《Klaus's Pet》Chapter 27


I'm in the alley feeding when someone rips me off. I whip around, fangs bared when I realize who it is.

"What do you want Nik? I'm busy." I say

He yanks me behind him, forces the man to feed and compels him away.

"Seriously?" I demand crossing my arms over my chest.

"You snap my neck and take off and think nothing is going to happen? Nice try. We're going home." He orders

Klaus POV:

She holds her ground, not moving.

"Lorelei-" I warn

"I don't want to go home Nik. I'm hungry." I growl

"Not my problem. We have blood bags at the house. Off you go."

"I don't want blood bags."

I step forward.

"I will not tell you again. Go home."

She steps forward, eyes glowing.

Challenging me.

"Back off." She growls

"You're being reckless." I say

She gestures around us.

"Do you see me dropping bodies? I'm fine Nik. I haven't gone on a rampage and I'm following my own rule. No innocents. I may have flipped my switch but that doesn't mean I've gone to the dark side." She insists

"You snapped my neck Lorelei." I argue

"You were aggravating me."

All vampires have the humanity switch unless you're an Original. That ability fades over time. The switch is a defense mechanism, the brain's way of protecting itself from pain.

I don't blame Lorelei for turning it off.

She just lost her best friend.

But I do have to make sure she doesn't fly off the handle. It's inevitable. All vampires do eventually. Now all I can do is reign her in.

"Lorelei eventually once someone shuts off their humanity, they'll do something reckless."

"I'll be fine if you just back off Nik."


"I'll make you a deal. I won't step in unless I feel it's necessary. But you still have to abide by the rules. You can't just take off."


The first issue hits two days later.

Hayley motions me over while Lorelei heads for the bedroom. She has a look of concern on her face. I walk over.

"Okay you know how Lorelei won't feed on good people?" Hayley asks

"What about it?"

"We were walking through the French Quarter and she just went and fed on some random person." Hayley explains

"That's not good."

"What do we do?" She asks

"I have a plan in place. Just keep an eye on her and if it gets worse, let me know."

I walk into the bedroom and she's sitting on the bed, reading a book.

"Love did you feed on a random person?" I ask gently

"I was hungry." She replies with a shrug

I decide not to push it. She came home. That's what matters. If she takes off, I may never find her. She was on her own for awhile before I found her. She knows Freya would be able to track her unless she was cloaked. I can't risk it.

She sits and reads all night and I stay up until she falls asleep.

I wonder what's going to happen next.

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