《With You Is Without An End (16+) (COMPLETED)》chapter 32 : meeting Alice.


Waleed 's POV.

I woke up dull, not feeling as to go to work. My ever not-so understanding wife finally gave herself that much needed maternity leave..

I thought of visiting Austin in his office but his secretary told me he has gone home for lunch.

Austin? Home for lunch?????

Well.... We always had lunch together until these past few weeks.

I miss my best friend dearly.

His calls kept going straight to voicemails.

I needed him to be Alive.

I was tired of watching Leilah sleepily. She had passed out after repeatedly asking that "we go again"

The lazy ass woman who was still asleep at 2pm up, finally stretched her hand to grab my nose like she does every morning.

" salaam.Habeeby... What time is it? " she asked her usual lazy way.

So typical.

"it's past lunch. You made me eat breakfast alone.. I am not going to have lunch alone today.... So get up. " I pulled her by her waist up.

She is so heavy today... Wow... And like tricks., Her stomach is now a little bulged... Oh Crap!

"I am not entirely sorry you know. You kept me up all night satisfying you" she chuckled

" you kept insisting we go on and one. I satisfied you too and I am awake so what are you saying.. Baby? "

"habeeby. You are strong man... And you are not pregnant. ...your daughter is on me today. I feel like she is sitting on my bladder right now " she touched her stomach.

"awww.. Sorry baby.... Do you need anything? " I kissed her lips.

" not yet... I am hungry... I will just clean up and shower" she gets up from the bed lazily and Naked!

For the first time, Leilah wasn't shy to show off her body to me.

She must really is tired.

I watched her thick backside bend over to pick up her flops. Her tiny waist swayed left and right while she walked to the bathroom.

I still cant believe I was going to die and leave all these behind.. These curves!

Abruptly, she stopped at the door to the bathroom. Cutting my movie short.

" habeeby.. Aren't you going to work today? " she yawned

"No baby... I want to stay at home with you today. Hurry up and clean up. I am waiting for us to go have lunch" my hands suddenly started to itch.

I need to grab those breasts dangling while she talked in front of me.

She looked soo precious, so beautiful standing there. She had no idea how she was making me feel with the way she seductively stood by the door.

She finally got inside the bathroom. I decided to go watch her take a shower. Once I opened the door, she said nothing. I took my seat on the bathroom seat I had designed for no reason, probably to watch her in times like this.

I watched her step into the hot shower and my groin shifted.

"Are you OK... Wal? "she asked showing so much concern.

She is so naive to not understand I am here to watch her.

"yea... I just want to be here for you incase you need anything " I lied smoothly.

If I told her the truth, knowing her, She would freak out and send me out of the bathroom.

I can't possibly risk all that for this sight right now.

She said nothing but smiled at me before taking her favorite liquid bath wash of the counter. she started to wash herself: slowly with much dedication to every part of her body.


This is the most beautiful bath I have ever seen.

She continued to wash herself slowly, every scrub made me realize I had married a goddess.

By the time she was done, I held up a towel for her and wrapped her body with it.

"do you feel better? " I kissed her lips before making her sit on the bed with me.

"yes.. Very much. But I still feel heavy." nodding.

I took her pair of morning dress from the closet: a Tank top and a Loose cotton pant and handed it to her.

"I need a bra and pant for this. Please help me get them habeeby "

" you look too tired for those. You should wear just these. Naomi made lunch and retired to her corner already.. We are alone now".

She agreed and we both walked downstairs for lunch.

midway into lunch, my phone beeped and I typed in the password.

A text from Austin.

Austin : sorry I didn't pick up.. Got a little busy with something at home.

Me : are you fine and safe?

Austin : 100%..still meeting today?

Me: yes. 2am?

Austin: choose a Venue.. I have a surprise for you.. Please wal ... Promise you won't freak out.

It is sure about Alice.. Maybe explaining himself to me.

Me : I won't. Just be safe and stop being secretive.. That's not too much to ask.

