《No Control》Chapter twenty-seven



The golden encrusted brush gently rakes through my blonde locks, it's handle being controlled by the well trusted hair dresser. I watch through the older golden encrusted mirror that rests in my hand, as both that brush and the comb work together to obtain the desired elegant wedding hairstyle.

So many thoughts are racing through my now apprehensive mind. In just mere hours I would be wed in front of all of Florenia. I will become another ruler to them, a sacred queen. Someone they look up to for guidance, acceptance, and mercy.

My role was to be to balance out my demanding, domineering kings. I was the missing puzzle piece, and alas they've found me. I was to be added on tonight, my fate sealed for eternity.

I can not deny that I am not just utterly filled with joy. My mind weighs heavy right now, as every brides mind does on their wedding day. Though I suppose mine is a much different weight.

I carry the burden of knowing my own mother and father will not attend this ceremony, nor will they even know of it.

I carry the burden of not having my dream wedding, the one that I had planned with my best friend, Carmen, as most teenage girls do. She won't be there as my maid of honor, nor will my father be there to walk me down the isle.

Though my mind weighs heavy on the out of the norm circumstances, my heart is swelled different emotions. Ones of happiness, endearment, and acceptance.

I was happy to know that I was my kings forever girl, the one they're to spend the rest of their existence with. Which is forever, our love will be immortal, everlasting.

I felt the touch of endearment due to the fact that they had chosen me. The relationship has been filled with the highest of highs, and the lowest of lows. Some may say that I developed stolckholm syndrome, that my age means that I am unable to truly comprehend the concept real love.

Yet I disagree with them. If you presented me with the option of continuing my life as it is now in this very moment, or going back to the ways of my past normal teenage life I would simply laugh. The thought that I would ever want to return to how things were would be comical.

I know that I am destined to be with them forever. I haven't accepted it, but I have fallen in love knowing that this is the way it shall always be.

My thoughts of acceptance aren't what you'd expect in the least. They stream from the castles other residents, and the majority of Florenia's subjects. I have been accepted into this culture, and I soon hope that does mean eternity.


I soon hope that by tonight, on the beginning of our honey moon, I will be forever theirs. In a literal way. I want them to turn me into the same being they are, to seal my fate.

"Your highness?" The sound of the hairdressers voice breaks my thoughts.

"Hmm?" I hum slightly startled, turning my focus point to her.

"It's time for the dress, would you please follow Mrs.Alice to your closet?" She asks me softly.

I smile at her tone before responding,"Of course. Thank you so much for doing my hair so wonderfully, it matches the makeup look perfectly."

Her face turns to an expression of pride before nodding at me and excusing herself.

I get out of my chair and make my way over to the dress tailor, Mrs.Alice, and into the closet doors. My eyes light up as I see my gown. Of course I had seen it before, but this time it was different. My emotions were different.

I was in love with it, and I could picture myself wearing it tonight. It looked magical. From the gold detailing of Florenia's most sacred stitchers hands, to the long lace covered trail the dress left behind.

Mrs.Alice takes her time at helping me into the dress and making sure that everything is in place. No hair was left out of place, and every Swarovski crystal was in tact. The dress was weighted, however it felt like a hug to me. I would relate this to the weighted anxiety blanket that our driver, Arlo, gifted me about six months back before I was used to my king's constant affection. Although he isn't mentioned very much, his small acts of almost fatherly like kindness never go unnoticed.

"My goodness your majesty. You look absolutely stunning. I mean truly, you must be the most beautiful bride Florenia has yet to see. I say that in earnest, Florenia has been around since almost the dawn of time. As you know the state of our subjects, that is most certainly a compliment." Mrs. Alice all but gushes out to me, adding a nervous chuckle at the mention of the vampiric state of the loyal subjects.

I simply smile as her as a thank you, but it does not meet my eyes. My cheeks are not in their normal rosy state as they are when I am complimented, but instead I feel myself growing pale. Growing unsteady in fact. I know these men will truly be my forever, but am I to be their forever? For I am most certainly not a vampire. I am human, made of complete flesh and bones. Tied together with a full, beating heart.


"I'm sorry to disrupt your train of thought, but it is indeed time for us to go down." Mrs.Alice speaks almost tentatively to me. As if she was afraid to crumple me with her sudden words, as if I will completely fall apart.

I take a breath, clearing my mind of any cold feet thoughts. I mentally count to three before standing, and then look up at her. I take the time to steady myself before I actually stand, and when I do I feel completely fine. Sure, the doubts will not disappear permanently. But when I think about my kings and our future, I can't help but feel like pure sunshine. They were my world, and now they will be here forever. Mine forever.

My feet seem to carry me without my mind as I look down to find myself walking, walking those same castle corridors that so many memories have been made in. My hand graces the railing and I feel each golden knot as it trails down. Before I know it I am standing, my arm being linked with Arlo's. Yes, I wish it was my fathers arm. This is not how I envisioned my wedding, but I feel no regret. Arlo will do just fine, and his smiling face does nothing but reassure me of that.

The main doors open, revealing an enormous sized turn out. The subjects were adorned in regal outfits, the colors being those of the kingdom to show their support. They were happy to finally have a queen, someone to level out the kings merciless tempers.

I am in a trance like state as I walk forward, my eyes trained on the small heels that I am wearing. Arlo clears his throat very subtly and I catch it. I look at him and he nods his head forward, urging me to look in the same direction. My eyes follow his command, and I suck in a gasp of air. My three kings all stood there waiting for me, looking as handsome as ever. I can not help the pink that takes over my features as time seems to stand still.

But time is just time, and it does not work that way. Before I knew it my hands are being taken into Arlo's and my knuckles were kissed briefly. A very delicate kiss to which I thank him for, but Dalton does not. A low growl omits from him, but it is cut short by both Delrick and Dominic simultaneously elbowing him. I giggle at their actions and the crowd erupts in chuckles as well.

My hands are then grasped by the three of theirs, an action that may seem impossible but it was not for them. They were used to sharing me just as I was used to sharing my attention amongst them. As I look up into their eyes I become teary, all that was to be seen were smiling faces all around. Their mouths move and I am all ears, listening attentively as their vows leave their lips. How they gush about me being their one true love, the girl they searched the ends of this planet to for decades.

It was soon enough my turn and I was nervous of course. I start out stuttering but reassuring glances from them ease my mind, and my tone steadies. I am fluent as I profess my love for them, and Dominic's eyes watering does not go unnoticed. The same for the other kings as I focus on them throughout my vows, each having different parts of my heart.

How my heart would not be complete without the three of them, seamlessly stitching it together.

"You may now kiss your bride." The words leave the officials mouth and I smile all over again, as if my grin couldn't get any larger.

Delrick kisses me firmly, breaking only to meet my eyes at the end, reading my face. Dominic kisses me yet, ever so tenderly. He breaks it to look at me and place a small peck on my forehead. The guests aw at this, and it makes my blush deepen. Dalton kisses me at last, and it is sealed. He kisses me with a fire, taking complete control over my mouth. Choruses of 'oohs' as well as hoots were to be heard around me at this.

My feet were swept beneath me as Delrick swoops me into his arms, my hands falling by my side only to be picked up by Dominic and Dalton. The doors are opened and the guests cheer as I am rushed through the same way I came through. I am in a pure bliss as I look around, my now subjects cheering as the loves of my life carry me to our bedroom.

It is now that I realize it was not a bad idea to skip that cruise with Carmen after all, and come to Florenia.

To come home.


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