《With You Is Without An End (16+) (COMPLETED)》Bonus Chapter : In Not so Loving Memory.


Alice's Pov

"how long am I going to stay hidden, Austin "

"wal is in now. He knows the way better. "

"you told Wal, I am alive! What is wrong with you! "

"calm down, Alice. Not yet but you know we can trust Wal."

I was sulking. I held her knee close to her chest and wouldn't move from her seat.

"Alice. Come on. your food is getting cold. " Austin tapped my hand gently.

Its been a month since Austin had faked my death. Paying an for Ambulance and A Doctor to announce to the Press that I was dead. That was really needed as I had walked in on James George plotting to Kill Austin and Waleed.

All these I can't entirely blame

Myself for, started the day I listened to Waleed and His family discuss his marriage plans.

I had cried myself to sleep that night. Waleed didn't come upstairs to me. He had slept in the sitting room, probably carried away by his thoughts.

I had to be OK for myself. With the excuse of going back to my place to get set for a shoot the next day, I had raced to Austin's Office to Talk to him. He is friendlier than the rest of them.

Most especially that Dave of a guy who hates me like I killed his Mum.

I walked in on James George threatening Austin in a very calm way. I was about to stand up for him when Austin threw a note containing the pin to his penthouse at me.

I had to locate his house with my Phone GPs.

I waited for hours. I felt abandoned and forgotten. Finding Liquor in his fridge, I drank myself to sleep. He arrived his home at 12midnight. Apologizing.

I have always have a thing for this guy but I was with his friend.

We got talking, drank more alcohol and he made me realize Waleed was too tied to not marry the girl, Leilah.

" They have been betrothed right before the girl was born" he had explained.

"and she has been raised to fit Waleed's personality"

Surprisingly.... I wasn't feeling hurt like a normal woman in love would.

Do I really love Waleed?

He is a good man, he takes care of me. He buys me all the expensive gifts money can buy, he is a charmer and dating Waleed gave me a huge boost in my career. He listens all the time but he was too quiet for me, and too busy too. We go weeks without seeing, he forgets our dates and he is hardly ever there. Most times, he 'd forced Austin to pick me up after either standing me up at an event or at a restaurant.

Austin had always been there too talk to these times.

Staying with Austin the past month made me realize I preferred his personality to Waleed 's. Austin talks to me, he is always there for me., He never leaves me hanging and he gives me all my cravings.

I know this is his baby and all... But Austin doesn't owe me all of these kindness. I mean.... Not after the unkind words I'd said to him in the past.

Austin had visited in Paris as soon as Waleed left to confront me about the child. Apparently, Waleed had confided in him. I had told him the child wasn't Waleed 's but Burton's.

I have been on and off with Burton, he attends to my sexual needs when Waleed gives me the busy sides which is more often than anything else.


I told Waleed the child was his to gain his sympathy and love but Maaan! Waleed sure fell in love with that girl at first sight. He told me he would never believe me and he came back to Paris to break up with me properly so he could go back to his wife.

I had to do something.... He had hurt me without thinking twice.... I set the reporters on him. He found out... And left.

I knew I had lost Waleed that day.

After getting drunk that fateful day with Austin, we both had to sleep on his bed.

I still can't remember who made the first move.

But we had the most passionate sex I have ever had in my life that night. Sex with Waleed happened thrice in 6months. Yes, six months relationship and we got down just three times, That was how busy Waleed is with me.

Waleed worked all night and despite all my seductive techniques, Waleed never stopped to look at me. He would never compliment my bikini tantrums.

Wearing big clothes in this house gets Austin throwing compliments at me. I even get shy infront of him.

Sex with Austin that night was a genuine mistake, I was drunk, We both were.

But deep down... I do not regret it.


It gave me this beautiful thing growing inside of me. I am five months pregnant and I might be in love with my charming baby daddy.

Austin is a perfect Man, he has his flaws, those nightmares at night, but he is everything I needed in a man.

All my life... I sought attention from people.

Here with Austin, attention is never a problem.

He texts all the time including when work hours.

I know he wants a normal life with me and this child but he is too shy to say it.

Coming with Waleed to my house to Break up with me and me kissing Waleed infront of those reporters I paid to deal with Waleed had caused Hatred between Austin and I. The mediation made it even worse.

