《With You Is Without An End (16+) (COMPLETED)》chapter 37: I am Not angry.


Waleed's POV.

We finally revealed ourselves to the media unwillingly while the reporters clamoured for pictures infront of the club.

Alice had dyed her hair, Red, her real hair color according to Austin.

All the while, I thought she was a blonde, I had been completely wrong..

Austin kept shielding her face with his jacket while we made our way into the club.

Taking our Seats in the Vvip section and Alice shows us what the online media were saying about her..... "" one said... ""the other read .

At least, no one knows she is the one yet....

Her and Austin will have to discuss if she wants to be seen or not, Now that we have so much dirt on Siddharth Wells., all thanks to the account statements I got from Leilah.

Austin contacted James George anonymously to get to Dubai for something highly confidential Message regarding his Father's death.

James George sure understood that no one needed to know about his little Trip. The man was on his way already and he will be staying in the last room on our suite floor.

We are not planning to get rid of him like he was planning to do with us.

It turned out that the man has lost everything except for few billions he was going to loose to his own childhood friend, Siddharth Wells in two days.

Dave suggested we left him to help himself.

An hour later, while Everyone ate and drank with an already tipsy Martha and a nagging Amal who doesn't seem to understand why Pregnant women are not allowed alcohol. she kept stealing from Dave 's cup all night.

Leilah stayed quiet, she wasn't saying anything to anyone. Instead, She kept fidgeting with her nails.

I really need to end this little fight.

I wanted her to get the message, You don't toy with your husband like that. I thought it was all a stupid prank until Austin explained Everything to me.

The truth was I went too hard on her and as the days dragged by, I realized I had gone so deep that I had no idea how to end it with her.

I have to try at some point.

"Lee... Are you OK? " I finally summoned courage to ask the woman sitting beside me.

She isn't even contributing to the fun on the table.

She nods, while Quickly sipping the Juice in front of her.

"come... Let's dance" everyone snapped towards us as I led my wife out of the table to the vvip dance floor which had no one using it.

"I am sorry Wal "she buries her head in my chest as we dance slowly.

"stop apologizing. I wasn't mad at you. I was only sad you had to play a prank on me when I wasput there feeling guilty about not giving you the needed attention for days"

"I wasn't playing pranks. I just wanted your attention. You barely looked at me like you used to and you were drowning in work, Trying to catch the bad guy, You forgot about me " I could feel her tears on my shirt now.

"I am sorry Lee. I have been a bad husband.. I should never be too busy for my wife. How do I make it up to you? " raising her head so I could see her bright eyes again.

"just hold me. Wal... I missed you so much it hurts"she smiled amidst tear.

My lips came crashing down into hers. Furiously, I had to stop....

Crap! I can't do anything here. If there is one thing I have never done and will never do, is to have sex in a club....not that I judge people who do.


Like seeing Amal and Dave excuse themselves to God knows where.

"I missed you too Lee. I am sorry I was hard on you. And I am totally ashamed of myself for getting drunk instead of talking it out with you to " placing a kiss on her forehead.

"about that.. If you get drunk like that again. I will deal with you"

i was about to laugh before I realized the little woman was n't joking at all.

Talk about someone I have just forgiven, making threats already.

"yes Boss... Yikes... You are so scary "

Alice and Austin sat down at the table, making out infront of Uthaman and Martha who were also making out.

Damn! I wasn't the only one who missed his spouse though. But I was the only one who didn't gett the hint.

"wal... Our baby just kicked in a Club "Leilah laughed, she placed my hand on her belly.

"we have a rockstar coming you know"

our child moved for the first time, in a club!!!! A little Waleed is on his way.

Then I remembered part of why we were here was to reveal The sex of Alice and Austin's Baby. Those two have been carrying that envelope about to days now.

Dave got back with Amal from God knows where and They all motioned to us to get back to the group.

"Behold, It's a Boy" Dave announced happily.

Austin wanted a girl.

Alice's suddenly started to cry for God knows why.

