《Till The End Of Forever》13 ▪ All The Little Things


I woke up at the wrong timing.

I just wished, hoped, prayed that I hadn't opened my eyes at that moment because honestly it's getting difficult to remove the image out of my head.

Because when I woke, standing right infront of me, completely unaware of my awoke wide eyes, was Zaidaan in only a towel around his torso, his hair dripping wet and his toned muscles naturally flexed.

Now, it wasn't like I haven't seen him like this.

The difference was, the difference which horrified me was that, this time, seeing him like this, actually made me feel things I dare say I shouldn't feel.

Fortunately, or unfortunately I don't know, he didn't spare me a glance as he moved out of the room.

Placing a hand on my heart and breathing in, I closed my eyes,

Oh heart, stay still.

I took my time exploring the luxury in the washroom, completely forgetting my set of toiletries from back home.

This was amazing.

Stepping out in my white bathrobe and a towel around my head, I carefully scanned the room for the bags.

Only to find none.

Speculating my alternatives, I finally sighed and counted till three before calling out,


My voice barely an octave above a whisper, I really didn't think he'd hear the shy call of help, but soon enough a voice called out from the depths of the hotel room,

"Yes, Kainaat?"

Haye Allah, the way he says my name.

Not wanting to start a yelling spree, I followed the smell of toast to the kitchen, involuntarily forgetting my state of dressing.

As I reached the kitchen, the sight ahead made me wish I hadn't come here, atleast then, I could still reign over my heart.

Amidst the soaring morning sun high up in the sky, the rays bouncing against the January dew on the leaves and hitting the glass panes of the windows, reflecting and spilling inside like yellow hue of warmth against cold breeze, stood Zaidaan Farooq, his back to me, in a loose, translucent white button up shirt and black sweatpants, making a meal with expertised movements.

Of all the things he could do, I had least expected him to cook.

He seemed to sense a presence behind him, ogling his silhoutte probably, abd he turned his head to the side, catching my sight and exclaiming in surprise,

"Oh! You weren't supposed to see this."

He shot a sheepish smile and I crossed my arms, raising an eyebrow,

"Pray tell, had we planned on having the breakfast in bed?"

"Don't know about you, but I sure had."

He turned my way with that, his uncoffed sleeves dangling against his wrists as he crossed his arms against his bare chest, unbothered about the fact that his shirt was completely unbuttoned infront of me as he gazed at me, a hint of something I've never seen in anyone's eyes in his eyes.

The bright fog of sunlight did little help to hide me as my damp hair suddenly felt too cold against my neck and I said,

"What's in the menu, mister Farooq?"

I averted my gaze, eventhough we had no eye contact, and eyed the flowers and the chocolates on the small vintage dining table as he said,

"Hmm, well since Her Royal Highness Kainaat whatever is your middle name Khan...Farooq, I was told, isn't really a good cook, I thought I will gift her tastebuds with extravagance of her apparently favourite dish-"

"Just say what you've made, good lords."

He laughed at my impatience before turning the stove off and making his way to me,


"Sabr, jaanam."

My heart fluttered at his words and burst into a myriad of tingles across my body when his fingers brushed against my mine, taking my hand in his as he lead the way to our breakfast destination.

Instead of the miniature table, he made me sit on the counter and plated my meal to perfection.

"According to my research," I couldn't help the giggle that escaped me as Zaidaan spoke, "you love pancakes, topped with chocolate syrup-"



"Extra whipped cream-"

"One scoop cookies and cream ice cream-"

"Another scoop of world class chocolate-"

"And two chocolate bars."

We ended in unison as I threw my head back and laughed, my hand reaching out to take the plate he oh-so-delicately topped with everything I loved, the heavenly sweet smell intoxicating my stomach and tastebuds.

My mountained-with-goodness platter tasted as good as it looked as I closed my eyes when the sweetness burst in my mouth,

"Mhmm, this is too good!"

He dramatically bowed, "Glad I could succumb to your tastebuds."

I chuckled at his words and asked him,

"What does my chef like with his pancakes?"