Austin had gotten angry when he found Me in the bathroom, on Arbitration day, puking. This was after I had lied to him about aborting the child. I kept manipulating things at the mediation to deal with Waleed and His "saint" wife. Until I rushed out of the room..... I needed to find the nearest bathroom.

I hadn't realized how long Austin stood there, with so much hate in his eyes until he handed me a satchet, containing mint.

"I thought you deserve to be waited on. I was waiting for you to come clean to me. To tell me this child is mine but you claimed it's Burton's when I know you have not had sex with anyone since that night we did. I am tired of waiting for your lying Ass Alice. I was going to confess to my friend and take responsibility for my actions, take care of you and the baby... But what do I get? Constant lies and Manipulations. I am going to stay away from you and this Child for now and if you don't leave Waleed and His family alone.... I will stay away forever.... Clean up yourself "

He had walked out that day. I cried myself to sleep for a week. I might have just closed all ties my child was ever going to have with his father.

After a week of shutting myself out and hiding my Tommy with waist trainers, I walked into an office complex to discuss my new business idea with the owner and there he was, James George.


The man that who was threatening Austin in his office.

He didn't recognize me until the stupid ass manager called my name, pleading to reschedule another appointment. I decided to eavesdrop after closing the door.

"That Austin Hardy and Waleed Akhmady will be killed. How dare They make my father pay for their crimes! " the voice belonging to James George said into of his voice.

"your Father trusted Austin and Waleed with that contract, no one forced him, Mr George. He only got what was coming. Moreover, the Men kept a good slate! "

"are you taking Sides now Mr Siddharth?

"No.. Of course not. But I want you to think things through. Please calm down and think things through. Austin Hardy took delivery of the Oil, Waleed Akhmad processed it and delivered it to that government. Why it didn't get to its depot is still unknown. I think you all need to sit down and discuss things... Someone didn't make deliveries and it is not Waleed Akhmad or Austin Hardy"

"I gave them Months to come forward and explained themselves.. The reason I have been quiet so far is Waleed Akhmad senior who was a Close friend to Father. Now I can no longer take it. My father just got killed for that deal. And Waleed Akhmad will take the Fall! "

"excuse me... Who are you waiting for again? " the secretary, who wasn't in her seat frightened my very existence.

"oh... Mr Siddharth is busy... And I have to meet you to reschedule another appointment except ofcourse you aren't Miss Linda Jones? " giving her that billions winning smile of mine. She bought it or so I thought and moved on to reschedule another appointment.

Exiting the building, I could only think of one thing "I need to talk to Waleed!"

After Turning into Waleed 's street, I received a text...

"tell anyone all you heard, and you are dead! " anonymous.

I couldn't go back. I was already there.

I could as well tell him and get protected. I thought.

But Waleed treated me like some garbage. The only one who had it in her to care, had been that wife of his . A woman I had grown to hate over the weeks.

After telling her, her husband was in trouble. She asked me to talk to Austin.

Had she been aware? I was shocked to say the least.

Despite saying it in a good way, I hated the fact that I had to have her tell me to call Austin, who I was meant to call In the first place.

Austin refused to pick my calls. I had to ditch my car at home. Disguised myself with a pink wig before heading to his penthouse. Since I had his pin, I invited myself into his home.

There he was.... Dressed to go out and surprised to see me.

"what are you fucking doing here! " he yelled in a thick English accent.

"I went to Waleed. But he threw me out. " I settled on the nearest chair.

"why are you so sure I won't do the same." he rolled his eyes.

After starting at me for a while, he took his seat beside me. "And why have you been crying? "

"I am sorry... For everything. This child is yours. And I am tired of lying. right now... We are all in danger" showing him the text and explaining all I heard in Mr Siddharth's office.

"we need to fake your death. Alice.... And we need to do it fast! " he stood up from the chair, rubbing his handle on his temple.

"I am not doing that.. I am a public figure!"

"public figure, my ass. That's the only way you won't get killed: When you are already dead."

