《With You Is Without An End (16+) (COMPLETED)》chapter 16: what is she doing here?


(Alice's picture above)

Leilah's POV.

Alice Knight, the tall , lanky model from Oklahoma descended down the stairs of the Al-awazy's mansion.

I shouldn't have starred at her but for priya who said my "Husband's bestie is here".

Well, that's partly my fault. I was the one who told the world a white lie that to save his business.

She wore a wild smile while she walked to me.

This Woman is not trying to cause a scene here... Here. Is she?

Suddenly, someone grabbed my shoulder and judging by the sweet scent, Waleed was now standing close to me.

"I didn't know she will be here. I swear" he whispered to me.

I have to regain my composure before she gets here.

I was already losing it. she strolled to us like she was on a runway. Only then did I notice everyone has been looking at us. The three of Us.

They moved on with their businesses almost immediately after I spotted the several looks been thrown our way.

"oh wal... I have missed you... "she tries to embrace Waleed.

Waleed quickly held his hand for a handshake instead. Her smile turns into disappointment and In response. She sends death glares my way.

Her eyes ran through my body. As if she had lost something on me in the past.

"nice Chanel bag, Leilah. Must have cost a fortune...girl! You are ripping him off already" she sarcastically threw shade at me while Extending her hand for a handshake at the same time.

I am not going to accept this handshake.. Not after the insult.

"that's what wives do with their husbands money , they try to look good with it. You have Compliment handsome husbands and decently too" making sure my eyes washed her entire look off.

She got the message alright.

"oh.. Really? " she seemed irritated already.

"Not mistresses, Wife my dear. You know, It becomes sad when the mistresses wants more than they can ever get... It's my pleasure to meet you too. Alice "paris" Knight" I threw a warm smile her way. Shocking her existence.

I can't stand this snake!

if looks could kill , I think the situation report was that Alice knight was already strangling me to death with her bare hand.

Was I enjoying this feeling. Hell yeah!

my phone's message tone goes off.

Amal : Hey... Dave is bringing me to the Al-awazys. He got an invitation and didn't want to go. I am forcing him down there right now since I want to see you. "plenty of smile emoji"

Me: get yourself down here asap then... Code red... Alice is in the building shinning her teeth at my husband. "plenty of angry emoji "

Amal: Crap! We will be there in five minutes. I will chop her head off if she tries something funny. Just don't let her get to you before we get there.

I dropped my phone back into my purse. One minute of lack of concentration and they were both smiling at each other.

Must have been something he said.

I tucked my hand into the circle made by his hand as he had them in his pockets anyways. He jumos a little and when he saw it was me. He turned calm and placed a kiss on my cheek

"so Alice... How was paris" I ask the woman who didn't think it was too cold to wear a dress just below her ass on an extremely cold day.

I am not one to judge but she was selling more than she was buying.

"it was fun... Waleed came around" she answers bluntly.


she is trying to offend me. I get it. But don't try it with me!

"I bet he did. But I am sure that wasnt the only fun part of Paris. How was the shoot you went there for. We haven't seen pictures yet..Alice? "

Secretly, I have been nursing this idea that she didn't go to Paris for some shoot. I don't know why I feel that way. But it keeps coming back whenever I think about her.

"oh.. The pictures are for a clothing company.. They will release it when they want to" she forced a smile.

I can see through your lies. Dear.

I took a sip from my drink smiling. She didn't go to Paris for a shoot.

I will find out what she went for.

Just to prove to this block head standing beside me that this woman is the harm to his future and not me.

"can I see you for a moment... Wal?...a quick one ofcourse. If your wife here wouldn't mind"

she is really charming with all these pretentious act. I waited for Waleed to turn down and request but the look on his face was one of a man who wanted to see his ex lover.

"ok" I said wryly. "and Alice"

"yes, Leilah "

"My husband is not on your league anymore. Keep that in mind while at it.

placing a kiss on my cheeks to obviously tell the watching world that he isnt as bad as he seems, Waleed left with the snake.

