《With You Is Without An End (16+) (COMPLETED)》chapter 4 : Succumb or Not.


Waleed's POV

Tomorrow is going to be a big day for me. Leilah will know about this damned marriage. I pray she opts out of it.

But seeing she is a lawyer and understands the implications of this and she looks quite the type to please her family too. She wouldn't want to throw this marriage away.

She is such an obedient mouse.

I called out my house keeper, Naomi for a glass of water and the need to tell this woman about the changes that are to come, staring tomorrow.

"here is your glass of water Mr Akhmad " the woman who is old enough to be my Grandmother is one, always too polite.

Her and her husband had retired from some company working as janitors. I hired them through my mother who had found some attraction towards the family 's ability to maintain a 45year old marriage. Now I am going to get married and All I can think of is how to get a divorce already.

So not a "Naomi-like" situation.

"my sisters set up that room you cleaned. I am sure you noticed that. " she nods politely.

"And you must have been hearing some awakard things around the house."

She shook her head. "No. Not heard a thing"

"I might be getting married In two days to some girl who has just completed law school, that is if I dont find my Way out of this by tomorrow".

She looked more surprised than I was when I found out. She opened her mouth to say something but stops.

"I am sure if it isn't Miss Alice Knight.... It will be a good girl.."

Her hate for Alice was as clear to me as her love for Her husband.

"You don't have to be worried... It will turn out well as long as it isnt Alice knight.. I repeat"

she gestures as if making a quote. She hates Alice for obvious reasons. I don't blame her at all.

Once Alice poured wine on her because she brought the wrong one. I wasn't home but her husband told me and I got furious. Alice apologized immediately and took her with us shopping. She frowned all through and would not pick anything until I forced her to.

She held my hand tightly for a while. "it will work out well.. You will see". With one last smile, she left to complete her chores.

All I could think about was the events of the previous Days.

" "

"so I am expected to marry someone I don't know then? " I asked myself.

I was driving at such high speed that I hadn't noticed the police car signaling for me to pull over.

I had walked out on granny too. Since everyone has decided to give my happiness an ass beat.

The deed as shown to me by granny was so rigid. So much that I will have to get married to her in three weeks before my lawyers can do anything about it. Granny knows so much about this because she is a senior Advocate, but right now... That woman can't even be my lawyer, considering that she, the only one I thought had my back, doesn't care about my happiness.

I finally pulled over.

" hello there, " the officer 's face was getting red like he was angry for my own life's sake.

"what! Mr Waleed! You? " the officer shot me a knowing look after recognizing me.

"why are you driving above your speed limit? Sir" he was beyond surprised to see me. I guess. That's what you get for being a celebrity business man and for being your father's son.


"I am trying to get to a friend in the hospital " I lied.

I am not ready for the some hungry reporters getting hold of this little incident.

"oh... But you know it is against the law to drive way above your speed limit like you are doing now and you, My friend is not above the law" he sounded more concerned than he should be to someone who just broke a law.

"I am very sorry officer... .. I am quite tensed and all"

" you can go Mr Waleed. But you need to reduce this to the appropriate limit. Your friend will be fine" he waved me off and I drove off.

"you are really the least of my worries now... Mr police" I wondered why he was nice to me.

I am a total jerk and everyone knows that. It's not like I am proud or something. But I hate being confronted.

I was too deep in my thoughts to realize I was in front of my gate talking to the annoying machine I installed there myself.

"oh hey you! " Alice said as she placed a kiss on my left cheek. "where have you been all day? "

"oh Alice honey. I just need few minutes to myself right now. I will be up there in my room if you need anything. That will be after 2hours though"

She blankly nods.

She was wearing one of her several lingeries at 2pm.. Oh wow... So much for being so hot. She didn't even protest. she only nodded "OK" and went to the kitchen.

As I walked up the stairs I turned back to meet her gaze on the stairs. She smiled happily at me.

........."I am sorry I am going to have to end this with you ... Alice" I thought

while tossing my clothes here and there so I can lay on my bed with my Calvin Klein Brief only. My phone rang. Mum was calling. Shoved the phone aside and laid on my back.

I must have slept for a few minutes when....

"wal! Baby! Wal" a voice called.

"oh.. hell!!!!!!!? " I jerked up from the bed like ice was poured from the bucket on my face. I hate being woken up like this.

Oh Alice. She still had that lingerie on. I am tired of seeing her nude, all the time.

"Cover up sometimes.. Would you!"

The anger I had woken up with quickly disappeared from my face. Hello! it's Alice. Alice gets what Alice wants when it comes to me.

"what is it, AL? " I rubbed my hand on my face, as if to clean something I put there off. I do that all the time.

"I am sorry I woke you up like this. I need help in the kitchen. I am starving."she smiled.

Alice woke me up because she needed help in the kitchen? My brain tried to register her statement.

Wow. I was so angry in the veins but I kept it off my face, for Alice.

"urrrrrhh.. Why did you tell Naomi to go home again? " I asked.

"she was being lazy. she is getting too old. When we get married. We will need to look over your staff and change the old ones. They act like they are going to fall down any moment" she answered like a snob.

"she was being lazy? But she gets the job done. She would have made dinner without you waking me up for assist." I was losing it already.

