《From hate, to Lust to Love》18 She is a Gem


It is a matter of time before Robert will lose his sight and lose his way. Revenge has that effect on people. When I went to my room, June was there already.

"So did you have a good time kissing dearie?" she asked lovingly. oh God. Not this.

"It was a mistake" I told her quite embarrassed.

"He needs someone like you. Please, give him a chance. Look at him. He has money, he has everything but not someone to genuinely love him" she said with sadness.

"If he had only listen to me 2 years ago, I would have done anything to him. I was almost in love with him. I told you what sort of life he forced me to live. And why do you think I am living in this house right now June? Because he threaten to hurt my people. He cant use revenge and pain to blackmail others. He will be doomed if he choose to be like this for too long" I explained.

"That is exactly why he needs you. He is a kind and generous man. If you could just try, you might be able to heal him. Do you think he knows what genuine love is? Do you think so far he had anyone to care for him or he cared? No dearie. He cares for you. You can change him. Please, don't be harsh to him. With time he will change"

I sat on the bed with June.

"Okay. I have couple of more months. I will stay, and I will try my best" I told her, not that I believed I could do it, but just to make her happy.

Next day, I dressed carefully. Robert have his cameras everywhere. I don't know what and what he is capable of seeing. When I went down, I saw him on a ladder.


"What the hell are you trying to do? Killing your self? Get down. It is not safe" I told him.

"Relax princess. Just taking off some of the camera here, so you can be of ease. I don't know why I have to do it thought. I have seen you with much less clothing" she said annoyed and also teasingly at the same time.

"Be careful what you say up there. I kick to the ladder and you will be down with a broken neck. If I were you, I would shut up and do my work" I told him threateningly.

"That's my girl. You learn to threaten from the best. And I am proud of hand in that" he said laughing before I left him to do whatever he was doing. Arguing with Robert had never been a good idea when all he want to do is annoy me or tease me.

I made breakfast for Robert, myself and June. I do all the cooking on popular request. Even Jude drop in at times to have lunch with us. Her parents have been hinting they expect more meals from me. Robert had refused to east out. He has breakfast, then I have to pack him something for lunch, or he sends the driver to collect his lunch, then dinner.

I was making breakfast when Robert entered kitchen.

"What the hell do you think you are doing? Just go away" I told him.

"Smell lovely love" and he kissed my cheeks. Oh no, this kissing and touching is not going to continue.

One thing I was always firm was my religion. I pray 5 times a day. I do fasting. I am a very religious person except when Robert is around which is threatening me my peace of mind.

"You cant just keep kissing me you know. I have explained it to you many time over and over again about a non-Mahram"


"I know" he said and placed another kiss on my other cheek.

"What is wrong with you? I am telling you cant kiss me and you keep doing it"

"I know" and another kiss on my lips.

I had enough. "Out"

"I want to stay"

"I said out. Go away. If you don't, I will set this house on fire" I told him with a spoon in my hand.

"No need to be violent now. I am leaving" finally. "By the way, I forgot one thing"

"What is it now?" I asked. He turned me and gave me another kiss right on my lips.

"That one" he said before walking away.

This has to stop.


It's been 3 months since Amira came to live with me. And these 3 months are the most beautiful ones I have ever had. I feel at peace. I feel content and most of all, I could feel I have kind of mellow down. I am not often rude to anyone at office, which my partner James had noticed and commented.

"Rob, you are a changed man" he said.

"You are hallucinating"

"The staff commented too. And seriously, whatever therapy or counseling you are getting is working on you. Or is it that girl, Helen? She is having a good influence on you man. Just marry the chick. You will be a happy man" he said.

"I broke up with Helen about 4 months ago. And I need to tell you something"

James is a happily married family man. So, I told him everything about Amira. When I finished he was looking at me like I was mad.

"you are a f*cking bastard you know" he said quite angrily.

"You think I don't know that? I live every day thinking the 2 years I have made this girl suffer for something she didn't do. The only thing she ever did was forgive me and take care of me" I told her clearly frustrated.

"Did you ask for her forgiveness?"

"That's what I am damned pissed about. After all I have done, she says she forgive me without any condition. I want her to punish me in some way, but sweet as she is, she wouldn't do it"

James was silent for some time. "Is she the one you are spending time with these days?"

"I am not sleeping with her man. She is Muslim and pray and all that. It's a battle to even touch her. She doesn't give in"

"But seriously Rob, she is a gem. Look at you man. You look better since I know you. Your focus is better than it what it was. Your temperament has improved and the work you do is blowing some of our clients mind off. You were the best in the industry may be 4 years ago, but you replace the best you with another best you. If I were you, I would keep this woman" he said.

"I'll think about it. Now lets get back to work"

I spent the next few hours with James discussing the next multi million dollar project for which we need to make a presentation.

At 5.30 I left home. I know my baby will be waiting for me. It is such a nice feeling to have someone wait for me at home. Amira has one thing about her which I will never find in another woman. Loyalty. She doesn't want to hurt her family which abandon her nor me who hurt her. She will stick to make sure of our welfare without expecting anything in return. And every time I remember her, I feel nothing but a grand feeling like I have never felt before.

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