"I will be back in a minute " he whispered.

We all know it's going to take longer than that.

"Lee! " amal jumped on me , after that Dave pulls me into one of his famous Bear hugs.

"where is wal!?" they asked in unison.

"he went out back with Alice " I bowed my head.

I am jealous, no I am angry!.. No! I mad at Waleed for choosing her over me right now.

"he did what! " Dave asked as if unsure of what he has just heard.

"I am sure it's just for a friendly chat Lee.. If he is not back in a minute or two. I will go check on him, I promise "

Dave walked over to Austin who has been trying to get his attention all the while he was with me.

"Lee, Are you sure you are OK? "Amal , more concerned as always.

"I am" I faked a smile.

She held my palm out and massaged it gently. "take it slow and breathe"

"Amal... Do you think I am too fat? " it came out uncontrollably.

"come on Lee. " she laughs "no.. I think it is Alice who is too skinny. You are a healthy woman. You eat what you like and you are the sexiest woman on earth after mama ofcourse"

"so how has it been since he saw you naked " amal winked

"all over me, all nice and proper, Until Alice ofcourse. I have been so shy, by the way. He kept throwing glances my way while talked with his friends"

"if he asks for sex, Leilah . will you do it? I mean he is a sexually Active Man and he might want to take his wife sometime" Amal 's concern grew.

" I haven't thought about it Amal but now that you have said it... I feel scared "

really do I feel scared.

"hmm. Oh Lee. You are really suffering" she laughed.

"But I will say you give it to him. No one will blame you if you do. After all he is your husband of almost two weeks now."


"why should I do that because he is my husband? It's meant to be enjoyed by the two people involved, isn't it? " I was confused.

"So the irresponsible man won't say you denied him sex to Appa and Mama when he is asked questions ,some day. That is the only thing Alice would always have over you when it comes to him. OK lee?" she was so blunt so much that I could only nod.

"so.... Dave and I are finally giving this a try... But I am scared. He is too handsome"

It was my turn to bask in Amal 's misery as I laughed hard.

"welcome to the club of seductive man Amal! But you are equally beautiful.

If you look at it from where I am standing. Amal, Would you love a drink? "

She hits my arm.

"that's it. I am going to find him before he cause another embarrassement to the two of you. " we are startled by Dave's voice but I was happy he was going after Waleed.

He kisseD Amal On her cheeks and leaves through the same door, Waleed had left in.

Just then, I sensed the presence of someone behind me. I turnEd around to find Waleed standing Right behind me.

This man appeared Out of nowhere.

"Hey Amal" He said to Analyze.

Amal frowns at him with her arms crossed over her chest .

"what have you done this time?....Waleed Akmahd" she queried

"Dave went out that door to look for you before you embarrass, my sister again! " Amal Shook with anger.

"chill tigress... I went out for air with... AN old friend " he stuttered.

There it was, the sellout. There was lipstick stain on his lips. Without thinking twice, I moved over with my Soft handky. I opened his clenched fist and dropped it in his hands.

"Clean your mouth with this before the world notice your adulterous acts ....Huuuuusbaaaaand" I whispered.

Amal And I left him and walked towards a disappointed Austin, Who wouldnt stop starring at his friend with death glares.

"are you OK Leilah?" Austin asked

"I don't know Austin... I dont"

I should have told him I was fine.

Dave Was arguing with Waleed in low tone When I turned around to look at Waleed again. The lipstick stain was gone.

"is everyone ok?" priya asked. Almost startling me.

She has been with the other woman at The other side of the Hall , where the kids are.

"yes priya. Let's go over to the kids side. This place is getting Too hot."

Amal and priya exchanged pleasantries After they were introduced. One quick Turn to the door , Alice adjusting her gown Her pretty short Gown.

Those Bastards!

Few hours later, I am laughing my butt out with these women While They made jokes about their husbands. Forgetting that I have just been hurt by my husband.

