《With You Is Without An End (16+) (COMPLETED)》chapter 36: our First fight.


Leilah 's POV

"Wal... Please talk to me. I said I am sorry. " I counted to his wet body.

Who cares about my damp nightie when my husband is upset with me. I wanted his attention. He has been distant for days now. Amal had warned me not to play the pranks on him but I needed to get his attention.

I have been craving all week for some Waleed juice. But he has been working too hard.

"go to bed Leilah " he pulled of my grip.

He cleaned his wet body with a second towel. Nothing was working. Not even the new Victoria Secrets lingerie I had purchased from the mall to seduce him.

Where are those hormonal Tears when I need them?

He was dressed up in his pJ pants and A shirt I had bought him yesterday when I went shopping with the girls. I didn't buy that shirt for him to Sleep with.

But, I can't argue that right not. not when I need him to forgive me.

I crept up to him in bed and straddled him. Once I began to kiss his lips... He stopped me. He gently took me off him and sat up straight.


Leilah? No Lee, no baby, no sweetie. No darling...... Just Leilah? Old, plain. Bitter Leilah?

"I want to be alone. Please Go to bed" with that, he stormed out of the room.

I have never seen this side of him. Oh my! What have I done!.

It was 11pm, and everyone had gone to bed with their loved ones.

and I am here wondering why I had to be so stupid, today of all days.

I should text him.

I picked up my phone and began to type.

"wal.. I am so sorry. I was just trying to get your attention.. You have been distant. Please come back.. I need you "

I hit 'send' only to find his phone ringing, beside me.

How Great!

An hour passed and Waleed was still outside. I needed to find him. I pulled my robe over my body and scarf around my head, Grabbing my slippers I headed out in search of Waleed.

I stopped once I heard voices from the living room balcony.

"you know she was only trying to get to you.. Wal? " Alice said.

What is he doing with Alice at 12midnight! Where is Austin!

Waleed remained quiet.

"she misses you. You have been so distant. Austin too though." she told him.

"Austin? Yeah right! " he laughed.

She shoved him by his side and laughed too.

"She is really sorry. She loves you and standing out here why she is in there probably crying or waiting for you to come back is a horrible thing to do"

I am still angry she is the one there with him and Not me.

"she is right Wal. Go to your Wife Mate!" Austin finally spoke and I was able to let out the breathe that had been sticker up in my chest.

"Babe, come on... Let's go in.. You are shivering already "

Finally.... Austin's Voice was like a relief to my tensed muscles.

The sounds of footsteps meant Austin and Alice entered their room already.

Coming out of the darkness, Waleed 's back is turned.

Is that alcohol in his hands? oh No! I really crossed the line with my childish act this time.

"Wal..." I touched his cold arms.

" it's cold out here... Please let's go to bed"

my eyes met his blueish-grey eyes which instantly turned Red, scaring the crap out of me.


I hate this look! The last time he had this... I slept on the cold floor, that never to be talked about Paris night.

"wal. I am so sorry. I was childish but I was just trying to be romantic. You are always the romantic one you know. I wanted to Try but I messed things up."

He Stood up from the chair and staggered a little, nearly losing his balance and then, He walked past me, banging the door behind him.

I am not sleeping in this living room with all the rooms occupied.

I made my way back into the room to find him laying on his side of the bed... Asleep....


The next morning, I was up before Waleed . I dropped aspirin and Water by his side, and left to the bathroom to freshen up. Done freshening up and He was still fast asleep.

I Picked up a Suit for him as that has practically been his daily outfit sincr he got her.

I Placed the suit on the bed followed by a pair of Calvin Klein shoes beneath it. Picked his perfumes, wristwatch , pair of Gucci Glasses and Other essentials to go with. All these was done Without waking him up.

I went out of our room balcony for fresh Air. I needed to work on some highly confidential files my secretary sent anyway. Even though the firm's name has not been changed to Mine as Waleed has gifted his 80% shares of the firm to me which has now made me the new owner

Marrying Waleed comes with a whole lot of benefits no doubt.

