《From hate, to Lust to Love》8 someone, anyone to care


I went to Washington with so much of work. A competitor was trying to get one of my projects for a cheaper cost. And I was surprised also with the same feature as mine. This is after I completed the entire development of the software and then test running it. I simply cant believe it. I got the call after dinner at Ami's place. So I left early in the morning.

Next morning I got another call from another client saying the same thing. I was hoping there is something a miss. But to when I checked, what I saw was nothing short of betrayal. Someone has copied couple of my software and sold it to these guys, half of the price I was quoting. When I checked the log,it shows the time of taking copying to a device. I am a Tec geek. I know to trace things. It is easy to trace back. And what I found completely destroyed me. I haven't felt so sad, angry and disappointed in a long time. The wifi used to access was Amira's one.

The bitch was playing all cool and nice until she got my stuff and played me for the fool. Amira kept calling me and messaging me for the last 3 days which I completely ignored. She will pay for this. I swear to God, she will. I lost 3 of the assignments which I was completed. And whole lot of money.

I did one thing I never did on Amira before. I hacked in to her mails and personal details. I retrieve all the pics from there. Just when I was going through them I saw Asad, the man who wrongly accused me for financial crimes and miss management in my previous company. I dig down more and found out this guy is Amira's father. Well played father and daughter.


Next day, I went home. Pay back time. I rang Amira's door bell. She opened the door with a pleasant smile in her face as if she is happy to see me. It made me even more furious. Deception. And I did something I have never done in my life, which is raise a hand at a woman, and slapped her hard. She stumble right on the floor and was looking at me shocked.

"You hit me" she said pretending to be sad and hurt, while I saw tears shimmering in her eyes.

"You f*cking bitch. You stole everything from me. Why?" I pulled her up, crushed her in between the wall and my body and asked her.

"What are you talking about? I didn't steal anything from you" she said pretending to be shocked.

"Don't F8cking lie to me. I will kill you, I swear I will kill you. Is your retarded criminal father also part of this?" I asked her furiously.

"I don't know what you are talking about. Please, you are hurting me. Robert, please"

"I lost around $200,000 because you and your father took the extra mile to ruin me. I was the fool but you little f*cking slut, you will pay for your this"

I started to kiss her right on the lips. She will pay fort his. I could feel blood from her lips and she kept fighting me. But I tighten my hold. I tossed her headscarf aside. And it fell on the floor while Amira tried her best to retrieve it.

Her abaaya is button on the front and I ripped it open. And then I felt a slap on my face.

"You slut, how are you?" I took both her hands in an iron grip and held it on top of her head.


"You hit me, you accuse me of something I have no idea and you are talking about my father who is dead" she told me while tears stream from her eyes.

I kissed her on the lips. I didn't let her say another word. She was resisting. I tasted the tear drops as I kept kissing her brutally. Then I slid my hand, cupped her breast. I felt her shiver. She was wearing a tank top. I put my hand inside her top and squeezed her breast hard she wriggle in my embrace with pain.

"You F8cked me and it is only right I f*ck you back in return" I told her harshly against her lips.

"Please, Please I beg you. Talk to me, and if I am guilty, I will give you myself" she told me very sadly in a small voice.

"So, you whore for all your fathers enemies?" I asked her. She flinched. This woman is a bloody good actress.

I flipped her on the sofa. Her abaaya is off. She is only wearing a three quarter with her tank top. I pinned her on the sofa. And lift her top so I can finish what I have started.

"Please Robert, please. You can tie me up if you don't believe me, but please talk to me before you hurt me. Please?" she said almost sobbing.

I shook my head and lowered my head to her breast and start sucking it, biting it all the while I could hear her crying for mercy.

"Robert, I am not screaming. see.. I am only begging you to listen to me"

I was so aroused from the site of her. She has a body to die for. And she tasted f*cking delicious.

"Talk when I am holding you" I told her breathing fire.

"I didn't take anything from you. I live pay check to pay check. You can check my phone and see there is nothing, absolutely nothing in my band now. And if I have my father, do you think he will leave me unprotected anyone to walk in abuse like this?" She asked me sobbing.

"You pathetic piece of shit. Lie all you want but now I know how you played me, I have no reason to believe you. Mind you, you are destroyed. I don't want to F*cking touch you. You are disgusting" I got off from her, really feeling the disgust.


It hurts. It really hurts. The same person I thought would protect me is the one who is hurting me. I couldn't stop crying. I didn't do anything hurt Robert. My only crime is caring for him close to loving and giving my heart. He stormed out of the house cursing me.

I ran and locked the door. Shame filled me. He touched me in places he has no right to. He kissed me and hurt me for which he had no right. But above all, no man or woman has the right to strike me which he did. And I will never forgive him for that.

The loud music started around 9 p.m the same day. It went on till 6 a.m. I couldn't sleep for a single second.

Next day morning, I opened the door and someone had thrown some garbage on my door. I got it. I cleaned it before I step out.

All the while going to office I was thinking how nice it would be if I had someone, anyone to care for me.

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