《With You Is Without An End (16+) (COMPLETED)》chapter 14 : Doubting feelings.


Leilah 's POV

what a morning!

I had to wake up to mama Naomi's vacuuming. How long was I out for?

I was certain she was in the hallway between I and Waleed's room.


I had shown my foodie self to him last night without shame.

What a disgrace!

Surprisingly, he had acted like it was completely normal. Only mama Naomi and my family shared this side of me.

I had also fallen asleep in the car yesterday. Who could have carried me all the way up to my room, if not Waleed.

Well, thinking about it from another angle, He deserves it for what he did.

I hope his back hurts because I know I am one heavy lot.

A note laid on the left side of my drawer.


I got called to the office for a brief meeting with an investor..be back soon"


Waleed left a Note????

He didn't disappear like he did days ago. He actually wrote something down for me, telling me where he was and when he will be back! I was literally dancing.

why is he suddenly feeling the need to tell me everything?.

I know, I am being naughty but I have an excuse. A whole lot of excuses for feeling this way, perhaps.

I glanced at the large gold made clock above my TV.

11am!!!!!!!! What was in that ice cream!

I Hurried up my routine so I can rush downstairs for breakfast.

I am starving! So much for filling my stomach with food last night.

"morning.... Mama Naomi" i kissed the elderly woman's cheeks, before taking my seat at the dining.

This woman understands my needs. She placed my breakfast in front of me and at the same time, respondes to my greetings in her natural smiling way.

"guess who slept well last night " she winked

" I was too tired "

"you looked every bit of it when he brought you in. "

"do you know if his waist.. I mean his body aches from lifting me?"

I am more concerned than vengeful this time.

"you do think you are a fat one, dont you" she laughed hysterically.

" if you must know... The only thing that got in his way was your veil falling off. He carried you like one would carry his wife...bridal Style, it was a dreamy sight"

She winked again.

At The mere mention of my veil falling off. My fingers turned weak. He must have had that lustfully look again last night. Not that I dont like the look but I dont like that it comes like that of most men from the past.

He is lusting after me like most men and nothing else...nothing spectacular. Just pure lust.

"you should take a swim later if you want to. The pool has been reopened. He said to tell you that"

Sweet Waleed... I like.

" I should get to it before he gets here then and I hope he left with Abdel " I asked. It was more of a question made between asking and not asking.

"Leilah my child. I understand you don't want Abdel seeing your body, Yes. I don't want that too. But Abdel doesn't work on Saturday neither does my husband. That is, after 10am. But you need to be comfortable around your husband... My child...now go have yourself a good swim. I will prepare your favorite juice for you. " she enters into the kitchen.

I hurried upstairs to get a swim suit from my closet.

Written on the butt side: "HOT! " and the Breast side ,quite revealing I will have to keep dragging it over while at it.


I do not own another and I had none in my closet. Amal and his sisters must have forgotten to get some for me.

few minutes later, Mama Naomi left me by the pool. We did talk for a while and she completely turned down my request of joining me. She kept insisting I could call her whenever I need anything. she was done for now.

Finally! A good time in the house.

This is like a little getaway from my headache.The new headache I was feeling now. The new - yet - to - be- admitted- to- myself feeling, that I might be having a crush on my husband.

Flashbacks of the nights before haunted me while I buried myself underneath the surface of the water for a while. His frequent smiles, his dentition, the Romance his eyes holds, his shiny black hair, everything that makes up the man, Waleed Akhmad.

I stepped out of the pool in my sexy swim suit to have a drink only to find someone, leaning on a pillar , eyes raking my body. An almost seductive smile, plastered on his face.

I quickly searched for a towel to cover my body up and Guess what! My towel is in no other place but his hands.

"can you kindly pass me that.? " I am almost whispering now.

My voice wont come up.. Oh LORD!

Headdown, with One arm failing terribly at shielding my breasts which definitely can't be hidden by one of my arms. And the other, covering my most sensitive area which was now talking to me in a language I very well understand.


Because Waleed wouldnt stop glancing up and down my body.

after what seemed like eternity, He walks forward with the towel.

Why is he in a caftan...?

