《With You Is Without An End (16+) (COMPLETED)》chapter 1: Farwell.... LONDON!


(©2017, This book contains typographical errors and Hardcore sexual Scenes. Do not read if you aren't mature. I am working on editing it soon. Feel free to point out Views and Comments. Also... I tried to post pictures, before and Between chapters to make your read more enjoyable. Please.... Do not forget to Vote)

Leila 's Pov.

"Mum, You made it!" jumping from where I have been sitting for hours in the hall to hug the most beautiful woman alive, my mum, the one and only Mrs Kamila Haseeb, Queen of the Haseeb Empire.

" I wouldn't miss your college graduation for anything in the world. Especially when you are the best graduating student. Your Dad is so proud, Lee. He sends his Love".

She pulled me into a warm embrace and I thought I saw tears in her eyes. Joyful tears

" well... About Dad, he wasnt going to show up anyway. Not when he has more important "businesses" to take care of with his sons than his only daughter".

particularly laying fat emphasis on the word 'business' so my mum will get where I am coming from with this. I know she understands me but I still have to sound it, so that softness at the back can store it as always.

Mum paced around for a while. "oh Lee, where are your friends, don't tell me you still haven't made any?"

she had worry in her voice. I get that all the time when she talked about having friends to her socially awkward daughter.

"I brought some things for us to celebrate with" she adds.

I have never seen this woman frown before. Not even after we get her hot and frustrated with all our demands.

"I guess you know already that I am not a 'friends' person mum" Rolling my eyes at the mention of Friends.

"Friends are so overrated. Considering how everyone tries to act perfect these days. Yuck!"

Her face turns pale and her smile, fake. "you cant be island forever Lee. But don't worry.. That will change soon anyways"

She was pretty concerned about her socially awkward daughter.

"I did made some, I mean my classmates and they are with their families"

I am sure she can see through my lies but I had to try anyway. I can't even lie to save my own life. I am that pathetic.

"I am sure we will eat our Food by ourselves which isn't a bad thing". My twin's voice rose behind my mum 's shadow.

" Azahd, How could you keep quiet for that long. That's a silly thing hiding behind mum instead of hugging your favorite sibling!"

"oh Lee, You were supposed to look out for me before momma. You know I wouldn't miss this for anything in the world. " We are caught chest to chest.

He smells so nice. I am proud I have a brother who never forgets to wear his cologne in this pathetic age of so much smelly-armpit men.

Scanning the area for any member of my family hiding to surprise me like he did. True, I wasn't expecting anyone. My two almost-identical older brothers can never leave my father alone. Those two goes anywhere Dad goes. No wonder they both bagged their MBAs years ago, same course, Same school, almost Same scores. At first, I thought they'd planned their lives together because they are quite identical unlike Azahd and Me, who are totally different. Then I realized they had done that to help my dad's company.

Like, you aren't living well at their expense.


While Azahd and I talked, I started to feel the presence of someone's eyes on me, more like from someone who was walking towards me. Switching to reflex mode, my eyes are turned towards the direction of the gaze.

Is it another member of my family ?

My thoughts wandered from his chiseled face to his athletic body. Then it happened, my Gaze meets the owner of the Figure.

Wait! I was mentally screaming.

Dressed in a well tailored suit which probably cost my entire college tuition, he had a phone to his ear. Running after him is a skinny young lady of maybe a size Zero. She looks like she is trying to explain something to him but cant get him to stop walking so fast. He is talking to someone in French. I must have completely zoned out looking at him for the first time in my life or maybe not. But something tells me I have seen this face other than on tabloids before. But where?

The aromatic scent of his perfume made his presence known as he draws closer. Is it Dior, Versace.

Well... Who cares! I am lost in it already. What?! I was literally thrown off Mars with the sight of him smiling at my mum while he hands the skinny lady, his phone.

I have seen this face before, where! I need to think fast.


