《The Bride of Gojo Satoru》Chapter 10
Daddy crouched in front of me, looking like a sitting frog since his legs were long. He had his usual blindfold on to cover his mysterious eyes from the world. "Hey little bud, mommy and daddy are gonna be gone for a few hours. Grandma and grandpa won't be babysitting you since they're on another vacation." Daddy sighed, slightly turning his head to the side. I think he's annoyed that they were always on vacation when they needed a babysitter the most.
If not my grandparents, then big brother? If it was, I can't wait! "So is brother Megumi going to watch me?!" My eyes twinkled at daddy. I hadn't seen big brother in a long time. I really missed playing with him. Not only did he show me shadow puppets, but he also created real animals from the shadow. It's so cool. I wished I could have that ability. He let me play with his wolves a few times. They were really fluffy and nice to me. I wanted to keep them as my pet if my parents allowed it.
"Not for a while, buddy. He has to train to become a powerful sorcerer like me and your mommy!" Daddy grinned ear to ear, pointing at him and mommy, who was right next to him.
I never saw my mom in action. She's always at home with me. She doesn't seem like the type to fight because yesterday she made daddy fight on her behalf. "How is mommy powerful like you?" Watching daddy fight was so awesome. Now I see why people around me call me the blessed child; I am blessed. I wondered what can mommy do if daddy was that powerful?
Daddy chuckled, ruffling my white hair. "She's very powerful. When you're older, you'll get to use your cursed eyes that you got from your mom. It'll be very handy when you start going on missions." He poked the tip of my nose with his pointer finger.
Daddy has always talked about how lucky I am to have mommy's eyes and his limitless ability. He praises mommy's eyes but can never tell me how special it is. Mommy doesn't tell me either when I ask her. She always tells me that I'll have to wait when I'm older... But I feel old enough already.
Then mommy stepped in, hugging me in her warm embrace. "At times, I do need some assistance from your dad but," mommy's pretty eyes glanced up at daddy, and she made a weird expression: her nose scrunched up and the middle of her brows wrinkled. "I can handle spirits to a certain extent if I want to." Mommy kissed my cheek before they both left.
"If you need anything go see Yuji! If you see Tattoo Yuji you know where to hide!" Daddy said, and mommy snapped her head at him.
"Tattoo Yuji? You mean!? Satoru, I'm not going." Mommy knew something was up and refused to leave me with Yuji if tattoos appeared on his skin.
"Sorry, honey! You're required to go!" Daddy threw mommy over his shoulder and ran out the house. Even after the front door was closed, I could hear mommy yelling at daddy. They're my weird parents I have; it made me smile from their dynamic personalities.
Growing up, my mom always stayed at home with me. At times when we were both bored in the house, she'd take me to the playground or store since we could pass time. She'd always play along with me at the playground so I wasn't by myself, but sometimes I did play with other kids there too. Mommy's a good and attentive mom... But I think she's a bit crazy.
There was this one time where this kid, around my age, pushed me down out of nowhere when I stepped inside the playground. I didn't cry; I was confused, and I wanted to hit him, yet I didn't because I have self-control unlike that kid. When mommy saw it, she came running towards me, examining if I had any cuts or bruises from the mean kid. Her eyes were filled in rage—it was practically on fire. She told the child to apologize because his action wasn't nice, but the child refused and stuck his tongue at her. Mommy had a ticking bomb on her head, and that's when I figured out she was going to explode any second. So I interjected, telling her that I'm fine and we should go home. I gave her the most angelic look in order to convince her even more. She couldn't resist her little Angel which came from the heavens to earth.
At the end, she finally gave in to my cuteness and allowed us to leave; however, the mean kid wasn't done with me. He called me a big wuss, trying to get me to fight with him but I didn't understand why? Did he want to get beat up that bad? I threw away my self-control and pushed him down, resulting in him to fall on his butt. Quickly his eyes began tearing up and he wailed loudly, instinctively using his animal cry for his parents to come. His parents came rushing into the scene, accusing me for pushing their son down. Mommy's ferocious attitude wasn't going to take their crappy words. I recalled her very words: "If you taught your child to be nicer towards other children, then my son wouldn't have given him the taste of his own medicine! Me and my husband teach our son how to protect himself from bullies like your unrestrained child!" Mommy's face grew a bit red; she was on the edge of attacking them for being bad parents. I know she would attack them if we weren't in the public eye.
