《Wanting Mr.Pearson》Let's get somethings straight!


Oh yes yes yes...

Rick ravishes me as I straddle him, my hand locked behind his neck and hair falling all over the place. I've decided this is my favourite position, me being on top while he fucks me... pummels his fat cock in my small but eager pussy.

"Yes, baby girl... shout, moan, don't hold yourself back. I want to hear your every moan, every gasp, every scream."

I do as ordered. I don't try to hold back. My breath hitches, my head sweats and honestly my pussy is damn sore with all the fucking it took for three days straight but I don't stop. I can't.

Rick and I have been playing house since mom left and I don't regret a thing. I should be ashamed, regret all of this but I don't.

Rick is mine ... always have been mine.

"Imagine if your mother comes here, sees me balls deep in your tight as fuck pussy...what's going to happen then?"

By now I've got the message.

Rick is an exhibitionist and little sick when it comes to sexual fantasies.

In the past three days he has made me imagine scenarios that had me flushed, redden but turned me the hell on.

Except the one where mom was involved. But I let it go because we are in a happy mood and I don't want to ruin anything even when he acts like a complete ass.

He slaps my ass when I don't answer. I gasp and grind myself further on him. I smile as he groans and then flips us over.

He leans close to my ears and whispers "Are you going to run away to hide yourself or you going to continue to fuck me?" he rasps as his balls slap my ass.

"Will you make your mother watch how well you make me come and how well I return the favor? Hmm?"

Honestly if mom comes to know about us. I'll be too embarrassed, even a little sad but not regretful.

But I refuse to answer him.

If he is going to act like a motherfucker, I'm going to be a brat.

"I don't know and if you want to keep questioning me then pull out your cock from me and let me go to my room so I can fuck myself and make me come,"

He slaps my ass as if to punish me for my little speech.

"This belongs to me," he says rubbing my clit "if you want to come, reach out to me. Your fingers will not touch your pussy until I order you to do so. You understand?"

"I don't take orders from you daddy," I tease.

He narrows his eyes but then a smile spreads on his lips. I know what that means.

"Oh baby, you are going to regret saying that,"

Then for the next one hour he punishes me, fucks me but I absolutely love it...all of it. We still need to talk about his little obsession with mom finding out about us ... but that can wait.

Mom will be back tonight and I need to clean up before she comes and sees the traces of our forbidden love.


Later Rick and I share a quick shower then I go back to my room to complete my school work. Graduation is in two months, and exams are nearing. I need to get back to work and stop thinking with my pussy all the time.

Rick and I are great together but I'm still not sure about our future.

How are we going to manage being together? I'll be in college and he will be here with mom, alone. This thought fills me with green jealousy because just maybe being alone and together, they might try to mend their marriage. What will I do then? But on the other hand, Rick may choose to leave this town... where will that leave us?

I go on worrying about the future when Rick comes to my room, now completely dressed and places a chaste kiss on my cheek which melts me. Immediately my mind drifts to happy thoughts and worry for the future takes a back seat.

"What are you working on?" he asks. It makes me very happy that even after the change of direction in our relationship and how different our priorities have been in the past few days, he still takes interest in what I study and plan to pursue.

"Completing my essays" I replied.

"Still planning to study journalism?"

"Umm... a little confused, I want to study journalism but I'm also interested in psychology, having scored straight A's there so maybe that's my real calling."

"Well, journalism and psychology are a great combination. Great opportunities lie up there. But don't think about grades, focus on what you really wish to pursue. You are young and talented, and have so many opportunities. Use them well. I encourage you to make up your mind right now, graduation is in two months" he reminds me.

"Yeah, I will. Thanks," I smile up at him and he presses a kiss on my forehead.

"I cleaned up downstairs. Come down for lunch, I ordered pizza" he says, turning for the door.

"Coming in ten"

When I reach the living room, Rick is nowhere to be seen. The ordered pizza with coke-can sat on the table. I plant myself on the sofa and take a big bite of the mouthwatering pizza watching rerun of 'Friends'.

From the corner of my eyes I watch Rick stepping in the room with a frown covering his face.

Did something happen?

He sits next to me and takes a sip of my coke. I offer him my slice of pizza, he takes it and munches on it thoughtfully. Without trying to make a conversation, he silently watches the T.V. I am sure he doesn't even realize that I am watching Friends which he hates. Hates.

Curiosity kills me.

"Something happened?" I question because I was done waiting.

"I've been thinking," he says but refuses to face me.

