《mi reina》31- drunk husband




It's July 2nd, and nobody thought to tell me it's Alex's birthday. His 28th. We're going to his house later, and celebrating.

I'm such a good gift giver. I love giving gifts. But it's 6pm and we're going to his place at 7:30 so i barely have any time to pick out the perfect gift!

Liam gave me his card and said spend however much i needed, and since he's my sugar daddy i just couldn't resist.


I ended up picking out a pickle plushy, a Fanta, and a bag of his favorite Doritos. And i got him red roses , because i feel like it matches his vibe.

"Liam! Where's my pink dress?!" I said hurrying and putting on mascara. I may have spent two hours at target. So we're a bit late.

"I don't know-" he said pulling a shirt over his head.

"You took it- oh! Found it- no need to worry-" i said as i stepped into the dress, and our on white platform converse.

"Okay I'm ready liam!" I had on my pink sundress, white converse, and my hair in a French braid. I picked out liams outfit- black shorts, and a orange shirt. He hates it.

"Do i have to wear this shit?"

"Yes- you always wear black and look depressed."

"But-whatever let's go-" he said picking up the keys.


"Alex! Happy birthday!" I said as i walked in his house.

"Wassup v" he said as he walked over and we did one of those bro handshake things. It was me, Liam, brayden (and his boyfriend),Colton, Jules, and Alex. And then like 10 other people i didn't know.

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Eh, not a big deal"

"Don't say that!"

"Hey Liam" he said ignoring me and doing the same handshake with Liam.


"Happy birthday dude"

"Thanks man, want a drink?"

"Yeah, Violet is that ok?" He said turning to me.

"Yeah sure"

"You want one?"

"Just one" i smiled back.


"Yeah and then he asked me out." Braydon said as he held his boyfriends hand.

"Fine, i guess i approve. But break his heart and I'll cut off your dick."

"Jeez Violet" braydon scoffed.

"I'm gonna go get a snack, be right back." I said getting up and going into the kitchen. And i saw Liam talking to a girl. So i watched from a distance.

"Hey Liam" she said seductively.

"Hey amber!" Liam said loudly. Yeah... he's had a few too many drinks.

"You still single?"

"Nope. I have this gorgeous wife. She's so pretty. And she makes me laugh. She's the love of my life. You wouldn't believe it!" He said excitedly.


"I said i have a wifey." He smiled back to her.

"You're married...?"

"Yep! I love her so much.. don't tell her that though..." he leaned into her and whispered narrowing his eyes.

"Oh- well I'm gonna go..." she said as she walked away awkwardly

I smiled as i skipped over to Liam.

"Hey liam!" I said as i walked in front of him.

"Hey- wait. Before you ask- i have a wife. And i don't want to cheat on her..." he said looking confused.

"Liam- it's me Violet!" I chuckled.

"No. You're not Violet. Violet is my wife." He said stepping back and running into a fridge and almost falling back.

"Liam- it's me" i scoffed

"No It's not... where's Violet?" He said looking around confused.

"I'm Violet! See look!" I said pointing down to our matching bracelets. They were pink and black, braided.

"Huh?...." He said looking down at his wrist, "oh Violet!" He said hugging me, lifting me off the ground, and spinning us around.


"Sorry wifey, i may have had a couple drinks."

"It's okay, i think you've had more then a couple though." I giggled.

"Let's go lay down!" He yelled happily, and skipping us to the couch.

"Guys this is my wife! isn't she gorgeous?!" He said sitting us down, me on his lap.

Drunk Liam is adorable.

"She is" braydon laughed.

"Yeah that's why i married her- i mean no. I didn't marry her just because of that... but it's a huge bonus! What are you guys doing?"

"Dude, drunk Liam is so... not Liam." Alex laughed.

"Who's Liam?"


"Really? I thought i looked more like a.... Justin. Or Like a.... Howard."


We watched the grinch and talked and laughed. It's now 12 am. And i came to his guest bedroom and laid down watching shameless. Most of the guests left except for us, and Colton.

I hear Liam talking and laughing really reallyloudly with everyone else, but I'm super tired. I've never heard him talk to much or so loud. He usually acts depressed. I was almost asleep-

"Wife?! Where's my wife?! Oh no! Wife- Oh- there's my wifey!" He said bursting into the bedroom and jumped on the bed.

"What are you- what are you holding?" I said looking down at his hand

"Huh? Of this- it's pizza- want some?" He said as he took a bite.

"Yeah... no thanks." I laughed.

"Hey- hold this for me." He said as put the half eaten pizza in my hand and picked me up bridal style. He was swaying a bit, but i knew he wouldn't pick me up if he couldn't walk right.

"Where are we going-"

"- The bathroom. Well that sounds weird. The bathtub. I wanna sleep in the bathtub. With my wifey." He smiled as he walked in the dark hallways, "fudge! My toe- i stubbed it" he frowned.

"I'll kiss it for you" i smiled back.

"Please do- oh we're here!" He said as stepped in the bathroom. He placed me gently, in the empty bathtub. He took off my shoes and started to take off his clothes.

"Whoa Liam-"

"I'm just taking of my clothes... well not my boxers. Im not one of those weirdos who sleeps completely naked." He said he stripped and left on his boxers.

"You're hot" i scoffed.

"You too" he smiled back.

He's so cute.

He carefully got in the empty bathtub and laid next to me.

"Kay, i cant take my pizza back- unless you want it-"

"Nope. Here ya go" i said handing it back to him and he took a bite, and swung his other arm behind me.

"You know... i really love you. And i want to marry you. Like tomorrow. We could have a Vegas wedding." He smiled looking down at me with his mouth half full.

"Not up for the Vegas wedding, but i do want to get married" i smiled.

"I'll propose to you soon. With the best ring i can find. It'll be perfect" he explained as took a bite of his pizza, "i love you wife." He said as kissed my head.

"I love you too- are we really sleeping in here?"

"Yep. Here- we can use towels as blankets and pillows." He said propping some up behind our heads, and put some over our bodies.

"I love you Violet. A lot. More than I've ever loved anyone."

"I love you liam. So much."

"Ah, i know you do." He said as he kissed my forehead. And my eyes slowly fell shut as i dozed off in liams arms.


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