To our dismay, the child's parents were also fighting back. They berated my mommy's parenting style, and I couldn't sit back and watch this happen. I knew if daddy was here, he would shut them up. Mommy's rage was fueled by pure emotions, and I didn't want her to make a big mistake out in the public. Thus, I stepped in to put the parents in their place because I wanted to go home. I specifically told them: "You've got some nerves to call my mom some nasty words right in front of two children..." I pettily giggled in their faces. A little kid like me putting them in their place was shameful and embarrassing. Their faces turned bright red as it should. "Have you no shame? No wonder why your son has a bad attitude; you can't call him an angel if he's a devil from your stirring pot. He learned the best from his parents..."
Just when I ended my fiery comeback, the kid's mom raised her hand, being taken over by her own rage that she didn't dare to think about her consequences. I didn't need to fear because my mommy was a scary person if someone dared to harm me. Mommy's animal and maternal instinct rose out of her as she tightly squeezed the woman's wrist. A sadistic smile appeared on her face as she told the parents that she will not hold back to humiliate them in public since everyone was watching. Mommy did what she said and publicly shamed them because there were so many eyes. She really put the kid's mom in place because she was on the edge of crying. As we departed from their chagrin, mommy and I gave them a humble smile and went home. Mommy told me that if we weren't in public, she would've pushed that kid down and took me away. We told daddy that night, and he laughed; he was also proud of me for standing up for me and mommy.
I love mommy because she takes no one's crap and will fight them if necessary.
As for my dad, he always found time to stick around with me when he worked. I know after his work, he would come home with candy, and mommy would scold us for eating too much sugar in one day. When he wasn't working, we would play a lot in the backyard, watch movies, play games, and many more. But I think daddy's a bit childish at times like when I wanted to ride my bike. Daddy decided to tease me by riding on my bike, saying that I need to catch him first if I wanted it. He rode around the backyard with his knees outwards since daddy has long legs. I didn't even want to chase him because it'll be useless so I told mommy. She scolded daddy for stealing my bike. Sometimes daddy didn't feel like a dad, but more like an annoying sibling I had. Overall, I love my parents, and I know they love each other. I learned the best from mommy, but daddy can't know that or else he'll cry on me.
I headed to the dojo to practice what daddy has taught me, and I repeated the movements he's shown me day after day.
While training, my mind went on another place as I thought about daddy pestering me about being a big brother. I really didn't mind if I had another sibling. It's not that lonely as my parents may think. It's actually fun since their attention is on me, and it's easier to protect me. If there was another sibling added, then they'll be stressing out... But mommy's already stressed with daddy, so I don't think they will be having another child soon.
After an hour of training, I wiped off the sweat on my forehead and decided to visit Yuji in the basement. Ever since Yuji's been living with us, I've been playing and talking with him since he's so awkward at the house. "Yuji! What are you doing?" I called out, turning on the basement lights. "Why're in the dark? You're going to hit something if the lights aren't on."
Yuji had his back facing me, and I didn't understand why he wasn't responding to me. Usually he would reply in a heartbeat. "Yuji?" I called out again, wondering if he didn't hear me the first time. I felt no fear in this room. It felt safe, nothing different.
"Yuji? What do you want from that brat?" A new voice emerged from Yuji's body, and he turned around. It's what daddy warned me about: the Tattoo Yuji, or the other name: Sukuna.
Small chills ran up my spine as he approached me. His slow figure didn't scare me, neither did his scary face. I wasn't going to run away from him. I'm confident that he's not going to hurt me because he loves my mommy. "Are you Sukuna that everyone's been talking about?" I boldly asked, as his eyes widened and he grinned like a madman.
