《You, my Punishment (Islamic Story)》Chapter 32


"Don't take it wrong, but what are you guys doing here" Rabia asked. She had a different expression that I wasn't familiar with. After hugging Aneel, they didn't talk much. The tension in the air was so thick that anyone who sat here would know that they had something going on. We were having dinner and Aneel sat at the opposite of me. I looked at him but it looked like he wasn't going to answer. What should I say? I was going to tell her the truth. I was going to tell her that we ran away from a psychopathic guy. 'Sometimes the truth can be hard or can end everything, but with the time you will see how right it is to tell the truth. Allah loves his people who always tell the truth. Lying won't take you anywhere.' that voice said. I nodded to myself and cleared my throat.

"We actually r-" I couldn't even finish.

"We are on our honeymoon" Aneel said. Confusion flew through my body. I looked at him with a eyebrow raised, not understanding why he lied. I looked at Aneel as if he was crazy but he just had an expression that said 'play along'. I nodded, letting him know that it was okay.

"Oh really? Good choice. Turkey is really beautiful to visit. But why didn't you call me Aneel? You know mu-" what is it with him and interrupting.

"It was a last minute decision" he said and ate like nothing happened. After that, Rabia and Aneel were silent so I talked with Leyla. She knew Arabic, so I had at least one person I could talk to.

"So then he grabbed my pen and said that I had to kiss him to have it back. But I didn't cause my mummy told me that that is ew. Do you kiss my uncle?" She said and I felt my cheeks burn. This girl was making me so uncomfortable. I looked over at Aneel and saw him with the same expression, but after a few seconds he smirked. I knew that he was curious to the answer. That gave me confidence and I smirked at Leyla. I could feel Aneel's eyes on me. Watch this Aneel.


"No, of course not. You just told me that it is ew, didn't you?" I said to her and saw Aneel smirking with wide eyes. I know okay, I know that it would be definitely not 'ew' to kiss him- stop it Sahra.

"I'll show you your room" Rabia said after we chatted a bit. She was so lovely. I didn't see her husband and I couldn't ask too. I think they were divorced because Aneel was a bit angry and they argued in Turkish when he asked her if he called her. We made our way to a room and she said us goodnight. I saw only one bed so I turned to Aneel.

"I'll just sleep on the floor" I said, taking a pillow. I went over to the bathroom and changed into my pajamas. When I came back, I saw Aneel lying on the bed with his phone in his hand. He was coughing a bit and was a little pale. I sat down on the floor and started making a bed with a blanket I found in the corner. Aneel sighed and rolled his eyes. He made his way over to me and grabbed my hand and led me to the bed. He pushed me on it and laid down beside me. He was with his back to me but was shaking. I touched his shoulder to ask what was wrong and moved so that I could see his face.

"Aneel, what's wrong?" I whispered. He was hot yet he was shivering. I put the blanket around him, hugging him.

"I think I'm sick" he said, coughing a few times. I went up to the kitchen and started making tea for him with lemon and honey. I felt bad for going through all the drawers but I didn't want to worry Rabia. After a little search, I found all the ingredients and made the tea before I walked back to the room.

"That's what you get if you walk around barefoot all the time" I said while sighing. I put the cup of tea on the nightstand and helped Aneel to sit up. He looked at me for a second before he looked at the cup.


"I made you some tea, it will do well. I think you just have a little flu" I said, handing him the cup of tea. He put it to his chest, heating himself up I assumed.

"Thanks" he said, taking a sip of it. He squeezed his eyes, wrinkling his nose.

"How much lemon juice is in this?" he asked while wiping off his lips to his shirt. I grabbed the cup from him and moved it towards his mouth.

"Drink it if you want to get better" I said. He rolled his eyes, looking at me with an angry face and I just smiled, knowing that he had to drink it even though he didn't want to. I gave him back the cup and moved so I was sitting next to me. Our legs were close to each other and I put a leg of mine over my other. He drank the cup in a few seconds after that. I looked at him as if he was crazy. How did he drink that hot tea?

"What are we going to do now?" I asked him, thinking of the reason why we ran away. I didn't expect him to reply, but he did.

"I have some plans" he said, not telling me what was wrong. I turned my upper body towards him so I was facing him. He avoided me so I grabbed his cheeks, turning him to face me.

"You need to tell me. I'm involved too and I want to help" I said. I knew that there wasn't much I could do but I wanted him to tell me how we were going to solve this since it was too blurry to even be cautious.

"You will be kept out of this. You won't worry and you most definitely won't help" he said, looking at me with his serious expression. I looked into his green eyes that were a little red because he wasn't feeling so well. I sighed, crossing my arms and looking away. This time he sighed, grabbing my arms.

"It's for your own safety. And you shouldn't stick your nose in my business" he said, taking the real Aneel up to surface. I didn't reply, not wanting to start a fight since I knew he was right. How did I even think he would tell me. I kept forgetting who he really was when he showed me a little more niceness. I should know my place. I laid down on the bed, turning my back to him.

Three hours later I was still up, even though I was so tired. I sat up, feeling a little uneasy. We didn't have a big argument but it brought back all the memories. I felt like I was an outcast, again. Not that I had felt like I was part of his life- or their lives, but still I felt like we were a little over the fact that he was the mean one. I thought we were finally getting along and letting each other in. I guess I was wrong. I let out a breath that I was holding. The memories from my parents came up to my mind. Them eating dinner and making me watch it, being so hungry that I was about to pass out. Laughing, joking- doing all the things I had wanted. The things I could've only dreamt of. I heard some movement but didn't turn towards Aneel. I knew he was awake and I didn't want to make eye-contact. He moved so his head was on my lap. He didn't look at me when I looked down to see why he did that. He just grabbed my hand for a few seconds before releasing it. He closed his eyes. I was so confused. It was such a weird thing and I didn't know what to think of it. I just ignored the questions in my head and closed my eyes, still with his head on my lap.


Final Editing Done (17-10-2016)

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