The Waleed Akhmad in all his finesse is here live in my school and On my graduation day And is currently Heading...... towards me!

The Billionaire oil tycoon, Always in the tabloids for the wrong reasons is walking towards me.

Does he have a relative here or a Girlfriend, considering how Randy, this Man is, according to the News I hear and read.

My mother's eyes trailed towards the direction I have been looking. A wide grin appeared on her face like she has seen someone she knows.

"I am sorry I am late. Mrs haseeb. When we got down from the jet, I had pick up a gift for the graduate" motioning to the skinny nerdy lady to pass him something.

"awwwww" my heart screamed once I heard how dreamy, husky and rich his voice is.

"wal, dear, that's not a problem. Lee. "

Mum's gentle tap on my hand brought me back to earth.

"this is Waleed. His dad is your father's very good friend. we arrived in his jet."


"He is such a gentleman" she chuckled.

"...and he is here to attend your graduation, sweety. Even though we arrived quite late" she chuckles.

They must have been so close for her to shorten his name like that but the real question was, how come I don't know this Man with my family?

There is something else from the mere "fake" acquaintance in her voice. I can't figure it out but I know something is up with his visit.

I reluctantly smiled at the Mr Too- Extravagant and Tabloidy in front of me. Don't blame my thoughts. I mean, Now that I know he is wearing a cologne worth my legs, I should be excused for thinking that way.

I hurriedly put on my Pretense armour. "Hi, Mr Waleed Akhmad, Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend my graduation"

Now that I am staring at this hunk of a Man, I am sure there is a huge explanation as to why this man is here today other than my graduation. I am not even an important person. For one, I am a bloody nobody without a social life. For some silly unknown reasons, I felt my feet turn moist, I was unbelievably starting to turn shy.


I can barely keep my head up. I can feel his eyes ransacking my Body , obviously searching for what isn't lost, especially on my full chest.

The scum! Bloody indecent scum acting just the way the tabloids described him: "A 21st century player"!

The skinny lady passes the ringing phone to him with shaky fingers.

"Urmmm sorry I have to take this" the scum nods at me and walks to a considerable distance.

Now that he isn't standing close, I can finally check out his physique as well. After all, He did same to me and more, he practically raped me with his eyes, few minutes ago.

Maaan.. lee... He is hot!

Codedly, getting introduced to his skinny secretary, Martha, I stared at the perfectly made man. I am allowed to call her skinny since I have been told so many times that I could pass for a Jennifer Lopez with bigger boobs. She is quite beautiful but she looked over-worked and flushed too. She kept smiling while she spoke to me in low tones almost as if she was hiding from her boss.

All that was waiting to come out of my mouth is "quit the act! Your boss isn't around anymore".

But, since I can only nod like the well-brought up lady my family raised, I pulled her into a hug telling her to feel free with my family and I.

Shortly, Mr Fine ass finishes with his call.

"we should go somewhere different, less crowded, more serene to celebrate this......" he didnt wait for replies before adding "shall we? ".

He allows everyone move first before moving his athletic legs. He sure works out considering how his suit fits his body structure perfectly.

Is someone's eyes on me?

Is he starring at my butt? My legs began to wobble.

How do I get him to walk in front of me without embarrassing myself?

OK! Perfect!

I let go of My purse, the thing crashes to the ground. Reason, I could pretend to be picking it up while he gets infront of me.

How Smart!

"Here.. " he bends towards the purse quicker than me, picking the purse from the ground. He hands the little thing to me. As if catching up with my little prank, he stretches his hand asking me to lead the way.

What a waste of effort and waist bend!

The ride has been annoying so far. Before we got into the car, the ladies and their mothers kept starring at him.

"he isn't all that.. Please!...maybe he is... But Quit starring. He is here for my graduation, not yours! Mine alone!" I was mentally yelling.

Now, we are parked in the limo with an escort Prado jeep right behind us. Asahd kept telling me something about some new changes in the family which I was trying so hard to process. while my mother interacts with Martha.

