《From hate, to Lust to Love》11 This is not happening


It took me two years to finally get where I want to be. My ruthlessness and instincts have made my business one of the fastest growing companies in the country. The company which charged criminal charges against me, gave me access to their information on what happened upon threatening to acquire it.

And the story was simple. Asad one of the directors was cheating on them with the help of another employee and they were doing it using my credentials. I had no away to know. And they have even used my computer. I know I didn't do it, because I didn't.

It took me not even a moment hesitation to decide Asad and family will have a painful life as long as I live. I never forgive those who hurt me.

When I saw Amira, I realized I haven't kept track of her assuming she is with her parents. Well, she managed to escape my radar. And I am so thankful I stumble on her today. I have her and her family's history. I will see what my next step. I only have to move once more and I know I have destroyed them.

My date today is Helen. We have dated for about 3 months now. I am in my 30s and one thing I keep on wondering is marriage. Though marriage will not suit me, children will do. I still remember Hannah. I see her now and then. She has grown up to be a bright child. I remember all the things Amira use to tell her about me. Her betrayal was one of the most difficult thing to forget. It took me 1 year to at least say her name without exploding. I would have trusted her with my life. May be as time moved on, I would have fallen in love with her because by the time we fell apart or rather she cheated on me, I was half way there.


I drank myself to unconsciousness for about 1 month. I couldn't stop the pain of betrayal. I blame myself alone for such nonsense.

I reached Helen in 10minutes. She is always takes my breath away. Though her make up is on the heavy side, who could blame her for looking beautiful.

"Hey babe" and I gave her a bone melting kiss.

"Come on. We are late. I told all my girlfriends about you. They are so excited to see you. Some of them might come to the club today" she told me quite happily.

"Great. These flowers are for you. Come let's go" and in 30munites we arrived at the restaurant for dinner. And in 2 hours time, we were at the club.

I was totally wasted by the time I reached home which was early morning after stopping at Helens. She is ambitious which is good but not when pursuing me. I have a feeling she is trying too hard to impress me.

I went home and slept the entire day as my body needs that break. Then I remembered I have some work documentation in the car and went to get it. And along with the file I took the background search report.


Life is not going to be easy. Robert saw me and I am sure soon I will be asked to find another place to work. I should start looking soon. If I lose this job, I wont be able to pay the rent. This job is where majority of my income is coming from, which is sufficient to pay the rent. Even with economizing food, I struggle to make end meets at the end of the month but without a job, I am sure to be doomed.

Robert said something about making my family homeless. I tried speaking to my mum for the last 2 years without any success. So I have no idea whats going on. I hope my step father has not offended or done anything wrong to Robert. His revenge is brutal and I am the best person to know it first hand.


I finished my work and went before it's too dark to my room which I am sharing with 2 others. The room is sufficient to hold only our beds. The two girls are very nasty. They drink hard and do all kind of haram things that make me cringe. But this is the cheapest rent I could find. So I ignore them and keep it to myself.

weekends I baby sit. It is one of the easiest jobs. I love children and they love me. The money isn't great but it is better than doing nothing. Today I have to go to a house in down town where I was needed. I don't randomly go to unknown houses but my client said her friend needs a baby sitter for today and will pay $200 for the work. I need the money, so I decided to go. It's been 3 weeks since I saw Robert. I hope he had forgotten me completely as I am still working at the supper market.

These houses are the most expensive ones in this part of the world. I was so hoping to make an impression on the baby and her parents so I get a job with them. It will solve most of my problems.

I rang the bell. And the security guy open the door, and asked me to go to the 1st floor where "sir" is expecting. The house is epitome of luxury. Beautiful. I was just thinking of the comfort that comes in living in a house like this. I went to the first floor facing the beach. A house maid asked me to stay in the open area of the house facing the beach.

I don't remember when it was last I came to the beach side. When I was with mum, I was working for them. Then I was looking after Robert. Now, I am looking after myself but I don't have the time. I went and stood right at front of the open area where I could enjoy the sea breeze. I waited until I am called.

"Amira" and I turned so fast, I almost fell to my death from the 1s floor. No, No. This is not happening.

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