I haven't seen him wear one since our wedding day. I am suddenly pummelled by his looks. I wish he knew how dashing he looks ,standing there, raping me up with his eyes.

He looks like an Arab prince.

Of course He is of Arab descent.

Instead of passing the tower to me. He moved closer as if to put the towel around my body.

I was shocked at his display of nerve.

what was giving him the impression that I like him coming close to me anytime he wants to.

Reflex spoke to me and before I could rethink my thoughts, I push him into the water. Making sure to Grab the towel from him before he fell.

He laughs in shock while he tries to regain his stamina. He pulls off the wet caftan and throws it out of the water. The wet fabric, landing on the chair beside me.

I was carried away by his biceps. The wet well structured toned chest had water dripping over it. I felt like licking....

I should leave already. I can't be in a towel with something wet between my legs around this man.

As I was about taking my slippers laying be beside the pool. I felt his hands on my feet . His head was laid on the walls of the pool.

"stay " his voice pleaded with lust.

"I am leaving......I am done anyway" my voice shook.

my back turned on his while I fetched my belongings from the chair. I didn't see or hear him leave the water. His breath fanned by neck while he held me by the waist and from the back.

My legs started to wobble. I could no longer stand. He brought out his tongue and sent signals running through me with his tongue. He drew a six o'clock line on my neck. My hands held on to his.


He turned me by the waist to come face to face to him. Before I could protest, he pushed the both of us into the water, his hand, never leaving my waist.

"Waleed! You Jerk! " I screamed.

I want to be angry. I really want to. But laughter escaped my mouth and I couldn't say do anything about it, not with with the excitement within me.

I started to splash water on him. Then I realize he dropped me with the towel which was now damp and clinging to my body inside the pool. He took the towel from me and throws it out of the pool into a chair.

Smiling.... He moved closer to me. My reacted nipples pressed to his hard chest. I could move. He raised my left leg and held it by the way. He kissed me.

I stood there like a statue instead of leaving. He kept kissing me and I let him.

He helped my hands wrapped around his neck so as to keep me from losing my balance. We must have been at it for some minute. We broke free for air. I couldn't look at him.

He raised my head up by placing two fingers under my chin. One quick kiss and he hugged me.

"Leilah. I know you haven't forgotten about Paris. it's embarrassing to you. To us. I should have thought about how my actions would affect us but I was a selfish jerk. And for that, I am deeply sorry. Please forgive me"

my system was still being rebooted after the kiss. I couldn't say anything. I felt his chest rise and fall on mine. My nipples hardened more and more. To hide away my embarrassment , I left his hold.

"I forgave you already"

He stayed where he was and brushed his hair with his palm backward.

"Really? When?.

" when I learnt how much millions you lost in three hours"

I just hit a nerve. I am sure. So sure.

He got out of the water to pour himself some Juice from the large glass mama Naomi had made. Fire consumed my body more seeing how the shorts he had on clung to his body.

Dick print? that print is..... Wow!

Bloody Beach shorts!

Watching him gulp the drink down had more effect on me than I would ever expect on me.

I am suddenly getting wet between my thighs. This man is too perfect.. No wonder Alice would rather be the second woman ,than to let go.

"you just got home? " I asked him.

I need to divert my attention elsewhere... anywhere!

"yes... Thought you were in your room. Your TV was on. Was coming to take a swim when I saw you here. I was surprised though " he smiled.

"so why the caftan"

"I wear it to the pool so I don't get to show too much skin to poor married old Naomi"

"Quite thoughtful. Seeing how you did show alot of skin to her at breakfast the other day" my eyes rolled involuntarily.

"this is different. I am wearing a short now. I am probably having some.. You know..... Dick prints and all" he winked.

Oh Gosh! He noticed..

I quickly turned my gaze to his feet.

He had this happy look like he is glad knowing I was checking him out.

I should kill myself here and now.

still contemplating on the fastest way to die between drowning myself or choking myself, When he jumped into the water Splashing water all over my body.

"wal....stop! " I was unknowingly laughing happily.

I see shock all over his body, Realising what I have done. I quickly covered my mouth with my hands and turned around.

"hey" he spoke softly.

He moved closer. Grabbing my shoulders gently and turning me around to come face to face with him.

"We are friends, marriage aside now."

