《With You Is Without An End (16+) (COMPLETED)》Chapter 15: I think I am falling.


Waleed's POV.

"so have you gotten the firm? " uthaman asked while we sat by the pool.

"no but i was thinking of hooking her up with my attorney, Mr Martin. She needs some sort of coach. I think he is capable of doing that. I own 80% of Greenland Firm anyway. What do you think "

"sure, Mr Martin can help her out. And I think it will be wiser to hand her over the Greenland now that he is still the Boss there. Remember you once talked about having someone manage the place after he leaves. Leilah can do that you know? She is a Smart woman."

"yes.. She will start with him soon" I told him.

"And you will need to talk to her Dad. She was brought up in a typical home. if you understand what I mean"

Uthaman is the only friend I get serious when discussing matters like this with. Dave gets to make jokes all the time and we never get nothing done at the end of the day.

And Austin. Well.. He is been too busy these days doing what not.

"I see your point but she is my wife now so I would be told to handle her affairs without referring to him. I know that man, he doesn't like been involved in our affairs. I have given her my consent already and that is all that matters now"

"thats OK then. I will have her CV delivered to Mr Martin by Monday morning. The likes of Al -iftan and Al-Azazy will be smiling with you now though"

"fucking Validation. I got a decent wife to prove that, according to AlAwazy"

We both laughed.

"The media is calling you two are the cutest couple on Earth, I think you were photographed at that Restaurant we visited the other day."

"yes. We were. Date night."

"Wal, I am proud of what you did making up to her. You are a good Man, Waleed. Don't just be that way to those outside. Show your wife that side of you more" uthaman pats my shoulder.

"you know, Utha....She is different. I mean she makes me do things I wouldnt naturally do, without pushing or saying anything"

I can't believe I am finally admitting this to myself.

"what I mean to say is that we ve met three associates and they like her already... Al Azazy is inviting us to this birthday party this evening. These people have never liked any of my girlfriends. Not even Alice who smiles with everyone no matter how badly they treat her."

"well, I have never liked any of your girlfriends. Not one, Not even Alice Brittany. No offence, I think Alice tries too much, Brittany is fake and Ameena Khan won't stop touching Your Dick in public... Still no offence" we both burst another bout of laughter.

"Wal.... I will keep telling you this. You need to focus on your wife." he shrugs, sipping on his drink.

"I know you will"

"Uhm Wal! Are you sure you aren't in love with Leilah yet? " He Laughed wickedly.

His hand failed to catch the magazine I threw at him and it landed on his face.

" am I right to say you are falling for her. Dude? Admit it! ? "

This man will never stop getting on my nerves at any chance he gets.

" Naaah.. She is my friend." as soon as the statement left my mouth, it felt odd calling my supposed wife, my friend.

"you are calling You wife, Your friend? You have not consummated your marriage yet, Have you? "


Silence...... Shut up uthaman!

"what are you waiting for?!"

" I am not going to answer that."

"wow. The Almighty King of promiscuity Is scared to have sex with his wife? Never thought I'd see this day!" he laughed harder.

"I am planing on taking us on our honeymoon. Maybe then, We can think of something like this. And No... I am not going to discuss having sex with my wife with you. So stop already"

"I think you are falling in love My friend". He lookedhis watch.

"Shit! I have a date with Kate...i gotta go"

"What! Kate? Head of Finance Department?"

I can't believe he is already dating my staff barely 6months after contracting him to manage my company.

He owns a Managerial consultancy.

"you are dating one of my staff already?"

"she is too hot to let go, Brother! "

With that, He gets into his car screaming "To be loved! ".

"you are going Mad. Mate"

crap! I am late.

I rushed upstairs to my room to change into the outfit Leilah helped me pick out while I was at the Gym this uthaman.

She had volunteered to do that while she was having breakfast. i had gone to get water for Uthaman and I from the kitchen, when my darling wife started to sound like she was going to die if she isn't allowed to do pick my outfit .

Carrying that extremely convincing puppy look across her face and tucking at my arm, with Naomi laughing at the both of us. I told her she could do it.

Stopping at her door, I heard her talk to someone in Arab. I never knew she could speak so well considering how more connected to the Americans, her Dad is.

"No ... Amali! Come on! I can never fall for him! he is Cute like you pointed out, with perfection written all over him. I can only be his loyal wife and do whatever he wants. But I can't love him except. "

I could no longer hear what she was saying to her friend . I got distracted by my own phone ringing inside my pocket.

I moved from her door side to my room.

"oh, Hey Granny..... Salaam"

I was completely making a fool out of myself, Pacing around my room and losing focus in the call.

It's not like I need her to love me but the way she makes the whole "I can never fall for him" is annoying

I stripped off my clothes.

But come on! I have become so talked about that I know every girl loves me. Why is she different! She doesn't even see me as that person she could let herself fall for.

"Am I that bad?" I asked myself and I was shocked by the reply I got.

"No you are not. You are just blinded by so much to see what is in front of you, big head.. Waleedu "

oh shit! My grandma is still online.

