《From hate, to Lust to Love》6 Why did you kill my baby?


Over the past few months Amirah and myself kind of bond well. The more I got to know her, I realized that there are certain boundaries I shouldn't cross if I want to remain friends with her. No smoking, no drinking, no drugs and no loud sex. I can do that.

I totally pushed the kiss we shared out of my mind. I never forgot it though. I haven't seen her without the so called "abaaya" after that incident. She makes dinner for me most of the time. I have spent my time with useless friends and girls for so long or all my life, Ami is becoming so comfortable like the next thing to a family.

She doesn't know my dark secrets. I know she was curious. Couple of times she did ask. But those are my secrets to carry. Also, I am someone with an hyper active libido. I need sex like now and then. I am so glad Ami and I don't have that relationship, as most of the time, after sex the novelty is gone.

My grandparents have been hunting me as the rumors say. They have learnt my success and may be failure as well. But then, I need time to really pay them back for screwing up my life. I work hard. I am saving enough money to have my own IT set up with hired help. Right now, day and night, I do all the work as it is a one man show. I know I can make millions. I am just waiting for my finances to grow.

This woman, Alicia is a mistake. I don't know what made me pick her up from the supermarket today. Ami generally a life saver. I hope she would help me this time as well.

"Robert is looking to settle down you know and he has a weakness for red hair. I am glad he found someone closely resembling his dreams" I literally jump up on my seat. What the hell is she saying? I gave her a hard look. I can never be angry with her. I tried but nope, she is probably the only one I am unable to get angry.


"Oh, that's so sweet. I think we should meet up often" Alicia said sweetly.

"Yea, talking of that, I think I'll call you but you need to go now as I am off to meet someone" I told her finding a chance to escape.

"Oh, the person you are meeting, called when you went out and informed the meeting is cancelled" Ami told sweetly. Alicia looked very pleased to hear that. I know why she is doing this. Few days back I refuse to call some guy her mother is trying to set her up with, and tell him not to trouble her. I thought it was a good way of having some fun. Whenever that guy call which is very often, Ami just keep using innovative ways of scolding him. He never answer his calls though. Let me play this dirty.

"Alicia, I am sorry. I should have told you earlier but Ami here is pregnant with my child. I promise you it was only once we did "it". Now she is two months pregnant. I want to tell you about it before things get complicated" Haha.. Lets see who is winning. Ami's jaw just dropped. And she was looking at me as I have grown wings.

"No, I went and got the abortion" she told me while Alicia was looking as we both have gone mad.

"Oh, you killed my baby" I accused Ami with false pretense.

"You told me to get rid of it. So yea, baby gone. You can get married to Alicia" Ami kept babbling. And it took only 2mins for Alicia to figure out how disastrous things look, she fled the building like it was on fire, despite Ami begging her literally to stay and marry me.

"I am going to murder you" oh, now the tantrum.

"I will murder you before. You almost planned my funeral with that woman" I told her getting back to the sofa, adjusting the cushion and sleeping.


"Shoes off, you idiot"

"Leave me alone"

I just need to relax as I can feel my migraine retuning.

"Ami, You have the migraine tablet?" I asked her. I kept some tablets with her, just in case.

"I simply cant make you stop calling me Ami. Here, take the tablet. Go to the room and sleep. If anything call me"


I get 20 call on average from this Raiz guy, which is kind of ruining my mood 20 times a day. I tried explaining him, be nice, rude, cruel, sarcastic, outrageous but nothing worked. I asked Robert if he can pretend to be my boyfriend. But the idiot refused it outright. I know, he was having too much fun seeing my discomfort. But Robert will come along.

I remember once me and Robert went to a close by restaurant. He completed one of his so called projects, and wanted to treat me before he ran off with his alcoholic friends to a club. I was wearing a headscarf and one guy started a rant on terrorism. A dark look crossed Roberts eyes before he decided to take the guy by his collar, lift him up and then kick him on the ground. I had to retrain him. He was shaking in rage. That was a time I decided, I will not go out with Robert again, because I cant control what people think of me, but I don't want Robert to get in to trouble. He is fiercely loyal.

One of the things I am positive that can land me in jail is Jenny. Mine and Roberts neighbor. She moved in few months ago, and taken up with Robert. I have told Robert if he sleep with her or talk to her or so much so think of her, I am done with him forever. But that didn't stop Jenny from banging in to my house or Roberts house. She is pretty. I give her that much. But it is her attitude that put me off. Seriously.

And thinking of the devil, the door bell rang. My house has recently been the apartment of homeless men and women, where Robert, Hannah (6 months old daughter of another neighbor), Marry and the gang hang out. I don't blame Hannah as she is the only one I welcome with a smile. No that's not true. Except for Robert, I welcome everyone. That rule is exception for him, as he hardly cares if he is welcome or not as he just comes in if he wants.

I opened the door and my baby, darling little chocolate fountain Hannah was there with her mother, Tina.

"Come in Tina. Oh gosh, my little panda is here" I said immediately taking Hannah from her mother.

"Amirah, I need to go out to get the grocery. Can you look after Hannah for me please? I wont be long"

"Oh, I'd love to. Say bye to mommy"

Hannah loves to mess with Robert. And Robert always act like the angry bear when he is with her, which she has taken as a joke. And when Robert around she walks all over him. And every time he tried to do something, she laughs so hard. It's a sight to behold.

"Uncle Rob is sleeping my love. He is not well. You can play with me" I told her as I could see her scanning my living room looking. And then as always, she settled in my hand. I love this child.

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