《You Who Touched My Life (Completed)》ch 10


I stood outside the gate of my new college. I was shaken when Old grandpa aka my husband asked me to go back to college. It felt more like an order than a suggestion. Mr. Secretary made all the necessary arrangements. Right from choosing the college to my admission, he handled everything. He should get a bonus for all the extra work he does apart from the company's hectic work.

I'm scared for a lot of reasons. First of all, I'm 4 years late for my degree. All the students look soo young and energetic while I look as if I just woke up from my grave. Secondly, what if people recognize me because of my reputation? What if I have to go through the same hell all over again? Those comments, sneekerings, misbehaving and guys ogling at me in dirty ways. I don't think I can handle it again. I was right, I am an idiot to even think about this. I should go back.

I turned to leave but then I remembered how much effort and money they must've put in for me. So I turned back to the gate. But then again, he's soo rich, this much money is nothing for him right? It will be alright and I can personally apologize to Mr secretary. I turned back to leave again. But then I turned again. Then back to leave again....then again to the gate.... Ya Allah I'm going crazy!!!


I jumped at the voice behind me. It was a guy. I looked at him but then I automatically looked down. He was a student by the look of his clothes and bag.

"Sorry" I said.

"What for?" He asked. "You didn't hit me or anything." He said shrugging.

"Oh, yeah.... sorry." I blurted.

"Why? Wait....were you trying to hit me?" He said stepping back.

"No..no... I wasn't...no." I said panicking at his shocked expression but then he bursted out laughing.

"Relax relax, I'm just kidding. You kept apologizing for no reason so I thought I'll pull your leg a little. Now a days people don't even apologize after killing someone and your apologizing for looking scared and confused?" He said.

"Um...no I...." This is soo akward. I don't like talking to guys, especially good looking guys and this guy fitted in all the no no categories.

"Are u a new professor?"

I shook my head.

"Ok so.... student?"

I nodded embarrassed looking down.

"That's cool. People who never stop learning because of thier age, I respect that. So which class?"

"TYBcom marketing"

"Hey that's great, we're in the same class. Let's go. I'll show you." He said excitedly.

"No... it's ok." I stepped back with a nervous smile.

"Oh come on. This campus is huge, you'll never find the class on time. We only have...." He checked his watch.

"...4 mins left. Also, I don't bite. So don't worry. Let's go."

I hesitantly went with him.

"Sorry you got late because of me."

He laughed. "Why do you keep on saying sorry all the time? Wait, is that your name? Oh hi Sorry, I'm Farhan. Nice to meet you." He gave a bright smile in a funny way stepping in front of me as we ascended the stairs. I couldn't help but giggle a little.

"No, I'm Naila."

"Ah Naila, well, that's better than sorry though." He said continuing to walk. We finally reached the class. Oh my God the vibe the students gave out and thier eyes on me made me want to sink in the ground.


"Nervous." I jumped again as he whispered in my ear. I scowled at him.

"Ok. Sorry sorry... Let's go in. No one's gonna eat u." He said and walked in.

He went and sat on an empty seat and he looked at me probably waiting for me to sit beside him. Why is he being soo chummy when we're meeting for the 1st time? What a weirdo!

Actually I'm the weirdo here. I sighed. Sitting beside him will be so akward. Even though he was soo nice to me and helped me. What do I do? Will he get mad if I don't sit beside him? I haven't even thanked him yet. He might think I'm soo arrogant.

"You can sit here if u want." A girl from beside me said as I was pointlessly standing in the middle of the class near her chair.

"Oh, thanku." I said quickly sitting. Huh? She looks around my age and she was wearing mangalsutra in her neck and sindoor on her forehead. She's married too. Somehow I felt a bit relaxed seeing her.

She gave me a welcoming smile. She was tan and thin but nevertheless she was beautiful. Her hair was super black and wavy too.

"I'm Avanti and you are?"

"I'm Naila." I shook her hand.

"I loved your dress BTW. " She said.

"Thanks." I said shyly. "I love your earrings and your hair is beautiful." I complemented.

"Thanks. Your married too right?" She asked me.

I looked at her surprised. How did she know? I don't even wear the mangalsutra or chuda for formality.

"I got married 4 months ago too so I could tell. You give out the similar shy newly wed bride vibe."

"Oh. It's been a month for me."

"Wow. And your here? You didn't go for your honeymoon. Or did you just come back?"

Why do strangers like to interfere in your personal lives soo much? She's not rude but.... I'm an akwardly shy and introvert person. I don't like talking to people much.

The professor entered and I was saved.


The driver picked me up. It felt like a long day but it was better than I expected. I made a new friend in Avanti although, she's too much of a chipku but she's nice. I like her. At least I won't be alone. And that boy, I hope I don't see him tomorrow but I haven't even said a simple thank u to him. I feel guilty for that.

We all sat in for lunch. Old grandpa came from office too as Mom called him. He seemed happy.

We were all eating silently.

"Kaif." Mom said.

He looked up as if on high alert.

"Yes Mom."

"It was a good thought of sending Naila to college." She said without looking at him.

He grinned from ear to ear.

"Thanks Mom. I really thought that..."

"So how was your day today Naila beta?" She turned to me completely ignoring him. I could visibly see the hurt on his face and disdain in his eyes.

"It was good. I liked the college and the professors and students are nice too." I smiled.

