《With You Is Without An End (16+) (COMPLETED)》chapter 3 : Too much Information


Waleed's POV.

I finally met the Leilah Haseeb.

My supposed wife. Jeeez! I didn't bargain for this. I thought she was going to be one ugly ass woman for a start.

How did I get myself here in the first place when My life was perfect before all of these.

The girl I saw in a pink gown today no doubt is breathtakingly gorgeous. I mean. I still can't get over the fact that she has these curves in the right places. She should be a size 8.

Too bad I only date size 4.

But... Mahhhhnnn.... Who am I kidding? That gown was sure hiding alot of things. I can tell.

Like, When she bent down to pick her purse. I was dazed for a while. I had to quickly pick it up so she won't notice how excited my monster was getting from seeing her side curves alone. My hand has been right deep in my pocket since then.

I need to stop thinking about her this way if I am going to keep to the plan, made in my head. It's barely 24hours and This girl has brought her bed and stuff to livemy head.

I am sure a crackhead!

(three weeks earlier)

"get yourself down here immediately" my father had sounded pissed when he called.

I was in my office thinking about my next club opening on that fateful day and this man man called and hadn't stopped screaming over the phone like he owns the Damn line he was calling.

I heard the door to the mansion open. My mum would never answer the door once I reached the porch.

I must have outdone myself this time for her to open the door, herself. I thought

"salaam Mum! " the tiny woman infront of my 6.3 height , my Mother. She dragged me forward into her delicate arms.

"oh Waleed.... You have really done it this time. Come in" mum said as she closed the door behind me.

She pointed to my dad's home office. I walked in without knocking.

" you fool! Sit there" he shouted, as soon as his eyes landed on mine.

"you couldn't even knock, idiot" he was furious.

" dad, I have never knocked on your office before so why start now?"

When he didn't flash his old killer smile, I knew I was in for something big.

"What is it dad...? Why are you so angry. .? Taking my seat across from his.

He threw a magazine at me. "read this! "

"eerrm dad. It's not as it seems" I was stuttering.

" oh really. Well I have all the time for the explanation my ever wayward son has this time around" he sat on his chair with his hands across this chest.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"don't you dare!"

" we have a different Relationship , dad, unlike the three others"

Yes, don't tell me!

I know I wasnt being entirely honest . I see her just as I see the other three woman in my lousy life but This angry man here isn't one to tell the truth to in his present state.


" you keep dating the same ptype of super models and actresses that are after your wealth. And you think you know what a Relationship is? Son.. ?" he grinned wickedly.

"oh Waleed... I thought I raised an intelligent son" there was disappointment in his voice.

"Alice is rich Dad. She isn't with me for my wealth, at least that I am sure of. And she is famous too. Which means she isn't with me for fame either , dad"

I stopped for a reaction but I didn't see any.

" ... . And she loves me dad. I know that. I think it's time I stopped moving around and settle down da...." I should crucify myself before he does.. I know the reason for this meeting is to make his constant statement.


" what makes you think she loves you? " he cuts in. His tone was with concern this time"

"well, I think she is always there for me Dad. She wants to show me off because she is proud of me. She is my biggest fan, she supports me and never see wrong in anything I do. And the sex.... Whooooa... Mind blowing and... "

"Waleed! That's too much information!"

"OK.. That's enough.. I don't have to listen to your bedroom activities at all. I am your Dad, Not your friend! And what in God's name is "" doing in a statement concerning love?"

At this point.. I could only shrug.

"...anyway let me finish what I was saying... Would you please?" It was obvious he was getting irritated. His face turned red and his fist clenched.

" look son.. I think it is time we talked about your future. Your wife just finished her finals..... And.... "

"hol 'up Dad. "what wife?...."

"your Wife. Waleed! We talked about this before now! "

The man before me was serious. He was more than serious. And I, the room could no longer contain the both of Us. The angry part and the Furious Part: I was angry and furious at the same time.

"Dad I thought you were joking four years ago when you mentioned this? "

I didn't know when I hit my hands on his table. I was getting too angry to be in his presence.

" there is a Deed son. Nothing can change this. This arrangement was made as soon as you were born. Your grandfather and Hers did this. It is not as bad as you think considering she is a very beautiful and smart girl and she is young too. This girl has been raised for you by her parents " he explained.

"We have been through this Dad! I thought this was a damn joke! I am not marrying anyone Dad! I don't care who she is and what she is! I am not a child you can toss around!"

"you need to listen to me, young Man" he hits his hands on his desk.

