《With You Is Without An End (16+) (COMPLETED)》chapter 9: Sealed with A kiss.


Leilah 's POV.

He defended me in front of the world, last evening. I felt I needed to thank him. I did that and he turned out to be the exact jerk I predicted him to be.

Then he started talking about consummation?

Hell No!

There is no way I am going to do that with him. I kissed him to spite him oR Did I kiss because I couldnt stand his succulent lips move like I am not all sweaty because of those lips.

I shouldn't have kissed him at all.

I am never having sex with a womanizer like Waleed. Not my first sex or any sex at all.

When we arrived at his home, I took my time to make a quick survey of the house A little though but I did anyway.

I might as well study what will be my Prison yard.

The prominent colors : White, grey and Black with Red pillows scattered carefully all over the living room. The curtains , Grey with White Linings and laces. His Chairs had grey seats and Black armrest.

I don't even want to start with his ultramodern kitchen.

The house has 3 rooms and his Gym. There is a big pool at the back and a barbeque spot beside it. He told me while he poured out a glass of wine for himself once we got to his house.

I saw him switch on the lights with a remote control. Abdel brought in my two boxes. The boxes contained my normal clothes and books. I couldn't take much as I was told my closet was already prepared for, here.

He then, led me into a big room opposite one he tells me is his. This room painted with peach and Burnt orange Colors is mine, it has Grey and peach colored blinds. The bed, grey.

While I studied,the room. I heard the door to his room close.

" jerk couldn't even say goodnight " I thought.

I had everything in my room. From my 42inches TV, to my movies cabinet, there was a large mirror and a cabinet filled with designer perfumes, colognes, body wash, creams and make up kits from all the popular make up brands.

I had wigs too. This is interesting. Because I don't wear wigs. My make up board contained all the expensive make up items I see online.

Excited much, walked into my closet which looked like a mini boutique in my big room. I saw all the designer wears I had only seen on celebrities before this day.

It is a freaking boutique!

My eyes landed on a part that looked a little secluded and dark because of the red lights placed there. Tip toeing there to see if a hobo lives there, I found lingeries and seductive night wears with exotic "sexual lined"perfumes hanging from hangers and boards.

What a Joke! I am never wearing any of these for Waleed.

Mum had told me, how Waleed sisters and Amal did all of these. It turned out that Amal lied about not coming to my graduation because she was sick. She was actually helping here. No wonder she had told me to "live in my closet".

There were quite alot of panties and Victoria Secret Bras .

Fifty pairs of new shoes ?

I had to cover my mouth so I don't scream too loud. The closet was like a feaking fashion show.

I opened my box , taking out my diary and a pen plus my own night wear. I started to write about my day.

Later, I opened the bathroom door to find all the expensive body Care products I had seen on magazines there. I had a warm bath as it is my habit to bath twice a day. Had my ablution. Laid my mat in one corner of the room where it would be till I leave this place and prayed.


I won't call myself "very religious " but I was brought up to remember God always.

" I need you now... Dear God" I concluded before getting up.

The next morning , I woke up to the reflection of the sun in my room. Someone had opened the curtains.

There was no one there. I stood up from the bed and moved on to my daily routine.

"May I come in.. Mrs Akhamad" a woman of about 60 puts her head through the door.

"good morning Mrs AKhmad..... I am Naomi luke. I work her as Mr Waleed's help. I will be at your service henceforth "

but I don't need a maid!

"it's nice to meet you Naomi.. Can I call you Mama Naomi, it's Awkward calling you by your name"

" anything you want MRS Waleed". I could tell she is a sweet woman.

" please call me Leilah "

" Mr Waleed won't be happy if I do. "

"just call me Leilah.... mama Naomi... I will tell him myself. "

"oh.. No.. No! " I slipped into the bathroom, tossing my bedroom flops out.

"are you OK? Leilah. ." she rushed to the bathroom to check on me.

" yes. I am just late for my prayers. " I explained, with the toothbrush hanging from my mouth.

"you should tell Mr Waleed to wake you up when he gets up to pray at 5:30am" she smiled warmly.

Waleed prays?

I am in total shock. I am not one to judge but Waleed doesn't come across as one who would actually pray.

mama Naomi announced what we were having for breakfast. She also informed me that Waleed was still in his room.

I prayed , had my bath, dressed up in a faded blue jean and a white V neck body fitted shirt, threw one of my morning scarves around my head and opened the door.

I stood outside of the door to his room. Is this compulsory? I asked myself.

Over the years, I watched my mother say Good morning to my dad everyday before talking to any one else. Now I have to do that with Waleed and I don't know how to.

I should knock on his door... To say what?

I heard his voice from behind the door. He was talking to someone on the phone.

