《With You Is Without An End (16+) (COMPLETED)》chapter 21: cold treatment.


Waleed 's PoV

She has been in there for almost an hour .

I really shouldn't have said nothing.

I threw a T-shirt and Pair of denim trousers over my body to get water for us from the kitchen.

I know she will be thirsty after this.

I had taken her hungrily. If I knew this was her first time, I would have been more gentle and not lasted for almost an hour, having my selfish need taken care of by her prefect body.

"how can someone so beautiful remain untouched for this long. " I asked myself. "

I changed the sheets myself. Reason, I dont want no Davina seeing her blood. I folded the blood stained sheet away and dumped it beside the bathroom door.

I understand she needs a little space to get over what just happened. but she is staying too long in there, it's becoming a bit awkward.

My selfish hands yearned to touch her again. But this time, All I wanted to do was to caress her soft skin to bed so she could rest for some time while I attend my meeting..... which was in an hour.

I have to bring her out.

What do I do?

"Lee? " I called out to her for the sixth time.

"Lee.... Please come out.. I miss you"

The shower stops.

She is finally coming out.

"Do not say anything silly"

I warned myself.

The bathroom door opens slowly. She was peeping outside. I motioned for her to step into my arms and she did. Her wet hair, all over her face.

she is avoiding my gaze... But why?

"were you crying? " I asked her.

I wasnt expecting her to answer that. I held her in an embrace while she sobbed quietly.

I led her to the bed, After cleaning her body with a towel. I plugged the hair dryer to dry her hair.

I don't even know how to this is done so i did it just the way I dry mine.

I noticed she had arranged our things in the big closet while I was on business calls. I grabbed a floral gown from the closet.

I didn't take any panties because I knew she would be all sore down there. Though I have never been with a virgin but I knew it's always hard for them the first time.

Like a Child, I dressed her up in the floral pink dominated gown. I helped her to lay down, raised the duvet and sat beside her.

I laced her fingers with mine and brought her hands up to my lips.

"my meeting is in less than an hour. I will be back before dinner. There is a card in your purse. If you need anything... The password is our wedding date. Make sure to go with Davina. "

she nods without making No eye contact.

"do you regret it? "I needed to ask.

I am going insane with her attitude.

She shook her head. I heaved a sigh of relief and kissed her cold lips .

She falls asleep in seconds and I got up from her side to finish dressing up for my meeting.

Two hours into the meeting with the Jameson 's brothers, I continously checked my phone for updates on her and Davina informed me she had just taken lunch and is now sitting by the beach listening to music.


I had told Davina, my wife was having mood swings before I left the house. I told her to keep an eye on her and make sure she gets whatever she wants.

My phone vibrates and I picked it up on first ring.

Davina: she hasn't said a word since you left.

Me: has she called anyone on the phone ?

*(please say yes).... * my heart pleads. Atleast it will relieve me.

She needed to talk to Amal, maybe.

Davina : no sir... She has been listening to music on her IPod. I made her ice cream but she won't touch it.

Well.... That's it. I have broken her heart again.

She loves ice cream, She will kill for her vanilla but she not taking it right now signifies something... I could smell the Trouble I was in, from here.

The brothers announced our m lunch break . The restaurant waiters started to take orders. I excused myself out of the restaurant into the street.

Dialling Amal's number.

"hey Amal" I replied. As soon she said "Hello"

"Waleed? " she sounded shocked.

"yes... It's me.... I need your help" I tell her.

"what have you done this time? Is she OK? Is she sick? " she rants

"easy tigress! She is fine. She has been quiet for hours now. And I am out here for at a restaurant for a business meeting ofcourse. I can't tell when it will be over. Could you call her up and you know, talk with her? "

She kept quiet for a while. just like I predicted. I shouldn't have called her.

"wait! Is this Waleed speaking? You sound so concerned , too concerned ..i have never heard your voice this way before " she bursts into laughter.

"well... My wife has never left my messages unanswered before on our honeymoon. "

"are you sure you didn't do nothing? " she queried.

"can I pay you to not ask questions? I am concerned about her not answering my messages and not chatting with our help here. Just do this simple thing Amal and stop interviewing me." she wont stop laughing.

Then I heard Dave's voice.

Those two.

"I will have that wristwatch you admired on priya 's hand sent to you by morning if you make your cousin talk to me soon " I told her.

"it's a Limited Edition Waleed... Stop patronizing me" she answers wearily

"I have no limits.. Amal"

"then consider it done, Waleed partner." she screamed excitedly.

"I can't believe I am getting paid to get your wife to talk to you "

"are you sure you are not in love yet, buddy " Dave asked.

I should have seen this coming

"get off your girlfriend 's phone ....dude! " I smirked.

"you can tell me anything? You know" the silly guy said.

I hung up with a smile on my face.

Another three hours passed. I was getting tired of going back and forth with the brothers and their Russian investors.

