《With You Is Without An End (16+) (COMPLETED)》chapter 35: some truth aleast.


Waleed 's POV.

"Alice is asleep. How about Leilah? "

"we didn't bring the roof down last night, it was all you"

They couldn't keep their voice low last night or Maybe this morning considering we got here at 4am.

"I am sorry " he sounded so embarrassed.

"I was playing with you man. It's cool"

Not like I was angry or so. But it was like I was listening to porn without watching it. Leilah sleepily asked me if someone was killing someone. She is such a deep sleeper. I had to take her from the tub. she had fallen asleep cuddling up in the much needed hot tub.

"Leilah is lazying in the room looking for her favorite stockings. Pregnancy does a whole lot of shit to women"

That eased the tension. He was laughing now.

"so... Did you ask uthaman? "

suddenly, he turned serious. I have been avoiding this Uthaman 's talk for no reason in particular.

"I don't want to believe he would stoop so low to betray us for 7billion.. Uthaman has more wealth than. that." he added.

"exactly! is it odd that I think someone is trying to knock our heads? Dads 's Intel just confirmed the 7billions in Dave's account already... I don't know what to believe "

"wait! What? Someone is definitely manipulating all these then and I think it is someone we know. Someone who know our deals. Have you spoken to the Directors? " he asked.

"no... But they are all clean. This is getting frustrating. I tried talking to Dave in an unsuspecting manner but the guy clearly doesn't understand anything. He said to tell you he has been getting dragged into wedding planning with Amal qnd the Haseebs "

"I checked with everyone involved in the deal. It is all clean Wal... What do we do? Who is doing this? "

well... He has decided to ask me the same question I was about to ask him.


"when I told Dave to send the oil to that country, I told him it belonged to me so I paid 7billion for it. I think that explains the 7billion deposit traced to his account on that day "

"so what about Uthaman....? " Austin asked.

"someone is setting him up. Believe me Austin.. I think to let him in... I need him in Dubai before the end of the day. "

"I trust him too wal. I was shocked. I will call him now. " he brought out his phone and dialed uthaman's number.

Uthaman picked on second ring.

"hey buddy..you busy? " he asked uthaman. Putting the phone on speaker so we could both talk to him.

"not really. My Girlfriend came to spend the Weekend so we are out here shopping " uthaman giggled

"the finance Department girl!? " I laughed.

. "Nah. We were going to tell you wal. I swear " his voice suddenly shaking.

I stared at Austin, confused.

"you see... Martha and I.. We... We" he stuttered

"ask Martha to get all the deals my company was involves in , all ledgers packed and you both, get yourselves on that private jet of yours to Dubai this minute! " I sounded so serious so as to sound convincing.

Austin kept suppressing his laughter, he nearly choked on his drink.

What's with my friends dating everyone around me now?

First it was Dave dating my sister-in-law, then Austin knocked up Alice and Uthaman was now dating My secretary!

No wonder Martha has stepped up her Silly dress sense. A man like Uthaman Is a Man like me. You must be able to "Represent".



"are you kidding right now! I am shopping with my Girlfriend for heaven's sake.... "he protested.

"whatever you are shopping there can be shopped here in Dubai, Uthaman" Austin wouldn't stop laughing.

"Aus... Please talk to Wal. Don't ruin this weekend for me already" I can tell he has his frustrated look on already.

"the flight from home is 9hours Uthaman, you should be here by 8pm. Our new hotel can't wait to have you. Tell Martha, Leilah would love to see her. "

we hung up on his complaining Ass.

"this had better be worth it." uthaman walked into the suit, frowning. Martha had her head on the ground. My everything hungry wife dropped her bowl of ice cream in my hand and ran to her.

They have become pretty close lately.

The two new guests were completely shocked to find Alice, sitting down on the couch caressing Austin's Hair.

"what the fuck is a ghost doing here! " uthaman screamed "Wow, Austin... You are now so international, you chill with ghosts now? "

"we owe you a lot of explanationw buddy! Come here! " I took my friend 's hands in mind.