"I am running late for an event I am to attend with Leilah. Gran.. Can we talk when I get back? I love you"

"I love you too. Waleedu" she chuckled.

I was actually going to remind Leilah about the party. I drove my Pants up my waist and headed to her room. I also have to remind her of our little 30minutes drive to theAl-awazys.

Without warning or rather forgetting to knock, I entered the room!.

I stop dead for minutes as a result of what was put in front of me.

I need to look away... Why are my eyes failing to move?


We stood there, starring at each other. Untill I was brought back to reality by her scream when she fell to the ground, right on her knees, using her knees as shield away what her Splendid chest, carried.

Damn! She is the Hottest Naked woman I have ever seen!.

My eyes finally drifted off to her duvet which laid neatly on her bed. I strolled over, avoiding the insanely hot woman on the ground and pulled the duvet across her body. She quickly grabs it from me and wrapped it around her body.

She had tears in her eyes but she isn't crying.

"I am sorry I caught you like this. I am deeply sorry. I only came to remind you about the Al-awazys. We leave in 10minutes. I am sorry Lee"

She nods.

I walked out of the room, Excited... No? Joyous? Yes!

I might have married the only perfect girl in the world. Damn! That skin is spotless!

Dressing up was hard. My mind kept drifting to what her body had looked like early. She has mad curves at the right places. It was like all of God's time was spent constructing the only perfect woman in the world.

I can't believe I called her fat the other day.

She isn't fat!

She had been right! She has this shape, better than Beyonce's. All that Ass and Boobs and a small waist. Seeing her like that with her hair all over body and Her C sized boobs standing as firm as the word firm is, the curve of her hips... The arch on her lower abdomen, the swollen extra flesh between her legs.... Everything.

I could feel my monster talk to me excitedly when my mind raced to what I had just seen.

"This is too much, an upgrade" I told myself.

I had to go on my second trip to the bathroom for another quick shower. I spent more time than necessary in the shower, trying to get the length to calm itself. It barely helped but I managed anyways.

"I am ready if you are"

I heard her voice through the door. I could tell her head was down as usual. She does that when she is about to go on her whispering hunt.

"a minute please" I replied.

She shouldn't see me like this. This monster won't stop being excited.

Gladly! It goes down finally. I pulled the orange colored sweatshirt over my white collared shirt and brown pants, white sneakers to finish, got my hair in place, making sure not to forget a wristwatch from my collection.

All set, then I jogged downstairs.

One glance at her and she quickly tore her eyes away from me to Naomi who kept admonishing her with beauty praises.


She stood up from the chair she had been occupying once she noticed my presence.

my eyes traveled down her body to see through what she wore under her coat. The tight skirt snatched her curves in the right places. Just the way I want.

I am definitely showing her off to my business partners today..

Most importantly I guess I just needed her to captivate me like she was already making a habit to. I was starting to rethink my marriage situation with Leilah.

Do I like her?.. Yes!

Am I falling for her ? I think so.

Do I love her...... Hmmmm, not yet.

Naomi winked at me.

she had caught me admiring my wife, clearly, there is no shame in that. I winked back at her. Our actions goes unnoticed by Leilah who was busy adjusting her skirt...

Without warning, I kissed her.

"stop doing that. It is perfec. You look beautiful. "

"are you sure? I could change if you want " she insists.

" if and whenever you decide to ditch the coat, I will like it even more. " winking at her.

She rolled her eyes, Hitting my arm with her purse in the process.

"I didn't notice how flattery this made me look. Maybe I should go change" she was opening the door at her end already.

I lead her through the door and into the car.

I said nothing to her.

Few minutes into the drive, I decided to break the silence.

"you drove this car to go see Amal the other day" our little trip has commenced and she is still unconsciously pulling at the skirt.

my eyes remained fixed on the road despite stealing looks here and there from Leilah.

"yes. It was the first I could drive out of the garage without moving the others.I am sorry. .. I only found out how much it was worth on TV" her hands were now fumbling with her Chanel purse.

"its OK. Do you like your purse? " I deviated

"yes. I love it. It wasn't there when I got here." she grins.

"I got it for you on the day of the scandal. I couldn't give it to you as I was told you had gone out with Amal"

"thank you so much Wal... It is the most expensive one out of the others. " she smilesd.

" urrm I don't get"

"I sent a picture of it to Amal because I was too excited. She said its almost a Million Dollar! Waleed , You outdid yourself with this purse. But I love it. No one has ever given me anything like this before"

"well. You have never been married to a Billionaire"

We burst into laughter and she hits my stomach without remorse.

" Ouch! You don't want to kill us..right"

She shook her head vigorously.

" you know Lee, I love seeing your pictures on TV in this car, you should drive it often. That is if you like it. Though, Your car will be delivered tomorrow... "

There was joy in her eyes when I turned to look at her.