So concentrated in my work was I, that I hadn't noticed the sleeping man in the room had taken his aspirin, showered and all until his perfume dropped and I quickly turned towards the entrance of the room to find him all dressed.

Not a word said even after I greeted him. I hugged the Malicious being but he doesn't hug me back. He stood still like a military officer.

Waleed... Please Quit this Act already!

"I am sorry " I said to him while he gulp down the breakfast I had brought into the room.

He doesn't eat much.

I wonder where he gets his energy from. Suddenly, someone started to knock on the door and once I opened the door to the suite, I found all four Men dressed in suit.

"hi Leilah.. Where is Waleed? " AUstIn panicked.

I turned around and Waleed is up there at the balcony, going through my work. Some things on my laptop suddenly caught his attention.

"Leilah... Who is Siddharth Wells? And why do you have his account statements? " he asked..

Oh Now you can talk?

"the firm has been representing him for two years now. Mr Martin handed everything over to me the day I took the leave"i explained .

"I need a copy of this account statement... Can you send it to me? "

"No... That is highly unethical. I am representing his interest and I can't send a copy of my client's account to you" I declared.

Shutting my laptop and walking away.

"don't you dare walk out on me Leilah. I need those statements! " his fists colliding on the closest chair to him.

"well... I am sorry.. Dear husband. You won't be getting these statements. I owe my client"

He moved to snatch the Laptop from my hands. And I quickly jumped behind Dave, using the poor man as a shield.

I know Waleed isn't violent but he sure snatches things from me like he did with my kitten, days ago.


"hey... Calm down ... Wal ...you have to explain it to her first... You can't do that against her will" Austin spoke to him calmly

my silly husband aggressively runs his fingers through his hair.

" Leilah, can I please have that laptop... Mr Siddharth' s account is all we have been looking for. ...for the past three days " Dave explained

"Waleed has to ask me politely "

If I am going to get Waleed to talk to me, this is the right time.

All three men smiled at each other as if understanding my little plot, they left the room.m. Closing the door behind them.

"you know.. I own 80%of the firm now. Everyone looks up to Me. I can't be doing exactly what I asked the others never to do, these are meant to be highly confidential. Revealing these accounts are highly unprofessional... Wal"

"I know. But I need it to sort things here so we can all go home. I promise to be discreet. Trust me.. I wouldn't want you involved in all these anyway" he won't even look Me in the eyes.

Getting a new flash from my bag, I copied out the accounts.

"Here it is. All you could have done was ask... Not act like some aggressive caveman. " I handed him the flash.

I left him speechless And walked over to take my position on the balcony.

The door closed behind him, shortly.

There, the tears began to run uncontrollably.

Where were you when I needed you?... Silly!

Amal came over to talk to me and gave me feedback on the assignment I gave her. I had told her to talk to Dave about her pregnancy... It turned out they both want the child and she was only scared she broke her own rule when she had asked they stayed 2years without one

Alice came to ask us to join her and Martha in the living room for movies. Amal followed but I turned that down. My excuse was that I had work to do when all I really wanted to do was to lock myself up.

The day passed without a message from Waleed.

All three girls barged into my room carrying plates of Food at 7pm.

"Waleed is OK Lee... I know you want to ask so bad. I spoke to Austin. They all are" Alice smiled patting the back of my hand.

"not even a text from him"

I must have said that loud.

"and you couldn't text him? Relationship is a two way thing you know? "

I did said that loud. Alice groaned.

I picked up the phone I have been starring at the whole day.

Alice held my hands and rubbed it gently. "text him already or call him still. you look like a total mess" she laughed.

"No.. No do not call him. Just text... Uthaman said they can't make or takr calls. They are in some serious meeting with some people "Martha said.

Martha carries this serious face all the time. I wonder if she has any iota of Romance in her.

I am one to talk alright!

"Go Lee! Go Lee! "Alice and Amal started to cheer me up.

These ladies are a handful.

Stationing my phone in my hand, I scrolled down to his Name.

me: Hey.

A minute later.

Waleed : Hey. You OK?

Me: coming home soon?