"Alice, can you please go with Leilah and Martha to settle in their Room? " Alice gave Austin a quick kiss on the lips , grabbing her chocolate bars addiction, she took Leilah 's outstretched hand and they all walked into them room:

where hopefully, uthaman wouldn't be impregnating Martha in the nights to come.

Two hours later, Austin and I got Uthaman covered on all that he missed. It was time to let everyone know. We even got Dave on a video call. He kept screaming "I do not want to die"My wedding is in a month.

Weirdo!. He isn't even directly Involved in this.

"I think that explains why Wester called me two days ago asking if you will be around for a little chat .... I think Wester knows something " Uthaman said.

Wester Works with James George 's friend Mr. Siddharth.

"why did they call you instead of Martha, his secretary or Him?" Austin asked, confused.

"Dummies! That is because Siddharth is the manipulative bastard here. You all" Dave exclaimed.

"what! His own friend is the one betraying him and the guy is trying to get us in to take the fall. So James George won't for a second think he is the Mule. I will kill that smart Motherfucker! " Austin yelled.

I was beginning to loose my own cool.

"wait! Now that I think of it. He offered to listen to Alice's business proposal same time he was due to meet with James George. So he wanted Alice to hear all that crap and come running to us so I can go confront James George like I did, putting all of our lives in danger " Austin explained.

This secretive motherfucker never mentioned he confronted James George. What is his new dfetish with confronting people by the way ?

"well... That's not a smart move because here we are figuring everything. What does he think? That we don't do illegal stuff? We are fucking billionaires.. Not all of our money is clean? " uthaman laughed.

We all took turn to punch him I don't want my wife listening to him sound that way. She gets scared easily.

"so that means.. He killed or thought he killed Alice to frighten us? That man is dumb though" Dave laughed

"Dave brother, is Amal listening to this conversation? " uthaman tried to hide his beaming laughter.

Dave still hasn't noticed Amal standing Hands Akimbo behind him.


"Hello Men. Please can you tell Dave to take me to Dubai this minute. I have missed Martha and Lee " she chuckled.

Dave stood up while she took his seat. He stood behind her furiously shaking his head for everyone to say No.

"Well. My plane just returned. I will text the pilot right away. Dave please get your fiance here" we all laughed at his misery.

Dave hates to fly. It was the only Reason he spends all his money making world class Ships and boats, but he has never thought of buying a Jet.

Amali clapped her hands in excitement and ran into the closet, probably to get her bags packed.

"I hate you guys. All of you"

"we love you.. Dave.. But Amal loves you more.

The rest of the evening went on with us plotting on how to pay Siddharth back in his own coin. I made arrangements to meet with my contacts in Dubai as soon as Dave and Amal arrived.

Somehow, having my friends in Dubai with their women spelt happiness to me. We have all been too busy to meet up like we used to.

This was like a work-leave for everyone.

After all of These, I should probably get us to some island to cool off.


Two days in Dubai And there was Still no dirt on Siddharth.

Austin and I ran almost all errands. Keeping Dave and Uthaman in charge of the computers.

On the fourth day, While we sat at Dubai club drinking, and discussing the events of the previous days, I started to miss Leilah.

I hardly see my wife these days as we mostly stay up at night. I wonder what she is up to.

"baby?... Still shopping? " I texted her.

" Nope... The girls and I are at a fancy salon down the street, I will be spending your money on some overpriced Nail treatments and Pedicure "insert Tongue out Emoji"

"you will pay for it this night then"

This silly wife of mine has no joy.

"oh Leilah... Release my friend from the place you have tied his heart to" Dave fake -wailed

"that's so rich coming from someone Amal whoops , everyday" I smirked

"you know that's not true" he pouts

"you should have seen your face when Wal granted Amal's wish."

"Austin , be careful.. teasing Dave will amount to getting some from Dave... " uthaman told Austin.

"wait for it " mouthed to Uthaman who was sitting across the table.

"and Alice is not raping you all night huh... Austin? " Dave made an epic comeback as always.

Dave has always been the cruel one amongst us. I nearly choked on my drink with laughter.

