《With You Is Without An End (16+) (COMPLETED)》chapter 13: Taking her on a date .


Waleed's POV.

Present situation,

I shouldn't be feeling like I have just seen the forbidden fruit.

Did I scare her?...

Did I hurt her?...

I kept hitting my hand hard on my forehead.

I sure messed up right there, forgetting my eyes on her body there.

She is irresistible! Damn too irresistible !

I have never had a closer look at her until now. I guess the media saw what I didn't from the very start. they kept referring to her as beautiful.

she doesnt even know she was called one of World's most beautiful women today by a Popular TV.

My length wobbled at the mere thought of her nipples. They had appeared firm and strong underneath the fabric.

She isn't as thin as the girls I have been with. She has extra flesh on her butt.No.. She has her curve like that of Jennifer Lopez 's and bigger breasts too with extra thin waist.

She is the definition of the "figure 8" term. Everything looks firm with her yet, they look so soft and succulent.

Oh! And Her hair!

Can I at least touch it. Leilah! Please Arrrgh

"what is happening to me! .... Control yourself. Man! "

I can't be thinking about her like this. I need to focus. It's not like I have anyone I am particularly in love with. There's nothing stopping me from thinking about Leilah as mine, yet I cant.

I guess I hate that she was brought to ruin my freedom, the bachelor life I wasn't ready to give up.

Oh Leilah! What are you doing to me!

I need to take a cold shower to cool off this tensed monster between my legs.

But the most important question for The night is : Why am I lusting after my wife when I can have her all to myself?

"you can just take her you know.. After all she is your wife and knowing Leilah.. that girl brought up to always satisfy her husband.... She won't reject you.. Now go ask her"... Something in my head probably controlled by the monster between my legs tells me.

" there is nothing special about you after all. She was in London, far away from home and might have had sex with other men there! " another voice echoes through my body.


What is happening to me!.

I am taking her out. I need to get ready instead of thinking about her like this. I pulled out a grey shirt from my closet, a black bomber jacket over it as it is cold outside, black denim and my latest black yeezy.

I hope she isn't putting so much on her body because I am not ready to pull out a suit on a Friday evening.

After all I am going on a date with my wife and not to impress some woman. Yes... That sounds good.

My wife.

Ten minutes later, I hurried down the stairs ,eager to see Leilah again, slumped into my favorite chair , I heard laughter on the stairs.

Turning around to find her laughing at something Mama Naomi like she calls her, had said to her. Her countenance changed immediately she noticed me, starring at her.

So much for been a monster.

I quickly took time to glance at her body again. I am a little disappointed she has everything covered up when all I want is to see her gorgeous body again. Behind some silly material with the right amount of breast out to seduce me.

Like Hell.. I will be madly seduced.

But for the time being, I am glad she is somehow matching me. No much effort. Just some denim over a pair of white sneakers.


Despite her hijab. Leilah looks appealing to me. With her curves slightly out on the sides of her long white top. The denim exposed straight legs with big thighs.

" arrgh... stop tormenting me Leilah! This is too much to take in one night "

"I am ready if you are" the faint voice from the woman standing in front of me brings me back from my lustful trip.

Heading over to where my car keys are hung in a small glass cabinet and I pick up keys to the Ferrari.

My baby.

Her intoxicating scent hits my nostrils while she follows me through the door. A gentleman move was made when I held the door open for her.

After Closing it behind her, we walked to the garage.

I started to freak out as I moved to open the car door for her.

I can't believe I am sweating.

I have been with over 100 women, I should be used to this but I feel different about this particular date.....Date?

I am taking Leilah on a Date! Our first date!.

Starting the car engine, I realized It was too late to back out now. she keeps typing away on that phone of hers. I fought the urge to ask who she has been texting.

Talk about a control freak of a husband

When I could no longer resist the urge to see who she is chatting with. I peeped through the side of my right eye.


Hmmm, much more better now that I know she isn't texting some lame ass men.

Minutes later, we are parked at a Five star restaurant. I did put out an extra effort to take her to somewhere I have never taken anyone else to. The smiling Valet collected the keys from me, subconsciously licking the top of his lip.

