《With You Is Without An End (16+) (COMPLETED)》chapter 30: Alice's Death.


Waleed 's POV.

"Leilah. You need to stop right now! Stop interfering. I have made my decision and It's final! "

She is really getting me pissed with her Attitude.

"it is not Fair! She was your Ex. She came here to talk to you. Wouldn't you at least find out what she came here for? "

she wouldn't stop nagging. Dear lord!

"seriously! You don't get it... Do you? It's been a Month and Nothing has happened. She got herself into something. She couldn't deal with it. How is that my fucking problem! "

I could see tears forming, in her eyes now. What is this ?

Since Alice died, All Leilah talks about is how our lives might be In danger because Alice had visited us to say somethings about Some Russians. She had gone to mY Dad to ask him to talk to me. Dave wasn't left out Neither was Uthaman. Everyone kept calling me to listen to my wife who has clearly been making a mountain out of a mole hill because she has "an odd feeling " about this.

We were both getting dressed for work when Leilah decided it was the time to talk about Alice for the 70th time. Just when I was about telling her, how angry I was that she hasn't taken her Maternity leave yet, after promising to.

"she told me your life was in danger when I followed her outside. She said she could help you if you two worked together but I didn't believe her because I thought she was just trying to get close to you. I wish I'd listened to her.... Wal" she says calmly.

Don't Cry!

Leilah Bursts into tears. Real, long overflowing tears. She as getting more and more emotional as the days went by.

I walked closer to her with my arms outstretched but she jupms up. She hasn't acted this way with since the day I had returned Drunk from Paris, all jumpy and scared. I was beginning to think overdid the yelling thing then. Oh

" I didnt mean to yell. I am sorry. please let me touch you"

She walked passed me, pouting like a five year old. I walked up to her still.

"fine. I promise we will discuss this when I get back from work. Is that OK with you?"

She nods.

" I am not in danger, OK? " she finally Lets me hold her. While I wiped away the tears on her face with the face towel that has been put there by her on her make up desk.

We now share a massive room and a massive closet in our new home.

We moved into our new home two weeks earlier. Had a little party because My wife thought it was far too inconsiderate to organize something big since my Ex had just died.

Oh Leilah!

Playfully, I took her lips in mine and played with her tongue. She started to laugh.

she is so predictable.

My hand rested on her now "almost" protruding belly. She turned four months pregnant today and Instead of letting us celebrate that, She chose to be On Alice Ghost guard.

"you look good... " she pulled a wicked grin on her face, bowed her head down looking at my monster who was already making itself known.

I kept massaging her. She had just her Bra on with her work pants.

Four months later and I am still getting aroused by merely looking at her.

"we can't do that now baby. I have to work. And you get dressed. I am dropping you off and you are getting that maternity leave today "


"a month more. Please, Wal" she begged.

"you have been deceiving me for too long with that woman. Not a day more. You get that leave today. The only place I want to see you go henceforth Is the clinic for Check ups and nothing is going to change that. Now get dressed " rudely tossing her laid out clothes at her.

I had to sound serious for her to take my words.

I play so much with her now that she doesn't understand when I am serious with something.

The look on her face this time shows just about how much she she understands me and she was definitely going to take up that leave.

I couldn't bring myself to tell her, My life could be in danger and my best friend could possibly be behind all of these. I needed her to stay indoors for that reason too.

I left her in the room, sulking to get coffee from downstairs and I got a text from Uthaman.

Uthaman : Make sure she gets that leave today, the house is safer than that complex and I need you here now.

Me: I am dropping her off...first. I will be with you soon. Call Dave up.

Uthaman : OK. Will do. What about Austin?

Alice had talked about Austin knowing something. Asking Austin to be in this meeting might be a mistake. Considering he never deemed it fit to talk to me about a lot of things

Me: He shouldnt be told. Be discreet.

Uthman: you are the boss.

" wal.... I am done " I heard her voice from the stairs. She looked stunning!.

"you look gorgeous as always. Baby"

my extremely fashionable wife. She sure compliments me alot.

We were worried about her belly not getting bigger untill I talked to her Mum , she had made jest of us for a while before finally telling us why.

Her hips were got all too large while Her breasts got bigger. Some women might not entirely get a protruding belly until their final trimester.

I was more than glad when I was told. It's not like I am selfish or something but I prefer her this way than carrying that big stomach. all over the place.

At least I won't get to say that for a long time.

"what's on your mind... " she asked

"I am just glad We get to have our normal sex life for the next two months without your Belly getting in the way... You are too perfect. " I laughed selfishly.

"you are so naughty! Habeeby " placing her hand over her mouth as if she has uttered something ridiculous.

"you know this is the Third time you are calling me that.. And doing that also.. Yes? "

I referred to her new attitude of covering her mouth anytime she called me that. The first had been while we were having sex one day, the second, while we were having a Pillow fight last week.

.......Lee... I call you Baby.. Because you are my fragile baby... And when we sleep... You fold yourself like a child. It's so cute you know. .... "

"I thought it was because you love me. Wal! How can you say I sleep like a child so for that, I am baby! " she pouts.

"well, You can call me Habeeby if you want. I am tired of being called Wal anyway"

I raise her chin to look at me with my free hand and at the same time, concentrating on the road.

"I have always wanted to call my husband That. Right from when I was a teenager " she played with her fingers.


