《Wanting Mr.Pearson》Friends-Lake-Beer


"So are you planning to tell her?" Melanie raised her eyebrows in question. Her little smirk temps me to punch her hard, but I choose to glare instead, silently directing her to shut the fuck up. But as usual, she completely ignores my look and continues to annoy me with her stupid questions.

"C'mon, tell me. We are almost besties now." She thinks I'm too chicken to tell my mother about Rick and me. I probably am but she need not know that plus it's not even funny to make fun of the situation like this but Mel thinks otherwise. And what the hell does 'almost besties' means anyway.

Annoyed, I turn my head towards the painting hung in Rick's office and study it like it's the most interesting thing in the world. This is not why I came here. I thought Rick would be in his office at this hour, but to my disappointment; he wasn't. He had to meet some clients over lunch. I wore a cute skirt and crop-top for no reason.

"Hey Ella, how's Rick in bed?" Mel laughs when I close my eyes in exasperation. Oh, why God, why did she have to find us in the compromising situation? Somewhere in the last two months, Rick and I were making out in his office when Mel walked in on us. Oh, the embarrassment! I was almost sure she would run her mouth in half of the town, but she didn't. Rather, she laughed and almost spilled the coffee she was carrying for Rick on her dress. Obviously, after that, Rick and I requested her to keep our little secret and gratefully she obliged. And honestly, it was good to have someone with whom we could be us with no judgement.

But Mel is a joker who likes to pester and torment me with uncomfortable sex-related questions. She finds all of this amusing. Me, not so much. Keeping all her annoying habits aside, Mel, otherwise, is a cute bugger and has turned out to be a wonderful friend, so I let her have her fun.

"You realize you are very annoying?" I give her a pointed look, but cannot hide my silly smile.

"But you love me," she bats her eyelashes. I laugh and shake my head.

"I am calling him," I say finally.

"No, he might be busy with the clients."

"Okay then, texting."

"Text something dirty,"

"Shut up," I grumble and shoot Rick a quick text.

"Seriously? That's all? Don't be a killjoy and send him a picture of your boobs." Not happening. At least not in front of her.

"Fine, if you wanna be an old lady, so be it. But at least tell me, where do you think all of this is going?" She rotates her neatly manicured finger in front of my face. I sometimes wonder how does a lawyer assistant, who probably has a lot of work, have so much time to go for three hours manicure treatment. I am free most of the time yet won't go to some place where my ass would get numb by sitting at the same spot.

And to answer her question, I know exactly where 'this' - my relationship with Rick- is going. If someone had asked me the same question two months ago, I wouldn't have known the answer, but today I know what I want and I am clear about it.

"You know where this is going, so stop annoying me and go, work. You sure waste a lot of time for someone who claims to have a lot of work."


"Hey, I was trying to be friendly. Trying to help you pass time while you wait for not-so-young bf. But as you don't want my company, I will complete my work, which your hard-ass boyfriend gave," I try to swat her shoulder, but she dodged before I could. Planting her ass on the chair, she begins typing furiously on the computer, now immersed in the assistant role.

The last two months were a hell of a roller coaster. I had enough time to make some crucial decisions about my future.

I want to be Rick with no worry, fear and drama. So, moving to Ricks hometown doesn't sound like a terrible option. Starting anew might be scary, but Rick will be there with me and together we'll work out just fine. Also, it's better that way. I need mom out of my relationship to start anew. I don't want to be a terrible daughter, now that she is trying to make up for all the years she spent ignoring me, but I won't really be able to move on with Rick until she is out of the equation for good. It is a hard choice, but that's how it's going to be. I still don't know how to tell her about Rick and I, but that's a worry of another time.

Moreover, I decided to study psychology at university. I've already applied to three universities and just waiting for replies. Graduation happened two weeks ago. Mom and Rick, two people who hold a special place in my heart, both were there for me on my big day.

My phone buzzes and I see a message from Rick.