Austin : I am sorry... It won't happen again... See you at 2am. I have missed you buddy.

I need to let her know now.

"baby. I will be meeting Austin at 2am. I can't leave you alone in the house. Would you come with me or stay over at your parents? You will be safe eitherways."

"let me come with you. Please. I know he wants to tell you about Alice 's pregnancy. " she begged.

"OK then. Eat your food. It's getting cold. "

"why? I was waiting for you to feed me as always."

what a grown baby!.

" I am ready" she tapped my shoulder.

I had fallen into a deep slumber while waiting for her to get ready.

I can't believe she dressed up for this... What a wife!

we decided to ride in her car since most people still can't recognize that car yet.

We were at the Vvip section of a secret club I own under my secret business name... The Red sea.

No one knows about the club except my Dad.

I had Skyped with him telling him about Austin, after the background check. He confirmed the Authenticity of what Austin had told me about James George.

I raised my head from my phone when I felt Leilah tugging at my shirt like she had seen a ghost. to find my wife.

My eyes trailed towards Austin's direction. No way!

"I am. We are sorry we are late. Wal.... This place is too hidden to locate ordinarily" he takes his seat beside me.

Alice holding his hands as if afraid to let go.

"what is this Austin!...what did you do? "

"she has been with me Wal. We faked her death. She is the source I told you about... She heard everything and came to me when you threw her out. Leilah asked her to" he explained.

Starring at Leilah who was clearly avoiding my gaze.

"they were going to kill her.. Wal and she is.... She is.... Damn! "he hits the table.

"she is carrying my child. I am so sorry wal... I would never betray you willingly... I am sorry" he wasn't blaming the alcohol or anything but himself.


That is Austin... He doesn't blame someone else for his Actions.

"I know I messed up. Wal and I will totally understand if you don't want to forgive me. I am so sorry" his voice was now shaky.

He was getting too emotional. Leilah 's nail dug into my skin, that is her secret way of telling me say something.

"ouch Lee..... Come on! " I laughed.

"say something.. You are prolonging the suspense " she smiled.

"why didn't you tell me earlier. Aus... You are my friend! My brother! "

" I was scared. I hated myself. I am sorry... I made her cheat on you"

"well.... You didn't make her cheat on me with Burton " I smirked which Earned me a blow on my side from my angry wife.

"she is a changed person now. Wal.. She regrets everything " we all stared at Alice, who had her head down in shame.

"I have forgiven you, Austin. Never you hide anything from me again.. Else this will get back. You have been hiding quite a whole lot lately. I though you betrayed me for a second with Sacrovsky"

"I would never do that. You know me"

I had no choice than to pull my beat up best into a hug.

" remember this Austin, a woman can't come between us... Except it's Leilah then you are dead! " I whispered into his ears.

" I understand perfectly" he whispered back.

"so... What's the plan... She can't stay hidden forever.." I asked Austin


"and Alice. Please feel free to talk... I have nothing against you and Austin. Austin has been my friend since we were two year old and You have been my friend from highschool before all of these. My only anger with you is that you threw my wife's robe pictures to the world and I will only forgive that if she forgives you".

"I forgive her"

Leilah has no suspense with her at all.

She wouldnt even let me finish.

So jumpy.

"baby.. Can you go talk to her while I talk with Austin? " I told Leilah in Arabic.

That's the good thing about having your partner understand other languages other than English.

I have been learning to speak mandarin and Hindi from Leilah. And by the way, Austin is English while, Alice is American.

"Alice... Come on.. Let's catch up" she pulled Alice to the chair opposite ours while Austin gives me a break down of everything.

"but no one knows about that Deal except James and Siddharth. not even Al-azazy is aware of. It was just the six of us... My dad and His included "

"I have every cause to believe that we are looking for the same man who killed James ' father. I think the old man found something and He was killed to keep quiet. " Austin explained.

