《From hate, to Lust to Love》Twist of fate


Over the next few months, I hardly saw the guy on whom I spilt my coffee. May be once I saw him but that was not a nice encounter either. But I have my own problems to worry about rather than think of someone rude. My step father is trying to get me married to one of his relations. The guy works for some bank. And I have long ago decided, I will not marry who ever has my mothers and step fathers DNA. No, never. They are the epitome of selfishness and self indulgence.

"Your papa says if you are not consenting to marry Raiz, you are not welcome to stay here anymore. I personally think he is right. You are just like your father. Hardly have gratitude for people who feed you and clothe you"

"Mum, why not one of the girls get married?" I meant Faiza and Shermila.

"They could find much better husbands. After all, look at them. My only regret is I am not their biological mum" I almost roll my eyes. Years of cruelty from Faiza and Shermila had given me the wisdom of when to speak and when not to.

"I still cant marry him, no matter how tempting the offer is mum"

I heard my step dad calling me and mother from his study. This is not going to end up well. He hardly speaks to me. May be it was months back last he spoke to me.

"Did you call us?" mum asked him.

"What is her final answer? I don't have the time to waste. Raiz's parents are pushing me for an answer. If my wishes are not followed, she can leave the house and never return" he told my mum.

"Ahhem, dad, please. I am not ready to marry as yet" I told him in my most humble voice.He stormed towards me angrily.


"I should have tossed you out of my house the day I married your mother. You enjoyed my hospitality, fend on me like a parasite for years and then speak back to me in your high and mighty attitude. I will call Raiz and say you accept the proposal"

"No, I don't. I will not marry him"

"Then you will leave this house right away and never return"

"Mum, please" I pleaded with my mum who seems to be in a different world altogether and told me in a tone I will never forget till my dying days " Get out of this house. I don't want to see you ever again"

I looked at the woman who supposedly gave birth to me one last time. I slaved myself enough for them. And I walked out of the study to my room.

It was 10 at night. I packed my personal belonging, which could be fit in one bag. I have exactly $4,000 in my bank. I can rent out a place soon. But I will stay with Marry for couple of days.

I called Marry. explained her the situation. She and her boyfriend share an apartment. I don't want to be the spare wheel but for only today, it would do.

"Really appreciate your hospitality Marry. I promise you, I will leave in a day or maximum two"

"It's okay love. You can stay as long as you like" but I kind of felt Mary's boyfriend Mark is not too excited about the prospect.

So next day, me and Marry went to office. I explained Mr.Cooper the emergency situation and took two days off to find a place. I took the classified section of the paper, and screen down to see the cheapest rents. There was only one place which is convenient and close by which also has an affordable rent. I decided to go to the place and check.


When I reached the place, my jaws just dropped. It is a crumbling building. It looks like the building itself will fall to ground very soon. Telling myself not to judge a book by its cover, I went to the security and he showed me the apartment. It's an unfurnished apartment. Monthly rent $750. I am sure with gas, electricity and water I could rough it around 1250. which is much more than I can hope for.

I agreed to the place. I have a terrible feeling I will live down to regret it, but beggars cant be choosers. I signed the agreement the same day. I paid the deposit, and a months rent. I am left with just $1500 in the bank. I will spend $1000 on furniture and I am sure 500 is sufficient for food for he next 15 days.

Marry helped me in settling in. The immediate next day, I moved in. I can make this place a better home latter but Alhamdulillah, I have a place to sleep from now on.

I decided to sleep early, as I don't have work keeping me up. At 9.30 I went to bed enjoying my newly found freedom. At 11, I got up to something that felt like thundering in my ears. This is not happening. They are having a party next door. Really. At this time. The Music is too loud. It felt like it is coming from my apartment.

I tried sleeping unsuccessfully for the next few hours. At 2 a.m I had enough. I wore my abaaya, on top of the pajama, and stormed myself out to next door.

I kept banging the door , no answer. I am sure they cant hear me. Then I kept ringing the bell. No answer. I am standing here on the door way for the last 15mins. I had enough. I kept ringing the bell without. I am sure dead would wake for what I did. Then the door opened and I froze.


I am having a party with my maniac friends and f*cking girls. We were so drunk. I didn't do drugs today as I want myself to be clean for the next big project I have taken over. But everything was just there. Today is party time.

Someone is trying to kill me inside my head with a ring. I tried ignoring it. But it got louder and louder. I figured it is the door bell. May be someone locked the door. So I went to open it. And when I did, I felt my anger rise.

Standing in front was the same f*cking girl who spilt coffee on my computer and made me almost lose my project. I will not forget those golden eyes. And I could feel I am getting irritated.

"Terrorist" I shouted. And I could see she was fighting to hold back her anger.

"Can you please keep the music down? There are people who actually need to sleep who have work tomorrow" she told me in her most holly voice.

"Die you bitch" and I slammed the door on her face. I am not going to reduce the music. In fact I am going to increase it.

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