Why? I do not know. All I know is, This guy better take care of my baby.

We couldn't escape the paparazzi at the door. I had to shield the 'already nervous' wife of mine away from reporters. We found out while inside that they had followed A popular RNB singer to the Restaurant and we so happen to be part of their meal today.

They kept asking so much questions like they had done earlier. I held Leilah by the waist and pushed her gently through the door. Her face down all through. But looking at the TV few minutes later, they had already captured her face and pictures of us, before we noticed them.

The manager of the restaurant appears, taking us to the VVIP section like they do whenever I am there with Uthaman or Austin .

The RNB singer and his date were already sat there in each others arms. The singer calls me aside after saying Hi and getting introduced to his date and he, leilah.

Leilah is all smiles .

This Singer signs his death warrant while he openly flirts with my wife.

Am I jealous? Yes! f ucking yes! Like, What the actual f......!

"you have a very beautiful wife. Wal.... The media didn't lie about her. "

Leilah stood blushing harder that she was already doing while they were been introduced.

"thanks Chris " one fake smile plastered on my face, I held Leilah by her waist , moving her gently to where our table is.

Pulled a chair out for her before I sat on me like a "gentleman man" should. The waiter takes my order and while I was about taking hers, I notice the expression she carried on her face.

"are you serious look? " her eyes tells me before she quickly looksled down her phone.


Tapping her hand on the table gently to assure her that I wasn't a control freak "you should tell the gentleman here what you'd like to eat...leilah"

Her demeanor changed almost immediately and as if overly excited. She calls For a type of food I have never heard of or seen before.


To say I was amused is an understatement.

She is such a child.

As if she read my thoughts. Her face turns red, and she shields away from my gaze, looking down her phone.

Arrrrrrh! That phone.

Our food arrives and I noticed she hasn't picked her cutlery after I have taken two bites of mine.

"Leilah.. ?"

She looked around her as if in shock I was talking to her. "Hmm? " she pointed at herself.

No one else here is named Leilah! Woman!

"Yes, Can you lend me your phone for a while. I need to check something out".

Without a word, she passes the phone across the table to me. Noticing the number she has been texting. I pressed Dial.

The owner picks up immediately.

"heyyyy Lee....whats up! " she responded.

"hello to you Amal. this isn't Leilah... This is Waleed."

"oh hey. Heartbreaker!whats up! "


"Amal darling. My wife and I are out here trying to have dinner. Can you please give her some few minutes? She is completely zoned out texting you and all"

Amal laughed

"OK. Sure why not. I could spare her for a few minutes, for her sake only and not yours"

"OK.. Thank you for understanding"

"and.. Waleed? "

"yes.. Amal? "

"be a good boy and better don't mess this up" she warned.

The line goes off. Quite dramatic if you ask me.

Before I could say a word. Leilah smiled at me for the first time since we got to our table. I smiled back too and quickly, she picked up her cutlery.

Trying hard to avoid my gaze While she ate.

I dropped the phone next to her on the table and We ate in silence until it was time for desert.

There was this look on her face like she wasn't satisfied.

"Leilah?... If you want anything else before dessert. I could have them bring it to you.. You know? You don't have to be shy.. " pulling a welcoming look so she wouldn't be embarrassed.

She nods shyly at me. I called on the waiter who has been on standby since the beginning of our meal. She asks for some more food I have never heard of or seen before.

Where does she get these ideas from?

Mashed plantain chips and coleslaw and tuna?

Oh Leilah. You are quite weird.

I have come to realise that I find her amusing even without hearing her say a word to me. She knows how to get everyone to like her.

My dad had been right about that.

It been barely a hour and I am already getting used to having her around me.

"are you OK now? " trying so hard to be sweet and desperately Trying not to hurt again, for now.

Her empty plate laid in front of her while she drank from her juice. She nods shyly. And we finally called for dessert.

Saying goodbye to the RNB singer was a mistake.

The Man blew kisses at my wife who told him she has been a huge fan of his. I mean I didnt even know she listens to such music considering how Islamic she was raised.

I admit.. don't know anything about her.

This singer instead of simply saying "oh nice or cool" kisses her cheeks right in front of me and calls her "a darling".

