《With You Is Without An End (16+) (COMPLETED)》chapter 28: A new Development


Waleed 's POV.

"Hey Baby... How was you day?" I leaned closer to the ice cream woman and kissed her on her cheeks.

She stood in my room with a bowl of ice cream in her hand. It's not surprising she no longer stays in her room since we found out she was pregnant a Month before.

"it wasnt fine" she answered. She dropped her bowl on the dresser and started tugging at the buttons of my shirt.

Having your wife undress you after a long day at work was refreshing though. Everyone should get married to have a feeling of this. Unless she is seducing you with her eyes instead of taking the damn buttons off.

"OK... Want to talk about it? Martin said you didn't go to work today to start with"

"i woke up too restless to." she pulled the edge of the shirt off my pants

"are you better now? " I placed my hand on her head to feel her temperature.

"Waleed...stop asking questions. Lets do it now" she took my belt out of the way. I helped her take off the shirt.

"am I being raped by wife?" I laughed. She pouts and continued what she was doing before she got interrupted.

I stood above her, naked. She goes down on her knee, taking my monster in her mouth.

Seconds later, My legs started to shake from the way she deep-throated my monster.

" OK. Stop... Lee... Else I am going to pull up in your mouth " I was almost whispering.

"then come here " she took me by my lips to bed with her.

I have never seen her this way before....

But, I love this woman!

The fact that she surprises me each day with a new version of her was something worth living for.

I took her breasts in my mouth one after the other. she moaned to every touch I gave out. And once my hand touched the wetness between her legs, she squealed in Excitement.

She was sure acting like a porn star. She kept urging me more and more inside of her. In once I got in and started to thrust in out , I got inside, her moans grew louder.

She was really hungry I see. Even my usual slow start wasn't enough for her. I was trying not to hurt her. she grabbed my waist urging me to go faster. I had to give her what she wanted.

"yes.. Yes.. Yes.. Baby yes"

Baby? This is new

I pounded her harder and harder.

I mean she is my wife after all I should be able to satisfy her sexual needs.

Her moans grew louder than I have ever heard her. I turned her around so I could lay on my back, she straddled me. It was shocking to see since I have been trying to do this for weeks.

She surprisingly took over. She rode me so well. So much that I severrally moaned

I could no longer it. One more masculine moan and several from hers, she came all over me.

She doesn't stop. She kept going one and on and then she pushed me out and squirted all over my waist. Her legs were shaking. Soon after, she pulled me in again. She cried with excitement.

I stopped in disbelief and suddenly, Her face turned red with embarrassment.

"hey.. It's normal." I bent her forwards and took her lips in mine.

One more squirt repetition and I turned her around so she would lay on her back. We both fought for dominance and in the end, after Grabbing her breasts, She squirts again.


Hell! I am enjoying this!

30minutes later, We were both spent.

it was as if a Volcano erupted inside the both of us at the same time! We hadn't considered the baby in all of this!

"The baby!" we chorused.

She quickly got into my shower while I raced to hers to burn time. 10minutes later and we were parked infront of the clinic.

"you need to run some tests now. please " she shouted at Doctor Holland .

After some minutes, Patiently waiting for results in the not - so - patient way. Mr Holland walked in, some results in hand

"well... I don't know why you two are scared. By the look of things. Everything is perfect. your 11 weeks old is doing just fine"

We stared at each other for a while and we both released our breathes.

"thank you, Doc" Leilah and I stood up to leave. I open the door to lead her out when Mr Holland stopped us.

"you know being pregnant doesn't mean you can't have a healthy and normal sex life. We as a matter of importance, encourage our patients to do that for easy delivery. You should take your natal classes more serious ..Mrs Akhmad " he smiled, ear to ear.

"OK. thank You Mr Holland. We will take that more serious" awkwardly. We walked out of his office.

I opened the door for her to get in before I did. Immediately we buckled up, We bursted into Really loud laughs.

"what were we thinking..? " Leilah asked between laughter and hiccups.

I held out water in the refill container to her. Thank goodness, I had pick it from the kitchen on our way here.

"well. At least we can go for a second round "

"you are naughty! Wal"

"says the woman who practically raped her husband who had just returned from work?"

Leilah, Everly the shy one kept starring outside the window so she wouldn't meet my gaze.

"you! My wife is a porn star... My favorite porn star" I leaned over to kiss her soft lips.

"ewwww... Waleed, How can you call me that! Why will you even call me that" she laughed and twisted my pinky finger at the same time.

She is Evil.

"ouch! I love what you did today thought. Talk about spontaneous ..baby. I do think I deserve the best teacher award"

"the best porn star award? You mean?" she giggled.

Once we arrived home. We found a car parked right infront of our home. Before I could tell who it was....

"why is she here! Waleed! " Leilah screamed. we both walked in on Alice in front of our door.

I should have that password Changed now.

looking from Alice to Leilah. "why are you here! Alice! "

"I am sorry. Waleed... Please listen to me. Please, This is important " she begs

She has Tears streaming down her cheeks.

"what is more important is you getting out of my house this instance before I call my bodyguards ." I held on to my phone to call Abdel.

"no... No... There is no need for that please. I just came here to tell you the truth... Please listen to me. "

"we already know the truth! You said it at arbitration that I kissed you voluntarily Telling the world how callous I am.. I helped your ass ..Alice! When your career was dying, I stayed with you! I even allowed you to tell the media we were dating when I had other women to take care of so your Career can stand again! " I didnt realize I was shouting until Naomi ran outside to grab Leilah 's shoulders.


"Now... Alice. Get The F*** outta my house! "

Abdel arrived just in time. He starts leading her out of the gate to where her car is parked.