I pressed my ears to the door. And heard him call out a name. Alice? This jerk!

Already cheating barely 24hours after our wedding.

"Alice.... We can sort this out" he told her.

"I never thought you would find out like this. I am sorry Once again... Alice. No.. I am not married to the other girls. Yes... Definitely... We could still see each other. It's not like she is stopping me , she is very understanding ...... I am a Muslim man entitled to four wives , Alice.. "

I stood there, listening to the nonsense the jerk told Alice. I wasn't even hurt. I was angry he thinks he is entitled to four wives. Four whole wives?

Is he mad?

" Alice..... I just sent you a gift package for been so sweet and understanding. I hope you like it. I can't wait for you to get back here soon too.... Will talk to you later. Bye "

I straightened up my shirt and with a stern face, knocked on the door.

"who is it? " he answers politely.

"uhm ... Its me..... leilah"

I heard the door open almost immediately and there he was, standing shirtless. He looked like Hercules in his his PJs pants.

suddenly I was buried in total ignorance as to why i was there in the first place.


"will you come in OR you want stand there gushing over your husband" he smirked.

" nnnn... No.. I only came to say Salaam to you"

I need to get myself right.

I was embarrassed by his statement and the fact that he was right about me gushing over him was way more annoying than what he had said.

I tried controlling my eyes but the silly thing betrays me and races down from his throat to his chest... Then his belly.

OMG! he has complete 6packs!

"salaam to you too. You look better than last night... I mean.. You were completely worn out when we got here" he moved closer.

He tucks the stray hair over my face to the back of my head.

He was standing so close so much as that I could hear the sound of his breath. he smelled too nice for his own good. He held my fallen face up up with my chin. Brushing his soft lips gently over mine.

I was suddenly cold. I was literally shivering from his touch. Slowly and steadily, He starts to kiss me. My legs wobbled underneath him. I could stand anymore.

His hand wrapped around my waist. My mouth opened up to him on its own and before I knew it, our tongues were caressing each other's moist and the kiss grew deeper and deeper.

He moved to planting wet kisses on my neck. My hands starting to move to his waist. He responded by pulling my shirt up.... Oh My! His hands feels so good.

Our skin touched each other and I must have subconsciously let out a moan.

I need to stop him.

I was going insane. That wasn't why I was there. I pushed him away with all on my strength and he tipped over his rug, making him hit his back on the mattress.

"stop Waleed! This is ridiculous! "

I can't believe I let him get this far with me.

"it's unislamic to deny your husband all that though " he says, standing from the bed, an evil grin planted across his face.


"I will be downstairs with mama Naomi. she said to tell you Breakfast is ready.... hus.. Bab... Nd" I quickly opened the door before he does something to make me forget all the self control I took years to build.

"I see you are way too decent to call her by her name. " I heard him laugh.

A jerk! World most famous jerk. That is what he is.

" are you going to wait for him to get here before you eat your food" mama Naomi asked.

She probably noticed how I had been starting at the plate in front of me for 5minutes

"yes. I am sure he will be down in a few.... "

" Morning Naomi... " He slumps into the chair beside me.

I watched as They exchanged pleasantries and laughed at each other inside jokes.

"Leilah... Why haven't you touched your food? " he collects the tray containing his food from Mama Naomi with magazines arranged beside the tray.

" I was waiting for you"

I bowed my head to pick my spoon up and prepare to avoid his gaze for the rest of the already awkward meal and My life.

"what do we have here...." he was being sarcastic.

"Guess who is making the Headlines, Naomi. My wife is being called the Most beautiful bride this year has seen."

mama Naomi had picked the papers from the front of the gate. I noticed They all had our wedding pictures infront of them but I wasn't interested in checking them out.

I don't even want to read any of those.. I told myself.

As If he heard my thoughts, he passed me the magazines.

"here... At least you should know what they are calling your husband"

"and you shouldn't wait for me before eating. I come home at odd hours alot"

"registered!" I nodded.

"And our honey moon just got cancelled as I have to be at work in thirty minutes ......." I wasn't even expecting a honeymoon.

but why the hell did you make one only to cancel it.

Without a word, I simply replied with a Nod.

"Naomi... Take care of her.... She is not allowed to leave the house. I don't know when I will be back. Please have Abdel get the car ready. He is in his quarters" that said.

He ran upstairs, Still shirtless. Poor Mama Noami. She is probably tired of his show off.

And I am a prisoner in his house.

Mama Naomi later explained to me that his staff had their quarters at the other side of the estate.

Mama Naomi takes care of the house while her husband, Simon tends to his little garden by the other side of the house and Abdel , his favorite driver, who is still single are the only occupants of the three bedroom duplex.