"that doesn't mean you can't drive any of the other cars in the house"

"Thank you so much. Wal... " obviously she stay trying to hold herself from jumping like a child. she plants a kiss on my cheek and squeezed where she had kissed.

"then you will drive with me in it tomorrow after work. So I can see whether I am getting you a full time driver or a stand by driver "

she turned confused, tension appears.

" I can drive. You know I can. I don't need a chaperone. wal"

"you do need one. Think about the reporters. And No.. I am not saying you can't drive around all by yourself but some days, you will need a chaperone to go with "

It was like the tension quickly disappeared. Her mother was right. This bird needs to be freed.

Twenty minutes later, I helped Leilah out of the car.

Sung lLee. Stood waiting for me as always.

"oh if it is not little sung Lee." participating in the voluntary action of rolling my eyes.

"yours truly" he laughed.

Ever the goofy kid.

"I wonder why we keep doing this when you have yours and a lot of others to drive in that garage " I told the 16year old.

"come on. You have a rich taste in Cars more than anyone I know. Damn! This is huge wal. I have never seen this one!"

"I got it, months ago"i said dryly. Leilah walked over to me and I held her waist with one arm.

"You know.. I brag about your cars to my friends at school. Can I get the keys now? " he jumps excitedly.

"Hello.. Mrs Akhmad. I am sung Lee" he verbally introduced himself without given a flying fuck about me.

"not a single scratch! " I handed him the keys, encouraging him to leave already.

"I promise. And Damn! I knew you were going to end marrying the Most beautiful woman ....after hopping around with those Girls. A rich taste in women have you. ... Uncle" he bites his tongue.

Oh No, He isn't starring at my wife like that. I turned to my side and Leilah was chuckling away at sung Lee's lame jokes.

"one more of that and my keys are mine forever, Sung! Now get going, Before I change my mind!... And I am not your Uncle! "

Sung Lee , the adopted son Al azazy, birthed by their Korean Maid. The woman had died during childbirth , no one knew who his father was. The woman never have his name out and ALAwazy, out of good will had adopted the boy.

His love for Cars are out of this wise. Sung Lee is always desperate to ride in my cars. The need to has gotten so bad I look out for Lee to give my keys to him once I get here. That is, if he isn't standing at our usual spot waiting for my arrival like he was today.

"you can drive it for a few minutes then. Without a scratch..i repeat."

Holding her by the waist, I lead Leilah through the screaming paparazzi.

Surprisingly, Leilah waves at them just like I did.

She is getting bold. Someone is gradually coming out of her shell.

Birthday kid jumps on me as soon as his eyes landed on mind. I brought out the little birthday gift Abdel had packed. Handing his new toy to him .

"from Waleed Akhmad and Wife, Leilah Akhmad"...Abdel! Always so extra!

"you are never late, Waleed. I must say I am surprised .. " the man whose kids had just drawn attention to us with his excitement over his new game, Abdullah Al-awazy approachef us with a smile , his heavily pregnant wife by his side, hand in hand.

"Did Leilah keep you...seeing you are more relaxed than you have ever been. Nice color, Waleed " his wife spoke to me for the first time in three years!

Oh wow! This woman suddenly doesn't Hate me anymore.

"no she didn't.. I got caught up in a friend's visit " i told her.

I shook hands with the older man and kissed his wife's available hand. He does same with Leilah but his clumsy wife hugged Leilah instead, and the next minute she was torn away from me.

She is probably going to introduce Leilah to the "Billionaires Wives Club ". God! I hate those women!.

AlAwazy and I moved over to where the Men sat.

"you missed the toast. Waleed" Austin approached me with a hug.

My friend had inherited alot from his late father years ago.

"hey Aus. You still owe me , you know that. I told you there was no way Arsenal was going to beat Chelsea. Your team's as was whooped fella!"

Within the space of one second, My friend's mood changed from being cheerful to been sad. Sad that his favorite club had lost their only chance at the tournament to mine.

What soccer can do to a man indeed!

"wal.. Really. You will still get money from this already broken man? " Austin fakes chest pain as he crosses an arm across his chest.

Laughter ensued from every corner of the room.

From where she sat across the room, Leilah's eyes and mine met. She quickly turned to her new friends, Laughing at something Sarah Burton said, the wife of an equally promiscous billionaire. The most promiscuous intact.

I couldn't stop smiling inwardly. My wife had been checking me out.

I don't want to fall for this woman.. God help me. She is obviously the most beautiful woman here as everyone kept looking at her. The married men constantly checking her out.. And for once.. I am proud of my date..

It is not like the other women were not checked out also at events like this.... But this time it is different... Everyone keeps telling me how drop dead gorgeous My wife is. Not a single dislike.... Even the most faithful men won't stop looking at her.

Then it hit me.

She must have dated alot of men because she couldnt have possibly resisted all these man who would stop at nothing for a woman like her to be theirs.

I turned towards her again and our gaze locked for the second time. This time, she looked at me like she was getting emotional.

Something was wrong.

I quickly moved to where she stood and....

Oh Lord !

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