《Wanting Mr.Pearson》Last Talk


Hey guys, how are you'll? I am great btw. First of all, thank you for your patience because I know it has been quite long since I last updated. So forgive me and enjoy the new chapter. Tell me what did you think of the story so far. I would love your opinions!

I cannot stop my tears.

I very well knew this day would come, but I was not prepared for the emotional upheaval.

Never, and I mean it, never-ever I have seen my mom so disturbed, so speechless.

Rick maintains his distance from both of us by quietly standing near the wall with his hands in his pocket. His posture shows that he really isn't interested in talking with Mom. He wants to leave, but I know he won't abandon me at this moment.

Mom has been staring outside the window for a while now, and I haven't dared to move from the couch.

It's a silence before the storm.

I always imagined that I would privately tell her about us, make her understand our relationship. She will understand because she has been in love too. And also because she is my mom. She would eventually accept us.

But catching Rick and I kissing was definitely a shocker for her and for us as well. I don't know-how are we going to bounce back from this.

The silence is overbearing. I need someone to say something.

Several minutes later, mom turns around but doesn't look at me. Instead, she glares at Rick.

"How long?" With a hoarse voice and firm eyes, she questions him. I am familiar with this look. Whenever I did something wrong as a child, she would question me with the same firm eyes. I understand in an instance that she blames Rick for all of this, and I am not surprised. In situations like these, we tend to blame men for coercing and exploiting innocent young girls.

But I will not stand by and see her insult Rick for something that is so far from the truth.

We both have hurt her, so whatever she wants to say, she will say it to both of us.

"What do you mean by how long?" Rick looks at mom. He has carefully masked his emotions, he is ready to fight for himself and for us, and so am I

"You know exactly what I mean by that. Don't feign ignorance." I can feel the anger in her voice. I wipe my tears with the back of my hand and go to stand next to Rick.

Mom follows my movements with narrowed eyes. Betrayal, that's what she sees, but she avoids saying anything. I feel like I've been ignored.

And that hurt.

Rick smiles at me, grateful for my support, no matter how little. I return him a weak smile because that's all I am capable of right now.

He sighs before speaking, "It's been around three months."

Mom exhales as if recollecting all the past three month's events.

"Did you marry me only to fuck my daughter after me?" Mom's sudden question crumples my heart. The anger in her voice is so unlike her. She is not the calm business woman I know, but a heartbroken mother who feels betrayed. I wish I could hug her, but right now is not the moment.

"Mom..." I sob. She stops me with her finger but still doesn't look at me and I immediately zip my mouth.

"You know that's not true," Rick's too angry now.


"At the moment, I am not sure what the truth is! You are with my daughter! She is what? Half your age? For god-sake, she was supposed to be like your own daughter, but instead you chose to get under her pants."

"Mom, it's not what you are thinking." I try to interject before Rick explodes.

"Shut-up Ella, you are just a silly eighteen years old girl who doesn't know what's good for her. You don't know what you are doing!" I am taken aback by her insult, but I refuse to back down.

"I know exactly what I am doing...."

"Having a relationship with a man---wait---with your step-dad is not something I consider 'knowing what you doing.' What were you thinking, Ella?" Mom cries.

"Mom, Rick and I never saw each other as dad and daughter. We were always friends, who were there for each other when you were not." I may have come out as rude, but it was unintentional.

"And I've been trying to make up for that but..."

"You cannot make up for eighteen years in two months." I stomp my foot like a petulant child. The looks on her face hurts my chest. But today I will not stop because today we speak the truth

"You were just not there for me. I am grateful that you provided me with food, good clothes and education, but emotionally, you were largely absent. Before Rick, all I had was my school friends, but they were there only for a certain period. I came home to an empty house and left an empty house." I sniffle and rub my nose before continuing.

"When Rick came, I felt like I had a companion and that's the only thing I wanted at that point. Just his little time and he gave me that. But I don't know when that thing developed into something more, and before I knew, I wanted Rick."

Mom stares at me blankly, like she is having a hard time comprehending what I am saying. Rick, on the other hand, stares at me with admiration and pride. I avoid mom's gaze and continue.

"Please don't think he was taking advantage of young-girl because he was not. Everything that has happened between us was consensual and I can only request you to accept our relationship."

"Are you out of your mind?" She shrieks. I cringe at the voice but maintain my posture.

"That's right, Nora. Right here," Rick points towards me, "is the girl I love, and she loves me back. We are not fooling around, we love each other."

I smile at sincerity in his voice, but mom is anything but impressed.

"This is madness. What are people going to think? They are going to call you whore, Ella. Are you thinking right now?"

"They would die before they say that to her," Rick bellows. My face burns with mortification. My mom just indirectly called me a whore. I brush my hands against my clothes because they have become extremely sweaty.

"I am sorry, Ella. But, baby, please think again. All of this is not worth it. You are going to ruin your life. You are just eighteen, you have options, go to college, explore. Don't just give your life to this man." Mom sighs and rubs her forehead with her palm.