Sometimes I feel a bit sorry for him. At times he's soo cold and rude but sometimes, especially with his parents, he's just like a little boy trying to get his mom's attention. I know how it feels. So I can relate with him. Even though he has committed such a huge sin.... he's just an ordinary son who loves his family.



"So how was Bhabhi's first day of college today? She must be thrilled going back after soo long." My PA said all grinning. I glared at him and his smile disappeared.

"I mean Mrs. Alam."

He tries to cross the line sometimes. Maybe because we're around the same age so he thinks he can be informal with me. But I don't like it.

"Are u my secretary or hers?"

"Yours sir. Of course." He said in his serious tone.

"Good. So stop wasting your time and get some work done. What happened about the Juhu project?"

"Yes sir, we've talked to the land owners. They're ready to sell thier land but some are trying to demand more than the market price." He informed.

"Really?" I asked amused."Fine then. Let's go and check the location. Let's see if that land is worth the bargain. Later connect me with the Accounting team leader."

"Ok sir. I'll inform the driver first."


Work kept me busy till late at night. I reached home just before midnight as I had to pray salah before it got too late and I had to stop by the mosque.

As I walked in the room, she was already asleep. Good. I closed the bedroom door quietly not to wake her up. I didn't had the energy to bear with her.

"Um, your back."

Are u kidding me?!

I turned to her reluctantly as she was sitting up already. "Yeah." I just said and began to walk to the bathroom.

"Did you have dinner?"

I stopped. "No." Then I proceeded again.

"Should I heat it for you?"

I stopped at the bathroom door opening it. "No."

Why is she being so nice to me today? Or else, for the past month either she was scared of me or fought with me.

I closed the door behind me. What an annoying pest!

"Ok. But Mom was wondering if you had dinner or not." She said from outside. I immediately opened the door excited. I couldn't believe it. Mom really thought about me?

"Did mom really said that?" I asked.

"W...well not directly but .... uh .... she ... um....said that....'he must be hungry'. Like that." She said looking everywhere but at me.

I wanted to believe her but I could make out with her expression that she was lying. Why is she trying to make me eat? Is she going to poison my food?

"I'm not going to poison your food. So just freshn' up and come out. I'll get the food ready." She said turning to her heels. My eyes widened. Did she hear that? How?


I came out and the smell of the food made me feel a bit hungry. She was setting the food on the table.

I sat and she kept the plate in front of me and sat opposite to me. I watched her suspiciously.

"You made this?" I asked and she nodded. I observed the food and that ghost of a smile on her face.

"Something smells fishy." I murmured to myself but as the house was silent she kinda heard it.

"Um... because its fish." She said like duh!

I raised an eyebrow at her and she flinched. I hate to admit it but it's fun to see how she's scared of me sometimes.

"You eat it first." I said pushing the plate towards her. You can never be too careful.

She rolled her eyes. "Fine."

She took a spoonful of rice with some gravy, a bit of fish and ate. I observed her till she swallowed and until more than a minute.

"See, I'm alive. Nothing happened. It's safe to eat. Here..." She pushed the plate towards me.

I changed the spoon and started eating.

"How is it?" She asked.

"Tasteless. But somewhat edible." I said. She scolwed. I bit my cheek from inside to stop my smile.

"I wanted to thank you for all you're doing for me." She said after a while. I stopped in between.

"I'm really grateful. So I prepared this as a token of my appreciation. Actually Mom told me that you like this fish." She said.

"Mom did?"

She nodded smiling and yes, this time she was saying that truth. It made me happy. Mom remembers.

I finished the fish and got up to leave.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"I'm done. Thanks for the food BTW." I said

"Wait. You just left the food. There's still some left. You can't waste it like that. Finish it!" She ordered.

What the....

"It's just a little bit. Throw it away or leave it, the maid will see to it tomorrow." I said casually.

"Ah you rich arrogant people. Just because you have money you think you can waste food. Think about the people who are sleeping hungry right now....huh, think about all the kids not getting food for days. You should be grateful to Allah that he gave you food and everything more than you can need, and this is how you thank him by wasting his food. Shame on you." She said heatedly.

"Hey you watch it. It's not like if I eat this food it will automatically reach to your hungry children and poor people. And it's just around a spoonful. Who cares?" I said.

"3... it's exactly 3 morsels of food and 4 spoons of gravy." She shoved her hand in front of my face. I had to step back a bit. She's acting like a psycho just for a bit food.

"Stop that crazy woman." I slapped her hand away.



"Finish the food!" She said angrily.

"No.... I'm full."

"It's of barkat. Eat it!"

"I don't want it."

She walked towards me and I flinched slightly at her psychopathic attitude. She literally showed the plate to my face.

"Eat it!"

I took the plate from her hand and slammed it on the table.

"I said no!"

She pointed her finger at me and I grabbed her wrist pushing it behind her back she gasped as I involuntary pulled her to my chest. She froze completely with her eyes wide at me. Good, at least this crazy woman stopped.

It took me a minute to realize what I was doing. She was way too close to me and I was the one holding her like that. I could feel her thumping heart right below my chest. Her deep eyes were locked with mine which had soo much fear in them. Yeah, those were the same eyes. There was no denying this time. It's really her...

And she is.....



Assalamualaikum Everyone!!!!

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