"it's OK baby... I am happy too you know.... I wouldn't love the child any less. Come on" Austin pats his woman's back.

"I wish it was what you wanted" she said amidst tears.

Oh.... she is crying because she feels bad it's boy now? What do women want!

"you know I am not about the baby's sex right.? That's why we aren't going to know the sex of our baby until you put to bed. I will be a great father to our kids" I whispered to the smiling Leilah who thinks all these, Alice and Austin's shenanigans is cute.

"it's not like you are left with choices.. Wal" she laughed. Her lips came crashing into mine.


We left the club at 3am. Dropping the women at home. We made our way to the airport for James George.

The man looked like he preferred to be anywhere else but here but he stood still in a commendable way.

Seeing all four of us Standing there without disappearing, I must say he has alot of courage.

"You! You tricked me into coming here claiming you are Jasper Lawn? " he asked Austin.

Frustration written all over his face.

"that was the only way to get you here though, Mr James George." Austin smiled.

"welcome to Dubai, Mr James George" he adds.

Three hours of going through all we had on Siddharth Wells in my hotel's Office I had made for myself when I took over ownership from my Dad.

James George has tears in his eyes by the end of it. His tears were that of a man who had just betrayed by his best friend of more than 22years.

Starring at all of my three friends, I had to ask myself if I will ever survive any form of betrayal from them.

Austin didn't betray me with Alice, I wouldn't say he did knowing how stupid he acts when he gets drunk. But if it was Leilah he did that with, I will be damned betrayed.

To me, If it isn't hurting My poor heart, then it isn't Betrayal.


"I am sorry you had to find out like this.... The Country did receive the crude oil but the quality of the crude was reduced. Your father found out too late and Some people tried to hide the truth from the Government of that country. Wester and Siddharth wells are these people. We also traced the missing 7billion dollars to Wester's account." uthaman explained.

" Mr Siddharth wells, you father most trusted man did not only dethrone your father, he killed him. He lied to the government that you father reduced the Quality of the produce. I give 100% time to whatever deals my company gets. My friends and I never betrayed you" I explained to him.

" 50billion dollar, wealthscore which Siddharth wells claimed were invested in deals by your father before his death, never got invested in no accounts but Siddharth wells' wife and kids"

As if broken by last statement... His fist collided with the wall.

"I can't believe I have been so stupid. I have been blindedly looking into the only places he asked me to? " he said.

I could tell the Man was losing it.

"He isn't working alone. He is working with Al-Azazy. Your father's most trusted Friend and My business partner " saying this out loud, by Austin Broke my heart too.

Al-azazy turned out 'not' to be half as decent as he claimed.

We had just found out about this last night.

The foremost business partner and a topmost director had tricked the company Inyo transferring Half-processed Oil to A country without my consent.

"what!!? .... Dad trusted him! You trusted him!" James George finally broke down.

His head was held in his palm for minutes.

Uthaman walked up to him, Consoling him.

Can we be done with this already? My wife is upstairs.

"these Men are the only Men I trust with my life. We may have our differences but I trust them. And I have come to the conclusion that You do not have a Friend in Siddharth wells " Austin's tapped the Broken Man, lightly

" I am going to tell you something and I need you to be strong"

James looked up to Dave with His eyes, filled with unshedded tears.

No... Dave!

"the man didn't stop after taking your wealth away from you, he took your woman too. Yes, He is sleeping with your fiancee and they tried killing you at some point " Dave is definitely an idiot.

We agreed to keep that part to ourselves. We all took turn to hit his head.

Alice had informed us about a certain women naked LUcy, the woman she knew as Siddharth wells mistress. Lucy wasnt lucid afterall , we found out she has been engaged to James George for 9years.

This man is barely 29.

"I am going to kill him." James yelled.

"I knew that Bitch was cheating all along. I can't believe I asked him to find out who she has been sleeping with"

"we are going to help you get everything he took from you and more. Everything Siddharth wells owns and worked for. Is now yours... Mr James George.."