Waleed : I am outside the hotel already.

Oh crap! I didn't know he will get here this fast.

"Alice. You are a Witch. I really shouldn't have sent this text" hitting my head with my palm.

"awww... I am sorry but what did he say to make you feel bad?. I mean you smiled when he first replied "

"He is outside the hotel"

I hid my head under my pillow.

"awwww" they chorused. The girls started to gush over my misery.

I am sure never going to listen to Alice again. She gives the worst advices.

" Lee.. Come on... It's not that bad. At least we know he is going to talk to you once he gets here" Amal pats my bum.

"Amal, please stop that... That Bum is Waleed's! " Martha got jokes alright.

"what's for Waleed?? " the man entered the room, jacket in one hand and a briefcase in another.

I am still admiring this man at odd times.

"I was smacking your property you know.... " Amal shamelessly tells him, probably gesturing at my Butt while she explained to him.

" so, Martha reminded me the royal Butt is your sole property...... your highness "

"thank you Martha, you are sure to get a raise for protecting your boss' right. " he highFives Martha.

Turning around, I awkwardly adjusted my Robe. I found three other men hugging there women. With ofcourse, the number 1, PDA couple, Amal 's tongue down Dave's Throat.

"you guys.We are hugging not kissing " Alice squirmsed. That earned her a kiss from Austin.

"we are all going out to celebrate.. " Waleed announced

" if you would please go to your room and get ready in an hour". The Men left the head to their various rooms.

Left Alone with Waleed was hard. So hard. I lazily head to the closet to get us outfits to wear. It was awkward for me. I didn't know what to do or say.

Waleed dropped off his briefcase and stripped out of his suit, leaving him in his shorts. He walked up to me, placed a kiss on my cheeks without a word, Then on my Forehead before heading to the Bathroom for a quick shower.

I didn't know what to make of that so I placed the outfits carefully on the bed.

Still without a word, he dressed up an hour after his light dinner arrived, in black Distressed Knee Skinny jeans , blue vest and a Black knee length jacket. Satisfied with his look, I put on my clothes. I hadn't realized he was waiting for me until he tucked my hand in his. Leading me through the door to find everyone ready, apart from Martha and Uthaman.

"they were the first to get ready but one chuckle from Martha and they went back to their room. " Dave faked anger.

"Uthaman.... Will you be kind enough to suspend that orgasm party as the rest of us are waiting here, please.. Thank you" Austin was loudly knocking on Uthaman's door.

Five minutes later and the couple came out. Martha 's hair was so out of place.

Alice and Amal started to Laugh at the already embarrassed lady. Uthaman stood there fixing his own hair , his friends did well to hide their laughter.

The men are more considerate than these laughing women right now.

"come Mart, I will fix you up in the car..." I took her hand in mine, and led her into the elevator.

As if that triggered something, Everyone started to laugh including Martha who I thought was so embarrassed.

Confusion rocked my body as they all got into the Elevator. All eight of us. No one accepting to wait.

"stop being so uptight and have fun. Lee" Alice whispered into my ears. "have so much fun like I am finally having now . Life is too short"

I nodded, My eyes catching my husband who leaned on the elevator, watching the both of us, as if he was in some movie there. We got into a Limo bigger than any limo I have ever seen.

"everyone.... Meet Waleed 's new Dubai baby " uthaman told us as we all got into the car, everyone quickly claimed their spouses.

"is this what we are celebrating tonight?" Amal asked

"We are celebrating so many things tonight.... Plus Uthaman here forgot his own birthday " Dave answered his fiancé.

Everyone started to wish the man A happy birthday except for his friends ofcourse.

"The name of the car is Leilah. Between" Waleed announced. " and we are taking it with us back home"

"awww " they all chorused. Some clapping. I could only smile.

The light in the Limo goes off, Romantic Music played in the car.

Ed Sheeran Can get it anyday for me.

I felt Waleed 's hand caress mine as he pulls my head to his shoulder so I could relax on him,still without a single word between the both of us.

What was more charming was that I noticed how he starred at me all evening.

I don't deserve this Man.

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