《With You Is Without An End (16+) (COMPLETED)》chapter 12: fighting insecurities


Leilah's POV

"Leilah! You need to Calm down. Please!.......you know that was a good thing you did for him back there. I don't know if I would be able to do that for anyone talk more of a man who was caught cheating days after our wedding " Amal said.

"am I going to be sad forever? " I asked, trembling.

"no! "

"but Don't you think I have made the worst mistake of my life accepting this marriage! I mean, There wasn't even a honeymoon like we have always talked about while we were kids..."

" Amal... I am a married virgin because my husband won't touch me" thick drops of tears rolled down my eyes.

Amal looked at me in shock.

"Leilah Pull over please. We could go to our favorite hideout spot to talk about this.. Please Lee, let me drive"

"No.. I am fine. I need to go home to my sorrows anyway."

"Lee... Please. I hate to see you this way."

"I will be fine Amal..."I guess my smile wasn't convincing enough. I saw her teary eyes look down on me.

I remembered how she had been brought home by Dad from the capital after her parents died. I heard her crying silently in her room. She was just five then and she knew she won't be seeing her parents again. I had snuck out of my room to hers and I sat down on her bed. Crying as I watched her cry. I didn't even understand why she was crying then but I had cried with her. He often make jokes about that day.

It was like we had made a spiritual pact to never let the other cry alone that night.

"heheh... Look at us.. Emotional idiots" I tapped her playfully.

Wiping my eyes with the tissue placed beside me.

She held my hand and rubbed it, assuring me that all will be well.

"Lee.. If he tries anything stupid again after two weeks. I will be there with a gun or poison, untraceable poison. Then you get to choose one." we both laughs

"Promise you will tell me if he does anything stupid! "she demands

"I will" I laugh at my troublesome cousin.

I pulled over and finally picked my parents seemingly unending calls. I told them Waleed didn't cheat on me. I also called his mother back, telling her it had been a mere misunderstanding.

I stayed lying to people on behalf of a man I was meant to hate so much because that's what wives do, they hide their husband's secrets.

Except from their best friend ofcourse. I looked over at Amal who is equally trying hard to recover from the waleed's drama..

"All is well". She repeated.

I dropped Amal off at her work place.

I had taken Waleed 's masaratti despite Mama Naomi 's pleas to not take the car in that state. All that had fallen on deaf ears. I had ignored the reporters at the gate and screeched the tyres so they would back off.

After driving for around for over two hours, I finally settled at a Beach to cool off.


By six in the evening , I had spent the whole day driving round with Amal and two hours at the beach thinking about my way out of all these without having to divorce him of course. i didn't even realize the time was far gone.

I drove back to the

Back to the house and there was no sight of Reporters.

Waleed's work Jeep was packed in the garage. I parked the masaratti close to it.

The porch was quiet. It was as if no one was in the house. Once I turned the door knob, it clicked opened at once.

There he was, My good for nothing husband sat in the living room, his face on the TV.

His hair was dishevelled.

"but that is not even my problem to deal with. I am just a "wife figure" I reminded myself.

Walking past him without greeting his arrogant ass. I heard someone whisper something to me.

"where have you been? "

I refused to Hear that. And kept walking, until I was standing in front of my room.

Once inside, I took off my veil and placed it on the bed. I ran my fingers through my half tangled hair for relief

I heard Someone knocked and I hoped it was Mama Naomi.

"the door is open" I absentmindedly blurt.

Waleed stood, looking confused by the door. I quickly reached for my veil , scrambling it hurriedly across my head like a loose hijab.

"I didn't know you took after your mum's iconic hair" he smiled sheepishly.

My mum as a teenager had been a popular hair model for some hair product because of her rich Arabian hair, the only part of her I had welcomed at birth.

" I am sure you didn't come here to talk about my hair" I hissed.

sitting on the bed, legs crossed.

"you saved me millions today. I am sorry Leilah.. I shouldn't have gone to Paris so soon and I shouldn't have acted the way I did last night. That wasnt Me .... I swear. I mean we were meant to be on our honey moon and not disappearing to Paris like I did " He was done ranting.

There was the almighty Waleed Akhamad looking like a guilty prisoner with his attitude.

I could tell he was forcing himself to do this. He probably revised his apology over and over again before coming to her.

" OK.. Fine.. You may leave now.. Mr Waleed sir. "

He stayed still. His Blueish grey eyes piercing through my eyes.

"is there anything you would love for me to do for you? Dear husband"

He rolled his eyes and smiled at me.

" I want to make it up to you" he said.

"okay? "

"Can we go out? " he asked again as if scared I will say No.

"there is this cool restaurant around. They make good food and I know you must be hungry " he added.

Thanks for the care.. Mr jerk.... But No!