"can I call you ....habeeby? Wal? "

"baby. I just said you can. And I love it. My Habeebty. "

She excitedly kissed me on my chin while Her nipple, despite been covered by her bra and piece of clothing, Brushed my arm.

As if realizing it.... She chuckled.

"sorry. It gets excited with you alot" she blushed.

"should I pull over?"

"pull over for? " she asked, confused

."for a quickie? "

"You are too Naughty! I can't believe you. "

Minutes later, I pulled infront of the Law firm, got round the car and opened the door for her. I sighted a reporter taking pictures of us from afar.

Oh! my Life.

The day Alice died was worse. On getting home, with Dave and Amal, we were confronted by more than 20 reporters infront of the house which now Belongs to Dave as he needed to get away from his old house. He has always loved that house. So I handed him the keys as an early wedding gift. The reporters kept asking how I was dealing with Alice's Death.

Like seriously?

It's safe to say, All I concentrated on was how to get the already frightened Leilah into the house without answering anyone.

" I will pick you up for lunch baby.. OK? " I kissed the pouting woman in front of me.

She will never get used to me leaving her alone for a while. She pouts when I get up from the bed, away from her arms and whenever I leave the house for work or Visits.

Heck... Once Leilah sees me hold the car keys. She starts to pout.

"promise? "

" I promise. Don't forget to get that maternity leave.. OK? "

"why are you so keen on me getting it today? " still pouting.

"I need you to rest, and Feed our baby properly.. Stay in touch OK? I love you" pulled her into an embrace.

She places a quick kiss on my neck.

"I love you more , Habeeby. Be fine...? "

Nodding while I watch her secretary take the files in her hands from her. They both walked past the security. Once Sure she was safe inside.

I drove off to work. .

"Alice wanted to say something. I feel she was killed because she knows something about you and someone. And we need to act fast"

I have never seen Dave sound so serious before.

"can you remember key names she mentioned while at your place? " uthaman asked and I shook my head

" I think We should talk to Austin. She kept saying she overheard Austin and some Russian Guys talking when she went to his office. And believe me... both of you... Austin has been acting strange... I mean when was the last time we saw him...? "

Dave is really making sense today.. Amal 's seriousness is starting to work on him I must say.

"I agree with Dave. I went to his place two days ago and He wouldn't let me in. His excuse was that He had some visitors over. " uthaman mimicked our friend, shaking his head disappointedly while at it.

"hmm.... So what do we do? "

"I suggest we talk to Austin " dave answered first.

"No. That's too vague. What if he is involved with the Russians like she had said. "

I am not leaving any stone unturned.

"is there something you are not telling us. Waleed? Who are these Russians and what do they have against you? " uthaman finally asked the exact question I had been avoiding all hour.

"we can't help or work together if you don't let us in. Wal " Dave sounded too serious.

"it's nothing major. I am not sure it is enough to kill someone over. It's was just a business thing. The 1billion Dollar contract I got. Richard sarkovsky wanted it too.. But I got it " I shrugged.

"what! Your counterpart was Richard Sarkovsky! And you didn't say anything!? " my father's voice made us jump as soon as entered the office without knocking.

He moves around here like he owns this place.

This man has his own company! Stay in your office Dad! Arrrgh.

"hello to you too.. Dad " I watched the Man take the empty seat beside Uthaman, on one of the Office sofa.

"Richard sarcovsky congratulated me himself in an interview though. That man is the only Russian I have done businesses with recently...." I concluded.

"he did that for that 1billion deal? This man is a corrupt business man.. And An angry one who doesn't take No for an answer. I Have done some things with him in the past. But we never met physically. " dad was dead serious.

Am I the only one who isn't taking any of these serious now? Pfft.

"He doesn't play fair. How did you even get that contract to start with. And above a Man like Richard Sarcovsky " He asked.

"wait... Isn't it the same man who was accused of drug deals? We got involved with that man.. How? " Dave asked.

"how did you get that contract... Son? "

"I don't know... Austin had me meet the owners of Crude oil. They wanted me to use my influence to transport processed Crude oil in an extremely large amount to The Gambia for them and I did"

"What!? "

why is Dad getting all tensed?

"I worked with Dave.. We used his Line, right Dave?"

Dave nodded quickly.

I noticed Uthaman was intensely starring at the IPad in his hands.

"yes. But why will he want to get that particular deal since he got paid 1billion for Something else that same month. " Uthaman flashed a report on his iPad to us

"there is more to this" Dad turned to Dave.

"Did you check to confirm what was packed in the containers, Before transporting them? "

" processed Crude oil. I had the workers check thoroughly"

"I think Richard isn't happy with you. I will get my people to find out what the problem is. It is also possible it isn't Richard who is after you because he has no reason to be." Dad gets up from the chair.

"your mum forced me to go shopping with her. I escaped here... She should be done now. "

" she does this all the time."

If isnt Richard, then who is it?

"baby. I missed you so much too" kissing my darling wife. he looked exhausted at just 1pm.

"I got so stressed today. I think I need that leave after all. "

Fifteen minutes later, we were parked in front of the five star restaurant. Moving over to get the door for Leilah, I noticed a black car pull up behind mine.

Nonchalantly, I stretched out my hand to her, hitting her nose In the process. Only Realizing what I have done when let's out a scream.

"ouch. Wal. Come on! " she cried

"I am sorry."

I was bending down to observe her nose when it happened.

Gunshot rocked the air from the direction of the car behind me.

Oh shit!

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