"you know Leilah... You need some more protection on that Hunk of a man you are married to" Rose, the shortest and funniest one married to childhood French billionaire sweetheart tells me.

"what Sort of protection?.. Sorry"

I am so clueless.

"what Rose is trying to say Darling, Is that, You need to make sure to look out for them Mistresses more than the rest of us here 'cos... Gurllll yo Man is too fine" Sheila, the 26year old African American model , married to a 60year old Billionaire explained.

"Girls... A man will cheat if he wants to and there is nothing you as his wife can do about it. just make sure you get yourself a decent man" I scoffed, thinking about Waleed and Alice backdoor activities.

"I can't be stalking a grown ass man all my life, I have things to do too"

"I totally Agree!" Amanda smiled.

Amanda is Engaged to her childhood sweetheart. Ben. She was Born into a business home like mine.

"you will be fine" priya whispered in my ears.

"you know? " Leaving the Other women to their gist.

"yes. But don't worry. My husband and everyone here doesn't. She tried to make him have sex with her at the back of the house......can you imagine!"

I gasped.

"I was coming down the stairs at the back. I saw them arguing about something. So I spied on them"

I Can't believe I am all hot and sweaty all of a sudden.

"he didn't.. Though. She forcefully kissed him to make It seem like he did when you see the lipstick Stain. He told her he won't do that to you, I must say I am Still in shock because that husband of yours.... He is a Randy one. But right now, I think he only has eyes for you.. Leilah"

If only she knew the rest! Particularly the fact that He doesn't love me...

He just needs a more comfortable place to have sex with Alice so people don't bump into them like priya did.

"you should do more Leilah. So he doesn't have to guess at all like he did today. You are a very beautiful woman... Everyone here wants to be you so bad. When you walked it... We all chorused "" She laughed.

"I am sure you know what I mean. Do not starve your husband. Never! "

Was I becoming an open book, everyone could read Past and fast too?

"hello ladies. Can I borrow my wife For some minutes?" Waleed 's voice interrupts us.

He Was overly politely as he wrapped an arm across my shoulder.

"return her back in one piece, Waleed " Sarah, the cheerful little mother of three and wife of an oil magnate warns him.

He whisked me into a room upstairs.

Once inside, he locked the door.

"Lee. " began.

"I am sorry "

He waited for me to say something but I kept mute.

I am going to deny him this satisfaction.

"I only went out to discuss. You know. she has been texting how much we needed to talk. I thought she had something more serious to say" his hands were on my shoulders now.

Once his hands rested on my shoulder, my nipples started jubilating.

"I hate the impact you have on me.. Waleed " my poor heart conversed with me in secrecy.

"please forgive me" he moved closer as if to kiss me.

I pushed him away.

Now I have lost it!

" Were you going to kiss me, Your wife with the same lips you kissed mistress with?... Huh? ..... Waleed! " my eyes are now clouded with a chunk load of tears.

"I am not that weak woman you think I am. You know? You are not going to throw your irresponsibility at me and think me okay with it because I am not!. I really shouldn't have agreed to whatever you told me that day! ... I should have said no! " referring to the Open marriage thing.

Points Made, I walked out on him.

Well.. For now.. Because I still need a ride in his car back home and that kiss I have been waiting a whole day for isn't going to be from which kissed a mistress, two hours ago.

Amal was by the stairs waiting for me

"there you are! Oh Lee, what happened? "

"let's go find a bathroom to talk about this" amal drags me back, upstairs.

Once up, We opened a door, thinking it was the bathroom.

Oh Hell No!

Alice and Sarah's husband came into view, Locking lips!


"what the....... " Amal started. I pushed amal out of the room, followed suit and shut the door.

Then it dawned on me... I should have taken a picture for Waleed.

"Amali, I should have taken a Picture!"

"Oh.. I took alright! " a voice I have heard before told us.

Sung Lee! He was behind us all these while!


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