《You Who Touched My Life (Completed)》ch 11


I was walking the stairs to my class but last night's incident was still stuck in my head. How could he just grab me like that. Bloody pervert. He must've a habit of grabbing women....rapist scum.


I squealed as I almost lost my balance startled at the sudden distraction but someone grabbed my shoulder wrapping an arm around me from behind saving me. I turned to the face which was too close too mine.

It was Him!

"Whoa! Careful there."

I steadied myself angrily.

"Don't touch me!"

"You were falling..."

"All thanks to you." I snapped. This Farhan guy is really getting to my nerves.

"Sorry sorry.... BTW, your early today."

I started walking ahead ignoring him.


I was pointlessly gapping at my hand as I sat in my office. Did I went too overboard? I shouldn't have done that. She was soo startled.

Who cares right? She must be used to guys touching her like that and more. Psst! I shouldn't feel guilty. I need to stop thinking about it.

Every time I look in her eyes.... I see the sad and fragile girl I saved that night and I can't help but feel sorry for her even though she's the type of person I hate the most. Yet when ever I see her eyes I forget about that hatred.


I looked at my secretary who knocked the door. I called him in and he filled me in with my schedule today. Sadly, there wasn't much to do today. I won't be busy enough.


At evening when I was about to leave I was informed that Mom was here to see me. I was delighted and nervous at the same time. I told the receptionist I was coming down but Mom insisted to meet me in my cabin.

I waited for her to speak first.

"I'm just here to give you this." She handed me an envelope in which I found 2 tickets to Dubai.

I looked at her confused.

"This is for you and Naila. I've promised that girl all the luxuries and comfort in this marriage of an year. Also, you 2 need to act as a happily married couple in front of the media. Go on a honeymoon at least for a week." She said it like an order.

"Honeymoon? I can't...."

I began horrified. Being alone with that girl for an entire week?! Allah knows how I've survived this entire month with her. At least this office was my escape.

"I'll talk to Naila about this too. I'm telling you beforehand so that you can take care of your work accordingly. As for her college, she should be able to take a week off."

I was numb.

"Your flight is on Wednesday. The day after tomorrow. Get ready. I'll be leaving now. And one more thing. Don't not do anything with her against her consent. I don't want another innocent women with a scar on her soul because of you. You 2 are married just for show." She got up and turned to her heels.



She halted.

"Won't you stay a bit longer. I mean you came all the way here." I asked

"No. Staying with you in the same room for too long is suffocating me." She said and walked away while I tried to hold in the ache in my heart.


"Naila beta.... how would you like to go on a vacation?" Mom asked as we took a walk in the lawn.

"Vacation?" It doesn't sound soo bad. It's been a while since I went anywhere.

"Hm. Where would you like to go? Paris, US, Japan, Dubai, anywhere else? I did hear that your good with Japanese." She smiled.

Wow! Foreign trip! Rich people do think different than us middle class folks.

"Um... anything is fine. Will everyone come?" I asked innocently only to receive a punch in my guts at her next words.

"No....just you and....Kaif. I'm talking about your honeymoon."

I just gapped at her shocked halting in my steps. Honeymoon? With that rapist?! Being alone with him away in a different country?! Who knows what he'll do with me and after that where he'll throw my dead body. Will I even get a proper funeral? He already hates me and is just holding back because of Mom. But there won't be anyone to stop him. Allah!

"I know it's too much to ask but don't worry. It's just for a week and I assure you he won't dare to touch you. I'll send a couple bodyguards with you if you want. It's for publicity, just a show the media. You can enjoy all you want there. No need to care about money or anything. I'll book the best suite in the best hotel for you 2." She tried to assure me but I was still scared.

"I.... I don't know Mom." I looked down.

She lifted my chin.

"It will be ok. I'm sorry but without asking you I've already booked 2 tickets for Dubai for this Thursday."

She shrugged innocently.



'The flight is about to land. Please put your seat belts on.'

I weakly put on my seatbelt. I know he's glaring at me but I don't look at him.

"Who throws up in a plane?" He grunted. "That too we're in the business class you idiot. Damnit! How embarrassing!"

It's my first time traveling in a plane. "At least I did it in the bag." I said super embarrassed.

"You were soo loud that your voice would've reached till Mumbai!" He scolded in a low voice.


"Idiot." He muttered.

"Hey! It's not like I did it on purpose. I got sick, it's natural and instead of asking if I'm alright, you keep scolding me and acting like a jerk. U jerk." I scoffed.

"Who are you calling a jerk?"

