《You, my Punishment (Islamic Story)》Chapter 29


I looked at the present in my hand. I was nervous, very nervous. I didn't know what his reaction could be. What if he got mad? What if he didn't like it? I shook my head. I knew that he liked the watch, since I saw him looking at it for a long time in the store. I smiled a bit when I remembered that I secretly bought it for him. Now I was waiting to give it to him, which was nerve-wracking. I didn't want him to do what my family did to me but I also wanted to give it to him, just to see him smile. I heard the door open and looked up to see the one I had been waiting for. Aneel took off his jacket and shoes and walked towards me.

"Hey" he said and sat down on the couch, untying his tie. He looked tired and exhausted.

"Ve aleykum selam" I said on purpose and he just rolled his eyes. It was something we always did when he came home. He wasn't going to give up saying 'hey' and I was not going to give up replying with 'aleykum selam'. I realized the little box in my hand.

"I got you something" I said and handed him the little box. He had to open it to see what it was. He looked confused with a raised eyebrow and slowly took it from me.

"For me?" He said and I nodded. He looked at the present and then at me and then again at the present.

"Open it" I said and he shook his head a bit but opened it anyways. He saw the watch and looked at me. I smiled at him hopefully. I hoped that he liked it. He smiled a bit back but then gave it back at me.


"No, Aneel it's for you" I said but he didn't move.

"Aneel, stop" I said and grabbed the watch and his arm and forced him to wear it. He didn't move and I did my job, ignoring the tingles I felt when I touched him. When I finished he looked up at me and stood up.

"Why are you doing this?" He said. There we go again..

"What?" I said.

"Why aren't you running away? You just bought me a freakin' present while I give you nothing but Hell" He said. He took a few steps towards me and I forced myself to take steps back, looking him in the eyes.

"Why? Why Sahra? Give me the damn reason why you are still her-" I didn't let him finish.

"Cause I have nowhere to go! I can't go back to my parent's house, they won't accept me. Not that I want to go back there. I have no friends, no other family. I have nowhere else to go. The only person I have is you" I yelled, pointing my finger at him. He took a step closer with guilt in his eyes but I shook my head. I didn't believe him anymore. I couldn't figure out when he meant anything.

"Leave it, Aneel. I know when I'm not wanted. I know that I couldn't stay here forever but I thought I could find myself a home after this fake marriage. You know what? I won't bother you anymore. I won't even talk to you. I will still cook for you if you want. I'm going to look for a job to pay for my own house. No, don't interrup me. I want to be useful. For myself" I said, walking to the door taking my jacket. I just needed to take fresh air. It hurts when reality slaps your face but it hurt even more when that damn voice didn't talk to me. I was alone. I ignored Aneel's yells and ran away. I knew that I had to go back but I just didn't want to. I liked to take some air when something like that happened. I needed a few minutes for myself. I knew that when I went back, everything would be worse. I shook my head and ran. I ran and ran and came to a park and sat down on the bench. Why? Why me? Why was I alone? Why didn't anyone like me? Am I really that bad? I never hurt a fly. Am I really that ugly? My grandma said that I was beautiful and she would never lie... No, she lied. She lied because even Aneel thinks I'm ugly. I'm worthless. Useless. Ugly. I screamed in my head and heard my parents scream along with me. I closed my eyes to catch my breath. Then, then that voice I really missed came. 'You are not alone. Look around you, you have everything. Most importantly you have Allah. You are beautiful. Everything Allah has created is beautiful. Stay away from bad people. Practice. Go and learn more about your religion. You know where the key is. Know that I'm gone when you don't pray' and that's when I opened my eyes. My eyes widened and my mouth opened slightly. Prayers! I missed my prayers! How could I forget?! That's why this happened! I forgot about Allah! I prayed inside the whole time for forgiveness when someone sat down beside me. I looked next to me and saw that guy. Kyle...


"Well, well, well. If it isn't Osman's girl" he said and my heart jumped at the words. I stood up immediately and tried to walk away but he grabbed my arm. My heart was racing and I felt my body turn numb.

"Not so fast. Look girl, tell Osman that he will pay. He can't ditch me. Boss will kill us both. I don't give a damn about him, but I don't really want to die. Tell him that he will pay for his trick last time and that I didn't tell boss that he quit, got it?" He said and I nodded. I was so scared and was holding in my breath, as if breathing would be a crime. He let go of my arm and I ran. I was so scared that I couldn't even feel the tears and my shaking legs. I made my way home and knocked at the door.

"Aneel! Open the door please, Aneel!" I yelled and he opened the door immediately. I stepped inside and closed the door behind me. He took a few steps back, not knowing what to do seeing the state I was in.

"Wha-" he couldn't even finish. I didn't even let him. I ran to him and jumped on him, placing my arms around his neck and burying my face in it. That's when I cried hard. I cried for everything what happened. I cried for my past. I cried for the pain I've felt. I cried for the beatings. I cried for my grandma. I cried for all those woman and children out there who are going through the same. And most importantly, I cried because I was safe with Aneel. That's when I felt his arms around my waist, bringing me closer to him.


Final Editing Done (11-10-2016)

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