"I am not doing that! "

"well, James George sees you as a threat now and will kill you at any chance he gets. "

"he threatened you weeks ago and he didn't kill you... What makes you so sure he is going to kill me"

when he saw his words werent working, he calmed down and explained things to me. "in as much as he wants me dead, he needs me alive more. I have been buying time trying to get how the Oil didn't get to Nigeria. But it seems someone out there did well enough to cover their tracks. I need you to fake your death. I can buy more time for myself. This guy is working with Sharcovsky.... Ever heard of him? "

"Damn sharckovsy or anyone. I am not faking my death. I have contracts pending. Why do I get to fake my death while you stay alive!" I yelled at the seemingly selfish man in front of me.

"because you can't protect yourself .you have no idea how rough these streets are! Alice! You just spend and all... You don't know how this money, this life comes. You are a fucking model who just walked into a conversation about killing two billionaires. They will kill you !" he yelled back. "and by the time they are done with you, God help you, you body wouldn't even be recognized"

"you are selfish! I shouldn't have come her if not for that Leilah Girl.. I need to go! " I picked up my purse to leave.

"if you walk out this door without letting me help you, You will be killed in 48hours and if you decide go back home because you obviously do not wish to stay alive... Please let me child stay! "

"are you kidding! You care more about your child! Oh! you are way more selfish that I thought! How ridiculous!" without paying attention to him calling my name.

I ran into the Elevator back to my lonely home to figure out how to protect my child and I, without faking my death.

That night, I was too scared to sleep. I checked my phone to see he had called me twenty times with lots of messages. From apologies to letting him help me.

You can't even help yourself right now.... Austin.

2am that night and I heard footsteps outside my house. Shadows, Sneaking around.... I quickly grabbed my phone texted Austin and the Next minute, gunshots raked my home:

Gunmen were exchanging Gunshots outside my home like I was in some war zone.

I kept screaming for minutes until I felt cold hands on my body. I looked up to find Austin starring down on me. I Jumped on him and too his lips in mine.

"I followed you home then My men hung around. They didn't see those men walk in, until you called. Your back gate is broken....." he explained while he let's me kiss him more.

"grab things that are of important to you. We need to be out of here in 10minutes" I could only nod.

Hurriedly, we pack the things I needed. He refused to let me pick my clothes and shoes.

For minutes, I kept protesting.

"you don't need them and if you cooperate with me from now on, I could buy you more expensive ones... So let's go. "

That was how I started living in secrecy with Austin.

"Alice, I have to go to work. You look lost. Will you be OK? " Austin tapped my hand again.

"OK.. You take care of yourself... I will just stay here and watch my favorite shows. "

yes... This past month has turned me into an interesting person and I am no longer uptight model... I now have a part- social life... I now watch TVs, cook for Austin with the help of his maid ofcourse, and tidy the place. I go out with Austin at nights disguised, twice a week.

What's more fun than that!

"we meet Waleed tonight.... I will be home by 7pm. " he placed a kiss on my chin.

That seductive Smell of his hits my nostrils.

I have been avoiding his lips for weeks now... But I need them so bad.

Grabbing his chin, I kissed him mercilessly. After a little shock appearing in his eyes and disappearing almost immediately, he gave in... Holding my waist while we kissed like hungry teenagers.

After few minutes, we both let go.

"I am sorry "

I could not look into the eyes of the man I had just harrassed.

"you don't have to be. I understand you have needs. " he winked at me, Leaving me dumbfounded.

I can't believe he just said that.... Like I am some needy heavily pregnant woman.

20Minutes later, I must have fallen asleep on the sofa untill I was woken up by a text from the only person who had access to me.

Austin : work is boring already... Home is boring too I suppose?

Me: yes... But I am going to sleep all day so I don't feel it. Maybe you should come by for lunch...

Austin: I will like to finish what you started this morning. See you at lunch. "winks"

Oh My God! It's been Five long months and I can't wait.

Me : see you at lunch.. Baby daddy

He hates when I call him that but I loved it anyway. Excitedly, I raced into the bathroom. I wiped off all the hair from my body and self-waxed my Vagina.

Four hours went by pretty slow. I had slept off again after shower when I felt someone's presence in the house. Opening my eyes to find Austin with Water in his hands. Smiling down at him. He cllimbed on the bed beside me and took my mouth in his.

Gently, he took off my clothes without breaking the kiss. Despite being pregnant, I realized I want more of this everyday from, Austin.

I had fallen for Austin And I was tired of Lying to myself about it.

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