"Okay... that's great. People should think," I try to bring in sarcasm.

He smiles at me and then kisses my nose.

"You should come to my hometown with me" he blurts out suddenly.

This was what he was worried about? Did he think I'd say no to him? He wants me to come to his hometown where he spent his youth, of course I wished to see that side of him.


"Ofcourse, I'll come with you, after graduation we can take a trip to your home——".

"No— he cuts me off—I meant, move to my place."

I stare up at him in disbelief.

Was he serious? For some reason it ticked me off. Did I want to move in with him? Sure, I know I'll be happy with him but leaving my mom and friends and starting new where I don't know anyone.

Can I do that?

I am not ready.

"I can't, Rick," I say shaking my head, suddenly feeling nervous and hot.

"Why?" he questions, sounding angry.

Okay, so he is one of those guys who gets what he wants but that's not happening today. I am not bowing down his feet.

"Because, —-"

"Because you have to go to college? You can go there as well, my hometown is much nearer to the city... it would only take an hour for you to reach college everyday." He says cutting me off again.

Oh fuck him, I was angry now. Gone was the "pizza and chill" moment. I threw the pizza slice back in the box and glared at him.

"First stop interrupting me, and as for the reasons, there are plenty. I can't leave everything behind and just move in with you. My friends, my family..."

"Your family? What family are you talking about!? Who do you have here? Your mother? That is what is stopping you from coming with me?" he mocks me which makes me burn with humiliation.

Rick has never talked to me like this. I'm hurt and angry mainly because he is partially right. I've two close friends and a mother whose indolence was the reason why I was hearing all of this from the guy I thought I loved.

Who am I fooling? I still love him but I'm not dirt and he can't treat me like one. None can.

I raise my chin in defiance. "Yes, a family, my mom who may have been negligent but was there to pay for my food, gave a roof to protect me and also pays for every freaking thing I own. You don't get to talk about her like that and you can't expect me to leave everything just because you ordered me to do so. " I inhale before continuing.

"I grew up here, Rick," I say miserably. "I've never stepped out of this town."

"Then consider this your chance" he says coolly as if all my reasons where stupid and insignificant.

I gulp. I don't know why I'm denying him. This really could be a chance for our beginning. A beginning to our relationship which we will never get here.

But you know what is stopping you, you mother.

I was being a coward, I didn't want to face my mother neither I wanted her to find out about us. This was going to hurt her and will probably be a culmination to our whatever-left relationship.

When I stare at him with no decision on my lips, he shakes his head and laughs again. But this time it's sad.

"Listen. I am informing you this, so you make up your mind fast and stop wasting my time."

I shudder at his harsh tone.

"I am not going to waste my life here in this hole you call home. I came here because I loved your mother or thought I loved her. But you and me, both know how fucked and boring out married life is. Moreover, I am clearly cheating on her and that too with her own daughter. I wanted to leave this place a long time back but I stayed. Stayed, for you."

"But now I can't. I am done with Nora and her pathetic little life. I want to go back and live happily between my people and with you," he breaths and looks up at me with little remorse but unmistakable resolve.

"I've decided to go back. I've already communicated with my friends over there who are looking at the construction work at my two-storey house. I'm getting one of the rooms refurbished according to your style. I wanted to surprise you but I think you have surprised me by choosing to stay here."

I stare at him, my heart beating wildly. This was it. He has made up his mind. He will leave. But I could not help the way my heart warmed thinking that he was accommodating a room for me in his house. I was elated to hear that but I was also angry that he decided things about my life without asking me.

"No, Rick. This is my life, no one asked you to make decisions for me," I tell him

Was I being rude?

"Yeah, fine then, live your pathetic little life here with your almost non-existing mother. Continue living like shit but I will not. You want to ruin your life, please happily do it but remember, I gave you a chance for an out and you didn't take it."

By this time, pressure was building behind my eyes. I was about to cry but I refused to do it in front of this asshole.

"Fuck off, Rick." I flip him a bird and then run for my room.

Back to the safety of my room, I let go the tears I was holding back. I sob because I don't want to be without Rick but my conscience is not allowing me to do so.

I am sad because Rick is not understanding me.

I wipe my tear stained face and think about our argument once again.

More or less, Rick was right but I am not his puppet.

If he wanted me to come with him, he should have first discussed it with me rather making demands out of the blue. I am sure, even now he might be expecting me to come back and seek his apology.

Too bad for him.

He can piss off.


Hallelujah, another chapter completed.

Next will be uploaded ....hopefully soon.

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