《From hate, to Lust to Love》16 Honey


1month latter:

I share a meal with Robert everyday. Dinner is the only time we meet and I was surprise that he didn't go out a single day these two weeks. The Robert I know is heavy on women and dates. June is one of my favorite people in the entire world. I try out very elaborated cooking and she is my test subject.

"You will spoil me if you keep feeding food like this" June will always complain.

The good thing about Robert current location is the lovely neighborhood. I made friends with couple of them. Jude is one of them. She is the rich neighbors daughter. I had a feeling she is infatuated with Robert. She is a nice girl. Very sophisticated and will suit Robert splendidly if he could just drop his entire drama of revenge.

She is also in to philanthropy. So, whatever Robert gives me which is about $50,000 and his friends donate which is around another $100,000, I and Jude started our initial work. June's dad gave a thumping $250,000 a month for charity alone. Totally we have $400,000 per month to work out. I was so excited. Jude picked children and education and I picked men and woman who were abused and homeless.

With Roberts and Jude's rich friends, I was sure we could do a lot more.

It took another 2 weeks to come up with plans as to how we are helping and budget for each category. End of the month we were set to make a difference in the world.

Jude is same as my size. So she hand me down some of her branded clothing she is no longer using as I didn't have money to buy anything of my own. I was wearing extremely fancy and breath taking clothes at the end of 3rd week at home. When Robert come I wear my abaya, but rest of the time I wear some of the gorgeous dresses that were Jude's/


As the 3rd week, I was able to talk to Robert without fear. The food was doing me good. And stress free and worry free life is suiting me even better. I prayed, I did all my religious devotions and rituals, and ever since I could recalled, kind of started to feel free.

Me and Robert were having dinner. I made him a pasta dish. I hate pasta. So I made something else for me. Least I can do for Robert is feed him well for pushing me through hell, yet giving me this luxury of life. Suddenly, the door opened and I saw a very familiar person coming in.

Her face was caked with foundation and make up. She looks exactly like someone who would come out of a plastic surgeons office. But she is extremely beautiful and sensational.

Hellen Debora, the face of beauty. She came rushing in to Robert, who seems to be loss of a reaction. She saw me but gave me a cynical look before kissing Robert soundly in front of me. Oh my God, not this. I wanted to get away giving Robert the space to deal with his deprived sex life, as he had stop bringing women home.

When I stood up, Robert gently pushed Helen aside.

"I missed you so much darling, and I was waiting for your call before I decide to surprise you" she said in a seductive tone. A small smile crept on me unknowingly. This is how it had been 2 years back. He hasn't changed at all.

"Meet Amira. And Ami, this is Helen"

"I didn't know you host terrorists" Helen said in a teasing tone but full of venom. I know her type. So I decided to ignore but what Robert said took me and Helen both by surprise.

"One word Helen, say one word about Amira, and I will toss you from the ear"



I asked Jude to be Amira's friend as long as she is with me. Jude is a sweet girl. I also spoke to some of my wealthy friends and set up a fund to manage by Jude and Amira. That will keep both women happy.

I knew Amira need new clothes. If I had given her directly, she wouldn't have taken it. So I had to ask Jude's help in buying some for her. I had cameras fixed in my house as most of the houses in the area. Everyday, I check out Amira with her new dress when she come to greet June. One thing for sure, nothing, absolutely nothing and no one can be as beautiful as Amira. I still remember the two times I kissed her. Every time I think of it, with remorse I also feel aroused. And that was the case even when I thought her the traitor. But for about week now, I have to hold on myself and have a cold shower after every meal.

Helen has set her matrimonial cap on me. I knew that long time before but didn't pay much attention to her as I wouldn't have mind actually getting married to her. She is shallow and vain now that I think of it. And I am no longer interested in her.

When she came and kissed me, for once I was stunned. I want to do it without embarrassing Helen. Break ups are always messy. Since I am in the public eye, I need to be even more careful. But the moment he targeted her hate at Amira, all rational left my mind. I wouldn't have minded breaking her neck then and there.

"One word Helen, say one word about Amira, and I will toss you from the ear" Amira and Helen both stood silent and looking at me as I have grown wings.

"So, she is the slut you are sleeping with and the reason to avoid me?" I saw Amira going pale with Helens words meant to hurt her. I can feel the anger rising in me.

"If you were a man, I would have punched you for what you just said. Get lost from this house and never, I repeat never show your ugly face to me again" I told Helen controlling my anger which is hanging in a thin thread.

"Well, lets see how long can this ugly duckling can keep you entertained" Helen said before turning to go.

"She is a million times beautiful inside and out than a million of you put together. Now get out"

"Oh really. The tabloids will love it" That when I knew things are going to get ugly. Amira slowly moved to my side, and held my hand. I saw stunned by her intimacy. I know she felt my anger and knowing my nature, I am sure she felt the urge to restrain me.

"Oh go ahead. I will survive and so does Amira. We have seen worst" I told one last time for Helen.

Amira stood by me a long time after Helen went. I know she is worried about what would Helen do. I don't want her to go through the humiliation I put here through ever again.

"Honey, please don't worry. I will take care of the tabloids. Just trust me and leave it in my hands" first time I called her with an endearment. She look indifference to it but my heart started to beat faster.

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