《Till The End Of Forever》18 ▪ Calm My Heart



I couldn't think. Heck, I couldn't breath. She was here. In my arms, for once she was actually in my arms and she was freaking kissing me.

I pulled away,dissappointing both of us, and breathed heavily, leaning my head against hers,

"What was that?"

My voice was husky, and I knew it by the blush on her cheeks that it was terrifying her.

She took her time to reply,

"If you don't know what that was, I can show you again,"

I chuckled against her lips, pecking them softly, again, before murmuring,

"Let's go home."

She shook her head,

"Let me feel my legs,"

"I'm that good, huh?"

She shoved me, but nonetheless buried her head in my shirt, and I tucked her hair behind her ear, kissing the top of her head,

"I love you."

She looked at me, and eventhough she didn't say it, I could see it. And that was enough. I never felt this in my life, but I could tell, I was complete.


I turned Kainaat with my eyebrows furrowed,


Kainaat shrugged, moving on to walk towards the isle,

"I think we've had enough fun, we should head back home. Besides, we have our entire life left together to complete this honeymoon."

"Are you trying to tell me that you want to spend our entire life in the honeymoon phase?"

She smirked at me, "Maybe."

I chuckled, "Whatever the lady wishes."

She waved her hand about, "Yea yea, let's head back tomorrow?"

I nodded, "Is there any other motive?"

She looked at me like I've asked her a bizzare question, before she gave up,

and sighing, said,

"Alright. You know me too well. We must go back for Husna, she needs me."

My gaze softened, "You guys are way more couple goals than me and you."

Kainaat laughed, "I know, right? I love that woman!"

"And I love this woman."

The sentence was out in an instant, and unlike all the othe rtimes when it used to get awkward, this time, she smiled at me,

"I know."

My heart fluttered at her simple agreement and I went back to work, which was booking our tickets to return back home.

If it was upto me, I didn't mind spending the rest of my life here, in this very home, with only us, and as much as I knew it wasn't possible, one look at her and every impossible thing seemed possible.

That evening as we sat with the lights dimmed, chocolates, cookies, chips and blankets spread out infront of us, her head on my chest, my fingers playing with her hair as we watched an 80's movie she'd picked. I took in her scent, realizing it will probably be long for the next time when we're like this.

And boy, was I right.


As we stepped back on the soil we belonged to, I looked back at her and smiled as she instinctly stepped closer to me as I wrapped an arm around her. What surprised me the most, however, was the person who'd come to pick us up.


"You thought, mate," Sami said, "now that you have my cousin, I won't annoy you? So low of you, Zaidaan, so low."

As Sami tsked, Kainaat punched him on his arm, "Salaam, Khairiyat, Sami bhai!"

"Waassalam, Alhamdulillah, you've grown, Kainaat! Is that white hair I see?"

My wife rolled her eyes, "Right, and is that your wife I see behind you?"

Sami faked a smile, "I can't seem to even see a girl in this town anymore, and you talk about a wife!"

Kainaat laughed, "Well, I'll help you, I've connections."

"No thanks, you married people go nuts."

"Now, now Sami Bhai, me and Zaid certainly aren't nuts."

Sami raised his eyebrows, "Zaid? Zai...what? Oh my god. This is nuts! He hates when someone calls him that!"

I handed him our bags, "Well, I hate when someone calls me that, not when my wife does."

Sami threw hands in the air for extra effects, "Nuts!"

That was the end of the banter, as I ushered Kainaat inside and we headed home.

Sami filled me up on the happenings at work on our way back home, and eventhough I had a meeting just yesterday, I realised that I'd missed out on a lot.

As we reache dour home, I helped Kainaat out of the car as Inaya rushed out,


I visibly flinched at her loud tone and motioned with my eyes that Sami was with us, to which she rolled her eyes and tackled me in a hug, pulling Kainaat in,

"Aw, mayn, I missed you guys!"

"I didn't."

Kainaat shoved me at my remark and returned Inaya's hug,

"We missed you too, love."

Inaya grinned at me, and then tucked a strand of he rhair behind her ear as she turned to Sami, a solemn look on her face,

"Hi, Sami."

Sami discretely nodded, sparing her half a glance, and that was the only greeting he returned.

I looked between them with raised eyebrows, and it was Inaya who noticed my look and rolled her eyes again, before grabbing Kainaat's hand and dragging her inside,

"Fariyal's gonna be so glad to see you!"

Was the last thing I heard her say in a high pitched voice.

I looked back at Sami, to find him playing with gravel on the ground.

"Well?" I said.

He looked at me, his jaw tight,

"Well, what?"

"What just happened between you and In-"

"We're nothing, Zaidaan. Absolutely nothing."

I blinked at his abruptness and stepped forward, patting his back and holding his shoulder,

"Okay, bro. You know your limits."

And even though I was serious, there was no other man I'd trust my sister with.

As I was about to step inside, Sami stopped me,

"Zaidaan, wait. You must know something."

I glanced back at him, "Yeah?"

He fidgeted before saying,

"I don't know what, exactly, but something is wrong. Very, very wrong with Abaan. And it's...I don't know, it just doesn't feel good."

I looked at him with my eyebrows furrowed,

"What happened, Sami?"

Sami sighed, "I just...man. I got a call from Fariyal's dad asking me to go visit Abaan and Fariyal, and see if everything's fine. It is fine here, when I'm there. But something's off man, seriously. With the way Fariyal looks, its hundred percent not okay."


My eyes widened at his last statement, "I see."