While the rest of us are so busy trying to sort things. Those two spend their nights having the loudest sex I have ever heard anyone had.

Uthaman suggested we changed suite to a more spacious one. I was reserving that one for no reason.... Maybe a family vacation with my family and Leilah's. But we had to move there so we don't get to hear each other as the doors to the other were too close.

"please Uthaman if you ever get to have sex with Martha, keep it as low as possible... I would never be able to look at my secretary again if I hear her screaming your name like Alice does with Austin... Please " the naughty men bursted into laughter.

" You work too much these days wal... Your wife keeps starring at you but you never go to her. I am being honest" Dave raised his hands.

"she is an understanding woman. We stare at each other alot. I won't deny starring at her all the time too" I admitted.

"well, What do you expect from All Magazines cutest couple of the year. you two are too perfect for each other, I am jealous" the dramatic Austin was back.

"and that is coming from Two times world most handsome Billionaire. With world class Model, Alice knight carrying his first Child... Right" Uthaman smirked at him.

"you guys need to stop sounding like Martha and Amal aren't beautiful too. I mean part of the numerous reasons, I made Martha my secretary was because those business Men who signed deals with us couldn't stop starring at my "hot Receptionist" as she was then..... "

"really Wal! Martha is resigning then" angry Uthaman cuts in.

"come on. She is a decent woman... She never meets them after the contracts. It's just a strategy... " I explained.

"she isn't working as your secretary anymore wal.... Get a new secretary " Uthaman insists.

"you are not taking my Secretary of almost three years from me Uthaman. She is good at her job... In fact she is perfect "

"you use my girlfriend ...wal "

uthaman is being childish right now.

" let me remind you that you just started dating her and Martha doesn't have problems with Rich sex starved Billionaires signing contracts away by mere looking at her"

"Guys.. Guys.... Stop! " Austin cuts in "wheeeew... You guys can argue about this later. And it all depends on Martha at the end of the day"

"Amal is pregnant! " Dave blurted out.

We were all startled. Looking from one to another.

Dave has always wanted to be a father but I don't understand why he isn't looking all excited about it.

" oh OK.... Care to tell us what the problem is? Why aren't you excited? " Uthaman asked, just as confused as the rest of us

"I have always Wanted this and she did it to please me. Not because she wants to. You know. I feel bad now that she is pregnant "

well... This explains the "I am not getting pregnant" she blurted just a month ago at my place... Wow that was fast.

"we didn't plan it. It just happened.. And she won't get rid of it. I feel like I am making her go through something she doesn't want. We were going to wait for a year or two "

"story of my life"

crap.... I said that loud.

Everyone bursts into laughter including Dave. That eased the tension on a brighter note. They all understand how I never thought Leilah would get pregnant after our first sex Five months Ago.

"no one plans having babies these days , mate. I think you should ask her if she wants the child or not. Talk to her. "

Austin is always the perfect adviser that never advises himself.

"I totally agree" uthaman nods.

"Utha, is Martha Pregnant? " Dave is one to ask ridiculous questions. My stomach was starting to ache from laughing too much. These guys though.

My phone starts to ring.

Oh Leilah!

"Hey baby?"

"Can you get me ice cream on your way here... I can't get any around"

"go to the hotel Lee.... There is an ice cream machine in our room or call room service" rubbing my head.

Leilah sure knows how to frustrate me.

"I want you to get it for me because you are picking me up from here, now" she states.

I could tell she is pouting right now.

" uhm.... Leilah.. Baby, isnt there a limo to take you girls wherever you want to go?"

"well... I want you to pick me up yourself."

"what do you want me to come pick you with? The limo dropped us off and took you girls to that salon"

what is she saying?

"I sent him back to come pick you so you can come pick me. "

"Are you serious right now? "

I held my phone up for a while. Trying to process what Leilah was saying at the other end.

Am I hearing what I think I am hearing?

I looked through the transparent glass and saw the chauffeur bowing to someone with his Hat in his hands.

The boys burst into laughter for the uptenth time today, with Uthaman choking on his drink.

I am going to Kill Leilah!

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