《YOU ARE MINE(Under Editing)》Chapter 32


Armaan runs towards his office because he wanted to see noor .

He have a feeling that something bad happen to her but

When he came out from his office he saw that all employees are gathered at one place and noor was standing there and crying but by seeing Armaan she run toward him and hug him tighty he told her tightly in his arm.

"Who the hell did this to her." Roared Armaan in anger.😠😠😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡🤐

Then Mr mirza said " she was trying to seduced me but when an employee catch her then she was acting like she was forced."

She was saying that she will handle you and she even told me that she is experienced in these things and show hickey on her neck.

"She is such a slut "

At that time Mr. Mirza got a nice punch on his face.

Armaan said " how dare you to say like that do you know who is she.

she is not characterless you bastard.

At that time Mahira entered in room and said " maybe she is your cousin but still you don't know her.

And if your employees is saying that he have see all things from his own eyes then it means that he is not lieing.

At that time one of others lady employee said that i also saw yesterday she have a hickey on her neck maybe mr .mirza is saying correct.

Noor said " Armaan trust me he drag me in that room and this man (employees ) is telling a lie.

Armaan said " i trust you jaan i know you can never do these types of things. Please don't cry."

He was saying all this things to her by hugging .

At that time mahira said

" maybe all are saying correct a girl who hugged you without any relation then maybe she is characterless also."


Armaan hold mahira neck and said

" Don't You Dare to say a word against my wife.

You are saying why she hugged me because she have every damn right on Armaan Malik .

Because she is Noor Armaan Malik."

He came to near Mr Mirza and started beating him and then he said " i always trust my employees but i trust on jaan more than myself.

Now i will destroy all of you ."

And you ( employee ) " what are you saying that you saw my noor did these things .

How much did he paid to you for this shits.

I always trust my employees who are loyal to me .

You are fired from my company and i will make sure that you will not get another job in this birth."

And you ( lady employee) "get out from my office, how dare you to pont out on my wifes characters."

And you bastard (Mr. Mirza ) " i will make sure that you will come on the road and no one can able to help you this time"

"Armaan" noor said slowly because she is feeling dizzy due to her crying.

Armaan turned towards her and saw that noor fainted in his arms

Armaan saw that police also came at that time he said him to arrest mr mirza and the employee who is working for mr .mirza.

He pick noor in his arm and turned towards mahira and said " today due to your foolishness, i am Cancelling all upcoming contract with khan ,

Now get out from my office right now miss Mahira."

And he turned towards his employees and saw that all are shocked by knowing that Noor is there boss because she never showed any attitude.

There trance broken by Arman he said " if i saw anyone disrespecting my wife then i will kill them with my bare hand , he said and leave from there."


Armaan take noor to house where they thought spend there quality time.

He saw that noor was sleeping peacefully.

He take Noor to his arm and make her lay on the bed and hugged her and sleep peacefully with her.

When noor wake up she found herself in the arm of her husband she is crying silently by thinking today's incident.

She slowly went toward bathroom and open the shower.

Other side Armaan wake up and saw that noor was not there on the bed with him.

He became tensed and thought to check on noor.

He came near bathroom and about to knock on the door but he heard something that makes him stopped in his track.


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