So much for people who had just met and did I mention how I feel like a total outcast right now?

Progress report, I am busy with the side of my right eye checking to see a mistake in this man's outfit, I have a fetish for 'looking good'. But this man right here, is too perfect to be true. Too bad I hate him already.

Why? He obviously wouldn't stop starring at my body like the other Men .

"you know he is going to notice you starring at him soon, right? " Asahd whispered

My face turns red! There is no hiding from Asahd Haseeb.

This isnt because we are twins or whatsoever. As a matter of fact, we are totally different from each other. He is not just my twin, he is also my other thoughts.

Asahd, knows everything.

" is it that obvious ?" I whispered back.

" of course it is, Lee. He has been on that phone for a while now. Else he would have noticed. He is very observant " Asahd laughed

" how come I have never met this dad's friend. Ashad, I thought I knew all of dad's friends. ?".

" well. He is Mr Akhmad's son" we gossipped in a very low tone as if plotting a Coup.

"... The Arab oil mogul?" Ashad nods as he raked his hand through his hair. When he gets this way, he is hiding something. I will find out soon.

"no way! I know Meena and Amri .... I thought those were his only kids"

I had met Amri at Meena 's wedding two years ago while I was on summer break. Yes! I was literally forced by Meena's mother to dance with Waleed Akhmad. Now I now where I had met him then. He barely said anything to me, He kept asking why he was being made to dance with a "stranger" while his date sat lonely. A quick dance and he had left the noisy hall to talk to the person who had been calling his phone all evening. All through the night, he kept looking distant like he was being forced. Why haven't I ever thought of him!

" that's because Waleed grew up too fast to be with the family according to his dad, I heard him tell dad that Waleed wasn't social as a kid, he lived with his grandparents in a different city not so far, with few friends too"

" OK. So why is he here anyway? He isn't family " looking into his eyes for the truth because I know Asahd would never lie to me.

" Uhm Lee, first of all, stop starring at me like that, I know I am too gorgeous a Man. But I am your brother, Not some handsome gentleman like Waleed. Secondly, you won't get nothing out of my eyes. Maybe he is representing his dad" he shrugs.

"...get over yourself Ashad! By the way this is not a ball or a seminar where one can represent the other... " rolling my bright eyes.

Allow me to appreciate my God's given gift a little.

Before he could answer. I noticed Waleed drop his phone.

The driver announced our arrival at at the supposed graduation picnic venue. That man made a call the whole thirty minutes drive to the park.

On the park' s gate, is a big post:


There are so many balloons hanging all over the post.

"Wooow... Who did this?".

"it's a gift from my family to you, congratulations, Leilah Haseeb, here" Waleed answers with emphasis on my surname as he hands me a gift pack.

He leaves me dumbfounded as to why someone would gift a wristwatch as expensive as this to someone he barely knew.

I will ask Amal for the cost later, She knows these things.

Walking into the empty park,when I mean empty. There is no one here except for my family.

if I am not mistaken, the man stared at me for a while, then brings out his phone again.

He is so arrogant that he couldn't make a more polite congratulatory wish to me....just handing me some gift without saying a word.

I took out the Gift out of curiosity to see the most exotic Rolex I have ever seen. Probably the most Expensive one too.

" I love it. The wristwatch is very beautiful. And Looks expensive too. And the Park decorations, I really appreciate your family 's effort. Tell them this gift was well received" leaving him immediately after his slight nod to to my little speech.

I need to go chat up with non-arrogant people.

one of his Drivers, who he introduced as Abdel unrolls aN imported Turkish mat on the grass. Everyone sits down taking the mild sun in, including skinny Martha who had to ask her arrogant boss for permission, of course which came as a result of my mum pestering everyone including the drivers to join the little celebration.

Waleed kept discussing business with some Spanish Men over the phone, walking up and down the park. Don't blame me for been a Nosy eavesdropper, my ears are just too active for their own good.