He smirked at me and scooped bananas and strawberries in a bowl, took a toothpick and started having them,

"Your chef," he started, "doesn't like pancakes."

I choked on two things, his emphasis on 'your chef' and his dislike of pancakes,

"Excuse you, I'm offended."

He rolled his eyes, "I don't like chocolate either."

"Stop insulting me."

He chuckled and shook his head, "You're such a girl."

My mouth stuffed with cream and strawberries and ice-cream, I managed to sputter,

"Well, that is the reason I'm your wife. Because I'm a girl. Be grateful."

He shot me an amused glance and sat across me on the wooden chair, taking the chocolates from the table and tossing the huge bars on my side,

"I know I said I hate chocolates, but I want one of them."

My eyes widened, and I quickly swallowed the last bite before pressing both the wrapped chocolates in my palms,

"I don't share food."

He placed his half-eaten bowl aside and stood up, stepping towards me mischievously,

"Where is gratitude, Kainaat?" He tsked at the end and I narrowed my eyes,

"Thank you, make biryani for dinner."

He controlled his laughter in as he placed his hands on the counter and he made himself comfortable infront of me,

"I think I deserve a bit more than just a thank you."

His implications were as clear as daylight, and I bit my lip,trying to stop the warmth on my cheeks as I tilted my head, causing my still damp hair to curtain my forehead and a part of my cheeks.

He stepped even closer, his hands now flat against the counter behind me as he leaned in, his open shirt dangling as the birds chirped outside and my free hand unknowingly placed itself against his chest, the oversized bathrobe covering half of my palms as my fingertips lightly, barely brushed against his warm skin.

He leaned in, a hairsbreadth between us as my heart thudded against my chest, begging to be freed from the cage of my ribs as his breath fanned my face, causing the stray hair to clear the way for him, the butterflies in my stomach going wild with just him being so close.

His lips barely an inch apart from mine, his hand made its way to my other hand, my grasp on the chocolates loosening as his fingers played with the tips of mine, sending unknown jitters down my arms and spine by just his innocent pattern-play on my palms.


My eyes fluttered close as he shifted even closer, my lips begging, aching for the contact as my stomach was ready to explode, to hold him and never let go.

His lips were suddenly in the crook of my neck as he whispered,


He trailed a kiss on my earlobe, causing my breath to hitch in my throat,


His hot breath tickled my jawline as he lightly pecked the corner of my jawline,

"Near your lips."

My hand fisted his shirt as he entertwined our fingers, gently kissing dangerously close to my lips.

My breathing ragged, heartbeat increased, hands shivered as I felt him entangling his fingers from mine.

His face still as close, he brushed my somewhat dry hair aside and tucked them behind my ears.

My lips parted, what was he doing?

I slowly fluttered my eyes open to find his, the brown orbs a mix of everything I never knew.

I never thought it was possible to hold so many uncertain, unknown emotions in one's eyes and cloud against the orbs in a way that made eyes seem so darn beautiful.

His eyelashes fluttered agaisnt each other as he leaned his forehead against mine, breathing the same way as me as he looked down,


He whispered in a husky voice and my hand loosened its grip against his shirt, succesfully crumpling the piece of clothing as my fingers shivered before falling in my lap,


I had no strength to form words for my insides were still on fire,

"Eating two chocolates in the morning isn't healthy."

With that, in a swift motion, before I could even lift my gaze up, he was out and about and the cool breeze hit me the same moment his words registered in my head.

Still in a daze, I glanced beside me to find only one chocolate, and his booming laughter from the living room.

My mouth hung open and I bit my tongue, not even angry at him for taking my chocolates as I yelled out,

"You will pay for this, Zaidaan!"

His reply was instant,

"I'd love it if you pay me back the way I did!"

And even without him being in the same room, the hot rush in my body was no less.


Some two hours later, when my heartbeat was back in pace, we decided to head out.

Dressed in our casual best we headed down and picked up tidbits to have on the way.

As we headed out, my eyes sweeped for a car but I found none waiting on the curb.

Turning on my heel, I tugged his arm,

"Where are we going?"

He paused in his rapid typing on his phone before looking up,

"Well, that's a surprise."