He dropped down to my level, staring into my eyes as if he was trying to eat my soul. "Yes. Are you not scared of me?" He growled lowly, attempting to scare me by the closeness between us. I'm not going to lie that I'm a bit scared, but I have to be a man and face this on my own. How am I supposed to be a powerful sorcerer if I can't deal with this person.
"No," I rocked on the tip of my toes and back of my heels. "Because you can't hurt me or else my parents are going to get mad." I had a trick under my sleeve that he doesn't even know because I know adults underestimate children. I'm really smart about my surroundings.
"Heh..." Sukuna laughed, getting amused by me since I'm a gusty little kid. "And what if I ripped off your head right now?" He placed his large yet sharp fingers on top of my head, slowly rotating my head in a circle. I knew he was bluffing because daddy does the same but not in this context.
I brightly smiled at Sukuna, brushing off his small threat and giggled from his act of the day. "You can't hurt me because you love my mommy. If mommy found out that you hurt or killed me, then she's going to make you regret your decision. I know who you are, why you're here, and why you're obsessed with my mommy. I'm an intelligent little boy... I got that from my daddy." I beamed a double bright sun-like smile at his face, and Sukuna backed away. I didn't know if he was scared or he was feeling a different type of emotion that I couldn't read off his face.
Sukuna's hands were on his hips, staring at me with proud eyes as his creepy grin was still on his face. "You are highly intelligent for a young boy who senses no danger, and you're very correct about your mom. She will kill me if I touch you; she personally said that herself. A little boy at your age shouldn't even be informed about a devil like me." His brow arched, and I gladly informed him in a positive matter.
"Of course! I'm born by two best sorcerers, so I need to know adult news... And I did eavesdrop a couple of weeks ago about the story of Sukuna and Nozomi. I connected the pieces together up until Yuji started living with us. You love my mommy, but my mommy doesn't love you because she has me and daddy." I'm not as innocent as they think I am. I'm really cunning and on top of my game. "Can I call you grandpa?"
"What?" Sukuna's eyes widened in disbelief. I couldn't believe a demon like him could feel emotions. I thought he would've discarded those when he died.
"Yeah, because you're old. You're over a hundred years old, so you need to be called grandpa!"
"No, kid." He glared at me, but it had no effect because I'm immune to his behavior.
"Grandpa, can you switch back to Yuji? I want him to play with me."
"No, and I said don't call me that." Sukuna refused my demand. I guess I have no choice but to play with him, and besides, he can't hurt me. He loves my mommy so much that he doesn't want her to hate him.
Moving my closed mouth around as my foot swished on my tippy-toes, I rephrased my next sentence. I won't be asking, I'll be straightforward. "Grandpa, switch back to Yuji." I'll tell him my request.
"No," Sukuna flatly rejected me.
"If Yuji can't play with me, then I guess you can!" I leaped towards him and grabbed the bottom of his white shirt, startling Sukuna in the process. I let my eyes sparkle, showering him with my innocent nature. He can either switch places with Yuji or play with me. It's his choice.
Sukuna bended forward, making his answer very clear. "Sorry, kid. The answer remains the same: no."
An idea popped into my head. I know how to get Sukuna to play with me if he's unwilling to switch back to Yuji. "Play with me and I'll tell you what my mommy likes and dislikes!" I twisted around in my spot. This offer was tempting for a person like him.
Sukuna's eyes widened and grin grew bigger. He's never been entertained by a kid like me before. "You're interesting. You have the guts to bait me by using your mom like that just to play with me? I like you. I see that your mom's personality went to you."
I got him.
We were in the backyard playing kick ball. I told him that he has to play gently or else my parents were going to kill him if he made a hole in the property. I also told him that I'll keep my mouth shut about playing with him. He cautiously kicked the ball to me as he put one percent of his strength to be human. If he used all his strength, I'll be dead right now.
I noticed a big irking expression on his face. Was he not enjoying this? I knew it. Yuji would've been a better choice, but Sukuna's too stubborn to change. "What's up with you? You look so mad." I said, kicking the ball back to him and he let it run past him.
