《Wanting Mr.Pearson》Games and Fun


I don't know what the hell I am still doing in this godforsaken town.

My life completely turned over when I met Nora two years ago. I thought I was happy with her. She was smart, successful and beautiful. Things went fast for us and we were married before we knew each other well enough.

After six months of marriage, I knew Nora was a fucking bore. She doesn't want to go to romantic dinners, parties or even for a fucking walk. All she does is work. I appreciate her commitment to her work but her commitment to me was shitty. For the past three months, she has lost her interest in sex as well. I've had enough. I am no longer interested in Nora's sorry ass.

Then why I am still here? I question myself for the hundredth time today. And I know the answer too fucking well.

I am here for her.

Ella. My freaking step-daughter.

Since the day I met her, I've adored her. She is the only light in this dull house. Ella and I have basically spent the last two years together. We've looked out for each and I always adored her as a little girl who needs my protection. But now, things have certainly changed.

Now...now she has grown up into a beautiful and intelligent woman but thankfully she is not an uptight and bratty bitch like her mother. In the eyes of society, Ella and I are step-father and daughter. But inside our house, we are more like friends. Honestly, I've never seen as her as my daughter but I've been there for her when her mother couldn't.

As the girl grew up into a woman, my feelings for her also changed. Her body has changed. She gained some fucking weight. Her curves look delicious as hell and her hair has grown too. A few days back when she went to the beach and came back all tanned and beautiful...that was the first time I made myself cum by thinking about her.

Initially, these thoughts scared me but clearly, not enough. After her eighteenth birthday, my courage or ...pervertedness grew up too much.

I masturbated in her room while she slept. And that continued for three days until my guilt stopped me.

It's been two weeks since I went to her room. Now all I want is to stay the fuck away from her but she is making it a lot difficult. I don't know what has gotten in her but she has started dressing up like a skank. She comes home late at night and never wears a fucking bra. Her nipples poke right through her shirt and all I want to do is suck on them.


Last night I caught her drinking whiskey from my cabinet. I was furious at her but she just rolled her eyes at me and went back to her room. Her misbehaving only makes me want to spank her fat ass. Thinking about her ass makes my dick stand in attention. I grit my teeth and try to make my cock understand that this is not right but as usual, it is not ready to listen.

My thoughts are disrupted by a call from an unknown number.


"Hello, am I speaking to Mr. Pearson?"

"Yes, who is this?"

"I am Principal Blake from Xavier Highschool. I am calling in to discuss your daughter Ella's recent behavior."

I sit up a little straighter upon hearing Ella's name. A complaint from school? What the fuck has she done?

"It will be better if we discuss this in person, Mr. Pearson. Can you be here?"

"Yeah, sure I will be there in few minutes."

I hang up and rub my neck with my hand. Just then some dark and exciting thoughts occur to me, like spanking her with my hand and her ass turning a light shade of pink.

If it comes to this, nothing would stop me now.


I see Ella sitting outside the principal office with a boy of her age who gives me a cocky smirk when I look at them. His arm is slung over Ella's shoulder and when I meet her gaze, I can feel her nervousness. Good.

I've already guessed what this is about but I need to meet the principal and save her ass before she gets expelled.

Some Asian woman comes to my view, her eyes light up when she sees me. Yes, I have that effect on women and honestly, I love it. She shows me the way to the principal's room with Ella and that boy following behind.

Principal Blake is an old greying man with a brown suit. He is chubby and looks bored with his work. When I enter his room, he looks up from his computer. Seeing Ella behind me, he sighs.

We say the greetings and go straight down to the business.

"Mr. Pearson, Ms. Ella has been running into lots of troubles lately, she even bunks classes and has been caught in a situation that I don't like to speak right now. She is a good student and has a good record and I don't want her to jeopardize her future because of some lame fun."


I look at Ella and she has nerves to look guilty. I shoot the boy beside her a furious glare that wipes the smirk off his face.

Not wanting to listen to the principal anymore I promise him that after this there will be no complaints. With this, he shakes my hand and I leave the room with Ella behind me. Outside the school building, I turn to look at Ella.

"What the hell is going on with you?" I ask in a harsh tone.

"I uh...umm"

"This is not you. You are a good student and a good daughter to your mother. Hell..you've been acting a little strange these days and it makes me worry about you..." I point at her clothes "those clothes, they barely cover your body...this is not your style...what has gotten in you?" I ask in one breath.

At first, she looks like she is about to cry but then she lifts her head in defiance. "You don't get to ask me anything... I'll do whatever I want." She crosses her hands on her chest.

I am about to shake her for acting like a brat...but the boy she was with comes running toward us.

"Hey, babe... it's fine...Our principal is cool.. he will get over it" he says without any care. I knew this boy is a stupid fucker. Does he realize he is talking in front of her step-father? And then he does something that makes me want to punch him. He kisses the girl who belongs to me and then leaves...leaves.

Once he is out of sight, I look at Ella ..."Seriously? That guy?"

"What's wrong with him? He is hot and I like him" she says and I don't fucking believe her.

"He is a douchebag and you know that, Ella."

"So what? And anyway, you think that... and I don't care what you think. It's my fucking life."

"That boy is wrong for you, girl. Show some responsibility here." I sound like the biggest idiot saying that. I was being an irresponsible fucker just two weeks ago.

"Why is he wrong for me?" she asks me.

"He just is and I don't you to be with him."

"Why? Are you jealous?" I am taken aback by her question.

"Why would I be jealous, Ella?" I ask carefully... I little too carefully.

"I think you know why, Rick. She says in a bitchy tone which I hate. She takes a pause and says the words that burn me with shame and lust.

"I think I know that you came to my room two weeks ago. I know you came on me and I know you want me just like I want you."

My gaze meets her and I know she is not lying.

She knows. She fucking knows.

I swallow before I can say anything. "Ella...I.."

"Shh... I don't want to hear any excuses. I know all of this is not acceptable but I'll be lying if I say I don't want you." She takes a step forward and grabs my tie to bring me closer. I want to be careful as we are on school premises but right now everything logical is messed up in my head.

"I've been naughty just to make you notice me .... that boy is nothing to me but you are Rick. I want you... and I don't want to think about the consequences. I say fuck consequences and let's see where all of this takes us. What's say? You in?"

She is being bold right now. I worry she'll change her mind later but her confidence is a major turn on. All of this is fucked up but it's our fuck up. I want to see what this little minx is capable of.

I look around to make sure that no one is watching us. I take the opportunity to grab her waist and bring her closer so that she can feel my hard-on.

"You've been bad Ella... I think you need some spanking," she takes a deep breath upon hearing my words. I think she processing my word, hell even I am processing my words.

Her breath hitches when I rub her against myself. I bet her panties are wet by now.

"Are your panties wet baby?" I ask huskily. "Hmm?"

She bites her lower lip before replying "I am not wearing any." Her cheeks turn rosy pink and I fucking lose my mind.

"You are so getting spanked, Ella," I growl but reluctantly leave her. "In the car" I bark.

Before getting in the car I look up at the sky and smirk. I know we are playing a dangerous game and one of us is going to get burned. But fuck the consequences. For now atleast.


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