After breakfast, I head upstairs to my room to find the latest iPhone placed on my bed.

"this is your new phone. I do not like that thing I saw in your hands this morning .. Your new laptop will he here in an hour. Use it wisely"


"This is going to be an interesting marriage". I said out loud.

I hate being controlled but I seem to fight it off when it involves Waleed.

I picked up my new phone and notice everything has been installed in it and Then I saw his number..

Who is going to call you Waleed?

Definitely not me.

I moved to call Amal on Skype.

"hey.... Mrs Waleed. " she sounded so happy


" amal.. Please stop! "

I wonder why I blush at the mention of Waleed.

"wait. You use a stupid phone, that Motorola you refused to get rid of."

"And how do you know that? "

"It does not have this quality trust me. Wait! Just hours later and he got you a phone?" Amal screamed. "Asahd! Asahd! You have to come here for this"

"oh twinnie, Marriage looks good on you already.. " Asahd giggled

"wait... Is that a new phone! "

" OK fine! Yes.. He gave me an Iphone x this morning "

" wow! That was launched just two days ago! " Asahd exclaimed excitedly

"well .......i didn't ask for it. I just got it"

" it's so wonderful to be married to a man like Waleed...! come on... Spill it baby. How is marriage already." Amal is one pest. A Cute pest.

" well, He said something about our honeymoon being cancelled. That his attention was needed at the office blabla... Then he left a note saying my laptop will appear in an hour. You need to see my room.... Amal! God! it has everything. Asahd. You need to be here. we could play dress up for years here ..Amal! I have the latest video games. I wonder who told him I love video games"

" OK I did" Asahd laughs "he is really trying to make you comfortable Lee. I am so happy for you. Maybe you should give him a chance, he isn't that bad really"

" I can't. He ruined my life. He has a girlfriend or girlfriends rather. There is this Knight model, he seems to be serious with. Alice or what is she called. He called her this morning. " I didn't realize I was pouting until the both started laughing.

"oh cut it Lee! We all know it's not his fault. None of this is. Not like it is yours either. Grand pa did all of that. But whatever he does from now on.. Is his fault " Amal said as a matter of factly.

"and you know, as a woman, You can make him forget Alice in a snap don't you

And you need to stop eavesdropping really " Asahd is always Ashad.

" after all.... The world is calling you the most beautiful bride they have ever seen. Your pictures are all over the world lee. You are so famous. The media said Waleed was so promiscuous he decided to get the most beautiful bride in the world so he will have a tangible reason to stay faithful. It is funny and consoling you know" she kept going on and on what the media said and what the media failed to say.

I heard a knock on the door and mama Naomi's Voice followed.

"packages for Mr Waleed... Mrs Leilah. I think you should see them"

" I will call you guys soon. I have to go for now. Waleed 's home manager needs my attention... Kisses...love you both" they blew kisses too and we ended the call at the same time.

Downstairs , mama Naomi handed to me, lots of packages!.

Cliche words like "to world most beautiful couple in the world " were written on most of the Packages.

The addresses ranged from companies I am sure Waleed deals with. Most of the packages came in twin packages for Waleed and I. There were 15big boxes and 12small boxes.

"I mean... Who doesn't love gifts "

I decided to text Waleed. His number is already saved to the phone anyway .

Me: "salaam" ..... Hope your day is going well already! ...there are packages from people here in the sitting room... What do I do with them? "

Five minutes later

Waleed: salaam to you too. I will have Simon check the safety of the packages first before you open any.

Me: who is Simon?

Waleed: Simon luke is Naomi' s husband. Stop asking questions. I am busy here.

Me: OK. Sorry.

Few seconds later.

Waleed: I have just been notified there are reporters outside the house. Do not talk to anyone. Stay indoor. Naomi will get anything you need. There is a credit card on your Dressing Table... It is yours.

Me: OK sir. Thanks for the Card. Have a good day.

Two hours later... I woke up to a text from him again.

Waleed: I have been calling you. "angry smiley"

Me: I was sleeping. Do you need anything?

Waleed: Abdel is coming over to the house. Kindly go to my room. I left a file on my bed. Give it to him and do not wander.

Me: OK sir.

Since I got caught up in the kisses that morning. I finally had time to survey his room.

His room , decorated mint green and Grey. What is this man's obsession with Grey? I walked into his closet and I am in shock. His closet was bigger than mine. He has a cabinet for so many designer wristwatches.

I counted almost two Hundred pair of shoes. some unused and others , barely used. I heard the horn downstairs. Bringing me back to why I was there in the first place.

I hurriedly picked up the file and raced downstairs with it. I was literally skipping steps only to find him sitting in the car with Abdel.

This Man!.

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