But my mind was wheeling. This didn't sound good.

He let go of my hand and turned back to his car, I waited until he was out if our driveway before heading inside.

I barely stepped in when my mother dragged me to the living room and made me sit beside Kainaat.

"Haye," mamma started, "nazar na lage. Allah tum dono ko salamt rakhe."

A murmur of Ameen went around the room as Mamma called out,

"Fariyal! Beta, get them refreshments, please!"

Kainaat held my mother's hand,"Nahi, ammi, we'll freshen up first."

But my mother could care less,"Shush, look how thin you've gone, Kainaat! And it's just been two weeks! What is this, Zaidaan? Did you not treat my bahu well?"

Although she framed it as an innocent question, there was no denying of the intentions behind her tone, and as Kainaat and I turned crimson, a mischeivous grin spread across her lips, satisfied with our reaction.

"I doubt whose mother you are now," I feigned being hurt, "last I remmeber, you were worried that I was thin."

My mother laughed, and shook her head, ruffling my hair as she ushered Fariyal forward and handed me a glass of Rooh Afza, as if that one glass would make me all healthy again.

Kainaat got up to hug Fariyal, and I looked up as the sisters hugged, which was a bit longer than normal.

As Fariyal's face was visible to me, I noticed how her eyes closed upon Kainaat's touch. Relief flooded her features. And Sami's words came rushing back to me.

What could have possibly happened?

"Where is Abaan, mamma?"

At my question, everyone suddenly seemed to reaalize he was not present, and it was Fariyal who finally answered me, two agonizingly long minutes later,

"He's in our room, he'll join us soon, In Sha Allah."

I nodded at her, acknowledging the drop in her tone.

Something really did happen.

As Kainaat placed her half finished glass on the tea-table, mamma clapped her hands like a five year old kid,

"So, is there any good news?"

Kainaat went maroon this time at my mom's blunt enquiry, and turned to me for help, but Baba beat me to it.

Me father heaved a hearty chuckle,

"Don't scare the girl this way, Rubina."

Before I could retort back my agreement in a joke, a voice entered our fun atmosphere,

"Well,if it isn't the couple of the century."

The sarcasm lacing his tone was hard to miss, but I let it slide as I got up to greet Abaan, all dressed for work.


He hugged me back, "Walaikumassalam, Bhaiya. Long time no see?"

I chuckled and let him go, and took my place beside Kainaat.

He glanced at Kainaat, "Salaam, bhabhi."

Kainaat replied to his salaam and acknowledged him with a nod, barely even glancing up.

Abaan looked around the room and folded his arms,

"So, what did I miss?"

I felt Inaya shift closer to Fariyal, as if sensing something was gonna happen.

My sister was very observant, more so when things were running risky, and her precautions were a warning to me.

Curiously, I waited as mamma instantly replied, not caring one bit about how embarrassing all of this was,

"Nothing, my son, we were just asking Zaidaan for any sight of a good news!"

If Inaya's nature wasn't enough, the sneer on Abaan's face was enough to put me on gaurd.

I felt the storm before it came, and it was just a gut feeling, but it was strong.

Abaan gave a humorless laugh, and mamma's smile slipped off her face. I felt Kainaat tense up beside me, and I placed a comforting hand on her palm.

"What good news, mamma?" I heard Abaan ask.

Fariyal visibly flinched at his tone, and I noticed how my brother's eyes darkened at that.

This was not Abaan.

Inaya was not practically squeezing Fariyal's hand to calm her down, and my eyes widened when I noticed Fariyal's breathing was slowly turning ragged.

Before I could point it out, Abaan had other plans,

"You'll probably never get any good news from them, mamma."

My eyes widened at his implication and Kainaat stiffened beside me, my mother shot up from her seat,

"Abaan! Enough is enough!"

This was not Abaan.

He payed no heed to our mother and leered my way. More precisely Kainaat's way.

As confused as I was behind his behaviour, I wrapped an arm around her,

"Abaan," I said, "if you have nothing worthwhile to say, please leave."

And that laugh, emotionless, cold, fake, was back. He took his time 'calming' himself, as he gained his composure and said,

"Why, bade bhaiya, didn't your wife tell you?"

"That's enough, Abaan!" It was Fariyal who stepped forward this time.

Abaan glared at Fariyal and although her face screamed she was nervous and scared, she put on a front to back her sister up.

Abaan's eyes were hard to read as he stared down at Fariyal in disappointment, who backed away a few seconds later, defeat slumping her shoulders.

At Fariyal's voice, Kainaat shot up from her seat, as my mother watched Abaan with a warning in her expression.

Inaya, though as confused as me, placed a comforting hand on Kainaat's shoulder, who was shaking by now, and in a shaky, surrendering voice that gave her away, Kainaat muttered,


I saw how Abaan smirked, "So you didn't"

"Don't, Abaan,"

Kainaat's voice was begging him now, and even though I had no clue what was going on, me and Baba stood up at the same time, facing Abaan as he said,

"How coward of you, Kainaat, how coward,"

"Just don't." Although her voice broke at the end, Kainaat had an edge of warning to her tone and I looked at her, realization sinking in.

What could she have possibly hidden from me? What could be so big that she couldn't tell me?

It seemed as if Abaan figured it was about time he ended his taunt game, and my misery of confusion and doubts, as he announced in a grand voice,which seemed to still the air around us and which made Mamma gasp so loud, it was as if he knocked the air out of her and yet caught a breath in my mother's throat with that one line,

"She can never bear children, Zaidaan, she's an infertile woman."

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