"Please. Leilah. Please. Listen to m. It was Austin and You.. He is in.... "

Why is she mentioning the same person who helped me out of her horrible situation. What is she even saying!

"Abdel.. Please wait. " Leilah said. "let's hear what she has to say?" she took Alice from Abdel.

"are you kidding me right now? She is a snake. A manipulative snake! "

how can Leilah do this?

Thirty Minutes later, Leilah forced everyone to sit in my living room with Alice, who wouldn't stop muttering gibberish.

"I understood when you had to marry her Wal. I didn't go upstairs that night when your parents got here. I was by the stairs. I heard everything. I understood . Please believe me." she Cried.

"so why these drama. Alice? " Leilah asks.

The bell rang. Naomi opened the door for Dave and Amal who just got engaged.

I totally forgot we have invited over for the weekend.

Abdel helped take their bags to the guest room.

"what is she doing here. Wal! Who let her in! " Dave smirked.

I pointed at Leilah. Amal and Dave were shocked.

"Leilah!? "they both chorused and I nod.

"say what the f*** you want to say. These people are like family to us"

I yelled at Alice.

I sincerely just want her out of here and our lives for good.

"I never planned for all these to happen. I am so sorry Wal. I had gone to his office to talk about what I overheard your family and you discussing.... I barged into him, Austin and some Russians talking about you and Him.... And..... " she broke into fake sobs.

She is starting to work down my anger limit now. Who the hell is she talking about!

"if you are here to cry. I suggest you leave now and go pull this facade somewhere else... What in God's name are you even saying?"

Thank you so much for reading my thoughts out! Dave!

"I am not the Devil here! I know I have done so much for you to hate me but I am not the devil! " she yelled back.

"then say what the fuck you areto say or get out!"

don't blame me... I can't hold this charade party anymore.

"you don't deserve my help. Wal . I thought I could talk to you. I thought I could help you. You see....Austin... And.... You know what! it is fine" she hits my fragile chair hard with her arms.

Oh my poor chair!.

"then get out! "

Without a word. She takes time to stare at everyone in the room and hurriedly walks out with My weak wife chasing after her.

I must have sat down speechless for about twenty minutes, Asking myself how I havent changed my house yet. All I could think of was the house I have just bought for my new family, Leilah and our unborn Kids.

Whatever Alice is going through is not my problem as it is.

"is she serious! What is all these drama for?" Dave was obviously more pissed off that. I was.

"she is such a pathetic actress" Amal laughed

"Lunch is ready, Mr Akhmad" Naomi announced.

. We followed her to the dinning.

"where is Leilah! " I hadn't realized how long she 's been gone. I raced to the door to see her waving at Abdel.

All that sportsmanship for nothing!.

"Hey babe.... What took you long"

"you were awfully rude to her Wal! Too rude! "

"huh! You didn't tell me you are comfortable with my exes coming around our home and crying to get my attention. Wife? " I smirked at her.

"she has things to say. She is underpressure not to tell you alot of things, Wal. She isn't safe. " too much concern for someone she hates right there.

"what did she say to you? "

"she said she is sorry and shouldn't have come. She had fear in her eyes... Wal... I think there is something bad she knows that we don't "

"whatever she has gotten herself into is her problem... Come on, Let's go feed our baby" I pull her gently.

"so you aren't going to feed the mother of the baby? " she rolled her eyes.

"the mother of my baby decided to go have some pity party with someone she is not supposed to concern herself with. She is getting punished for that now and tonight "

"I am going to lose my appetite if you too are going to keep discussing sex there"

Amal is an idiot.

" baby.... We can start discussing ours too you know. " Dave responded to her while I pulled a seat out for Leilah.

"I am not going to get pregnant for you. Dave" Amal states.

well... That went from 0-100 real quick.

"Amal" he warned.

Leilah and I stare at each other for a while as if understanding that we didn't need to interfere. We picked our forks at the same time.


"What I am saying is that you should have listened to her before throwing her out Wal....you completely humiliated her! "

"I want to sleep Leilah. I have a long day tomorrow.. Stop nagging! "

I was beginning to really tired of her hormones on her behalf. Turning my back on her, I dragged the blanket over my waist.

"you are not going to sleep until we talk about this. Wal " she tugged at my arm.

"damn it! Woman, I am loosing it with you! I need to sleep and I need it now! "

I honestly didn't think my voice will be that Loud.

She starts sobbing.

Oh God!

"Lee. I didn't mean to! I am sorry " I quickly pulled her into a hug.

"stop crying baby. I am sorry"

"don't ever raise your voice at me again. Promise " she pouts.

Really! You have been the one yelling.

Not me. I could only shake my head. I will be damned if I said what was on my mind.

"are you hungry.. Baby? "

my wife has been eating late nights for weeks now.

"I am. " she is still pouting.

She is such a baby. My baby.

" ice cream? "

"if we are taking it together. " she raised her head, Smiling sheepishly at me.

I know her game.

"you are the only pregnant one, baby. If I keep taking these things with you. I will loose my body. Or do you want the Abs you kiss all day gone? " winking at her.

She was unknowingly blushing like she does whenever I talk about our very private life.

"if you are not taking it with me. I won't take it. " her fingers began to do what they know how to do best. Trail the line dividing my chest.

"baby. I am sorry I was rude to her. Her presence makes me sick now. We won't ever see her again"

I kissed her on her lips.

The simple kiss turned into something else. This time, We were gentle. We had Full of emotions on. But for some reasons, She kept urging me to go deeper until she could barely breathe. I had to stop for some time before finishing our beautiful Moment.

For once, I was finally happy with My life!

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