《With You Is Without An End (16+) (COMPLETED)》chapter 11: saved By Her.


Waleed'a POV

That afternoon, I was in my car without Abdel, driving to God knows where.

After finishing a meeting Leilah unknowingly helped with, I decided to analyze how my day went for no reason in particular

"are you out of your mind?....how could you! " Mum had bumped into my office without knocking , followed closely is a furious dad. Before I could stand up completely from my seat, my face had been set on fire.

Mum had raised her hand on me for the first time ever.

"why would you do that! How could you hurt someone that hasn't done anything to you in that manner! ...it was supposed to be your honey moon for Allah's sake!"

she had tears in her eyes . she quickly turned to bury her head in my Dad's neck who quickly patted her back with his hand and held her with the other. Dad was looking at me intensely.

Last time I checked, one could never make Dad's wife cry without facing some sort of wrath.

" I am sorry" I whispered.

" I needed to talk to her .... to explain myself.. I mean she is... Was my girlfriend.. She was hurt too" I couldn't raise my head to face my parents who were now sitting on the chairs across me.

"you are married now. Waleed. Do you understand the meaning of that? " dad finally spoke.

"you don't see me telling your mum I am going on a business trip and getting photographed with an ex because that is what she is now....a Bloody Ex"

He waited for me to say something. I was trying to say something that won't get them upset. Then I stopped trying and nodded.

It's safer that way.

"if she loves you as much as you claim. She will do anything to hide this affair from the camera."

"Have you checked those pictures? She was smiling because she knew the reporters will be there. How are you so blind? ! " dad was ranting.

"she ...we didn't know cameras were there.. Dad! she was just smiling harmlessly right" I protested.

I know all that happened in Paris. They aren't winning this argument easily on my watch.

"I pray you don't get drowned before you see what is before you" My mum stared at me like I was her enemy.

"I know you are smart. Open your brain to, Waleed. there is more to life than making Billions" Dad left with a disappointed mother.

Thank you Leilah. In just a week, everyone has turned enemies for your sake.

Barely an Hour later, My friends walked into my office, Without Austin.

"you idiot! " Dave's voice raked through the premises. He threw a pen at me.

"How did you end up going to public places when all you said you were going to do was talk to her! In her hotel room! " uthaman was now pacing round.


"it was supposed to be a secret night club. We hired it for the night! I don't know who tipped the paparazzi! Moreover I didn't even see them lurking around so I wonder where these photos came from!" I argued.

"you are a smart business man! Don't be daft my friend " it was annoying to have Dave this time around.

Why are my friends so mad at me! They were meant to be on my side not take the usual Leilah pity party routes.

"don't even think we are ever going to be on your side on this because I warned you not to go to Paris at all! " Dave slapped his hands on my table.

Dramatic much.

" they are calling this the biggest Scandal of all time And as your Manager, Your market has depreciated in just 2hours. You are loosing millions with this scandal and Abdullah Al -Ifhan, our most decorated investor from the UAE is trying to pull out if these rumors turn out to be true. You need a saving grace in 24hours And one of our Directors too is threatening to pull out. You should know who would do that in situations like this. They are calling you an Adulterer"

"Al-Awazy? " I asked.

"you know Mr Al-Awazy is a disciplined man and He says your actions shows the kind of man you are in business. So Waleed! What do we do? " uthman explained.

I can mess up the world and not think about but I can't mess up my business.

"can you set up a meeting with myself and Al-ifhan please?"

"and what explanation are you going to be giving him, Wal? .Oh yeah ... I cheated on my wife hours after our marriage, I can't stay loyal for a couple of days...?" Dave Smirked.

"I will talk my way out of this as always " I said confidently.

"you have never been in a scandal like this. Wal because you have never been married until now!" Dave rolled his eyes.

"Dave is right. It is a different ball game now Waleed. Think about this" My friends left after Uthaman's statement.

I hadnt been thinking when I hit my bandaged hand on the nearest wall in frustration.

"Flashback "

"wal... Buying me a Car doesn't mean I will look over this. You know" Alice told me me while crying over the phone.

"you have hurt me Waleed! Just like you do, always. but this is unfixable. Now I know why you said the magic words to me " she sobbed

"Uhmm, what magic words?" I asked in confusion.

"you never to told me " you love me" all these months"

Oh.... Those magic words.