My phone beeped on the table and I picked it up.

From Davina.

Davina : she just finished an hour long call with one Amal now sir. She smiled all through the call.

Me: thank you.. Davina.

I was trying to shot my phone down when I received a message from Leilah.


Ice cream lover : I am fine. Wal. When are you coming home? It's getting cold here without you.

My face lit up immediately.

"soon baby... Soon.. We are almost done here." I quickly hit "reply"

Ice cream lover : OK. Get me more ice cream on your way. I don't like this thing called ice cream Davina made... It's not Vanilla.

Me: LOL... Anything for you baby. We will take it together this time.

Ice cream lover : then make sure you buy two large bowls for me. I can't have you shortening my cut.

Me: "inserts sad smiley"

towards what seemed like the end of the meeting, I sent a message to Amal

* Your wristwatch has already been made... You will get it tomorrow*.

I was going to give her that for helping out with Leilah 's hot lingeries anyway.

Amal : yaaaaaay .....i can't wait. Thank you. Waleed.


"where to? Sir. " Romeo who doesn't look like a Romeo at all asked

"home... To my wife" I replied him

my wife.

The TV in the car suddenly flashed pictures of Leilah without her scarf and in her knee-length robe. They were images of me, leaving over to kiss her, then another one was shown: she was walking back inside. Her cleavage flashed out of her robe, the belt across her waist exposed the full shape of her curves. Her dark hair was all over the place.

This wasn't the many times like had snuck up to my home to take shirtless pictures of me and sell them to the tabloids, These pictures were pictures of my wife who wouldn't want to be seen like this .....

Oh Shit!

"who did this"!!

The foot note read ""

Romeo increased the volume of the TV


I quickly picked up my phone and called the very first person that came to my mind, Uthaman.

"uthaman... I need your help"

"first, you have to calm down, Waleed. I saw the pictures too... I have been trying to reach you".

"uthman! I need you to tell Mark to pull those pictures down. "

"I did that already but the pictures have already circulated. I think we need to find the person who did this because this was taken by a non -professional .... " he paused

"I think someone is trying to expose Leilah to the world."

"do all you can then! I need that instagram account traced. I have to go home now before she sees this"

Romeo kept flipping the channels and all the talked about was Leilah .


"turn it off now! "I shouted at Romeo who was now losing his concentration on the road.

He bloody can't get his eyes off the TV just like everyone other man who is lusting after my wife tonight.

Davina rushed out to collect my briefcase and the ice cream packs.

"Where is she?"

"upstairs. She locked herself up immediately we watched it. She 's been crying."

"you both can retire for the night" I told them.

I collected the ice-cream packs from Davina and jumped the staircase to our room.

"Lee.... It's Waleed. Please open the door"

I waited for a few minutes but she didn't open the door. I was About to turn around when I heard the knob twitch.

I pushed myself in, Dropping the ice cream packs on the dresser. I pulled her into a warm embrace. She held me tight in her arms, it was like she had Been looking for what to hold on to.

"I am sorry I couldn't stop this one Lee.... I found out too late. I never knew someone was taking pictures that morning... I am sorry" I whispered in her ears. she continues to sob. I could care less of my shirt, which was gradually becoming wet.

Suddenly, she rushed under the blanket and hid herself there. I removed the damn jacket out of the way, quickly taking off every piece of clothing u had on aside my shirts, I joined her under the duvet .

We were both buried inside. I held her from the back and kissed the crook of her neck. I felt her tensed muscles, relaxed. She turned around to come face to face with me. There was a small smile on her face.

" I know you haven't been seen like this... But Lee. It's not really a bad thing. No one is criticising you for it."

"I know. But I have always lived a private life. You know"

"I know. I have sent words to every TV station I know to report that the pictures were taken without your consent and we will sue anyone who uses it in any form of publication. Please baby. Stop crying.. It hurts me to see you like this".

Right now. She deserves nothing but love from me.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and pushed herself forward until she laid halfway on me. I planted more kisses all over her face.

"have you had dinner? "

she shook her head.


She's been waiting on me as usual.

"stay here I will get our ice cream. It's vanilla. just the way you like it" Her face lit at the mention of ice cream.

She is such a foodie. Sl

Quickly forgetting a scandal at the mention of Ice cream. Naughty woman.

" woahhhh.this is much but I will finish it" I heard her say childishly.

" baby .... We will find that person OK? He or she will know better than taking pictures of my wife in a robe ... But you know you are hot right? " she hits me hard on my chest with a pillow.

She was laughing, and I started tickling her.

I couldn't resist kissing her. She kisses me back too and for the second time in barely a day, I lead her into a world of magic and fantasy. This time, She was all wet for me from the beginning to the end. She kept screaming my name whenever she finds her release. we took it one at a time .

There was no rush this time. We made love all night. I wanted her as much as she wanted me. We connected on so many levels. Then it hit me....

I have fallen for this woman!.

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