《No Control》Chapter twenty-six



With each passing day my heart becomes heavier. It's filled to the brim with pure anticipation, hope, and just a small bit of dread.

I'm antsy due to the fact that I would soon become a teenage bride. While the thought did cause some anxiety, I yearned for it. I needed to be with my kings, and I truly am ready to be wed to them. Nerves can get the best of you at times, and it's important that I focus on how much I really do want this.

Yes, the relationship has had its many ups and downs. However I still find myself completely and utterly taken by them. They never cease to amaze me, in all of their doings. For to this day, a year later from where we once began, I find myself still infatuated with them.

How they move, speak, run their country, and most of all their endless love for me. For I know from the depths of my very being, that's they love me with all they have. That I am the one who reopened their once stoic hearts. I'm thankful for that.

I'm thankful for the fact that I've been their saving grace, and believe it or not they have became mine.

I never knew that I was missing this huge part of me. Until they came along. Until my kings showed me immense pleasure, not only in the bedroom but in life. They've shown me how it feels to be truly loved and cared for. They've brought me my greatest sorrows, and the happiest moments of my life.

Relationships are never perfect. All of them have their ups and downs, and we have most certainly had our fair share of both. Though at the end of the day, they are there for me in ways no one else has been. They love me more than anyone else ever have.


They truly are just as taken with me, as I am them.

My hope comes from a place of recognition. While I may never fully comprehend why they are the way they are, and why I was able to 'tame' them I am hopeful for obvious reasons. I come from a standpoint of hoping to change them in more ways than I already have. I hope to continue to make them all around better beings, better leaders.

I hope to fully defrost their hearts with my love. I am hopeful that they may extend more of the kindness they show me, into their daily lives. Into every other aspect, from running Florenia, to just the way they treat everyone.

My small bit of dread comes from their immortal state. I know that I want to be with them forever, just as I know they will never let me go. They could never lose me, and they've made it abundantly clear that they never plan to. I know that I will have to turn, and the thought scares me as selfish as that sounds.

I do want to be with them forever, but I know the great sacrifices that come with turning. I don't want to become desensitized and I am fearful that if I lose my humanity, I will.

I want to be the same girl I am today, to an extent. While I want to grow and prosper as a future leader, I also want to keep a compassionate heart. To keep my values and morals close to me, no matter what I am.

As of now, I only pray that I truly will be able to. Though only time can really tell, and the future will unveil the truth.

"Princess Annalise?" A quaint knock and frail voice sounds from my bathroom door chambers.


My stomach was upset again this morning, as it has been these last few weeks. The nerves have truly been getting to me, as much as I hate to admit it.

"I'll be right out." I clear my throat as I put away my toothbrush.

I knew that I was running a bit behind the right schedule the staff keeps at the kings demands. Today we are to go cake testing, and I very much so looked forward to it.

"The kings are waiting in the foyer your highness. Please join them as soon as possible." I hear footsteps follow the fading voice as she makes her exit respectfully giving me space.

I glance at myself in the mirror, fully taking in my appearance. I was practically glowing, and I couldn't put my finger on why. I'd like to think that it's because this is the happiest I've ever been in my 17 years of life despite my nerves.

My skin was radiant and my blonde hair was vibrant. I took pleasure in the fact that it was so clear, and I didn't feel the need to apply any cosmetic products besides some lipgloss.

I brush out my hair and decide to leave it be, seeing as it was still fairly straight from the night before. I collect myself and step out of the bathroom, slipping on my flats before exiting my room.

"There's our darling girl." Dominic's kind eyes meet my own and I smile at him.

"I'm sorry I was a tad late daddies, I just wanted to look nice is all." I tell them.

It wasn't really a lie if you think about it. I did care about my appearance, especially when leaving the palace gates with my kings.

"That's quite alright babydoll. After all, you can't rush perfection. Can you, brother?" Dalton sends a sly smirk to me, and catches the attention of Delrick.

"I suppose you can't." His eyes gaze me over, causing me to blush.

Moments like these refuel my self esteem, and reassure the fact that I still am completely taken by them. Even after all this time, I still get weak at the knees when they fawn over me.

"I'm ready to eat some cake!" I giggle out, grabbing Dominic's hand and attempting to drag him out of the door.

Deep chuckles fill the foyer, and soon their foot steps echo behind me.

"That's the plan, doll."


"Mmmm." I practically moan out as the strawberry cake melts on my tongue.

"Do you like that one, baby?" Delrick asks me, placing his hand on the small of my back.

"I love it. I think this one is my favorite so far." I tell him, beaming from all of the sugar.

"That's what you've said about all of them, little girl." Dalton chuckles at me, making my other daddies join in.

"Well this one really is! You know how much I love strawberries daddy." I defend myself.

"This is very true. Perhaps we should get a small Chantilly cake to have for just us. Seeing how much you love fruit." Dominic suggests.

"A marvelous idea sir. We shall get right on both cakes. Do we have a date yet?" The head baker asks.

"We do. The wedding will take place in exactly two weeks." Dalton repulses smoothly.

My eyes widen. I hadn't realized that the date had approached so fast.

But I didn't mind it at all.

In fact, I looked forward to it.

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