"Welcome back to the Billionaires club. Mr George " Uthaman shook his hands.

Hours later, we were hung up on how to get back at Siddharth wells. The more we did, the more evidences of the man's corny deals with George's Enterprises surfaced.

At the same time, We had to work on the James George who was ready to Go back home This Day to kill his best friend.

We all agreed to keep him with us for another two days before going back home. Austin went as far as taking his phone from him as He kept making countless moves on how to have Siddharth wells and Al-azazy heads submitted to him.

"you need to sleep, James. I will show you to your room, come with me"

It's funny how we could have all been killed before he finds out who his true enemies were.

At least this also made me realize Al-azazy was never the decent Man he portrayed himself to be.

We all got into the elevator, uthaman picked his Girlfriend's call, only to be Shameless about it.

"get ready for me.. I am coming " he answered.

That instantly stirred up laughter. Everyone did, including James George who laughed. hysterically.

Who says that to his perfect woman at 7am!

My mind kept going to the long haired, curvaceous woman I left at the Hotel entrance with what I could barely call a hug.

Knowing her, she won't be able to sleep well without me there. I can't wait to see Leilah.

"I am so sorry I threatened to kill you guys. I kept listening to alot of people. But Siddharth wells was on your side the whole time"

James is definitely confused.

"He did that so you would be more charged to kill us. He knows you and what gets to you. He is your friend afterall And it's not like you were ever going to be able to kill us anyway " Austin smiled.

After taking James to his room and agreeing to myself that I needed to rest for the rest of the day, I returned home to my wife, Who was wide awake working on her laptop.

"hey baby. " stripping off my clothes for a quick shower.

I smell like Cigarettes and Alcohol.

"Hey... How was it? Did you pick him up already? "

"Lee. We did that hours ago! Stay updated! " I laughed . Earning me a scorn from her.

It must have taken me 10minutes, before I could get the smell of cigarettes off me. Uthaman and James are chaimsmokers.

I got back to the room to find her sitting uncomfortably on her Dresser.

"well... I found something. Al-azazy has been stealing from you" her voice was so low I could barely hear her.

"come again!"

"Al-azazy has been stealing from you and he wants to be the head of your company. He has acquired so much to do so already. He got the 6 out of 8 directors excluding Uthaman and Austin to Sell their shares to him. I don't know how he did that but I suspect Bribery. And according to your memorandum, he only needs 6 out of 8 sitting directors to unseat you, except ofcourse you have a partner with more shares than all of three directors total share."

I should make her my Legal officer after this trip. She seems to know how to snoop around alot.

"unseat me! from a Company I built! Lee. This isn't my inheritance. My inheritance is still with my dad.... He is still working his company! This is my fucking company! My fucking sweat! I toiled day and night for this thing"

"he pulled this in 24hours after finding you and your overall manager, Uthaman gone. Everyone who swore allegiance to you were all done. ofcourse. Wal.... I just got the info from my team" she states calmly.

"that thief isn't going anywhere near my company! Lee! He isn't! "

For heaven's sake, when has getting rest become so hard to achieve.

I hadn't realized how loud I was shouting untill Leilah jumped into her robes and scarf to open the door for the people knocking. They all rushed, Everyone including James.

"you need to turn the TV on right now.. Wal! " Dave shouts.

Getting the remote from the Bed.

", the business reporter concludes.

my phone starts ringing as soon as the news went off.

From my dad to everyone I know. Martha kept picking the calls on my behalf claiming I was indisposed at the moment.

"what do we do.. Wal" Uthaman askrd with a shaken voice.

I know he feels disappointed in himself that we all didn't see this coming.

" I am not angry.. I want to kill Al-Azazy... I have killed for this company before and I will gladly do it again! This is my sweat! My sleepless Nights! I started dreaming about this since I was barely 9. No one will steal this from Me!"

Leilah starred at me, eyes wide open. "what! "

"yes Leilah... Your husband isn't a saint! " with that I walked out on everyone.

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