"I know ... Alice. But it's complicated you know. "

"were you forced? " she asked.

I thought about everything and I remembered Granny telling me not to ever say anything to bring Leilah down except in the confinement of our home



"No. She was my first Girlfriend. We were on a short break when I met you. She was in London then" I answered.

I am sure a well decorated liar.

"so why her? Why the sudden marriage. Wal? "

I was in no mood to explain to Alice.

"I will make it up to you. I promise"

"come to Paris then... "she had said.

" Alice.. I can't... I was supposed to be checking for honeymoon sites for my wife And I"

"I want us to talk things over. Wal. Please come to Paris now.. Else I might kill myself".

"hmmmm..i have someone to see there anyway. I will be there in 10hours"

I called Abdel to get the car ready to take me to the airport and called Dan, my Helicopter operator to get the Heli ready for Paris. I had gotten to Paris and gotten driven straight to her hotel room.

The crying Alice was gone as she was all in make up and a sexy lingerie. She threw all manner of tantrums just so I could have sex with her.

*End of flashback*

I wish the world knew that I couldn't bring myself to have sex with her despite all she threw.

I contained myself not because I didn't want to cheat on Leilah but it didn't feel right with me. I just got married and I felt the sudden need to respect the institution called marriage which I had just joined. I didn't even kiss her in the Club like it was reported.

Where are all these coming from?

I couldn't even get My best lawyer who lives In Paris to fix the deed as my parents will have to agree to the Annulment since they had both signed 22years ago and knowing my Dad. He won't be signing nothing.

How is this even Legal in the first instance!

I know I had told Leilah we can have an open marriage but right now. I think I owe her an apology for catching her off-guard like this.

I need to appease her with the most expensive Necklace in the world. I hate to see her neck without an adornment all the time. I admired the wedding diamond I had gotten her on her neck. I need to give her a smaller one she could wear all the time.

Give her one with Waleed written on it.

I see my face splattered all over the TV on my dashboard.

The reporter hung on to his microphone for a while as if confirming something.

I could kill Alice this minute. I had my suspicions about her setting-up the reporters. That just got confirmed with this unsolicited publicity stunt. She wants me to be a part of.

My hands turned sweaty. I had to park the Car by the roadside to get myself calmed before proceeding to the jeweller's store.


Leilah been harassed by reporters flashed through the screen. she desperately tries to get into one of my cars.

Switching off the TV, I sped off to the office.

Uthman rushed into my office asking me to turn on the TV but meets me, mouth opened watching the TV, he joins in quietly without a word.

"" the reporter asked her...

"? " another asked.

"I warned her not to leave the house!"

"we are not holding her captive too, Waleed? " uthaman asked. Feigning sarcasm.

"? " more reporters asked.

" "

"? "....

"? "...."

" l? " I couldbt bare to watch her get harassed like this. She has never experienced such in her life. Her family hid her from the public for years.

Just as I was about to turn off the TV, Leilah stopped fighting her way through the crowd. Amal who was pulling her through the crowd had to stop after noticing she wasn't moving anymore .

"my husband isn't having an affair. This is ridiculous, Alice is his friend and my marriage with him won't stop that. He went to Paris for a business Trip and decided to hang out with his friend. People do that. I do that. He is a loving man and this scandal is what it is.... A scandal.. Baseless without proof. He was only holding hands with his friend outside a club"

To say I was stunned was an understatement!

"" another idiot asked.

"there are no pictures to prove that. I want to plead on behalf of my husband. Please kill this topic. His business is been affected for something he didn't do" she kept smiling on full composure proof.

"? " a female reporter asked.

"Naaaah" she laughed "I was just missing my husband..it comes with being married. You know "

She was finally freed , she walked quickly to the car and drove of.


"you married a good woman.... Waleed. I hate that she is a victim of this whole marriage thing" uthman says.

"what does that mean? "

"that If I were a woman, I would hate being Married to your ass"

"oh. Really! "

"yes. Really! "

"the board of directors are in the boardroom asking for your head though"

"why! You didn't tell me before now!"

"I wasn't informed until I saw everyone storming the complex! They want to know what is happening and hopefully with what Leilah just did, she just saved your cheating ass. My friend. " Uthman walked out of the office.

I threw my hand on his back , causing him to laugh.

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