Mum calls out to him after some minutes politely inviting him to have a sit in a chair that appeared beside our mat from God knows where.

The fact that something is up, kept reflecting in all her doings. Mum lays down the Fruits , snacks and drinks and my favorite....vanilla flavored Ice cream on one side of the mat.

At some point of the picnic, I had gotten lost talking to my favorite cousin, and only friend Amal , on Skype. She couldn't make it as she was on admission in the clinic close to our home. But this place she said she had been admitted looked like a person's home to me.

Ending the call after an Hour, I noticed him finally sitting on the chair. He was probably checking mails from his numerous women, avoiding my gaze at all cost. I am quite informed about that But Why was I looking at him again?

I reminded myself that I still don't know where that chair came from. Minutes after having sweets, cakes and water, he appreciates my mum, getting up to continue his calls.

There was nothing dramatic about the rest of the evening except when we started taking pictures and Waleed brought out his Out of the world digital camera from the business briefcase Skinny Martha carried around and took the best pictures of me.

"I will send them to you once I get the chance to do so " he drops the camera back into the brief case.

That's it?

He turned down the request to join the group pictures. I am getting tired of this man's attitude. Without thinking, I pulled him out of the chair to join the group pictures. His expression and that of everyone else, priceless.

The rest of us talked, laughed at Asahd's jokes about being on a private jet for the first time, for the rest of the picnic. He has a phobia for flying.

Skinny Martha and I got on to know each other more. I found out she has been working for her boss for two years since she graduated from Yale.

since, I have already shipped some of my belongings home except for two of my boxes, I was driven home to pick up the boxes. This was so I can go on Waleed's private jet with everyone.

At what used to be my home, I said goodbye to my neighbors. No one cried and I am not 1% at all surprised. They all hate me and I still don't get why girls hate on girls so much.

Waleed stayed in the car for a while. As if tired, He comes out and suddenly, The girls who occupied the next flat are left with their mouths opened. They have just Seen Waleed Akhmad. One tried to take pictures with him but his bodyguard became rude to her, pushing her aside. Waleed smiled and apologized... Taking her hand for a handshake instead. Probably too overwhelmed was she, because the girl faintsed

"Oh God! Why are girls so dramatic!" I scoffed as I got into the car.

Earning a once in a lifetime Stare from Mr Famous.


we are settled in his private jet, my mind raced back to my four years stay in this city I might never see again. I didn't make friends , I only had acquaintances plus Amal who was also in a School in our country studying Law was always there for me.

I will miss this place no doubt. I will miss London and it's beautiful scenery. The pilot announced our take off. Taking me far away from what had turned my second home.

Farewell.... London.

Asahd due to his difficulties flying, is sweating profusely despite the air-conditioned jet. I held his hand to calm my twinnie down.

"just breathe"

Mr Waleed isn't talking to anyone except the frequent calls he made with his Wi-Fi connected laptop. Skinny Martha and mY mum on the other hand kept discussing wedding gowns and halls. I am clueless as to why they were having this particular topif.

Since it was rude, hopping into a discussion I wasnt called to in the beginning, I remained quiet.

My anxious self kept wondering: why this topic?

How would I know if I keep sitting here without asking. Peeping through the hole between Asahd's seat and Mine. I decided to ask Mum.

"mum, whose wedding are you discussing with Martha? "

Waleed 's gaze is suddenly on me for unknown reasons.

Dude chill! If it's yours, I would be the first the congratulate. You have been out their womanizing for too long anyways.

"oh Princess, it is for a mutual friend, Waleed and I have. Come To think of it. I need your suggestions on something. Would you mind helping mum? "

I was more than glad to help. Waleed needs to get hitched.

"You have the same physique as the lady's" she announces.

"Could you please help mum point out which dress is best amongst this three? "

she hands her iPad to me. The dresses are all gorgeous but they looked overpriced. But in the end, I picked the one I'd love for myself.

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