Somehow I find my voice to answer my mother. "Mom, I am going to do all of that. I am going to college. I am going to live my life, go around the world, have a job and everything. But I am going to do that with Rick by my side."


"Yes, I am not stopping her from living her life. As long as she allows me, I am going to be there for her with every turning point in her life." Rick is firm with his confession, as always.


"No buts, Nora. That's enough. What are you worried about? People? They won't give a fuck about us after some point. You only have to accept us and then we can live how we were living before you saw us." Ricks makes it sound easier than it is, so I intervene.

"People won't care because I am moving with Rick to his hometown." I am not sure if this was the right time to share this bit of information, but it's out now.

"What?" Both Rick and Mom say at the same time.

I first answered Rick, "I wanted to tell you today but..." I stop myself before I spill what we did today.

"And when were you planning to tell me?" Mom crosses her hands over her chest.

I sigh. I don't know what to say to her.

"I wanted to tell you about everything, but I was afraid. But now I am not. This is what it is, and you have to decide whether or not you want to be part of it."

"So, if i don't accept it, I am out of your life for good?" My heart breaks at those words because that's the last thing I want.

I walk towards her and hug her. I can count how many times I've hugged since I became a teenager. It's been so long. She always pats my back when I hug her, but today she doesn't. She tightly hugs me back, like she is afraid of losing me.

I look into her eyes and say, "That's not what I want. I know it's difficult for you and you might never forgive us. But I'm sure we can work this out. You can take as much time as you need, but please don't make me choose between you two. I was going to move out anyway, might as well do that with someone I love."

"I still can't just wrap my head around this information."

"It's okay, mom." I look back at Rick, who has been staring at us without words. I am so thankful for his silence because this could have gone way wrong if he had opened his unfiltered mouth.

"I want to move in with you." I tell him. And I already know the answer.

"Like right now?"


Mom says my name with a panic laced voice.

"Please let me do this. I appreciate your efforts, but it's time I move on with my life. This is what I want right now."

While mom looks like, she will have a panic attack anytime now, Rick looks like he has got his favourite candy.

"Ella, think again, baby."

"Please don't make it hard for me,"

Mom exhales before letting me go.

"What have you done to my baby?" She accuses Rick.

"Nothing Nora, she is mature enough to take her decisions. And what 'baby'.? When did you start calling her that? You were never there when she needed you, and suddenly you have so much motherly love for her?"

"You don't get to question me, Rick." she seethes.

"Oh, I very well do..."

"I am going to file a complaint against you..."

"What for? We are two consenting adults, Nora, or are you forgetting that?" Rick points.

"You manipulated her. You took advantage of a young girl who craved attention."

"That's enough. You won't insult Rick and I am done with you calling me a whore and desperate immature girl." I shout and glare at her so she gets what I am saying once for all.

"I am going to move in with Rick and I want you to be a part of my life. If it's too difficult for you, then I will not force us on you. You get to decide what you want."

I turn towards Rick, "Do you have a problem with me moving with you?"

"Absolutely not." He is definitely excited about it.

"Then I am going upstairs to pack my bag." I stopped mom from saying whatever she was about to say because it's useless. I've made up my mind. I hear nothing after that when I turn towards my room.

I come back twenty minutes later with all essentials packed in my medium-sized bag. Mom looks at me. I expected her to say something, but she didn't. I think it's finally sinking in her that this is real. This is happening.

Ricks smiles at me encouragingly. I smile back at him and then I go where mom is sitting. I kneel between her legs and place my hands on her knees. She touches my hair and gives me a weak smile.

"I know it's hard, especially after the progress we have made in the last two months. But this is what I want. And I guess it's the time you think about yourself. Not work, but you. Find something you love, pursue it and live your life. Stop struggling. You've done enough of it. And mom, this is not a goodbye, I'll visit you later. Okay?"

She doesn't say anything but nods once again. I guess that's the only thing I am going to get today.

Getting up, I look around the house. This is the place I grew up, yet I don't feel bad leaving it.

Rick takes my hand and I look back at mom once again, but she doesn't look at me. She doesn't say goodbye.

We silently walk towards the door, and then we are out. When I step outside, somehow, I feel, reinvigorate. Like some burden has been lifted off my shoulders. I am already feeling... I don't know what to call this. But suddenly life feels easier.

I catch Rick looking at me with a strange expression.


"Are you sure about this?"

I laugh. I remember him asking this same question when we first started our relationship.

"Hmm." I feign thinking.

"Ella." Rick warns me.

"You see, I am moving in with my boyfriend whom I love a lot. He has an impressive body, dashing personality and a sexy smile. He also fucks me until I am sore and screaming." Rick's face splits into a beautiful smile and I can't help but smile back.

"So yeah, I am sure about this."

He steps forward, grabs my ass and then fuses our lips together. I moan with pleasure and kiss him back with urgency.

"You are mine now," he growls.

"I've always been yours, daddy."


Stay tuned!

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