"No! You listen Dad 'cos all I have done for years is listen to you. I am not fucking marrying some Naive, traditional Ugly woman! " I walked out of his office.


That was the first time I walked out on him and I am not even sorry.

" Waleed! Do not walk away from me... I am not done talking "

" well... I am done talking... .... Dad! "

I banged the car door and drove off. I wasn't even going home because Alice would think she got me angry and start the apologizing for things she didn't do. She is cute with that.

I had no clue where I am driving to at 120km/h.

Then it struck. I have to go to granny's and ask why the hell my future was decided by her annoying husband before I was born.

After 30minutes drive, I arrived my upfront of the Taj Mahal-like house. My grand pa's love for Architecture got us here. I was born in this house. I was practically raised here because I am my granny's favorite child. At some point, I thought she was my mother. I saw her by the side of the house holding her hose.

Trust her to pay her non-working Gardner when all she does is tend to her Garden, herself.

" oh Waleed! " she dropped the hose on the ground as soon as our eyes met and quickly strolled to hug me.

" I am so happy to see you, it's been so long " She laughed.

" granny, I saw you barely two days ago... remember? " I smiled at the only woman who could change my mood whenever she wanted to.

" ...well.... " she turns and starts walking to the house.

" two days is a long time and I hope you are staying the night though and not your usual rush hour visiting".

" I am sorry... This place isn't as close to the office as my house. But I promise to come spend time with you soon " I held her hand while we walked into the house.

She made tea and served mine. Then sat beside me.

" you look worried, waleedu... What is wrong?" her hands were on my face searching for answers like I was dumb.

I was getting teary alright. You see, with my Grandma, I was never one to hide my feelings. Not even at this age.

"dad..... He said I am to get married soon since my "wife............" I gestured with my middle fingers upwards...

" is now a graduate. Asked why and he said something about some ancient nonsense and a stupid deed. And that grandpa sealed this deed before or right after I was born. I can't remember" I rant.

" I am happy you are taking this well.. I thought you will shoot someone with that gun of yours when you are finally told" she laughed.

"I am serious.. Granny.... .why me? " my voice was becoming too loud.

I was frustrated.

"waleedu. No one planned this. Your mother had two girls and was pregnant. We all thought you would be another girl. Your grand pa got worried as your father is our only child. Your grandfather had a best friend, Abu. Abu loved him so much so he met Your wife's father, his son and asked that you be betrothed to one of their twins, if one turns out to be a boy. They signed a deed. You surprised everyone and came out as a boy instead"

" while they had two sons. But the deed was still in existence. Your grandpa keeps to his word... You know that"

Reluctantly, I nodded in agreement.

" He asked your wife's mother if she was going to have a baby again. At first she said she wouldnt... Then she got pregnant and we were all surprised again. She was too. The beautiful Leilah was born with her twin"

she paused and smile... Like she was remembering what happened years ago.

" the deed was renewed immediately..... You see.. Waleed. .....she is a good girl. She was trained properly for you. I know you like those exposed women. That was why she was sent to London for exposure .... She isn't as timid as the girls here and she is not your typical Muslim Girl. Her life has practically been converted to fit yours. You have to marry her".


" I can't! And I won't! I could pay her family off"I could feel the tears forming in my eyes.

What were they thinking?.

I mean Grand pa was well schooled and travelled. How could he had been this shallow!

" what was everyone thinking! That I will be born without a heart? That I won't fall in love with any other woman apart from This Leilah fool? ..." she was mute.

She lowered her head down and ignored me.

"answer me granny! "

" I understand your pain Waleed. But you will not call your future wife a "fool" while I am sitting here. " she said sternly.

"and there is nothing anyone can do about this. You can't pay her family off because they are millionaires. Wal. They don't need your money! And you should know better considering how we raised you! Money isn't everything"

I was never going to win this to start with. I buried my head in my hands, praying this be changed.

"Maybe you should give her a chance, meet her first, talk to her, get to know her".

She was avoiding my gaze because there was tears in her eyes. Her voice cracked as she said "chance"

"why wasn't I given a chance? Why are you all trying to ruin me! What crime did I commit!"

She stayed mute.

"I think I love someone else granny" I blurted. "I can't have anything to do with that girl"

I can say just about anything so I don't have to get married to this Leilah woman.

"Waleed. Son... When you really love someone... There won't be an "I think" in front of the statement". She laughs.

"is this a joke to you.. Granny? "

Not morning that this was the second time, my use for the phrase "I think" was going to ruin my chance for a fair explanation.

"End of Flashback"


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