《mi reina》39- fried food




"Liam come on!" I yelled as i tied my zebra converse. I love these. Braydon got them for me, and i haven't took them off since. I had to beg Liam to go to the fair with me today. He said the surprise isn't until later, so until then we're going to the fair.

I looked in the mirror at my light baby pink sundress, and my hair in a Dutch braid, going over my shoulder. I had on white sunglasses. The Liam walked in wearing the outfit i kind of forced him to wear.

He was wearing a lilac shirt, with white shorts. And his black converse. With light pink sunglasses. And he frowned.

"Do i have to wear this?" He groaned looking in the mirror behind me.


"You look beautiful. I don't." He groaned.

"You always look beautiful Liam. Let's go" i said as i kissed him and walked to the front door. We drove to the fair, while i sung taylor swift songs. When we got there i could tell Liam was nervous.

"Have you ever been to the fair?" I asked.

"Uh no." He said nervously.

"How?! I'll show you all the best rides. Starting with the sling shot ride." I said pointing to a high sling shot ride, that literally shot you into the air.


"Liam, don't tell me your afraid of heights" i laughed.

"I'm not."

"Okay then let's go" i said and he nodded as we walked over to it. We waited in line, and then when it was finally our turn we got on.

"Is this ride safe?" Liam asked the person working it.

"I don't know man, i just work here." He shrugged back.

"Shit violet-we're gonna die." Liam said squeezing my hand and closing his eyes.


"We'll be fine. And if we die, i love you."

"I love you too." He said with his eyes still shut.




"SHIT-VIOLET-FUCK-SHIT-" Liam yelled as we got launched into the air and squeezed my hand tightly, not opening his eyes.


"WHAT?! SHIT-I LOVE YOU VIOLET- IM GONNA DIE-" he yelled with his eyes still shut. And i bursted our laughing.

"I'm just kidding Liam" i laughed as it slowed down, us still hanging in the air.

"You know you can open your eyes now" i added.

"No no no no" he said as he closed his eyes.


"You fucking scared me" he said as we lowered back to the ground, and he slowly opened his eyes.

"You deserved it" i laughed- "let's go get a deep fried snickers!!" I said pointing to a advertisement sign.

"You mean cancer on a stick?"

"Yeah- let's go" i said dragging him along. We waited in line for a while then we got our food.

"Want a bite?" I said as i chewed the delicious food.

"Yeah- no." He said looking disgusted.

"More for me" i smiled.


I puked as Liam held my hair back. Maybe the dee fried snickers wasn't the best idea. We've been on five more rides since then, and it's confirmed. Liam is definitely afraid of heights.

"Ugh" i groaned getting my face out of the trash i just puked it.

"Hate to say it but- i told you so" Liam said as he used a napkin to wipe my mouth.

"Very funny, now last one. The Ferris wheel!"

"You still wanna go on rides after that?" He gasped.

"Uhhh yes?" I said as i took his hand and we waited in line. We got in the cart and it moved up in a big circle.


"Still afraid of heights?" I asked as i looked up from beside him.

"Not anymore, since you're here to look at instead." He smiled back down at me.

"I love you Liam."

"I love you reina."

"What does that mean?"

"You'll find out... one day." He smiled.

"I hope so. It better mean something good."

"Maybe. Maybe not."

"Look i can see McDonald's from up here!" I yelled at the top.

"Not looking." He said as i felt him stare at me, avoiding the view.

"You know, you don't seem like the type to be scared of heights." I giggled looking back at him.

"What do i look like id be scared of?"

"I don't know... being rejected?"

"For sure" he scoffed back.


"Where are we going?" I asked as we drove and i held the big teddy bear Liam won me. He played 7 different games to win in.

"Shhh" he whispered. It was now around 7:30 pm and the sun was about to set. We drove for a while until we came to a hill. We got out and he said to go sit on the hood of the car.

He got out of the car with snacks, drinks, and blankets.

"My favorite!" I said as i took a bite of the munchies.

"I know, that's why i got them."

"You got all my favorites!" I said looking down at the candy and snacks. He also brought my favorite blanket with alligators on it.

"Are you gonna.. kill me?" I asked squinting my eyes at him. He smiled, and then slowly kneeled.

"What are you doing Liam?" I giggled.

"Violet lilac. I've loved you since the day i first saw you. I may have said you were annoying but you never were. If i could, i would choose to listen to you talk for the rest of my life. And that's what I'm gonna do." He explained while taking a small box out of his pocket.

"Liam-" i gasped covering my mouth. I jumped off of the car, and stood in front of him.

"Reina. You're the love of my life. You're like a breath of fresh air. I've never loved anyone or anything like I've loved you. You're the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen. You're perfect. And i want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Oh my god-"

"Violet lilac. Will you do the honor of marrying me?" Liam asked as he opened the box, revealing a silver ring, with a lilac diamond in the middle. My favorite color.

"Liam! Oh my God! Yes- Yes! Oh my- Yes!" I said as i jumped up and down. He smiled and got up and slipped the ring on my ring finger, and it fit just right.

"I love you reina. Thank you for everything." He said as we hugged. And then kissed me.

"Oh my God! I'm gonna marry you Liam!" I said still not believing it.

"Violet- thank you so much for saying yes. I've never been happier." He said as he pulled away, still holding my waist, and he looked into my eyes smiling the biggest I've ever seen him.

"Oh my God- i love you-" i said I kissed him.

"I cant believe this Liam" i said as i tear rolled down my cheek.

"Don't cry reina" Liam frowned as he wiped my tears.

"I love you so fucking much Liam-" i said as i hugged him.

I'm gonna marry the love of my life.





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