《With You Is Without An End (16+) (COMPLETED)》chapter 6: The wedding day 1.



While at the Akhmad's, My family agreed to dinner so they can make final preparations. Nobody hid anything from me again.

The wedding was to hold in my house and a small reception at his parents. My dowry had already been paid according to our religion. I was told. He Waleed turned Nice after all, handled everything to well. And talked to me with respect and care.

His friends: Austin , Dave and Uthman joined us later. They were already aware. Dave was a billionaire model. I had seen him on several magazines but I have never seen him in person. Amal kept blushing while he talked with us. She owned the copies of magazines I have seen him in. It had been a long time crush.

I left them once their discussion no longer concerns the Wedding to join my twin who was standing alone, sipping his juice.

" Leilah.. I am so sorry " he said as he held me in his warm embrace

"Amal told me when she found out. I Confronted Dad and he gave me the deed to read. I wanted telling you but they asked me not to. Remember when I said I was busy in school that was why I couldn't call you? I lied.. Lee. I had just found out and couldn't face you" he released me and put his head down in front of me.

It was my turn to hug him. Then I found both of us crying.

"I am not angry, Asahd. I just feel defeated. My whole life I thought I was living for me. I never knew I was living to be married to him"

I looked across the room over his shoulder to find Waleed starring at me directly. Waleed quickly turned his gaze to uthman to was saying something to him and Austin.

The rest of the night ended in several wedding calls. We got home at almost midnight and I was taken into my room by my dad. He assured me that everything will be fine and as I saw him leave. I saw tears in his eyes for the first time since I was born.

I cried for an hour when he left my room and had to console myself with the fact that I could actually kill Waleed and get the whole wedding over... Move to Spain and get married to a man I know I will fall in love with and not some forced husband.

By the time it was 1am. Sleep defeated me.

I woke up like I would rather be anywhere else but in bed. I hurried downstairs to find everyone busy. Amal was sweating at 9am. I laughed at the sight.

Then I heard Waleed and his family will be here in three hours. My mum rushed me into the massage room, I was massaged, my body hair was shaved and my brow twixed.

I was made to wear a face mask for 10minutes. few minutes later, I was being steamed under a hot blanket.

"I am not this type of girl.. " I


" it's your wedding day leilah, no one is "their type of girl" on their wedding day " mum laughed. You have to be beautiful" mum encouraged.

In 30minutes. My hair was combed, treated with honey and Shea butter, our local hair treatment and Curled up in pony tail to fit into my hijab. I was allowed to leave my hair out if I wanted but I declined.

Extended family members stormed the house, everyone seemed ready like they already knew. I was the only one in the dark for years after all.


I had just finished my Henna when amal stormed in saying our cousin we both hate was around. Nusar is my father's youngest sister's daughter. She is a spoilt brat.

"I hate her. Lee. She wont believe you are marrying Waleed. She is downstairs being consoled by Aunt Kay and then she said "why do you always get the good stuff and a perfect Man"...... Aaargh. ..i can't stand her jealous asS, leeeee" Amal rants while mimicking Nusar.

"she is jealous? Oh wow. I guess we how know why she hates us so much. she is jealous we are better., Amal" I was amused and happy Nusar was sad at the thought that I was marrying a "perfect man".

Amal laughed too. "I am happy you won't be frowning today" she added. " you will be OK Lee. Just be you"

"let's go Amal. Mum is taking me to where my dress is. " I was suddenly excited to see my wedding dress.

"have I told you , you look beautiful? I have never seen you this way before" amal had tears in her eyes.

I squeezed her hand and we followed my mum into her room.

"wooooooow... mUM! When did you get all these? " I was stunned. There were four beautiful wedding dresses in my mum's room. Two proper white gown and two reception gowns. There was also the most beautiful bouquet I have ever seen laying on her bed.

She had diamonds on same bed too.

"you know I had your measurement taken for Amal 's birthday. Well, We used that to get you these. Now come. You need to choose from one of these" mum was now sounding excited. Not the gloomy mum I had woken up to a whole ago.

I picked the most beautiful out of the two gown. Amal and mum helped me get dressed in it. My shoes I was told was a gift from my "mother in law".

Latest Loubs! I screamed in my head.

Alreast I have two now. Amal had saved up to buy me my first on my last birthday. These ones were more expensive and sophisticated too. They had studs and spikes on them. I was obviously so happy until my mum showed me the other Louboutin for my wedding dinner. I was wowed.

"you are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen Lee. That Waleed is a lucky man... Damn!" that was my twinny's voice.

Asahd was stunned as he pick his dropped mouth up.

My mum finally lifted the diamond necklace and earrings from the bed.

"this is your wedding gift from Waleed.. Your husband" she said as my mouth dropped infront of the most expensive gift I have ever gotten held before me.

"but I didn't get him any gift " I said when I finally got myself fixed with reality.

"it doesn't matter. I am sure he wasn't expecting anything from you. And you could get him something for his birthday next month" my mum explained.

This is going to be one awkward marriage.

His mother and sisters came in just 10minutes before I was lead outside. His mother cried happily. She wouldn't stop talking about how she has the most beautiful daughter in law in the world. Amal and his sisters led me to the mosque behind my mother.

At the mosque, Which contained about 30 people outside my immediate family and his, the Nikkah went on smooth.

Everyone would not stop saying "awwww".

