《You, my Punishment (Islamic Story)》Chapter 31


Are here any Dutch, German or Turkish people? I really wonder that. I am Turkish/Dutch myself and can speak German fluently.


I couldn't ask Aneel anything because he was on the phone the whole time, talking with so many people. I was packing some clothes for me and him, knowing that he wouldn't have time for that.

We made our way to the stairs of the plane. This would be the first time I would ever be on a plane. My parents and brother always went to Egypt but they never took me with them. I had to stay with my grandmother, trying to survive. I shook my head, trying to forget the memories.

We stepped into the plane and I looked around. It was small and there weren't many seats. The plane itself was smaller than I imagined. We walked over to the few seats and I jumped in front of Aneel, wanting to take the window-seat. Aneel just chuckled and sat down beside me, shaking his head. I looked out of the window, seeing that we didn't move yet and looked at Aneel.

"Aneel. Where are we going? Why are we going? Who is this boss? What does he wants from me? What did y-" I couldn't even finish cause he placed his hand on my mouth.

"You are giving me a headache, jeez. We are going to Turkey because I'm half Turkish and half Yemeni. We will stay at my sister's house. The rest is none of your business" he said, removing his hand.

"Tell me! Thanks to you I got involved with this so you have to tell me." I yelled and that's when Aneel snapped, making me freeze for a second.

"His boss killed Maryam, got it? He killed her because of me. His threat meant that he would go after you if I didn't step back into the gang. I can't let that happen again" I stayed silent after that. It made sense now. I looked around and saw no one and sighed in relief. I grabbed his hand.


"Nothing's going to happen. And if it does, nothing is your fault" I said. He only nodded but I saw that he wasn't believing me. I looked out the window, sensing that we were going to start flying. I was still holding his hand, tightening my hold.

I put my other hand on our intertwined hands when the plane started moving. I closed my eyes shut, feeling that we were going up in the air. I was so scared, that I didn't even realize I was holding my breath.

"Breathe, Sahra. Have you never been on a plane before?" Aneel asked me softly. I started breathing but I was still tense, not being able to open my eyes. I nodded, since I knew I couldn't talk. I heard Aneel sigh before I an arm wrapping around my shoulders.

"It's fine, don't worry. The scary part is just a few seconds" he said to which I nodded. I stayed glued to him for a little longer, calming down because of his mesmerizing scent before I felt that my seats weren't directed up anymore. I opened my eyes, looking around. Aneel was looking the other side and I turned, looking out of the window. We were up high and I could see all the little houses. That was so weird, yet beautiful. I felt like I was going through a book with pictures, instead of realizing that I was up in the air for real.

I didn't know I fell asleep. When I woke up, I looked around first not understanding where I was before it all came back to me. I looked out the window and saw that we were still in the air. I looked next to me and saw Aneel sleeping. We were still holding hands and I smiled, enjoying the tingles that shot up my armI placed his head gently on my chest so that his neck won't hurt when he woke up and played with his hair that was soft and curly against my fingers.


"Excuse me, would you like to eat or drink anything?" A voice said and I looked up.

"Oh, No thank you, but I have a question. Why is no one on this plane? Like, the plane itself is also smaller than what I thought it would be" I said and the girl looked confused at me before laughing.

"Well, this is Mr. Osman's private plane, why would there be other people" she said and I laughed along with her, not knowing why. I was confused. I knew he was rich but that rich? A plane on his own, you've got to kidding me. I felt Aneel move his head. He woke up, but still had his head on my chest.

"Why are you guys yelling in my ear I want to sleep" he said snuggling closer and I laughed.

"Well mister bad boy, I didn't know you owned a plane" I said and he just groaned and went back to sleep. I shook my head, letting him sleep further.

We stood outside a house. It was very big and looked amazing. It had a big garden covered with a lot of different flowers. I wondered where we were. The door went open when Aneel knocked on it. A little girl was standing there, looking at us with a shy look. She called her mum. Aneel didn't say anything and we heard voices. After a few seconds, a woman came out. What shocked me was that she looked exactly like Aneel. I tried to remember if I had seen her, but I knew I didn't, which was weird. If that was his sister, why wasn't she at the wedding? The woman looked back and forth from Aneel and me. Her mouth widened and she placed her hands on it.

"Aneel? Alhamdulillah" she said, jumping on Aneel and hugging him. I smiled at the sight. Aneel hugging someone wasn't something you would see every day. That was really cute. They said things to each other in a different language that I didn't understand. It made me feel very awkward and like an outcast. The little girl stared at me for a long time.

"Sen kimsin? (Who are you)" she said. I didn't understand what she asked so I bent down on my knees and pinched her cheeks smiling. She smiled too.

"I can't understand you, sweetie" I said in Arabic, knowing that she knew it when she called her mum. She turned to Aneel.

"O Türkçe bilmiyor, Leyla (she doesn't know Turkish)" he said to her and she looked confused at him.

"This is your uncle Aneel, Leyla, remember?" She said in Arabic. Leyla nodded and ran up to him. He opened his arms and she jumped at him. It was a sight I couldn't describe. They looked so cute together. He was so good at handling her and was joking with her, making her laugh.

The woman turned to me and smiled.

"I'm Rabia, Aneel's older sister. You must be Sahra" she said and hugged me very tightly.


Final Editing Done (16-10-2016)

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