《With You Is Without An End (16+) (COMPLETED)》chapter 27: The Big News


Leilah 's POV

He walked in on me puking.

There is no bigger embarrassement than that. I have been on this for almost a week now, Keeping it to myself.

Some thing tells me I am pregnant.

I knew I was ready to be a mother from the word G.

but I don't know about him.

What I do know was that, He is one who loves to have fun. He wants new sex positions Evey time we have sex. Quite adventurous in bed. Not that I was complaining but the good thing was that he was good in bed and I, striving to get as good as he.

How am I going to do that if I am pregnant?

I had turned down Naomi's request that I use a strip. I wanted to know how far gone I was if I was going to be told I was pregnant.

It's too early to not take precautions.

He has been supportive so far.

Then I remindes myself that he has just found out I was puking thirty minutes ago.

Too early to judge.

I was sure he thought I was merely suffering from bad food as I have been eating just about anything, lately. My fitted trousers aren't fitting anymore. I had ditched one for this wide leg pants I had to wear to the clinic.

"Lee... Are you OK? you haven't noticed we are infront of the hospital right now.. Have you? " he smiled.

One Kiss on my lips and I am brought back to reality.

"come here. We will be fine... " he hugged me.

"Hello..... " waving my hand at the faraway gone receptionist.

" I have an appointment with the Doctor Holland " I told her.

She licked her lips disgustingly infront of us, smiling at my unlooking husband. Without thinking, I tapped her hand.

"hello... I am over here"

Waleed looked like he was fighting back laughter.

" oh, I am sorry sorry.... Mrs Leilah Akhmad? "

"yep! That's me.

"you can go in now" she smiled.

I felt Waleed take my hand, then crossed his hand over my shoulders.

Show off! But good show off! Now that I Remembered the oogling Receptionist.

"If it isn't the famous Waleed Akhmad " doctor Holland extended his hand out for a handshake.

"it's nice to finally meet you after 28years" the old man said.

"the adult you"

This Caused Waleed and I to stare at each other in confusion.

"you were born here. Mr Akhamad. I can still remember vividly, how your Poor dad nearly died of heart attack on that rainy day" he lauged.

"I guess you are the Darius Holland then! my mum still mocks my dad with that, you know " Masculine laughter filled everywhere.

"isn't it funny that your first child might end up been born here like his Dad? " Dr Holland smiled.

Cheerful old man.

He handed me a piece of Paper and my Scan result.

" Leilah, you are 7 to 8 weeks pregnant. I can only tell the sex when you want me to ... Congratulations"

I sat there dumbfoundedly happy. too happy intact. Tears rolled freely down my cheeks while I stared down at a picture of my baby.

My little baby.

"Lee... Why are you crying? I thought this was supposed to be good news" Waleed 's frightened voice brought me back to reality.


"I. ..i...." the words won't come out. Waleed held me in his embrace.

Never letting go.

"we are having a baby... Lee... Our baby.. Please be happy " he whispered.

suddenly, I turned dumb! I wanted to tell him how excited I was, How lucky I was to be carrying his child inside of me.

"will you like to hear it's heartbeat? " Dr Holland asked.

"yes..." Waleed answered.

I could only nod.

He pulled me up gently from my seat and led us into the room that served as Doctor Holland's consultation room : a little bed separated from the main office with a Large curtain.

Waleed helped me into the "clinic robe".

I so detest this thing.

Waleed didnt let go of my hand , he stood gallantly beside the bed, Caressing my hand.

"it will be alright Lee. " he said before placing one of his signature Kiss on my lips.

There it laid.

Seeing my baby and hearing it's heartbeat was the best thing that ever happened to me after Waleed. My grip tightened on Waleed 's hand. He looked at me with tears in his eyes.

Tears streamed down my eyes too. I was still dumb in shock, probably because I have never felt this way before.

"scans are only 100% in showing if the foetus is alive and breathing. You should know that they can be two foetis at the end of the day. One may probably be hiding behind the other."

"twins?" Waleed asked.

"Not saying I am totally sure. But we might have to wait till the feotus is a few more weeks old before we can jump onto conclusions. I am only telling you what happens in some cases"

We both nod at the same timw

"once again, congratulations"

"Hey.... Are you OK? " Waleed held my hand in one of his while he drove us home.

I could only nod.

It was obvious he was getting frustrated with my attitude.

I need to force myself... I need to talk.

"we are home , lee" I ran out of the car and as I was about leaving for my room, he held my hands...

"what is wrong?" he asked

I shook my head.

"If you don't want a baby now... It's fine. You know" ..

Is he kidding?

Ofcourse I want the baby...

I took my hands away from him and slammed the living room door behind me.

"Naomi, could you please tell Abdel to take you downtown for ice-cream.... Three bowls" he tells mama Noami.

I hurried up the stairs to my room. Once there, I knelt down. Holding the scan results in my hands, I screamed as loud as I could.

" yes.. That is it. My voice is back!"

My jubilation was cut short when Waleed ran into My room.

"what is it, Lee? " he knelt down.

"we are having a baby.. Waleed! We are having a baby.... " I kept repeating the same statement all over, Laughing and crying at the same time.

"yes.. We are" he said dryly.

"I can't believe I am going to be a Mum! "

"yes.. You are" he replied with a smirk.

"Waleed! " I screamed at him, pouting. He was killing the mood.

"wheeew! You scared me... "he kissed me.

