《YOU ARE MINE(Under Editing)》Chapter 27


When all of them are eating ice cream at that time Armaan got a call

and he went aside for receiving when he cut the call then he felt that someone put his hand on his shoulder he turns in confusion and saw

that his best friend standing in front of him after a long time he hug Asher Ahmed Khan and then said

" how are you bro ?

what are you doing here in the middle of night ? "

then asher said that " actually I am coming from airport .

then I saw that you are standing here tell me what are you doing here then Armaan said " actually I came here with my wife ,brother and sister "

then Asher turn to see and saw that

A beautiful girl is eating ice cream like kids and glare at boy beside him.

Armaan said " come i will introduce to my family."

Asher said that " no Armaan actually I am getting late , I have to go, some

other time."

then Armaan also said that " ok but next time you have to come on dinner I will call you."

Asha said " OK bro bye see you."

Asher was about to go then again he don't know what he felt that it had turn again to see the girl who is looking very carefree and innocence are reflecting from her eyes

but he scold himself for first time lost in someone eyes.

Noor saw Armaan was talking to someone when she was about to go to him then Anaya stop her and said Bhabhi let's go and try mango flavour .

And both again got busy in eating ice cream.

After sometime Armaan came with his charming smile and noor face lit just by seeing him.


Noor said that "Armaan don't you want to eat any flavour and she bought two cup of ice cream for him'😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋

and said "this is for you"

Armaan arc his eyebrows 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨 seeing her smartness that she bought two cup so that she can have one more,

" No thanks noor i think you should eat it otherwise it will melt but next time don't bring anything double for me because it will effect your health ok"

Noor understand that he knows that why she bought two cup of 🍨🍨🍨🍨🍨🍨🍨🍨🍨🍨🍨 ice cream for him.

That she ask with whom you are talking then

he said that " actually he is my friend Asher Ahmed Khan ,

he is the person with whom i was talking in the morning .

after that Anaya called both of them and said " come bhai"

then they both saw that they are talking on road alone.

Anya and both are already in car like obedient child.

After that they all were come in malik mansion and they both went to their room.

When and noor come in her room then she saw that Amman is busy with mirza enterprise file .

they both discuss sometime on that topic after that they both went for their bed.

Suddenly Armaan pull her on his side and Noor directly land on his chest.

He said that "when you are going to love me ?"

then she said innocently that" I am already in love with you?"

she didn't understand what he want to say he said if you are not going to take your rights then i have to take my rights and break promise to you.

after understanding his intention cheek become red and give him a good night kiss.

And sleep on his chest .

When when Noor wake up in the morning she found that " she was still sleeping on him . and then saw that he was looking very cute in his sleep .


She thought that " dear husband you wanted me be a romantic wife then let's start torture on you."

Saying this sit on his stomach and started to kissing him , first in his forehead cheeks then nose and she saw that he was controlling himself so She came near his lip and Armaan thought that she was going to kiss him.

but noor just blow air on his lip and jump out of of bed and went toward her bathroom Armaan was laying there shocked by her trick.

After that they both went at office because they have important meeting with Khan enterprises.

Today is last meeting with Khan because after that their project is finished.

Noor saw that today Mahira came in full sleeve dress so that no part of body visible .🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭

After that Armaan invited Khan's family for dinner in upcoming weekends after that they all went to their respective office.

Noor came near Mahira and said that today you are looking good you should te listen to me , next time be careful around my property after that noor also went Armaan's office.

Actually small party in which only friends are invited of only Khan and malik and Armaan invited his best friend asher and Ayaan invited two of his best friend Asad and farhaan.

Full week everything went peacefully but noor is not comfortable around zubair mirza .

In this week everything went well.

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