! ... Only irresponsible men visit strip clubs at 1pm drunk! "pulling him out of the chair while he romanced his left cheek.

I did tell him I was going to deal with him the next time he gets drunk.

Surprisingly, he follows me out of the club without a word. There were lipsticks stains on his shirt... Probably placed there by the strippers but that discussion was for another day.

"take the car to the hotel... I will be on your tail" I told the shocked Chauffeur.

"eerrrm... What about... Sir.... " he stuttered.

"he is riding with me. I am right behind you"

20minutes passed and not a word from Waleed as he kept starring at his phone like a kid who was whopped by his Mum.

"you will not drink ever again wal... Because you can't have me getting sick all morning and worried about your business at all times and You feel the sudden need to drink every time we fight.... You don't have a choice... You just turned sober from now on"

the chauffeur sure knows the way as we got to the hotel in 30minutes.

I drove round for completely three hours to get to Waleed. I am such a poorhead.

once we got to the hotel, I snatched his hand from him and led him into the private elevator meant for him and his Family.

I know he is not as drunk as he looks considering he hasn't started saying the silly things he says when he is drunk. He looks sleepy.

Once we got to our floor, his hand was already outstretched for me to take.


"I am ok... He is fine! " I told the rest as they all started at us with mixed feelings.

"he just needs to sleep" I smiled at both Dave and Austin who were both suppressing their laughter.

They have probably never seen him like this.

I made him to sit on the bed, took his shoes and socks of his legs, and pulled his adidas hoody , followed by his Shirt and belt.

"I will get you water and aspirin"

He said nothing and laid down on the bed while I covered him up with the blanket.

Once out of the room, I heaved a sigh of relief.

"Lee.. Did you slap your husband? "

Amal asked in a very low tone. I opened the two door fridge in the living room to get water for Waleed

"No.. He hit his face on the door" I pretentiously smiled.

"five fingers mark isn't found on anyone's door Lee " Alice chirped in.

"look everyone! I didn't slap my husband for sitting in a strip club at 1pm... And we are fine... Thanks for asking. And Uthaman.... It's time for your statement. " I angrily head towards to door.

I stayed watching him sleep peacefully in the room untill it was 7pm.

He hasn't eaten.

So I placed an order for his favorite... Uthaman has released his Statement and Alice was finally trending worldwide for not been dead. She named Mr Siddharth wells , western and Al-Azazy as the persons who tried to kill her. The cops back home made arrests and investigations , we were told commenced already.

"Lee.. Baby... "Waleed Murmurs as he tries to open his eyes.

"I am here " I placed a sweet kiss on his lips.

"I am sorry I got drunk again " he instantly buried his head In my neck. " I hate that you don't discuss things with me and you keep going to my friends... I need you to talk to me more, Lee "

"we weren't exactly close then. I had to do something and I knew you wouldn't let me interfere in your business if I told you."

"that's true " he nodded.

"You are Marc Stevens... Wal.... I created a Second you. You own my shares"

"what are you talking about? " he stood up from the bed.

"I don't need so much cash. I have you. You give me everything and I get paid at work too. So I bought the shares for you. It's somehow illegal considering there is no Marc Stevens" I was laughing.

"..and I needed you to have an upper hand above everyone else."

"why? " he asked, wide open.

"someone once told me, billionaires do illegal stuffs too"

Waleed, for the first time in a long while, busted into laughter.

"you did that for me? "

I nod.

"what did I ever do to deserve you Lee " he took my lips in his. "I love you Lee " he paused the kiss to stare directly at my eyes..

My finger prints was still present on his face.

I shouldn't have done that to him.

" I love you too.. Wal"

"my face hurts. You were quite aggressive back there. I wasn't all that drunk you know?. You scared me with the attitude.. Who are you? " he laughed.

"your wife. I can go from being so sweet to Hurt, In a flash you know,? "

"I know better now"

"Al-azazy, Siddharth wells and Wester has been arrested" I announced to the man whose hands were already caressing my breats.

"You sure are acting like my lawyer already... What did you do? " he laughed.

"well... We added a little touch to Alice's statements. She announced her supposed killers "

"what have you done Lee? We don't know who tried to kill her for sure yet? "

"oh we do. James found the guy Siddharth paid to go to Alice's house that night. The guy has agreed to corporate with us only if we give him a job as soon as he gets out. He was only trying to feed his family with the money he was paid...which is a fair deal because Alice is starting her company soon.. She could use some extra help"

"I love you Lee.... I love you so much" he chuckled and His lips crashing into mine.

He held onto my nipple with the tips of his fingers without warning, then, moved his mouth to my nipples, Paying equal attention to the both of them. His hands walked over my abdomen and the next thing, he inserts his Fingers into my already wet and hungry between.

"so ready.. Lee" he said with lust in his eyes.

"I have missed this feeling for days now". I told him, then grabbed his monster in one hand, Gently caressing and stroking it, knowingly sending shock through his body.

Seconds later. He pulled my hand out of the way and positioned himself between my leg, Two thrusts later and he was inside me giving me the sweetness that comes with being married to Waleed Akhmad.

All of it and More.

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