"yes... We are having a baby. We are going to be parents"

I held him tight in an embrace.


" and.. Your majesty, may I ask why you have been quiet this whole time"

"the voice wont come out. I was too excited... " I laughed.

"thats it? " he asked angrily.

Waleed frowned.

"wal, are you OK? " I askes quietly.

He freed himself from my grip and the next thing, He was out of my room, leaving me behind, arms open and He banged the door to his room, behind him.

I don't know why my husband is angry.

Angrily, I marched into his room without knocking.

"what is wrong with you.. Wal! "

He was lounging on his bed. His hands, folded behind his neck.

"I should be the one asking that..dont you think? "

"what do you mean? "

"you kept quiet for hours. I was the only one excited. I literally begged you to talk to me. And we got here and your excuse is... "The words won't come out"? Really! "

He angrily stood up from the car and stripped off his last piece of clothing and jumped on his bed again. He then turned his back on me.

He totally ignored me.

All I have strength for right now is to Sleep.

I woke up at 7pm to Mama Naomi's voice asking me to come downstairs for dinner.

"where is waleed? He is angry with me" I told her.

He had expected me to match his excitement with mine but I didn't. All I did was stay quiet all through.

I still don't know why that happened.

All I knew was that I had stayed in shock for hours while my husband begged for jubilation.

I have to apologize to him.

"he is in the living room. He is not happy" Mama Naomi embraced me "I am so happy for you Leilah. The baby will be so beautiful just like her mother"

"he told you already? " I blushed at the mention of the word 'baby'

My baby. Our baby.

"I knew you were pregnant all along.... I have five sons remember? " she laughes.

"come. Let's go feed you and the baby"

"Waleed is angry with me. I can't face him now... Could you please bring my food up here? " I was pouting.

"I am sorry, I can't. Your husband already knows you are coming downstairs with me. " she says politely

"just pretend he isn't there. ok?"

I reply with a nod. "OK"

Who was I kidding? I could never pretend about Waleed.

"let's go... My child'

I flipped my thick long robe over my body. Covered my hair with a small scarf. And followed her downstairs.

I get shocked to my bones with what I met downstairs.

"surprise! " everyone shouted.

Waleed who walked towards me, obviously coming to kiss me.

My family, his family and his granny, his three friends with Austin who was still looking different and Amal who already haa tears in her eyes, An emotional wreck she is and his secretary, Skinny Martha. Everyone was present.

"congratulations Leilah! " all three Friends raised their wine filled glasses.

"thanks for being Peter Czech" Dave said. Waleed was rolling his eyes at them.

"who is Peter Czech? " I asked.


"you are so silly! " I told Dave before enveloping all three men in a Big bear Hug.

"I wouldn't want to be stained with Wal 's pregnancy Syndrome please" Dave laughes.

Such a jerk.

"but you were angry with me " I whispered to the best husband in the world.

Why am I crying?. Silly hormones!

"if I wasnt... I won't be able to surprise you this way. I had to be. I am sorry I left you alone...God! I love you lee" he took my mouth in his.

For a while we forgot everyone. It was just the two of us. until they started shouting.

"get a room!"

We stopped kissing.

"I should send everyone back to their homes" Waleed said and got smacked on his back by his Granny.

"all these kisses got you guys here in the first place "Dave smirked "let the poor child arrive before you add another.. please people!"

The living room was decorated with balloons and stripped accessories... There were toys everywhere...

"who did this! " I was becoming emotional again.

"I, Waleed and Naomi did" Amal replied as she pulled me into another round of embrace.

"of course, with minimal assist from The five friends including your brothers who kept eating the fries ofcourse"

I faked anger while I watched all three Men apologize for eating my fries.

"Lee. What in God's name are you doing with so much fries anyway? Is it That bad? " Asahd laughed.

"she is so going to be like some big bag of rice if you let her eat fries that quantity, Waleed " Fahad laughs

"leave my wife alone. Let me worry about her size. We have our Gym anyway" Waleed responded, faking seriousness.

"thank you, my love" I kissed him.

"are you all done? Lee Darling.. What are you doing if you aren't hugging your In-laws right now? " granny said.

she pushed Waleed away from my side and bottled me in a bear hug, followed by Waleed 's mum who wouldnt stop getting emotional and his Dad, the every strict Akhmad.

"finally.. A child who will bear my name and not their Father's " His dad teased His sister Meena, who has just arrived.

"Dad, Mum.. Why are you guys dressed alike? " I had to ask My parents.

These people would never cease to amaze me. I pull them into their own hug turns.

"your dad wanted us to look "unique " since we are going to be grandparents for the first time" Mum laughs at dad who doesn't look sorry.

"we came in style, my child... Nothing wrong in that" Dad always find ways to beat Mum's talk.

"I am going to be an Aunt... Lee... I am so happy for you! " Amal Says amidst our little cry party.

"Amal, move so the Kid's father Sisters can hug their Little Niece please" amri pushes Amal out of the way.

They battled for who gets to hug me.

Waleed and Austin stood in a corner of the room, discussing something intense. I could this was about the whole Alice situation. Austin doesn't say much as he kept drinking from the beer bottle in his hands.

What is going on with him?... He looks sad!

Waleed pulled him into a Hug as he let's out an obviously forced smile.

The rest of the evening went on with everyone, eating... Drinking and Uthaman getting all close to Martha who has just given me the cutest baby gift of all times.

That Player!

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