Most people said we were the most beautiful couple they had ever seen, some swore we were made for each other. I ended up blushing the whole time. Then my eyes met his. Waleed wore a white patterned caftan which supposed at his kneel With slits on both sides of the caftan. His trouser was straight and he wore off-white patterned shoes, the shoes were cut in the middle and they looked so expensive.


He looked like a bag of money with his shawl wrapped around his neck, his hair was shiny. He looks like a typical rich Arab Man but he had his own sauce around him. He was looking too perfect. He carried this radiance I had never seen on his face before. His friends were beside him the whole time and The one I remembered as Dave said something in his ears and he smiled at me. He probably told him to do so since he quickly diverted his attention to the IMAM immediately I smiled back.

I was made to squat beside him and I got lost in the scent of his perfume for the second time in barely 72hours. His own totally overshadowed the one I had been sprayed with by my mother.

He read the Quran so well... Who would have thought he could do that? Not me.

Then He waS almost matching with me. I had to read the Quran to him too and I was shaking because I have never done this in front of any one outside my family and now I have more than 30 people watching me read in total silence.

I felt a hand under my veil from where we both squatted , it was his... He squeezed my hand and held it there till I was done with my new found confidence.

As soon as I was done, he gently took his hands off and slipped it to his side. The first event was done with. I was taken back inside.

Last night, My world changed. I am still trying to wrap my head around everything that is happening so fast know my life. I am standing infront of my new extremely extravagant mirror starring at myself.

Dear God! I was Waiting to be taken to My Husband's Family Home for our Grand Reception.

"Lee, everyone is waiting " Amal and Mum chorused as they walked into the room with so much happiness on their both faces. Interrupting my mirror time.

"Lee.... You will be fine .... " Amal plants a kiss on my Cheeks as they lead me downstairs.

I am riding in the same car as Waleed, who is now wearing a grey suit and a white shirt, with a brown tie to match.

God! I didn't even realize how handsome this man was. I must have underestimated his finesse quality until today.

The ride to his parents house was had been silent all through, while his hand grabbed mine close to him. He squeezes it as if Reassuring me All will be fine. waleed has his eyes on me for long now causing me to shift nervously on my sit.

Feeling of attraction gradually settles in, this is Probably because we were sitting together.

He moved a bit close to me. Taking my chin in his hand. I startes shivering like I was held out in the cold.

Is he going to kiss me ?

"we have arrived at your parent's house sir" Abdel, his Chaperone interrupts the moment.

He quickly let go of my chin causimg me to drop my hand from his neck. I never knew I had that hand there.

Oh crap!

There was commotion outside. The voices probably belonged to the guests, I hoped. Just then, I remembered his mum saying the guests were sitting at the outdoor hall made at the back of the house .

What was the commotion outside for?

" Shit! " Waleed cursed, hitting the chair in front of him .

"someone tipped the paparazzi" he announced like I don't know already.

"Abdel! Put on the TV now! " he says on top of his voice.

Why was he panicking?

Tears began to flood my eyes.

Am I scared of been seen?.


I know how his world is. I had spent an hour crying last night and going through google. I know his "player " lifestyle already. Then it hit me why my mum made sure I wore the most expensive reception dress in the world. It was because the whole world would be waiting to see Waleed Akhmad, one of World most eligible bachelor 's bride today.

I failed woefully at fighting back tears from my eyes. An arm which held a face towel was stretcheed towards me. We Starred at each other for a while. I took the Towel him and gently rubbed off the tears.

"" the reporter 's voice brought us back to reality.

Only then did I notice the TV on the dashboard of the car.

" " the male reporter said.

"they are outside!!!! Waleed " I panicked. "what do I do? " the tears flowing nonstop now.

"we will go in. You won't talk to anyone. It is clear the whole world knows we are getting married. So I will address them. But first you need to stop crying. I hate this as much as you do , always remember that " he tucked away stray hair back into my scarf.

He then took the towel from me and wiped away the fixed up my smudged mascara. His hand never left mine after that.

" "the female reporter added, she was reporting right from the house.

" another reporter says.

unclear pictures of Waleed arriving with his friends to our wedding, a picture of me been led to Waleed by mum and Amal , to the mosque in my home. More pictures of Waleed sitting and smiling in the mosque emerged.

A picture of Waleed leading me into the car and a picture of the car parked outside the mansion sealed it up.

I heard Waleed ask Abdel to call his security detail forward. And soon I noticed movements of able bodied Men outside the door on Waleed 's side.

The photographers quickly positioned themselves in front of the car. I stared at the live TV once again, my family and his wading off reporters until they found their way inside the mansion.

Amal and Dave held hands while they walked into the house but reporters wouldn't let them move. I heard one of the reporters ask if this was a marriage of convenience. The reason, the had been no news of us being together prior to this Day.

Dave stopped.

" . " I could see him walk away.

This TV is sure helpful.

"damn! How dumb of me to think I could have this pulled up without getting exposed to paparazzi" Waleed finally spoke after the long silence.

"come... We are going in.. Do not say a word." he orders as if pleading while he takes my hands.

The car door opened and he helped me out of the car. Amal appeared out of no where to help me with the edge of my gown so no one will step on it. Husar completely ignored me and for once, I was glad she did.

I could hardly use my eyes. There were camera lights everywhere. There were questions. Lots of questions. I couldnt breath properly. The bodyguards tried to wade off about 40 reporters and camera men. They were just 5 bodyguards as against So much reporters and CameraMen.

Oh... My world.

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