"I am sorry She was pissing me off with her laziness.. Damn, She walks like she has problems with her legs!" Alice mocked


"Don't act dumb right now. That woman has problems with her legs.. Alice? she limps!" I left her in the room and head downstairs to the kitchen.

I stopped when I got there. By parents and my granny sat arms crossed in my sitting room!

"how did you guys get in!" saying I was shocked was beyond statement.

"oh. You registered my name with your machine outside. Didn't you? " OK... That was granny.

She is that annoying.

Before I could warn Alice not to come to the sitting room, she walks down the stairs with the Lingerie smiling.

"oops. Oh hello Mr and Mrs Akhmad And Granny Akhnad" she wasn't even going to go.

She stood there smiling at them with her hand stretched out for a handshake.

OK. My parents: 1 - Me: 0

My dad looked in total annoyance, my mum looked in disgust and my granny, She was amused for unknown reasons.

"eerm Alice, could you please excuse my family and I for a minute? ... Upstairs. Now? You can order Chinese or anything " I motioned for her to go upstairs.

"OK.. I will see you around. Then" she looked flushed climbing the stairs to her room .

I am sure she finally understands what I have been trying to tell her about not wearing lingerie to the sitting room: My Muslim ass sitting room

"really? This is the Alice? This is the best you could do? Wearing lingerie all over the place infront of my husband? ... In my son's house?... As my son's girlfriend? Who does that! Leilah won't do this you know.. She won't embarrass us like this with her lingerie sets...Naomi has really suffered here" my mum panic button was on obviously.

"I am sorry mum. She didn't know you guys were down here" I bowed my head waiting for them to chop it off literally.

"I have seen a naked woman on his bed before... He was just 16 then" granny told them as she moved to get herself a seat, I glared at her angrily.

"just saying" she added noticing the look on my face.

"I won't say I am angry. I am only disappointed because first of all. She isn't even half as beautiful as Leilah. Secondly... For a model? She isn't half as hot as leilah" dad smirked

"way to go Dad! Already taking sides when you don't even know the two women involved directly" I was getting pissed off.

"son. I have always been on the Leilah train since she was born. I don't need any other now after 22years, Do I? I am a loyal Arsenal Fan" he laughs as he sits close to his beloved wife.

"sit down Waleed. We don't have all night" mum said

"I don't think I am in the mood to talk about this Mum. It's all too sudden! I don't deserve this! This is worse than slavery" I slumped into the next seat frustrated.

no... angry... No.... Furious.

"we need to talk about this at some point. " mum was calm..

"she is graduating in three weeks. She is a lawyer now, To start with. Here is a picture of her taken just two days ago after she concluded her finals"

she handed me a photograph of my supposed Wife.

"She is pretty I must admit but she is going to ruin my life. I have been dating skinny girls my whole life but I am about to be married to a size 10 or is that 8?"

I felt nothing but hatred. Seeing her got me angrier... And weak.

Mum rolled her eyes at me.

"she is obedient, she was raised properly.... And traditionally too. She was raised for you.....Wal" mum was picking her words I could tell.

She has always been soft-spoken but not "this" soft-spoken like she was trying to get to Me.

"we love you wal and we want the best for you. We would never subject you to anything that will ruin your life." she paused as if for me to say something.

I am speechless at this point.

"The deed cannot be broken. And even if it can. It will take months or years. Because it took five years to make itself. If you don't marry this girl wal, 70% of your total shares goes to her "

"what the actual fuck... Mum?!!!!!!!! "

That's it! I have lost it. I didn't even realize I was up from my seat until I broke a vase I had gotten for almost a thousand dollars

"what the hell is this!!!!!!!!! Dad! " I looked from one of the humans sitting before me to another.

"mind your language, Waleed! Your grand father predicted you will be this way and considering that his friend's first intention was to help us. He decided to protect his friend's intentions through his granddaughter..."

I need Air

"We love you son. We would never take away your inheritance. Please Waleed. You have to think about this!" my dad spoke as a matter of factly.

I was completely ruined already. I slumped into the nearest seat again.

"How can a woman from nowhere own 70% of my inherited shares if I don't marry her. who is the criminal ass lawyer that made this deed anyway! What is so special about this girl!"

After 5 long minutes of silence. I couldn't believe what came out of my own mouth.

"when is the wedding date according to the deed" I was beaten to my soul.

"July 3rd. Two days after her graduation and you must attend her graduation. According to the deed" granny answered.

"is she aware of this?" I needed to know.

"No. She is not. You will tell her" someone answered.

My granny.. My mum.. I don't even care right now.

"what manner of torture is this? First this, Now I am the one to tell her 'oh hey.. We are to get married in three weeks' "

All three nods.

"No I can't! That is not happening!"

what are these people saying!.

"well. If you have agreed to what the deed says. We could amend that part. The main thing here is you accepting not to lose 70% of my father's property to the girl" Dad was been extra honest this evening.

I was left with lots of choices right from the day I was born. I have always lived freely. But right now. That has been taken away from me. It looked like they allowed me have so much freedom to tie me up like a prisoner later.

"looks like I am left with no option than to marry her?" there was something hot tears in my eyes waiting to spill.

It starts to rain on my opened palm, I was crying already. This is so frustrating. The last time I cried was when I had lost my puppy at 10.

"we are sorry, waleed" my mum said as she crosses over the room to hug me.

Before I knew it.. They were all hugging me like some kid .. Some sad Kid.

* End of flashback *

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