"and Alice is involved in this with your child... Damn! You should have said something Austin! "

"I was ashamed of myself. I am sorry "

"stop apologizing. Is that why you didn't let Uthaman into your home? "

"Yes. She was having a heavy day."

oh same thing Leilah had today. I turned to look at my pretty wife like I always do when I think about her to find her listening attentively to whatever Alice was telling her. They started laughing just in time.

So fast.. Wow! Leilah sure can't hold grudges.

"Austin.... Do you love her" I asked him, looking straight into his eyes.

"to be honest.... I fell in love with her some weeks ago. Watching her sleep, learn how to cook from my cook, drag herself lazily around the house like some bag of corn, Watch her freedom taken from her.... There was alot to love.. Wal " he admits. Starring at his drink.

"she looks lonely Austin. If you love her. Show her. Don't mess up like I did with Leilah. Don't be in denial. Forget about my past with Her... We all know nothing was going to come out of that relationship. There was no love... We were just.... There"

I was being sincere with him. Seeing Alice with Austin now, Gave me no belly turn, no anger, nothing.

This just made me realize... I never felt anything for her which explains why I avoided her in our relationship.

"I think I get how you felt then with Leilah now. Sincerely. " he laughed

"you know right! But she Is the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me. We need to be safe for these Women, Austin. We need to catch this traitor... I know what you are thinking.. Why not use my resources and Kill James George? ... But we will be cheating the man and his family if we did that. Don't you want to know who messed up our 18million dollar deal? "

"ofcourse wal.... But what do we do... I have exhausted every link"

"you haven't used ME. There is alot I have hidden from you too Austin. But they needed to say hidden. I made a lot of friends in Cuba after the gunshot. And we will use them"

"are we going to Cuba? I can't leave Alice alone, wal .... "

I have never seen my player of a friend this concerned about anyone before.

"I am not leaving Leilah too. We are going to Dubai. My contacts moved there two months ago. They know everything.. I will get my dad 's connection to make travel plans with Alice. We use the Jet.. Tomorrow by 5pm. You just sneak her to my home"

"thank you wal. I know i don't deserve this from you. Not after everything "

"stop saying Nonsense. I hold nothing against you. I seduced Leilah into telling me already. I was just waiting for you to say it. Leilah explained and begged on your behalf. You should thank her. But then.... I never loved Alice... So... "

Austin said nothing. He looked confused, frustrated and ashamed. He looked older than his age. He had lost few pounds and his hair was out of place. I knew I had to take him out of his misery place.

"hey look at me! If you love her.. Go for her... Marry her. Have your child. With her.But first, make sure she isn't that lying, manipulating woman you once called her anymore. I will support you. I am tired of you hoeing around anyway"

"I love you man. Thanks for always being there " I felt his tear drop on my shirt when he pulled me into a brotherly hug.

"you better not let your woman see you in tears. Idiot! I love you too. And no more secrets" he laughed

" Should we involve Dave and Uthaman? " he asked as if unsure.

"Naaah... We did this alone. And we will solve it ourselves. Dave is getting married and Uthaman has just found a woman. Let themselves enjoy their lives. "

We ended up catching up for a while.. He tells me about how they pulled Alice's Death and how she was almost killed. I started to feel bad for throwing her out.

I should apologize to her soon.

"can I spend the day with the bored woman here tomorrow, habeeby.... " Leilah says as soon as she landed on jumps on my thighs, she threw her arms across my neck. I held her in place. Who was I to complain?

This woman doesn't realize how Heavy she's become overnight.. Right?

"you will. We are all travelling somewhere. So spend the day packing with Naomi instead..." I kissed her on her lips not minding if she was pouting or not


She slowly turned without looking at me directly.

"Austin will discuss with you. Ease up already... We don't bite"

finally, a small smile appeared on her face. Austin moved over to her seat and held her head on his shoulder.

I smiled at my best friend. I haven't seen him this happy in a while.

"thank you baby" Leilah said to be in Arabic. Hugging me.

"for? "

"for being a good man" she whispered.

after an emotional night, We left the club at 5am. Let's just say, The women drove the Cars.

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