I frown, this is not how usually he replies. There is always something sexual or some kind of endearment. Seconds later, my phone buzzes again.

Here's the man I know and love.

Rick rented an apartment near his office a few days after he and mom decided to get divorced. Mom offered him to stay with us, but he refused. He gave an extra key to his new apartment to me so I could come by anytime. Mostly after school, I went straight to his apartment, or we met at his office.

"He probably sent you something dirty." Mel questions with an uninterested expression, but I know how 'uninterested' she really is.

My phone buzzes again.

I feel a warmth spreading through my system, and I bite my lip to keep from moaning. Without texting back, I reach for my handbag, ready to leave before Mel grills me with questions. I wave her goodbye and she gives me a thumbs up with a wink. I shut the door and drove off to Rick's apartment, all while imagining the dirty things we will do today.


Rick's apartment is small, only two bedrooms each with an attached bathroom, a small kitchen area, and a living room with an L-shaped sofa pointed towards the T.V. I walk into the master bedroom which is furnished with a single bed, a closet, a small working desk and a chair with a pile of dirty laundry. When I asked Rick why he chose this apartment when he could afford a better one, his answer was simple; he planned to move as soon as I am ready.

That ass was so sure that I would cave in and well, he was right. I can't wait to tell him. Imagine how happy he will be?

I smile to myself as I tie my hair in a loose bun. First, I take all the dirty laundry and put it in the washing machine. Next, I pour myself some orange juice and prepare a cheese sandwich for Rick. He might be hungry when he comes back.


Yep, he'll definitely be hungry, but for something else.

Once everything is done, I remove all my clothes except my panties and lie down on the bed. Then, slowly, almost sensually, I slide my panties down as if I am giving Rick a show. I open my legs and then part my pussy-lips with my fingers. My pussy is already thrumming with need. Being with Rick has turned me into a sex hungry whore and I have no complaints.

I imagine Rick in his formal shirt and glasses, his pants undone and his eyes roaming all over my body. My body warms up. I run my hands on my breast and tweak my nipples just like Rick would do. My thumb flicks my clit and I gasp as raw need explodes through me. This time I imagine him spanking me and then sliding his fingers up and down my wet and slippery slit. My breathing hitches as my thoughts become wilder.

Rick, with his wicked ways, has fulfilled many of my dirty fantasies. This time I imagine him holding me down by my hands and fucking my face with his hard cock while he licks my pussy. He is double my weight, but it feels great to have him on top of me. I moan and gasp as I feel the pressure building. It's insane how easily I cum with him on my mind. I rub myself harder, panting his name over and over.

I hear my phone ringing, but I ignore it because I'm too much into this. I raise my hips to meet my strokes. My body writhes with pain and pleasure, and soon enough I scream as I come all over the bed. I catch my breath as I lie there limply.

Raising my hand, I grab my phone and see a missed call from Rick and some messages.

What the fuck? Who is Shawn, and why is he taking me to the lake with him?

His reply comes in a few minutes.

Demanding prick.

And how do I get a bathing suit right now? I look at my panties and bra. They'll have to do.

I quickly get dressed up in one of the casual dresses I left here earlier. After applying some makeup and tying my hair in a ponytail, I checked myself in the mirror. I look presentable, but far from a thirty-seven years old lawyer's girlfriend. I feel a little nervous to meet this new friend, but I hope everything goes well.

I hear a car arriving and some honking. I look out of the window. There is Rick getting out of the car, still wearing his work clothes. From the other side of the car, another man gets out. I presume that's Shawn. He is wearing a navy blue color suit and from here; he looks like Ian Somerhalder, which is a good-fucking-compliment.

Rick looks up at the window and waves me. I wave him back. The other guy looks at my way and gives me a wave as well. I awkwardly wave him back. Rick motions me to hurry, so I run and grab some beer, put my mobile in my purse and lock the apartment's door behind.