Friends? You are my husband!

"You can call me Wal. I will call you Lee too. Is that OK? "

This man is too attractive.

I quickly warned myself ahead of what might happen if and when I start crushing on him. Amidst a positive nod.

"so.... Lee... Tell me About yourself" he flashed his captivating million dollar smile at me.

He is Now holding my waist. If this is the type of "friendship" he is talking about, Then I want it forever.

Come to think of it. How does he expect me to tell him about myself when he is causing all of my body to tremble like this?

I closed my eyes for a while, breathing in.

"there is nothing spectacular to tell. I have always been an indoor person. I read law because I wanted to defend kids that are being forced into child marriages... Heheh... The irony right? " I laughed bitterly.

He smiled Oh.... Those lips... Concentrate Leilah!

" I don't have friends like you must have probably noticed and I am somehow a nerd..." he nods at me.

"your turn " I stylishly removed his hands from my waist. Reason, the atmosphere was starting to turn to that you find in the carribeans.

We stood staring at each other's eyes.

"well.... I have friends. Three of them annoying lots! " we both laughed.

"graduated from Harvard Business school five years ago, a Quick MBA. you know, Masters followed. A young man interested in billions. I have always had that dream you know. Watching my grandpa, a millionaire work so hard to remain that way. I kind of tapped into that energy. Only that my focus was to go higher.... " he finished.

Like an already wooed sheep, I smiled hopelessly at this Hardworking man who doesnt know I wake up at night to his business phone calls and calculations.

"Always in the tabloids for the wrong reasons. Apart from days I score Billions ofcourse and the day I married you" he continued and we both laughed. again.

This time, I was blushing beyond control.

"I am now married to a woman I am only getting to know, more than a week after our wedding. Interesting... Yes?"

I nodded like a fool and the next minute. His succulent lips were placed on mine. He quickly pulled away.

I want more of that Wal... Please!

I was a little confused as to whether to smile at what he just said or not. So I shrugged.

"wal... I would love to work. If you don't mind please. I have always wanted to. " I pleaded.

"do you want your own firm set up or you want to work with others? "

He asks, surprising me. As if he had been waiting for the day I will ask him.

I thought he wouldnt let me like other Men. I thought he was going to protest telling me I don't have to work like a typical Arab Man.

" with others for now. I will need to learn how to run a firm properly'

"OK then. I will help you get a good firm around. At least someone I can trust you with. That is to learn from ofcourse." he stutters.

So protective!

"I will be glad" I smiled back at him.

This was my chance to kiss him. I stepped closer to him, placing my lips lightly on his like a novice.

He pulls my waist closer to him, refusing to let go. It came with passion, lust... Love... no no..... Not love. It is the sweetest I have ever had since he began kissing me. My first kiss is from Waleed and this fire kiss, from Waleed also.

Don't think Leilah! Just enjoy the moment.

His hands moved to grab my butt, he squeezed my right butt cheek lightly, involuntarily, My legs wrapped around his waist. Without breaking off, He floats us to the neareast wall and Placed my Back there.

It turned more intense, more passionate and Moments later.. As if exhausted. We stopped at the same time for Air.

A light one on my head. He Smiled at me. He left the pool and grabbed two towels from the hanger.

He Wrapped one around his waist and motioned for me to come out of the water.

"you should come out of the water, you are shivering already.. And It is getting cold now"

I hadn't realized how cold I was. I must have been so deep in that kiss to not know how I feel. I complied with him and ran out to him.

He helped wrap the other towel across my waist and passed one to me for my damp hair.

I cleaned out my body, Lifting the towel up to cover my breasts which was steadily embarrassing me with my pricking nipples digging through the swimsuit.

He grabbed my hand to stop me

"Don't fight it. It is just the both of us here" kissing both nipple prints.

My mouth fell wide open! My legs barely holding me to the floor.

"what! I am entitled to that you know.. I am only taking my time" he laughed to ease the tension.

I couldn't talk. I couldn't breathe.

"you know we will have to do this someday right? I mean consummate our marriage " He says. politely.

"You should think over it and let me know when you are ready" he says.

He guarded me into the house until we parted in the hallway.

I couldn't say a word down there.

I still can't say any right now.

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