I groaned, "Zaidaan! What is this behaviour?"

He shook his head, "You and your memes."

I pushed him with my elbow, tried to, I mean, the guy was a good four feet taller than me, "Okay, and how are we gonna go wherever we're going? On foot?"

He shrugged, "Nope, we'll fly."

I gave him a weird look but said nothing as his hand tugged mine and he jogged ahead while I followed.

Sure enough, he did plan on flying.

Because a few steps away from rhe hotel stood a bike. His bike.

Alright, I loved bikes and this guy somehow managed to know this but honest to God I've never been on it.

And he knew that too, yet for some unknown reason, he decided to speed up like a madman and I had to hold onto him for dear life.

I was pretty sure we'd broken all traffic rules and signals with the way he drove, no, flew us over the city.

When we finally stopped, I all but jumped down,glad to have my feet safely back on the ground as I rounded up on him,

"What were you even doing?!"

He ever so slowly got down, "Saving our time, my love, let's go."

With that, he plunged an arm around my neck and leading the way.

I sighed, this man is beyond my understanding.


"This," Zaidaan started, "is the Zurich lake. And across the bridge, it's the Old Town, Altstadt, we'll go there later but first, the Lake."

He held my hand as we walked, the sun's glow on the surface of the water making it seem like twinkling pearls of liquid as the ducks swam across it.

This city was effortlessly beautiful, like something right out of the movies.

Walked down the lane beside the Lake, my hand in his, his occassional laughter at my words and my ears yearning the sound of his voice everytime he stopped speaking as he narrated the tales of past,

"You know," he said, "when I first saw you, I thought you were seventeen."

I chuckled, "I get that a lot."

"Really? You're too beautiful, I'll give you that. It's just...there's something about you which makes you somewhere in between a kid and an adult."

There was only one thing I caught in that sentence,

"Did you call me beautiful?"

"Why, no one ever told you?"

I shook my head, "They did, random people on the streets did, but you never did."

His eyes met mine, and I could suddenly catch on to all the little emotions scattered in them. His eyes were a prism, a vision, and I couldn't stop my hand from stretching up and pushing the few strands of hair away from his forehead.

I think in that moment, I gave it out that he meant something to me, that his words meant something to me.

A shy smile spread across his lips and the tip of his nose tinged red abd I grinned,

"Are you blushing, Zaidaan?"

He laughed, "Stop day dreaming."

I laughed with him, our eyes having a different conversation altogether and in that moment, I decided I never wanted anything more as long as these small, little moments were present in my life.


"Zaidaan, we have to go there."

"Enlighten me how do you intend to have chocolate again, you had an entire platter of it for breakfast!"

"I can have chocolate anytime, anywhere, even if I had it an hour back."

"You actually did have it an hour back."

"NO I did not, you had your share an hour back. I had mine some four hours ago."

Realizing he can't win this argument, he sighed and exasperatedly exclaimed,

"Fine. Fine! But if you take more than fifteen minutes in there, we're going back home."

I pouted, "Such a party pooper."

He didn't comment back but sulked with me towards Confiserie Sprüngli.

"You women have such weird taste," I heard him say, "look at that name, sproongli, what does it even mean?"

I rolled my eyes, "Excuse you, Zaid, its sprüngli, and I don't know what it means. It has pastries too, ohmygod!Why don't you go ask someone, while I pack a box for us? Okay, bye!"

With that I shoved him aside, knowing full well he wouldn't let me taste and choose them all in peace.

As I made my way to the counter, I turned back and found Zaidaan in a corner, in conversation with one of the workers, pobably asking the meaning of sprüngli, and shaking my head, focused my attention back on the delicasies,

"Hi, can I..."

Not surprisingly for me, and sadly for Zaidaan, we ended up taking

forty-five minutes there.

We headed out with me holding three paper bags full of chocolates and a few pastries because it was so definutely worth buying in bulk, and I couldn't resist. I couldn't wait to share these with Husna and Sahifa.

"Well, where to next?" I asked as we approached our ride.

He leaned against the bike and crosses his arms,

'Your chauffer has a surprise for you."