" Waleed. I don't feel like going out. I have already made enough scene to save you from this scandal . There is no been seen publicly with me to defend anything. If you don't mind, I will like to use my bathroom and I can't do that with you he...... " I stopped myself from talking.


I was already talking too much, trying to reveal an information he didn't need to know.

He nodded his head and made his way back to the door then stop.

"I didn't have sex with her Leilah because I.... " he blurted then stops halfway.

Oh! please complete the statement Waleed.

" I will be in the living room if and when you change your mind".

He walked out closing the door gently behind him, footsteps descending the hall.

I pilled my heavy clothings off my body into pink shorts and my Hello Kitty waist length shirt and hid myself under my duvet.

I wasnt expecting him to apologize.

There appeared, Butterflies in my tummy for no reasons.

Why am I happy he didn't have sex with her?

she is the one he loves , after all or is it Brittany?

I am so hopeless.

Was I supposed to accept his request? I kept wondering if I did the right thing or not.

First of all, I am tired of driving round town and getting harassed by reporters.

I slept off while Reminiscing what had transpired between Waleed and I.

Must have been minutes later, I was awaken by faint knocks on my door.

Sluggishly, I raised myself from my bed to open the door and He was already in my room.

Apparently, he had opened the door after several knocks. He looked worried. But that worried look disappeared in a blink of an eye with plates crashing to the floor.


I quickly bent down to help him gather up the broken pieces of ceramics all over my room. He does same slowly.

His tongue curled up in his mouth and his eyes wandered through my body.

I wondered why he kept staring at me like that. Using his thumb, he Brushed back a strand of my hair. The world somehow stopped.

He moved closer to me and brushed his Lips over mine. It was a light kiss.

wait! I am not dreaming! This is real! .

I am not covered!

I couldn't move. I had on Shorts barely covering my butt, a Hello Kitty shirt which had all of my nipples popped out underneath the fabric. It clearly showed the lack of Bra in that area and my hair, all over the place.

Once I had regained my senses. I picked up myself from the floor and dashed into my bathroom, Dropping all I had gathered of the ceramics in my hands.

I sat in my bathroom crying for no particular reason. No man has ever seen me this way before, Not even my brothers.

I had pulled off my clothes because I was so exhausted that even the clothes were heavy on me. I was going to get dressed in my large PJs when I get up. I wasn't expecting him to come into my room at all.

I heard someone, definitely him talk to someone over the phone to come clean up the place.

Why is he calling mama Naomi?

Few seconds passed, I heard the door to my room closed. I cleaned up my face with water and brushed my hair into a bun.

"you can't stay in there all day, Leilah child... " Mama Noami's voice echoed from behind the door.

" he is gone " she adds.

I peeped through the half opened bathroom door before coming out to see the aged woman with a wide grin on her face. I moves quietly to sit on the bed. I never thought I would ever be this ashamed of myself.

"you know, When I first met Old Mr Smith. I was scared of him to death. On our wedding night. I locked myself up in the bathroom because I didn't want him to touch me.. " she stopped for air.

"guess what"?

I was smiling at her awkward story.

"what? "

"I slept off till the next morning. He didn't even wake me up . I woke up, cold to death in the bathroom on my wedding night. " we both laughed at her wedding night joke.

The difference, this wasn't my wedding night to start with.

"so... He is your husband. Forget the circumstances. You don't have to be scared of him. Look. I know I have a big mouth tonight but I will tell you anyway. He was rehearsing his apology in his room when I went to give him his lunch. He didn't even touch it"

"I knew those nice lines were rehearsed"

It was fun gossiping about Waleed to someone for a while.

"that Alice girl, she is so conniving. Don't let her ruin him, my child. Leilah, I knew you were different when I met you here that morning. I have never seen him apologize to any of those girls. Lord! they are so desperate they apologize for his own mistakes.. I know you have heard about his escapades so there is no point hiding. Help him because at the end of the day.. He is your husband and everyone will believe whatever you say as his wife....." she pause as I hug her. I didn't know why. Maybe because I need reassurance of some kind.

"His voice was shaking when he called.. He thought he had hurt you ... He looked smitten already when I came in ... you know!... " quietly into my ears and we laughed again. It was fun gossiping about Waleed.... The Waleed.

"he won't take his eyes off and my body isn't perfect like Alice's " I pout when we finally let go of each other. This woman I have come to trust.

"you don't say that. Never bring yourself lower than anyone. She is skinny...men hate to admit it.. But they like to have some flesh you know and the curves my child.... He wont take his eyes off because he has seen something he has never seen before ... Have you seen yourself in the mirror? And .... You should tease him once in a while... " she winks.

"he says he is taking you to late dinner since he splattered your food all over the floor. We should get you dressed my child". She helps me out of the bed into my closet.

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