《From hate, to Lust to Love》7 Broken


My migraine is back again. It happens when I am so much stressed. The only time I am not stressed is when I am Ami's house. Her house is a wonder of its own. It's like a eco resort. Her room which is almost like mine as I have slept in that bed as much as her "alone" is better than any luxurious place I have been.

Ami doesn't know about my imprisonment, the cuts and bruises on my back nor my shameful past with my grandparents. My nightmares of the past has almost ceased, but now and then I get it. I can hear Hannah from the living room. I was never a good at kids kind of person. In fact initially I didn't want anything to do with Hannah. But every time I try to get rid of her, she give me her heart melting laugh. Babies are just manipulative things. If they cant win you with their smiles and laughter, they can certainly can drive you mad with crying. This tiny thing has certainly started to like me from the time she laid eyes on me.

Ami didn't like her favorite child taking up on me. Every time Hannah comes to me I hear all sort of sarcasm.

"Hannah, you have really bad taste in men" or

"Hannah, all it took was a pair of blue eyes to desert me?"

"Hannah, don't let him kiss you. That mouth need to be sanitize" or

"Don't come to me when he toss you out, which wont take long"

I got up from a short nap, and decided to brace the living room where Hannah is settled on Ami's lap. When she saw me, she jumped off from Ami's lap. Only few times in my life I have witness such devotion from anyone. It warmed me more because this child genuinely like me.


"Where is my baby?" I asked Hannah while taking her from Zainab. My reward was a give, fat, wet kiss on my cheeks.

"Aunt Ami did warm you about charming me, didn't she? You need to follow her advice" I told her sternly and Hannah started to giggle. I have work to do, but I can wait for an hour so with the child. I am already hungry.

"I only wish Aunt Ami had kept my child without aborting. You understand Hannah? No, looks like you don't either. Otherwise, why would you giggle when I am pouring my heart out to you" Hannah kept giggling.

And it was good 2 hours before I finished dinner and decided to go to my apartment.


Another call from Raiz. This is becoming quite annoying.

"Can you help me please? This is idiot is taking the life out of me?" I asked Robert angrily.

"Okay. I thin it is time to put an end to this man. Dial his number and give it to me"

"Oh thank you, thank you so much. I will bathe you , dress you, feed you, scrub your floor..."

"Thanks. Just feed me. That's good enough"

I dialed and put the phone on speaker.

"Hello Amira Darling, I know you would one day answer my call. Please tell me you have changed your mind"

"Now look you d*ckhead, f*ck face, son of a b*ch ................................................................................................. mother .................. If you every call Amira again I will ......................................................................................................... and .................................................................. before I cut your................................................ in to pieces and feed the sharks. Is that clear?" I shut my ears half way the conversation as I am sure I will be scared just by listening to Roberts vivid vocabulary.

"She will pay for this" Raiz said coldly.

"A single look from you, and I will take both your eyes for dinner. Understood? Stay away from Amira" and he hung up.


"You could have just told him that we are going out and finished the business. Your words are still ringing in my head. From where did you learn to curse like that? My God"

"Just shut up If he troubles again tell me. Okay? Look the door. I am leaving"

Had I knew that would be our last minutes of friendship, I wouldn't have let him go. But I didn't, so he went.


Robert messaged me latter saying he will be off for a weak in Washington D.C for a client work. I know his business is kicking off, and he will be traveling more often and sooner will move out of the apartment for a better one.

I did my work as usual. I missed him though. He calls me now and then.

But then suddenly, he stopped calling me and answering my calls. I was worried. I sent him messages after another and even mailed him just to make sure he is okay.

Marry and her boyfriend had some fight and she is sleeping over at my place which was a nice thing. I really need some company.

"Didn't he call you back?" Marry asked me.

"No. It is very unlike him you know"

"Amira, just asking. Are you sure you are not in love with him? You fuss so much about him"

"Look I care for him deeply. He sleep around and does all kind of things. I am not comfortable in having such a relationship. I don't think he can be faithful. I'll end up hurt. So I think we are better of as friends"

"What about that guy who keeps calling you?"

"He is still stalking. My mum doesn't answer my calls anymore. I don't know what to do" I told her honestly.

It was nice having Marry around as we went out for a movie and latter had dinner. By the 3rd day, Marry's boyfriend Josh came home to pick her up.

"Please stop the intimacy, I am about to throw up, blaaaccckkhhhh" I pretended nauseated.

"Very funny. We are leaving anyway"

They went after sometime before my life came crashing at me.

I heard the door bell ring in 15minutes. And it was Robert. I was so relieved to see him, open the door ready to accuse him for worrying me. But just as I opened the door, he pushed the door open, and did something no one has every done. He slapped me across my face so hard I lost my balance and fell on the floor.

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