When I reach the car, Rick and Shawn are talking. They look comfortable with each other, so I assume they know each other well. I clear my throat and both men turn to look at me.

"Come here." I stand next to Rick and he circles his arms around my waist. As always, his grip is possessive and full of love. He kisses my temples and turns to Shawn.

"I have someone important to introduce you to," he says to Shawn looking at me. "Ella, this is Shawn. Shawn, my girlfriend, Ella."

"Hi Ella, it's nice to finally meet the girl who has this guy," he points at Rick, "pussy-whipped." Shawn's handsome face comes with a smooth silky voice which almost makes me want to hear him talk a little more. He has the kind of the face that we only see on magazine covers. He has his golden hair coiffed to perfection and his eyes hold a vicious gleam.

Before I could catch myself blatantly staring at him, Rick tightens his grip on me. Oops. I shake Shawn's extended hand and give him my best smile without looking like an idiot. I can feel Rick's displeasure and I can almost see him chastising me later in his bed.

Shawn is aware of the effect he has on women because he gives me a smirk and I blush. To be honest, he is suave and I've just met him. He, of course, is nothing in front of Rick, at least for me, but he can give a serious competition to Rick.

"We shall be moving. We can talk in the car," Rick mutters, saving me from further embarrassment. As we get in the car, Shawn helps me with the beers and we all drive off to the lake.


An hour later, Rick pulls off the road that leads up to the lake and parks on the dirt path, still wet from yesterday's rain. We all get out and Rick locks up the car while Shawn and I carry the beers.

During the journey, I got to know that Rick and Shawn were university friends before Shawn had some change of mind. He decided to make his career in real estate, so he left the university in between, which made his father so angry that he kicked him out of the house. After that, both Rick and Shawn shared an apartment until Shawn moved to the big city. He is not married, nor he is interested in marrying anytime soon.

"Ready to do this?" Rick rubs his hands in excitement. "We only have to walk for like twenty minutes." He walks ahead of us while Shawn and I follow him. Rick looks way too excited about this trip, which makes me speculate that he is up to something fishy.

On my seventeenth birthday, Rick brought mom and me here. It was quite a calm and peaceful place, but we never returned here again. From that day on, I've thought about having one of those lake houses. It would be cool, I guess.

"C'mon, slowpoke," Shawn shouts, bringing me back to the present. They've already gone steps ahead, so I run to catch up with them. Soon we stand on the land next to the lake. The water is greenish, peaceful, and statue still. Some butterflies rose in the air. A sweet smell of fresh-water and damp grass hung in the air, adding to the beauty of the lake. It was glorious, just how I remember. Beautiful.

"You brought me here to see this?" Shawn asks with a scowl which makes me laugh. He clearly doesn't share my appreciation of mother nature. "Hey, it's nice," I tell him, but he only grimaces.

"Nice, my ass." He takes off his suit jacket and lays it on the ground. I keep the beer bottles on the ground beside his jacket. "Only God knows what kind of snakes and insects are going to bite my butt." He takes his place on the jacket after removing his shoes.

"There are no snakes here," Rick opens the beer can and takes a large sip.

I look at the water in longing because all of this is making me want to take a dip, even though I am aware of my lack of bathing suit.

"Ready to get wet?" Rick says, kicking off his shoes. Why does everything that comes out of his mouth sound so erotic? I blush when he gives me a knowing look.

"We didn't bring bathing suits," Shawn points out.

"We don't need any," Ricks removes his clothes and toss them on the ground without caring about them getting dirty. I can't help but appreciate the fine man in front of me. At thirty-seven, he is still every girl's dream. He has even started to workout and I can see the results on him.

"I am not here to see you naked, man." Shawn gulps down his beer but begins to remove his shirt as well. I am suddenly aware that I am in the presence of two gorgeous men. I look away before Rick interprets my facial expressions. I don't want him angry because I know if anyone looks at me right now, they can surely tell that I am highly turned on.



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