Moments later, he is asking her to come over to the studio to watch him record a new song. I faked a smile at that like I have been doing all evening and Since this little conversation started.

Down stairs, we are met by two business partners who asked to discuss something quick with me.

Leilah wasn't pouting. She actually looks okay with it and for once , I was grateful she was raised in a home filled business Men.

Alice would have been sulking now.

"My wife will be kept waiting. You should stop by For coffee on Monday, Mr Luthambe" I politely tell the man.

"No.. You can go ahead.. I will just sit here and wait for you" Leilah whispers

Leilah is sure full of surprises. The truth is. I was actually trying to avoid this Men she just pushed me to.

I settled her down on a chair and kissed her gently on her lips. The men and I occupied the cushion nearby whole Leilah sat in front of us.

I turned for a second only to find these men drooling over my wife instead of concentrating on our discussion. Tired of the stares already, I ask them to continue the discussion in my office on Monday.

The Head of my company's Board of Directors, yousef Al-azawy : The extra - disciplined Business man who threatens to leave after every scandal involving his associates, The one Leilah saved me from today approaches us.

After introducing himself to Leilah plus his pregnant wife explaining how they had snuck out of his house filled with the other four kids for late night snack as the Indian woman was "needy", without been asked.

I never knew a man as strict as Alawazy was one with tiny bits of emotions in him. Talk more of talking passionately about his wife to Leilah, who he is just meeting for the first time.

His wife known as priya quickly made friends with the extra quiet wife beside me and before I could wrap my head around what was happening, Leilah was charmingly pulling at my hand.

"Baby? What is it? "

What! I had to sound romantic so this would be convincing.

She shyly muttered a few requests. My brain turned off while she was at it and the next thing, We are saying yes to the birthday party invitation of the AlAwazy 's eight year old son on Sunday evening.

Wheeeew..... At least Leilah won't be in the studio listening to some RNB artiste sing to her.

"I am happy you finally settled for a disciplined woman, Waleed son. See you on Sunday" Alawazy tapped me on the shoulder.

The business man has this deep voice that commands respect everywhere he goes.

Not for me though.

We say our goodbyes and the Valet brings my Ferrari . I opened the door for Leilah before getting into the car.

I should award myself for husband of the year already.

"is there any where else you would like for us to go to? The night is still young " I asked her.

I was expecting her to nod again. But she did.

"ice cream? "

she is still going to take something after all that she had in there?

"do you have any special ice cream place? We could drive there"

She nods, staring down at that phone again.

I gently took the phone away from her hand and insert the extra slim thing into my pocket .

She stared at me like a child whose favorite toy has just been seized for a while.

"it's getting into the way and I want to spend time with you. Can't do that when you are all up typing away"

"I am sorry" she mutters and Without protesting, she starts playing with her cute little fingers.

Note taken, Her hands must be kept busy.

"Alright then... Let's go look for ice cream"

At the ice cream place. We weren't noticed like other places. But there were stares, Lots of stares. Feeling Her soft skin over mine, I grabbed her Small hand and slowly strokes her palm.

She said nothing and would occasionally smile at me when I turn to her for some reaction.

Her finger dug deep into my palm when we thought we had seen the paparazzi later understanding it was just a kid who thought I was his business idol taking pictures of me.

Shy Leilah held onto my hands while the ice cream guy kept shaking for God knows reasons.

An hour later, Leilah is quietly asleep beside me as I drove through the gate into the garage. Home, I got out of the car quietly and picked her up in my arms. She has normal weight for her size but she wasnt heavy for me to take up. She spreads her arms over my neck and it was quite hard trying to open the door. While her veil constantly got in the way.

Naomi quickly opens the door on seeing us. She collects Leilah 's purse from me, Her veil fell off in the process. She picks up the veil from the Floor and flips the duvet over when we got to her room to help me put her in.

I had no choice. I had to help the heavy sleeper out of her sneakers and bomber jacket.

"I think you should try undressing her" I said to Naomi.

"she is not drunk, is she? " she questioned.

"No.. She is suffering from too much food." retiring to my room for the night.

Probably to fantasize about the best date I have ever had.

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