As his arms were folded, he frankly spoke out. "How long are you going to keep me waiting? I've been playing kick ball with you for ten minutes. You have the audacity to make a deal with me. Remember who I am." Sukuna growled, piercing his eyes at me. It gave me chills but I brushed it off.
"I said play with me! I get to decide when I want to tell you, and right now we're not done playing... Or you can switch with Yuji since you're complaining." I retorted, showing no fear to this demon. Two can play this game because at the end, I'm going to win. "That means you get no details of my mommy!" I can trap Sukuna if it's related to my mom. From his hungry eyes, I knew he's wrapped around my finger. Me toying with a demon? I'm so cool.
Sukuna's lips twitched as he heavily sighed. "Fine, I'll keep on playing with you. You are one daring kid I ever met..." He wanted to shake out the answers from me, but I can't give in that easily. I have to play hard to get so he's interested.
Clasping my hands, I'll enlighten this demon. "Well... Since you agreed to play with me again! I'll tell you the first set of answers." Sukuna's eyes fixated on me with his ears wide open. A devilish smile pulled my lips apart. He's not going to be ready for this answer. "She likes my daddy and dislikes you!" I laughed from my hilarious joke as I dropped to the ground, rolling on the soft green grass. If daddy heard this, he would've been laughing with me too.
"Why you?!"
"You can't hurt me! I'm my mommy's precious child! HAHA!"
Next, we were drawing pictures of whatever came to mind. I drew and colored my astronaut on the moon. "What are you drawing, grandpa?" I peaked over Sukuna's shoulder, and I saw it was a sloppy picture of dead bodies forming a mountain, and on top of it was Sukuna standing on them. "Oh... That's not nice or pretty. You suck at drawing too. I thought you were good at it when you were a human?"
Suddenly, Sukuna clamped my mouth shut with his hand. He used little force to keep me from talking any further. "Kid, I've been dead for many years. My art skills aren't that great." Then he released me from his grip, and I rubbed my cheeks. Geez he's always so mad.
"Draw something that makes you happy—that's not killing people—and show me. Once that happens, I'll tell you a truthful answer to what my mommy likes and dislikes." Sukuna shot a glare in my direction, remembering that I joked with him earlier. "It's going to be real! I'm not going to play around. I promise you that! Now get serious and draw what makes you happy!" I slapped a white sheet of paper in front of him.
Twenty minutes later, Sukuna finally presented me with an artistic drawing of two lovers under the cherry blossom tree. The lovers were wearing traditional clothing as they held hands. The tree was very detailed by the stroke of the color pencils. All colors blended in with each other. He even added highlights and shading. "Wow, you didn't disappoint me! Is that you and Nozomi?"
"I'll tell you if you tell me about your mom first." He's not supposed to bargain in order for me to get an answer from him.
Thinking about this carefully, I sighed at the very end. "Okay, she likes strawberry covered bitter chocolate, and she dislikes bugs. She's really scared of them. She makes daddy kill all the bugs in the house or else she's going to set this place on fire." There was this one time where she came running in my room at night because a spider crawled in her bed, and she couldn't find where it went when she was gonna kill it. She slept with me that night since daddy was out late at work, and let daddy take the bed without knowing a spider was in the room.
"Hmm, interesting. Since I'm not a liar like you, you're correct about who she is. Nozomi will forever be my first love..." Despite not knowing what love was, Sukuna hid his deep emotions very well.
"I don't understand why you want my mommy if she's not even the real Nozomi, and she's in love with my daddy. It makes you more of a bad person than you already are." I stared from his face to the picture he drew. I'm supposed to dislike him for trying to take my mommy away from me and daddy but I can't for some reason. He's just like my daddy; he wanted to be loved by someone, but that someone Sukuna wanted was my mommy.
"You won't understand what true love is, kid. You're still a baby."
Walking over to him, I patted his head, trying my best to comfort him without getting too close. "I know that. I'm still a growing kid who has lots to learn! Grandpa, someday you'll find someone who truly loves you."
Sukuna pushed my hand away and clicked his tongue. "Stop calling me grandpa!"
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