I cupped his cheeks with my free hand and smiled,

"Isn't my chauffer giving me surprises this entire visit?"

He shoved my hand and winked at me, "Yes, but this surprise is more of a treat for the chauffer."

His wink was the part which scared me, and suddenly I wasn't as confident.

Nevertheless, I gulped and let him start the bike before settling on as he sped up the streets of Zurich, the weather being a perfect setup for our mood.


Half an hour later, he stopped infront of Zurich Thermal Baths and Spa.

I got down with my mouth wide open,

"W-what will we do here?"

He gave a low whistle, "Get you ready for our next stop"

My eyes widened as I spun around,

"What do you mean?"

He chuckled and held my shoulders as he pushed me in,

"There will be someone waiting for you in here, you'll find your way, don't worry. The guy who picked us up from the airport? Pashto chacha? He'll pick you up in two hours. Enjoy your time, Kainaat."

With that, he lightly pecked the side of my head before his warmth left my side and I could no longer smell his scent.

Heck, he was as fast as lightning because when I turned around, he was no where to be found.

Closing my eyes and inhaling, I stepped in, not knowing that my two hours here would be something I'd never anticipated.

As soon as I had completed my one round of scanning the area wuth my eyes, a lady in her late forties approcahed me,

"Hello, miss. You must be Kainaat."

I blinked before accepting her outstretched hand,

"Er, yes. Hi. You are...?"

"I'm Zayra. I work in your husband's company, please, follow me."

A few minutes later, I was completely at peace and comfortable with her as she kept a steady conversation and breified me on what exactly was I gonna do here.

So apparently, I was gonna get dolled up here for our date night.

I couldn't help the flutters that arose in me at the word date.

An hour later, after my skin was pampered and bathed in the most luxurious of oils and creams and the most subtle of fragrances, and my face was lined with the most minimal of make up, just the way I preferred, I was taken down to an area which I previously never noticed.

"So," Zayra started, "ohmygod, I'm more excited than you for this. This is the best part, Kainaat, your husband does have amazing choice, mashaAllah."

"Alhamdulillah for that." I muttered back before my sound was silenced when the lights turned on.

Because in front of me, were the most expensive of gowns and dresses, from royal velvet to delicate chiffon and feminine silk to the bling of shimmers, there was everything.

As if that was not enough, all of those dresses, I mean all of them, had matching shoes and jewellery.

"And um," I started, "you expect me to choose from all of these?"

I heard Zayra laugh, "Well, we do have help. Sofia here was specifically hired to help you with this."

I grinned, "He knew I'm indecisive. This man!" I ended up laughing in glee as Zayra's eyes watched me and suddenly she said,

"I pray that you and Zaidaan forever stay this happy, and may you become the coolness of each other's eyes."

I turned to her, "Ameen, Zayra. JazakAllah."

She smiled at me, "Seeing you so happy, I didn't want any evil eye to get to you, so I said a prayer. I'm more than happy for you both."

Not having any words, I just gave her a genuine smile and gave her a side hug.

An hour later, the two hours were already over by the way, we finally found the perfect dress for me.

It was a pastel salmon and mauve flowing backless silk gown, the sleeves cuffed at the shoulders and flowed down in frills near my wrist as it fit in my curves at the right places, contrary to the loose clothing I always chose to wear.

It surprised how perfect the fit was on me and I blushed when I realised that it really was completely backless.

"Hair up or down?"

"Down." I didn't need more skin exposed anyway.

I let my natural hair flow down in waves and declined anything fancy as this was more than what I asked for.

The matching ring, earrings and heels were set, a clutch was handed to me which matched the mauve of my sleeves and I strapped a thin strap watch across my left wrist. With one last glance at myself, before I could lose my confidence and chicken out, I announced,

"I'm ready."

Zayra clapped her hands and gushed over me as I remembered that I couldn't go out like this.

Zayra read my mind before I spoke,

"Don't worry about that, we have a matching shawl for you to drape around yourself until you reach the venue. It's a private venue, so you can remove the shawl there."

I bit my lip as I nodded along.

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