"Can you see any other jerk around?" I smiled. "Bcoz I can't."


"You.... Fine! Are you all right? Did you burst your intestines by any chance? Are you going to die soon?"

I gasped. "You're such a monster! I hate u!"

"The feeling is mutual dear wife!"

And we both glared at each other till the flight landed.


My jaw dropped as I first saw the hotel and then....the room. Oh sorry, suite. Is this a palace? We were in THE Palm Jumeirah hotel. It couldn't believe it. It feels like a dream.

It's all soo golden and....royal. Wow! I feel like a Princess. And oh my God the view! It's amazing.... I can stand here in this balcony all day. I wonder how much this room cost for a day. It must be soo expensive and we'll be staying for 7 days. Ya Allah!

It's like an entire house. With a huge living room too.

"I'll be sleeping in the bedroom, you'll take the couch." He declared and started walking in.

"Wait what?! Why? You let me take the bed back home?" I inquired.

"Yeah, that's home and this is Dubai. No one's here to see for your comfort."

He quoted with his fingers.

"Kanjoos!" I said under my breath.

"What did you say?" He turned back.

"Oh, nothing. I was just stating the obvious. Don't mind me." I said with a casual wave of hand.

"You running your mouth soo much is really annoying me now. Don't force me to throw you out of here." He said walking towards me.

"And what will u tell Mom and the media and the bodyguards with us?" I smirked.

He scowled at me lost for words.

"You're a vixen aren't you?!"

"You're no less than a wolf."

He was about to counter attack by saying something but just then my stomach grumbled. I covered my stomach with my hands with the vain attempt to stop the noise.

He sneered and I pouted embarrassed.

"You're hungry as soon as we got here huh?"

"What can I do? I threw up my lunch on the plane." I murmured.

"Fine. Go freshn'up. I'll order something to eat."

I quitely made my way to the bathroom.

Is this supposed to be a bathroom?!

Get used to it Naila! There's a lot more to see of this rich people's lives.


The food arrived and she was busy talking to Mom informing her of our safe arrival. I wonder if Mom asks her about me too?

I ordered some light food and salad as I didn't wanted her to throw up again. It's not like I was worried about her or anything but.... I didn't wanted her to ruin this hotel room too.

She was eating silently while looking around.

"Btw, how much does this room cost for 24 hours?" She asked sipping her juice, curiosity clear in her voice.

"Around 50,000 INR."

She spitted out her juice all over the table, thankfully not on the food or else I would've killed her.

"Fif...FIFTY THOUSAND!" She screamed.

"Keep it down. The neighbors will start complaining."

She just gapped at me with her jaw dropped. I rolled my eyes.

"Close your mouth. You look ugly." I said going back to my phone.

"That's almost around my Daddy's 1 month salary. I'm spending my dad's 1 month salary in a day?! Ya Allah forgive me!" She cried.

"Relax. No one's asking you for money."

"Hey, so the food is free right?". She asked desperately. I shook my head.


"So for 7 days it will be 50,000× 7 is....." She gasped. " 3...3 lakh fifty thousand!!!!"

She handled it better than I expected. At least she didn't faint.


I couldn't sleep properly as my mind was busy doing calculations. Wow! These rich people. The money that one of their employee spends in a month for his entire family they spend it in 24 hours and less?!

Although my jet lag took over me and I feel asleep later.

The sofa was more comfortable to sleep on than I thought. The only problem was the size. My legs won't fit so I had to keep them on top of the hand rest. The biggest problem was although I slept in one position all night as I was exhausted, in the morning as I rolled over.... I fell on my face. But the soft carpet saved me alas, it couldn't save my sleep.

I got up and made my way to the bathroom after getting my clothes from my bag. I had to cross the bedroom to reach the bathroom and Mr. Old grandpa was still sleeping peacefully on his soft bed....ew... shirtless. I immediately looked away and walked ahead.

Ah! This is soo refreshing!!!!

I feel guilty to waste soo much water by using a Jacuzzi but.... it's ok once in a while right? And this room cost 50000 per day. I should take advantage of everything here. Oh and look at those cute tiny shampoo and conditioner bottles. I'm taking them all home.

My fingers were getting wrinkled so I finally got out of the water. Huh, where's my bra? Did I drop it outside?

I wore the bathrobe provided by the hotel of course and opened the door to walk out. My attention was on tying the knot of the robe just when something heavy hit me and I lost my balance falling down flat on the floor along with the heavy weight on top of me squishing me.

I squealed as I met with His face hovering over mine dangerously close looking back at me shocked. Suddenly he screamed too...

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